Life Sentence for War Machine


Sep 17, 2003
Prosecutor explains why War Machine received life sentence

Earlier this week, we learned that former fighter War Machine – born Jonathan Koppenhaver – had received a sentence of 36 years to life for his gruesome assault on ex-girlfriend Christy Mack, and her boyfriend at the time, Corey Thomas. War Machine was facing 29 charges including sexual assault, battery and kidnapping.

Now several days removed from this sentencing, Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson spoke to MMAJunkie.com to explain why War Machine received such a substantial sentence.

“First and foremost, I think the message is that domestic violence is unacceptable,” he said. “To any of your readers who are in an abusive situation, I would encourage them to reach out to family and friends, police agencies, women’s shelters, or any other kinds of services so they can get out of an abusive relationship.”

“The sentencing, it was stiff,” Wolfson continued. “I think the result would be different with a person that had no previous history and a person that didn’t act out as much as he did.”

“During the proceedings, prior to trial, the judge is the one that sentences you, and during the two years leading up to the trial, he acted out in court in a very aggressive, disrespectful way, and judges are human beings. Although they say they put that aside, it’s hard to put that behavior aside. So when you look at his past with violence, when you look at the amount of violence in the acts themselves, and his attitude, I don’t know that the judge was all that off in delivering such a harsh sentence.”​

Wolfson then explained the careful considerations that were given to War Machine during the trial.

“We were aware of the potential defenses that might be presented, whether it be post-traumatic stress disorder, whether it be steroid use, whether it be some brain disorder. We were expecting some or all of that, and that’s why we have a jury system. The jury listened to all of it and rendered the verdict they thought was just.​

Wolfson also commented on War Machine’s newfound faith, stating that his proclaimed relationship with God does not soften the severity of his actions. At the end of day, the DA believes the former fighter received the suitable punishment.

“You can’t shoot somebody in the head, and then a day later say sorry,” he said. “Our society doesn’t work that way. So I hope that he’s found some peace with himself, and the next three decades, or however long he serves in prison, he finds some peace within himself. But he deserved the punishment he got.”​

War Machine will be eligible for parole in 36 years, when he is 71 years old.

This article first appeared on BJPenn.com on 6/8/2017.


Mar 27, 2014
He really did mess her up real bad. I really think 36 years is way to extreme.
Just castrate???
I would love to here the other side - what escalated the situation.
Was she a normal person -
Was the boy freind running his mouth?
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
He really did mess her up real bad. I really think 36 years is way to extreme.
Just castrate???
I would love to here the other side - what escalated the situation.
Was she a normal person -
Was the boy freind running his mouth?

She's a porn star dude. There's nothing normal about porn stars, ever. Be that as it may, he got what he deserved. According to the accounts I read, he beat her unrecognizable after he raped her, nearly killing her in the process.o She had to have a bunch of plastic surgery to fix her face. Like actually fix it and put stuff back where it was supposed to be. Regardless of what precipitated the fight, there's no reasonable justification for any of that. So someone was running his mouth, that's doesn't make it ok in my book.

I'm actually glad to see someone get a serious sentence out of something like this. Too many people have skated on these types of incidents over the years, just because they had a little money or celebrity. Are there still major injustices in the criminal justice system? Abso-fucking-lutely. And there always will be. But in this case, IMO, he earned the sentence he got.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
War Machine is definitely a fucked up dude and yes deserves a harsh sentence. 36 to life? Not sure about that. Killers get less. Have any of you championing the decision ever spent an extended amount of time locked up? 36 years is a long fucking time. Go sit it your bathroom with nothing for 8 hrs then tell me if you think 36 years is suitable. Also to say many people have skated on these types of cases is IMO hypocritical. And I mean no offense by that but just as many people get fucked over hard by our judicial system than skate on it. I hate to see women get beat on my men as much as you guys but I garuntee you there's more to the story. War Machine maybe not the best example for my opinions but I'd be real fu king careful how fast all of you are to just lock a guy up and throw away the key especially in our way of life. Karmas a bitch. And please I don't want to debate this as I know what's coming next. I'm done with this. I just hope none of us are facing time and having other people saying just throw away the key....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Let me see if I can adjust your perspective slightly. Imagine that this didn't happen to some random porn skank. Imagine for just a second that he did this to your daughter. Or your sister. Or wife. Or mother. Beat the brakes off of a woman that you love. Tried to rape her. Went to get a knife to kill her with. Would it matter if there was more to the story, then? Would 36 years still be excessive?

Or would you be asking why a monster like that could ever even be eligible for parole?

I'm not an advocate of indiscriminately locking people up and throwing away the key. And I already acknowledged that there are massive injustices in sentencing and with the criminal justice system as a whole. I would submit that in a case like this one, the offender EARNED the sentence he received. Just my opinion.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
I hear ya bro. Problem is I could care less if shes a porn bitch and she wasn't my loved one. If she was I'd be in jail and my point is I would of served less time for killing him. Ofcourse he would of served less time if he blew her brains out. My problem isn't with your opinion Sully as I respect everyone's here. My problem is with a broken Justice system that is sometimes more fucked up than the people caught up in it!!!!....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I agree 100%. The criminal justice system is broken, and sentencing guidelines make no sense, whatsoever. Buddy of mine from work was killed by a drunk driver a few years ago. Only 32, w/ wife and 3 young kids at home. The guy that killed him got 5 years. Was on his 7th DUI. Absolutely broken.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Ya maybe he deserved it maybe not so much. Who the fuck am I? Just a nobody in the grand scheme of things. I guess I got a bit sidetracked on what was meant as just an informative post. Totally my bad and my apologies to all. I just get really frustrated with our Judicial systems sentencing. Mandatory minimums, Felonies, etc. I too saw a relative get the shaft big time and it just drives me insane....AR....


Aug 28, 2005
The guy is crazy with some serious issues,,I'm not to judge what he should serve jail time but hopefully the man gets some help.