side effects straight oral


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
My first time i started a cycle probably not even long 4 that, but I rushed n to thIngs not knowing what i was doing . I took D-Bol for a month straight nutting with it. Now the problems i have R- I cant Keep my pennis up that long, it doesnt get as hard as it used to, i dont last that long having sex. Also my strenght feels very low after i stopped i guess my testosterone has hit a spike an is to low , an of course im 18 i know this has to b were d problem occured any suggestions???? some advice that i got from my source was to take some test and viagra for 2 months but i would really really appreciated if u guys get me out of this jam thank you
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Nov 13, 2005
qmack26 said:
My first time i started a cycle probably not even long 4 that, but I rushed n to thIngs not knowing what i was doing . I took D-Bol for a month straight nutting with it. Now the problems i have R- I cant Keep my pennis up that long, it doesnt get as hard as it used to, i dont last that long having sex. Also my strenght feels very low after i stopped i guess my testosterone has hit a spike an is to low , an of course im 18 i know this has to b were d problem occured any suggestions???? some advice that i got from my source was to take some test and viagra for 2 months but i would really really appreciated if u guys get me out of this jam thank you

when did you end your cycle? how long ago?
what dose did you take daily?

test and viagra are a bad idea. Yes it will fix the "problem" until you stop the test and viagra, and then you will have a bigger problem.

the dbol shut off your natural test production. If you didnt take any PCT then your body is awaiting the test return naturally. There are some things you can take to help.

Post up.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
it was 2 and 1/2 months ago i had the 5mg tabs took 6 every day 30 mg a day 3 in the morning 7:00 am 3 in the evening 4:00pm


Nov 13, 2005
well, IMO your natural test should have picked back up by now, at least to a point where you didnt have ED issues.

I really dont know what to tell you. I have a few ideas but I am no expert in this and I dont want to further screw you up.

I would say you need to go to your doc, tell him what you did, and get his help. Your young and you need to get things back up to speed.

Possibly another member will chime in with suggestions.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
qmack26 said:
My first time i started a cycle probably not even long 4 that, but I rushed n to thIngs not knowing what i was doing . I took D-Bol for a month straight nutting with it. Now the problems i have R- I cant Keep my pennis up that long, it doesnt get as hard as it used to, i dont last that long having sex. Also my strenght feels very low after i stopped i guess my testosterone has hit a spike an is to low , an of course im 18 i know this has to b were d problem occured any suggestions???? some advice that i got from my source was to take some test and viagra for 2 months but i would really really appreciated if u guys get me out of this jam thank you

You are not the first and you won't be the last. Don't take the advise from your source. Taking test like he suggested will sort you out in the short-term but will fuck you up even more so in the long-term. And viagra is fine if you wanna use it every so often but not like he stated. Anyone selling dbol to a 18 year old has a ? put against him. And to sell it knowing this person doesn't even know what PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) stands for and has no experience is simply a irresponsible twat in my books. The first thing you have to do is try not to worry that is most important. Remember if anyone done what you done they would be going through the same things you are. I say cos it is a physical problem but you can easily make it a mental one so when you are back to normal physically mentally your still like you are now.

The key really is time but like drob said 2 1/2 months is a fair bit and I would expect you to have recovered by then (or atleast 80%). Follow drob's advise and see your doctor and tell them everything and they can do tests to see where you are at. Although they has no baselines to go by he/she will be able to advise you correctly compared to averages for your age.

There are many products you can use to help your out. You can't be taking most things we would on cycles and for PCT cos you have allowed too much time to pass and they will simply rebound. Keep healthy and drinks lots of water. Try not to drink much alcohol. I know the previous are not gonna make you get back to normal but they will help matters. What you can do though is try a product such as Tribulus to help boost your natural test production. That will give you a good kick and I am sure after many weeks you will start to feel more normal. You have to see a doctor cos they would have seen this many times (low test levels). They might tell you to wait alittle longer or they might put you on a TRT program. That is test replacement therapy. But just a tiny amount so you don't get the sides and it will help balance you out. They will sort out effective protection too so you will be fine.

So try something like Tribulus. You should get a Zinc supplement too cos that aids greatly to your libido. But you MUST SEE A DOCTOR. Once you see them post what they have proposed and I will go through that with you if you want (if you have any questions). Just see a doctor and follow their advice exactly. Just don't worry. I was about 90% of my normal self 2 months after my first cycle and I done PCT (maybe not the best PCT I could have done).
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
By the way tribulus is a herb and it does increase natural test production without shutting anything down. Really good product and safe to use. There are many vitamins/minerals that help but Zinc is especially good. You could get a ZMA product (Zinc) which are decent too but can be fairly expensive for what you get. Try the Biovea Tribulus if you are gonna try it. But you do need to follow the advice from drob and me and see a doctor just so you will be back to normal asap. Hope things are cool soon.