Beginner Questions

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Registered User
Feb 27, 2013
Ok here it is straight from an old bastard that is still in it 34 yrs after 17. I can not stress strongley enough to not even worry about cycling at this point other than the goal of being"ready" for aas when you are ready.There is not a magic age . You getting close to your
natural chemistry limits is a long way off.How long? That depends on your devotion and dedication in training and nutrition.
Almost without exception people i've known over the years that
started aas and training at the same time are long done and over with in the iron sports.The "base" you lay down naturally will really
payoff later if and when you go to the next level.
I know some guys will disagree with the waiting but i know in my heart that is the right way.Right now you have the best test and hgh
you will ever experience in a life time .This will be true for the next 5-10 yrs. NOTHING is better than a fresh young unaltered endocrine system.So yes you are in the right place.Get your training ducks and nutrition in a row.Live a clean life style and stay the hell away from street drugs and booze.Those are the lynchpin in many a top national or pros success and failure. Stay out of trouble and tend to your education. Be postive and kind to others with no expectations .
Now start asking the questions for success. Concern yourself with training and recovery. AAS will be there if and when K?

Reason I typed out this long rambling messege is because when I was 17 I had a guy give me simple solid advice.He took the time
to not preach NEVER USE AAS! but to tell me be ready before you take that plunge. Make your own luck kiddo. We are here to help.

Well, thank you. I do stay away from alchohol,smoking or whatever, i don't really like that kinda stuff. I would not start my first cycle until i am at least, 25. I have pretty good self control when it comes to this type of stuff. I just want to better understand it so that i know as much as i can before i start using it :)


Registered User
Feb 27, 2013
I'm with Ford. A tried and proven first cycle is the testosterone cypionate and dbol. At 25 you are at prime natural free floating test within your body typically and why do 2-4 different compounds which one u won't need and two its tougher to control a pct program due to ester lenghths and you just learning what is what.. Test cyp is the most identical compound to test secreted in the body. Give it a slight boost and see what and how u react . Best advice i have is less is sometime more in long run. Thanks for joinin anasci. Let us know your plan and we will help make the best of it for you. No bullshit here..

Teens are a shitty age to start, talk about screwing up ones hormones. 25 on up or when you fully know what it's all about and what it takes . Its not just a poke and mirror show. Dedication, diet , and has to be takin seriously.

Isn't tests kinda on the high end with the side effects?So how is it better compared to other types of injectables? I mean no disrespect, just trying to learn something new.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2013
Another stupid question, how long does it take for you to recover in between workouts when on cycle?


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Random a usual new person starting AAS usually follows the rule of time on AAS is same time one should be off
Ex 12 weeks on 12 weeks off.
The reason I said testosterone is because that is hormone produced in the human body so when u add additional test many things start to happen.other AAs are for the more advanced because they have retained the knowledge about the compound and why they wish to use it.. all good questions btw .nothin stupid with asking
I did for many years bro..thanks


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Another stupid question, how long does it take for you to recover in between workouts when on cycle?

Misread the question
it all depends on type of workout and what body part was trained..large muscles aka legs.if balls to the wall may take days but it all depends on diet rest to recoup
No real right answer cause people are so different .


Sep 17, 2003
Ok, I have to say this because I did not notice your age until now.

You are too young to even be considering AAS. No real sense in even asking questions about anabolic steroids in my opinion at this stage in your life. If you want to learn about AAS, their pros, cons, benefits and side effects, then I would suggest reading, reading and reading more.

Your main focuses at this moment in your life (outside of the obvious getting a good eduction in a time when employment is scarce) should be proper training and diet. You are so far away from reaching your maximum potential or any plateau for that matter that worrying about AAS now should not even be a concern of yours.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
I agree with AnaSci on this. At your age I would be focusing educating myself on training, nutrition, THEN anabolics.

When you say you probably will be at your natural limit at 25, that may not be so. I was natty and kept growing into my early thirties. Not saying you have to wait until 30, but if you are training HARD and eating well, you may be surprised.

The bigger the base you build naturally will just put you further down the road when you take it to the next level.
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