

Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
So I have a small local bench press competition coming up in early June. 1k Top prize. Thats not why Im doing it. I just want to see how I stack up these days and yea Im just having a mid life cisis. :( I weighed in today at 205lbs. I have bilateral RC tears so its probably really stupid for me to do this but I just can't help myself. Anyway I did chest and tri's today and at the end of my pyramid was able to get 405lbs once. It completely killed me though. Lol I hope to finally start my cycle in about two weeks. I should of had it ready to go but I just couldn't decide what I wanted. Now I'm scrambling to get everything I need. Anyway I was just wondering in all honesty if you guys think I have a shot or am I gonna look like an ass? I havnt been to one of these in a lot of years so I'm not quite sure what these kids are pushing nowadays. The event is really gaining momentum so I really don't want to look too bad but if I can start my cycle soon I should be by my calculations be peaking right about then. I'm sure I'll probably be about 15 to 20lbs heavier but my bench should go up as well. Anyway what do you guys think my chances are? Zero? Middle? or Hero? Be honest my feelings can't be hurt. Just don't flame me for doing it....AR....


Aug 28, 2005
Anything is possible but only YOU know how you feel. If there is something not right your body is telling you. I'd hate to see you get another bad pec injury. Normally I would tell you to lighten the weights up and use some dumbbells for awhile but since your training for a bench press comp that's not going to help you when your trying to add strength.


Mar 27, 2014
Get a bench cycle from one of these guys here- we have some great benches here
Get on there cycle then 3 weeks out start holotestin- on holo's alone you will get strong as all hell- I mean strong.

The bench cycle and there technique - you can go up more the 50 to 100 lbs -
Fun fun fun

I used gain 40 lbs on the bench from just creatine alone


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Well AR, I think you have to look at the risk to benefit ratio. The benefits would obviously be the prize money and satiating your mid-life crisis. The cons, you could severely injure your already susceptible injuries. I can tell you, at my age 40+, you won't find me 1 rep max type competitions anymore, even in perfect health. I've had friends severely injured from arm wrestling to a stupid drunken race. Now this is my opinion on me, as I haven't trained for this type of lifting. Now guys like psych, chicken_hawk, custom, all have training in this area and are more than comfortable competing with a far less risk factor than myself. It all boils down to your own personal preparedness.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Get a bench cycle from one of these guys here- we have some great benches here
Get on there cycle then 3 weeks out start holotestin- on holo's alone you will get strong as all hell- I mean strong.

The bench cycle and there technique - you can go up more the 50 to 100 lbs -
Fun fun fun

I used gain 40 lbs on the bench from just creatine alone

40 lbs from creatine? I sense a little hyperbole there, bro. That sounds a little too good to be true. There's some value to creatine, no doubt, but that shit's not a steroid.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
If there is a meet for bench only that is raw and 1k for first. I'm just gonna say 405 ain't a big bench....not being a dick.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
I appreciate all your advice and concerns because the fact is I am getting older and my RC's are torn. So yes ofcourse I have personal concerns about it. But I figure wtf you only live once. And I know how to get strong. I really dont think Im too low on the strength scale to begin with. I was really trying to find put what a really strong lift would be at my weight. Im not gonna compete vs a 300 pounder. Lol. And Psch like I said you cant hurt my feelings. You want to call me a weak fuck for putting up 405 after a seven set pyramid off cycle go ahead. Yea it pisses me off but thats how we are wired and thats why I ask the question. Your blunt post was probably the most appreciated by me because it single handedly will probably motivate me to cycle harder, eat well, and smash the weight so thanks again from a 205lb weakling. :) J/king....AR....
Jan 26, 2015
So I have a small local bench press competition coming up in early June. 1k Top prize. Thats not why Im doing it. I just want to see how I stack up these days and yea Im just having a mid life cisis. :( I weighed in today at 205lbs. I have bilateral RC tears so its probably really stupid for me to do this but I just can't help myself. Anyway I did chest and tri's today and at the end of my pyramid was able to get 405lbs once. It completely killed me though. Lol I hope to finally start my cycle in about two weeks. I should of had it ready to go but I just couldn't decide what I wanted. Now I'm scrambling to get everything I need. Anyway I was just wondering in all honesty if you guys think I have a shot or am I gonna look like an ass? I havnt been to one of these in a lot of years so I'm not quite sure what these kids are pushing nowadays. The event is really gaining momentum so I really don't want to look too bad but if I can start my cycle soon I should be by my calculations be peaking right about then. I'm sure I'll probably be about 15 to 20lbs heavier but my bench should go up as well. Anyway what do you guys think my chances are? Zero? Middle? or Hero? Be honest my feelings can't be hurt. Just don't flame me for doing it....AR....

This is something I know all to well. Sometimes what you might do in the gym doesn't make the lift something you would might do in comp. What is the age bracket for masters in this comp? If you plan to compete in the submaster raw then I can say, your lift will need to be substantially higher. I think you can do anything you set your mind to, but at 220lbs I did my first comp ever and pushed just over 500 lbs. At that time I had 205 lb weight class pushing 430's and up and that was many years ago. I don't think it's about the $ bro, but more about pride and I will say that pride can often lead to never lifting again. As I have learned, your body tells you all you need to know, regardless of what you want to hear! Im willing to give you advise if you plan to do this and it will give you more power, but more power resulted in me not lifting my little girl for over a year! Just let me know what you decide!



Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Thanks CC. This is not an event thats sanctioned by any body or anything like that. Its just a benefit lift off for a local wounded warrior in my area who was into lifting and bbing. So to honor him and raise money a bunch of gyms and others are getting together and putting on an event with several catagories that he would appreciate. I highly doubt there will be an type of pros there but probably some pretty strong mofos none the less. Im well aware my bench isnt going to light the world on fire but thats still my best one at this point and i was just wondering that with me weighing in the low twos and if I got my bench up another twenty to thirty pounds if I could one look respectable and two maybe if, and I realize its an if ,there arent too many real benchers there I might have a chance to grab the cash and then give it to the kid that the event is for. To me its worth a shot for him. Thats all I was asking really. I love to lift heavy even though I dont much anymore. Kinda feeling a negative vibe from some about posting the question. Its just not my type of comp. I train for other things but thought this was a really good cause and reason to give it a shot....AR....


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
I think most of us see you as a bodybuilder, and with that injury, were just looking out for you. Competition is always fun and pushes us, and if you feel up to it, go for it. Sounds like its for a great cause. Like I said, I don't think anyone was bashing you, just looking out for you. Last thing we'd want to hear is you tore something and out if lifting for a year. Oh and never mind psych. He warms up with our max so he doesn't count. Good luck brother!


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
I would say if you have health insurance then hell ya man, do it, don't be a pu$$y! If no health insurance then I just wouldn't risk it..


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
The older I get, the more concerned I am with injuries. I'll go way out of my way to avoid getting injured. It takes me so much longer to recover from minor stuff now than it did when I was in my 20's. After dealing with multiple back injuries and being laid up for months at a time, I have a new appreciation for staying healthy.

If I were in your position, I definitely wouldn't take the chance. The reward simply doesn't even come close to outweighing the risk. But, you've got to make that decision for yourself. I've played sports competitively at different points in my life, so I can definitely appreciate the urge to compete. It took me a long time to be able to reconcile my desire to be competitive with my aversion to injury.

Regardless of what you decide, good luck.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Yea you guys are probably right. I was just thinking since I'd be mid cycle training for another specific but totally differant sport anyway I'd try and do the kid a solid. I guess I'll wait and see when I get a little closer to the date and get a feel whether I'd even have a chance depending on who's signing up for it. Hopefully everybody who wins there gives their prize money to the kid anyway. I just don't have much faith in people as a whole to do the right thing. Especially when it comes to our kids who come home fucked up from overseas. Anyway THANKS to everyone for looking out. Its hard sometimes to admit I'm getting old....AR....
Jan 26, 2015
Its a great gesture brother and your right, our veterans often are forgotten. The fact that your hearts in the right place should ease some of the discomfort knowing you want to help, but often can't. The reality is that we are all getting older and our bodies just cannot do what they once did!



Mar 27, 2014
40 lbs from creatine? I sense a little hyperbole there, bro. That sounds a little too good to be true. There's some value to creatine, no doubt, but that shit's not a steroid.

Some reason I personally went up big time with creatine- always gained weight fast also on it - I think it is just from the water weight and leverage - It is a gain I loose when I am off- I go on I go up- just me
Remember also I am always very very lean - on creatine I look like a moon face dbal boy in stead of my paper thin old looking skin- I also have a very hard time holing water in muscle- with creatine I puff up nice
I don't know why
It just works for me for some Strang reason???
Really man- no shit running down my leg
Not kidding
Last edited:


Mar 27, 2014
Custom or psych - could one of you guys put up a little bench cycle for him- his 405 is the 100% now right?
Been a long time since I did power lifting - my bench cycles are from the 80's


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Custom or psych - could one of you guys put up a little bench cycle for him- his 405 is the 100% now right?
Been a long time since I did power lifting - my bench cycles are from the 80's


Just kidding. But for real AR I didn't call you a weak fuck, I just dont think you should push with rc problems. They don't grow back...