The preworkout thread


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The other day I tried 2 scoops of SP-250 as I had stayed awake all night and gone the gym in the morning. I had an amazing workout and the SP-250 definitely made the difference. I find it crazy that they recommend 1-2 scoops on the label as to me 2 scoops is way too strong for most people. Maybe I am just sensitive to one of the ingredients but I always crash hard from 2 scoops. I can have 600mg caffeine and be fine and no crash but that stuff hits me hard everytime. With 1 scoop I am fine but 1.5-2 scoops and the crash always happens. I was on the bus and started sweating bad... it's like going hypo. I did have slin but no hypo at all as I have felt the exact same off slin too when using larger amounts. I got in and my top was soaked through so definitely be careful going too high with SP250. It's a great pre workout though for energy and focus just use with caution.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Here are my new supplies :)



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today I decided to take GAT PMP for the first time. I did look at it thinking why did I buy this. I was hoping for the best as Nitraflex was a bit of a let down. It's fucking identical in feel/results :eek: I literally feel exactly the same when using Nitraflex :D It's decent but not worth the purchase. I am sure if a guy who didn't take many pre workout bought it they would likely be made up but not for me. I took just over a scoop and had a good workout but I was looking forward to going the gym even last night so would have anyway.

I gave my nearly full tub of Nitraflex away today. I will use this PMP a few more times to see if it gets better but as of now a waste fo money for me :eek: I will be more careful with my funds in the future as even on paper it doesn't sound great. I think GAT in general are not the best of companies so I won't be buying anything from them again. I got amazing pumps in the gym but as mentioned previously I do all the time due to other things.

2moro it will be ErgoGenix ErgoBlast... hopefully I am saving the best till last :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yesterday I used Ergogenix's Ergoblast for the first time. I think with me I have almost got to the point if something doesn't make me feel wired I don't rate it so I need to get out of that. Although Ergoblast didn't do that but I still thought it was excellent. I took it before leaving then got a tram then walked the rest of the way. I literally felt on top of the world walking to the gym. No surprise really when you look at it's stimulation blend. No pre workout has done that to me in ages.

I felt clean energy and good focus. I ended up having an amazing workout. I didn't push the weight too much on back but trained very hard. I finished with tri-ceps and done a few isolation movements with light weight. I didn't have much time so I finished with close grip bench press on the flat bench. I amazing and ended up going up to 70kg a side so was made up with that. My chest was probably the most pumped up it has ever been. I struggled to get a shower afterwards.

There was no crash afterwards either but I did sweat a lot more than usual. My top is always soaked after every training day but I literally couldn't get dry after my shower :eek::D I have the strawberry ice flavour and it tasted nice. All in all a great product and I look forward to using it again later.

I will list the ingredients for everyone. Actually here is a pic to save time...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yesterday I used Ergogenix's Ergoblast for the 2nd time. I had the same sense of well being surge not long after dosing. I felt great on the way to the gym. Although this time I didn't feel the in gym effects as much. Not sure why and perhaps I have just adapted super quick to the scoop. It still felt great though. This is not an over stimulated feeling at all... just clean energy and focus. I trained shoulders an.d quads and the pump was great. I will likely use it again tonight for calves, hams, bi-ceps and tri-ceps so that will be a good gauge on pump etc. All in all a great product so far which definitely has a different feel to most pre workouts.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Long story short I missed the gym as it closed early so I will be going 2moro. Gonna try my new pre workout 2moro for the first time. The label is so big I couldn't take a pic with my phone so check this out...


You can't get much better than that I just hope it performs. If it's gonna fail in any area it may be the focus and energy aspect. Although caffeine from green coffee beans usually suits me and thats a nice dose of l-tyrosine.


Aug 28, 2005
Posted this somewhere else too. I like the AMP Citrate based pre workouts. I have used these with success:

1> Hercules
3> CTD HyperCuts


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Posted this somewhere else too. I like the AMP Citrate based pre workouts. I have used these with success:

1> Hercules
3> CTD HyperCuts

Yes I have this thread on pro msucle too :D I asked you the same question on there too. Just wondering but what is the best out of the three?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Earlier I trained for the first time in 2 weeks. I haven't had a pre workout in all that time but have been drinking lots of tea and occasional coffee (most days 1 coffee). I trained my whole body for about 2 hours so it was a good tester for the Kaged Muscle.

My tub is fruit punch flavour and it was ok. Not nice but no surprise when you see all the ingredients. It says to have it 30-45 mins before training but I started feeling the effects pretty quickly. I got the tram to the gym and I felt really stimulated. The traffic was bad and I even felt like getting off and running I was feeling that good :D Got in the gym and for about 1 min felt almost too stimulated but that soon went away.

I had a great workout and the energy lasted awhile. This is definitely stronger stimulant wise for me than most I have tried. I find the form of caffeine is just as important as the amount in pre workouts. Although I have had a short break so that is a factor. Pump was good but nothing mind blowing. I definitely need to give this a few more days to better judge it. Not as good as I thought it would be but still good so I am pleased. I am going to train a lot this week so will use it every time I do.


Aug 28, 2005
Yes I have this thread on pro msucle too :D I asked you the same question on there too. Just wondering but what is the best out of the three?

Sorry I didn't see your reply at PM. I like them best as numbered but you cant go wrong with any of them,,Hercules was my favorite.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been taking PreKaged over a few days now and well it's a weird one. It's not a super strong blow your head off pre workout but the energy is clean and very long lasting. It's more subtle and in the past I may have marked it down for that (wanting to feel wired if US guys know that term). But the more I use it the more I love it.

I trained legs today and pushed it harder than I have in a long time. Pre kaged puts me in a great zone without it being too much. I can still concentrate and chill if I need too. Some strong pre workouts can sometimes be too much and you can barely hold a conversation because you are that wired. Plus it's full of great ingredients such the added aminos.

When I first used it I was almost disappointed but after using it more it's definitely one of my favourites. I used just over a scoop today and 2moro will use 1 1/2 scoops (not gonna go above that ever though). It's certainly not a cheap pre workout as the tub is only 20 servings which is lower than most other preworkouts.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I may have judged GAT's PMP too soon. I have used Pre Kaged 4 times in a row so decided to mix it up and tried PMP earlier today. A major factor will be my stomach was fairly empty when usually I eat quite a lot around training. I just had a synthepure smoothie with 2 apples and some berries with water so nothing really. I had 1 scoop last time so this time used just 1 scoop but you know a 1 scoop that has the most powder on possible :D I would say just under 1.5 scoops. I could feel it on the tram and well was wired. I got in the gym and needed the toilet and left covered in sweat :eek: It was too much... could barely concentrate. But once I focused and started training it was great but still alittle too much. Great pump and lots of energy and to my surprise no major crash (a little one). So perhaps I didn't waste my money with that one.

I am going back to pre-kaged 2moro but will use pmp on occasions when I want the extra mental boost. It will be good when I train legs. I was actually going to use Gaspari SP-250 today as that is great for energy. The sp250 and pmp are similar so at least I have both of them if I ever need them.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I left this thread this week but have been experimenting and tried a new pre workout. I also used GAT's PMP twice this week and weirdly once it was great again and the 2nd time not so good. I took 1 1/2 scoops and that is too much as it's just caffeine anhydrous (487.5mg) so it hits you like a brick wall. It gets you wired and I trained like a mad man but not the best feeling. The meals I consume around training have a huge influence on it's effectiveness. That's obvious but it's effects are literally night and day difference between my stomach being full and me just having a protein smoothie before training.

The new one I tried was Nutrex's Hemo Range Black. Last year this would have looked strong to me but now it's pretty standard. The first day I had 1 scoop just before training and it was good. This one hits you really fast... within minutes. I trained a long time and actually went in the lokcer room in the middle of training and knocked back another 1/2 scoop. This felt really good to me but nothing majorly strong. Although I couldn't sleep at all later on. I literally sat up on my comp and was wide awake at 6am :eek: I tried it another 2 times and used just over 1 scoop each time. This is nothing special but a good overall pre workout. This one really isn't a great pump product and more about energy and focus.




AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have ordered a new preworkout and will start it on 27th Jan. It's the strongest pre workout I have ever seen... it's gonna blow my head off :D


Aug 28, 2005
I'm going to have to back off the pre workouts myself. I had a half scoop of Hercules and 6 hours later I had a doctors check up. My BP was 170/100.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I'm going to have to back off the pre workouts myself. I had a half scoop of Hercules and 6 hours later I had a doctors check up. My BP was 170/100.

I will be doing the same. I go away for 2 weeks in Feb so will be having nothing for those 2 weeks. Maybe a few coffees in 2 weeks but thats it.

I am flying to the UK now for the w/e and have ordered that strong pre workout to my parents address. I will post about it later. It has AMP Citrate and the legal dose of caffeine plus many other things. You got me onto that AMP citrate so I blame you :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have ordered a new preworkout and will start it on 27th Jan. It's the strongest pre workout I have ever seen... it's gonna blow my head off :D

I will be trying it tonight :) They sent me a pre workout sample sachet so I used that yesterday. I was made up as the sample was Brawn Nutrition's Venom 2.0 which I wanted to try out and I mentioned it earlier in the thread. Venom 2.0 on paper is strong stuff and it didn't disappoint. Although I was expecting it to be much stronger stimulant wise but still decent. It has amp citrate, caffeine and theobromine so this is not for the stimulant sensitive at all. Great pump and general feel and surprisingly no bad crash. I did feel very tired post workout but that was likely due to MK-677.

Here are the ingredients in Venom 2.0

Container size: 300 g
Serving size: 10 g (one scoop)
Servings per container: 30
Supplement facts: per portion (10 g) amount %RDA
Creatinol-o-phosphate 2000 mg -
Trimethylglycine 2500 mg -
Dlpa 2000 mg -
Sulbutiamine 600 mg -
N-methyl-betamethylphenylethyamine 100 mg -
AMP Citrate 300 mg -
Caffeine 300 mg -
Theanine 200 mg -
Sensoril 225 mg -
Pterostilbene 100 mg -

Now it's time for my new one. It's called Cannibal Ferox Amped. This should hit me hard. For the first time in a long time I am actually a little anxious about taking 1 scoop. It has the legal amount of caffeine plus amp citrate and large doses of other effective stimulants. Gonna take it in a bit and head to the gym. Check out the ingredients...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am back and well :D Cannibal Ferox Amped was great. Again maybe not as strong as I thought it would be. But still it was great and I had lots of energy and great pumps. The area this one really stands out in is mental focus (no surprise looking at what's in it) and that only added to my workout. I was destroyed after training and sure it's due to hard training but I also think these high dosed stimulants tend to cause that post workout fatigue. It doesn't help I am on MK-677 either.

At no point did I feel over stimulated or that it was too much. This and 3ml synthetine pre workout resulted in increased vascularity and basically me looking twice as good compared to before I started lifting. I definitely recommend this for the guys who like their stimulants.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I used 1 scoop of Cannibal Ferox Amped before legs yesterday and had a great workout but I struggled through it. I don't know if it was the MK-677 and/or too many stimulants but I felt tired throughout the workout. My heart was beating far too fast which is not good. If I use it again it will just be 1/2 scoop and not overdo things. I also felt sick during training which is likely due to the pre workout too. Over the next few weeks I am going to calm down the stimulants and just stick to 1 scoop of my other pre workouts or just have a nespresso instead.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been on vacation for 2 weeks and I probably trained about 7 times in that time. No pre workout but the odd coffee or 2.

Today was the first day back in the gym at home and I tried 1 scoop of Hemo Rage Black. My sensitivity is much higher and I could feel this and I had a great workout. Hemo Rage is all about energy and focus and doesn't really do anything for pump.

My plan for the next few months is to use more pump products and no stimulant junkie types. So if I use any of my higher caffeine content ones it will just be 1 scoop max. The likes of Cannibal Ferox Amped will be 1/2 scoop if I use it. I plan to get a few news ones over the next few months.

I have Muscle Chemistry's Pump Juice on the way and looking forward to using it :)