It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I put things on hold for a few days but I am gtg now. Everything is still the same and things are running smoothly. My diet is good and training has been good. I had 2 days off but trained tonight. My mate said to me today (wore a vest) I have lost no size or appearance at all and that I was looking crazy in the lights so I guess that is a good sign. I need to shave though because the hair is getting ridiculous. It's looking like on the 2nd Dec the UK will go down to tier 3 which means gyms will be open where I live so I am so happy. I should receive my blood work pack in the post on Monday and I am getting the TRT Plus package. A bit cheaper than my usual test but it was on sale and it contains everything I really want to know (excluding C-reactive protein). My CRP was 0.1 last time (been awhile) but I can't see it being bad but I am always curious what it is.

The one difference I have noticed is I am holding water in my waist. I know it's because of the inclusion of the HGH. I started using 2.5IU HGH (blacktops) preworkout and since I added it in I started getting headaches. I also thought my lower back was tightening up badly but now I think it's because of the HGH and it's basically lower back pumps. My back can tighten up when I am not in the gym but I have been stretching more recently and I was bad today and yesterday walking around. So I will monitor things and make sure my water intake it more consistent. I will also add in something to helps matters as well (taurine etc). Last night I was tired (and extra hungry) so I basically had 2 decent sized meals worth of food in one go before bed and never again. I was bloated and in pain and I don't want to feel like that again. It's crazy what overindulging during one meal can do to my look in the space of a few hours. I added in 2 milk thistle tabs after that meal as I find it to be effective for indigestion.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I definitely haven't been myself over the last few weeks. I am always positive and happy and get on with things but I suppose after everything going on and pretty much a 3rd lockdown (1st and 3rd being national) it definitely effected my mood not having the gym this time. I also broke up with my gf and moved country and now I live alone and with all the bars, clubs, restaurants and clubs closed I have had no real fun for awhile.

As some people know I used citalopram for years for anxiety and I went off it and was fine but when cutting (low dose of tren) I started getting anxiety again so I added in 10mg escitalopram. I have been on it for approx 2 months (could be a bit more) and I don't feel that great on it. So I decided today to switch back to 10mg citalopram. I am purposely trying to be more productive because I went a week or 2 running very low on energy and motivation. I am feeling better now and we just found out the gym's will definitely reopen here on the 2nd December so I am made up. I can't see them closing again in the future either so I am very happy and looking forward to hitting it hard and being back on track.

That's why I delayed everything because I didn't want to start until I knew I would be consistent. I forced it but I knew it was best waiting but things are good now. I had about 4 days off from training but I trained tonight in my kitchen. My body is looking pretty much the same and I have maintained very well. I have actually put on weight during this cruise. Sure I am not as sharp but it's minor so in regards to maintaining I am in a good spot right now. I am still on 75mg test c every 3-4 days and I plan to stay at that dose until the new year. I may up it 100-125mg every 3-4 days for a few weeks but I will see how I feel.

When I start my new blast things should really come to life. I haven't used higher doses for awhile when growing but this time I am going to push things more. From the 1st week it will be 750mg test, 400mg deca and about 150mg eq (possible anxiety) and I will move up to approx 750-1000mg test, 400-600mg deca and 400mg eq later on when bodyweight and food/weights have increased. From that who knows but I lot's of tools to play with. I have some humalog on the way to me and I will try to use some hgh but I think due to fatigue the most I can handle is 2.5iu preworkout if I want to remain productive. I will most likely use smaller doses of humalog before certain meals and/or around training.

I will outline my supplement/medication plan in a future post. I am training again in my kitchen tomorrow and will hit it hard. Then in 4 more days I am finally back in the gym :)
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Hey Elvia have u used any mk677 recently? If so what results you got?

I haven't used it recently but I was using it awhile back. I actually just gave my remaining tabs to my mate to use and he loves it. MK-677 is extremely effective when trying to grow. It compliments any growth cycle perfectly. The problem I have with MK-677 (or any HGH boosters) are I get extremely tired when running them. So I often add them in for a week or 2 at a time and usually give up and repeat the process 2 months later.

You have to watch out for changes to blood pressure, insulin sensitivity and increases in resting heart rate on MK-677. Although for most 10-20mg can be run with minor side effects. At higher doses (20mg+) it's just as effective as dbol (20mg+) for putting on weight (albeit water... like dbol).

If I use 10mg it compliments my cycles nicely but I still get issues with tiredness/fatigue. At 20mg it fills me up within days and I look so full and round but the water goes into my waist as well so I tend to look more distended (notice the same on many brands of hgh as well).

I am going to try and stay on hgh (2.5iu preworkout) for awhile now but I plan to rotate over to 10mg MK again. If I am OK over time I may even add 10mg MK-677 on top of my HGH dose.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My diet is similar everyday now and mainly made up of meat and rice. I will rotate things in every so often. An example is 2 days ago I had a FAGE 0% fat yoghurt with walnuts, cashews, almonds, blueberries, blackcurrants and goji berries. I have also added salmon, eggs, cereal and granola bars (4) recently but only for 1 meal each. The later 2 were for post workout treats. 90% of the time I am going with the same sort of meals.

1.5 scoops of EAA's, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Beef mince, mixed peppers, red onion, pineapple and wholegrain pasta.
Beef mince, mixed peppers, red onion, pineapple and jasmine rice.

INTRA 2 scoops of EAA's and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice, chopped dates and honey.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and hummus (garlic, red pepper and olive oil).

1.5 scoops of EAA's, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, wholegrain/wild rice, hummus (garlic, red pepper and olive oil) and 1 avocado.

I have also added some blueberries, raspberries or red grapes after 4 of the above 5 meals.

Things are moving a long nicely and I think I have maintained well. I am going to shave now and will sort out some new pics soon. I am going to train in my kitchen again tomorrow then have Tuesday off so I am ready for my 1st day back in the gym on Wednesday.

I recently done bloodwork and I should get the results back in the next day or 2 so I am curious how things are looking. If everything is good I will start my next blast in the new year. I will get more blood work done in the middle and end of my next blast.

My current supplements...

Innovapharm's Immune 1 (5000iu vit d3, vit c, zinc, elderberry, pro nk, echinacea, green tea, immunepep etc).
Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil.

Preworkout (various)
Greens Powder
Glutamine (20-30g per day)

Over the next week I will be adding in syntherol, synthetine, humalog and creatine. Test is at 75mg every 3-4 days. I haven't taken HGH this week but I will make sure that is used at 2.5IU every preworkout.

My new preworkout stack will consist of Preworkout powder, HGH, Synthetine, Humalog and Creatine.
Intra will be EAA's, HBCD's and Glutamine.

Have a great week everyone.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have all my blood test results back. Regardless of the results I decided awhile back that during this next blast I will be taking a statin. I ordered pitavastatin last week so I should receive that soon. Low HDL is common in my family and I have always had an issue with it. I am a big believer in supplements and use them to good effect but with genetically lower HDL and blast doses it's a losing battle so I need to take something more effective. I am also not going to take any orals steroids this blast because I always use them. I use fairly low doses and for short durations but even 40mg avar destroys my HDL within weeks. I have been on cycle and had near zero HDL many times. It was always a concern but never an "emergency" due to low LDL and Triglycerides. My diet can be solid and full of an array of healthy fats (extra virgin olive oil and avocados etc) plus berries, dark chocolate, fibre and greens but I still have issues. I have also taken citrus bergamot, garlic, ubiquinol, plant sterols and policosanol etc and still have issues.

When I come down to TRT with my eating and supplementation my cholesterol always improves but it's very slow so the amount of time my HDL is low (it never goes high) is not ideal. So I figured I need to get on a statin even if it's just when on blast to minimize any damage. I will obviously be eating clean and whilst meat and rice is never ideal I fill my day with many nutritious foods so I think I do fine in that regard. I am using certain supplements as well so all in all I am in a good place. Every single blood test is usually great apart from HDL and that's pretty much it. My blood pressure can rise as I grow and increase my doses but that will be sorted out as well so I can grow whilst keeping blood markers in range and minimizing damage. I will do a quick run through of my blood test results below...

RBC's... everything is fine.
WBC's... everything is fine.
Clotting status... fine.
Kidney's... fine.
Liver... fine
Proteins... fine.
HBA1C... fine.
Iron... fine.
Thyroid... fine.
Prostate... fine.

Cholesterol... Total 4.22 mmol/L (0-5), LDL 2.81 mmol/L (<3), Non HDL Cholesterol 3.5 (<4), HDL 0.72 (>1.1), Trigs 1.52 (<1.7). I was expecting my LDL and Trigs to be slightly lower than this but they are still in range. Therefore I will be doing the changes I planned anyway in addition to changing my diet slightly. So more cardio, no oral aas and adding in a statin and ubiquinol together.

Hormones... My Genotec Test C is obviously good as my test was in the upper high range at my dose of 75mg every 3-4 days. It was 27.3 nmol/L (8.64-29). I guess my current TRT dose is too high (perfect really) because my free test was very high at 1.136 nmol/L (0.2-0.62). My estradiol is high which is not really a surprise for me and I actually guessed it and added in aromasin last night when dosing my 75mg test c. Estradiol was at 164 pmol/L (41/159). Interestingly my prolactin was very high at 712 mU/L (86-324). It's no real surprise as my sex drive has lowered over the last month which I didn't mind being single in lockdown :eek: Funny thing I actually added in some low dosed prami tabs when I ordered my statin just to have on hand so I guess I will use them as I want to get it down. My anxiety can worsen when prolactin is high and I definitely have been a bit off so I will just get both my estrogen and prolactin in range (low) before I start blasting again.

All in all no surprises whatsoever not counting the prolactin. Although even that has been up and down over the years so no major surprise. So I am in a good place as I already knew my issues with HDL but I will make sure that is improved before blasting and take measures to ensure any damage is minimized when on cycle. I actually expect my cholesterol to improve on cycle. I am using an AI now but I want to minimize AI usage due to my lipids so I will probably use that every 3 days when blasting with 20mg nolvadex daily. I will obviously get more blood work done mid cycle and can assess and adjust if needed.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have now trained 2 days in the gym and it's great to be back. I posted my temporary routine the other day and I am going to follow that for the reasons I outlined. After that I will go back to my standard split I was doing for many months before lockdown. I will be training frequently now but I will take off days when I need them. One issue is when I had an IV blood test there are bad bruises (long story) were the needles went in and for about 3 inches up my forearm and 2 inches down my bi-cep. It feels fine but it looks horrible so I haven't started my syntherol injections yet. I will start them tomorrow and post frequent updates moving forward.

Today was calves, tri-ceps, bi-ceps, abs and stretches. I have done too much volume both days but that will lower moving forward. On the today's plan (calves, arms, abs etc) I am looking at hitting most parts for no longer than 15 mins when I am back in routine. Yesterday was PUSH and it felt good to push some decent weight. As it was my first day back in the gym in ages I knew I would probably not listen fully to the plan but the plan was to take it easy. I still pushed it very hard but instead of very heavy weight I just used various intensity techniques to make the weight I lifted feel as heavy as possible. So I made use of various things such as supersets, high reps, paused reps and slow reps. It will be more of the same next time but as the days go by I will start doing more lower rep working sets and pushing the weight on the bar.

Barbell Bench Press... 1 working set with 5 sec negatives and a pause at the bottom.
Machine Press (seat very high pushing down)... 1 working set with 2.5pps.
Pec Deck... 1 working set squeezing hard with a 3 sec pause at the top of every rep.
Pec Deck supersetted with Machine Press... 1 working set with standard reps... 20 reps pec deck and 20 reps press (10 pronated and 10 hammer).
Tri-set of 3 variations of DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set of 30 reps total.
Cable Lateral Raises... 1 working set with each arm.
Cable Front Raises supersetted with Machine Shoulder Press... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
EZ Bar Skullcrushers... 2 working sets... the last being a drop set with 1 drop in weight (20kg per side down to 10kg per side).

1.5 scoops of EAA's, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and goji berries.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and goji berries.

INTRA 3 scoops of EAA's, 30g HBCD's, 5g creatine and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice, honey and red grapes.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice, homemade guacamole and raspberries.

1.5 scoops of EAA's, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Steak, wholegrain/wild rice, homemade guacamole, raspberries and cashew butter.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have decided to modify the new split I wrote out. I figured the arm and calf etc day eod was a bit excessive. Now I am going to fit it in whenever I feel like it so probably twice weekly. So it's a PUSH, PULL and LEGS split with the miscellaneous day thrown in whenever I feel like it. The miscellaneous day consists of calves, bi-ceps, tri-ceps, abs, stretches and cardio. Off days are also when I feel like it. I had to take a day off after training 2 days in a row after lockdown. My chest and shoulders were so sore and my body felt like I had taken a battering so I rested. My left arm were I had the IV blood test has bruised even worse now (been well over a week) so I also wanted to avoid arms today so I trained legs. It's not injured but I figured give my arm a rest as the bruising is quite bad. I am on a really good path now so it's just about staying consistent. It was my first leg day since lockdown so I controlled the intensity and weight. I don't mind being really sore tomorrow but I want to be able to walk so I didn't go all in like I will next week after a few more sessions in. My workout consisted of...

Calf Presses... lot's of hard sets and bodyweight calf raises in between many of them.
Smith Machine Calf Raises... 2 working sets of over 30 reps.
Tri-set of seated calf raises, db stiff leg deadlifts and lying leg curls... a few hard sets. I also done some individual sets and finished with a brutal working set of unilateral seated leg curls with assisted reps. Then a brutal set of lying leg curls one leg at a time then both legs with more weight then partials.
Leg Press... 2 hard sets of 25 reps with 6pps.
Hip Adductors supersetted with Hip Abductors... 2 hard sets.
The hack squat become available and I done 2 hard sets with no weight on it at all. My legs were fucked and it's quite heavy with no weights on so I done 25 slow reps to get a good stretch. Then with my feet lower and close I done another 20 slow reps. Obviously in the next few months I will be trying to load this with increasing weight every week.

1.5 scoops of EAA's, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and goji berries.
Beef meatballs, long grain rice and a banana.

INTRA 2 scoops of EAA's, 30g HBCD's, 5g creatine and 10g glutamine.
2 steaks, jasmine rice, chopped dates and goji berries.
Chicken breast, long grain rice, avocado and red grapes.

1.5 scoops of EAA's, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Steak, wholegrain/wild rice, raspberries and cashew butter.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
More of the same. I trained PUSH before and hit it hard. My strength is definitely way down due to lockdown and I even struggled with 2.5 plates per side on Smith Presses :eek::D However I am looking decent for me so my appearance is fine and I have actually improved recently on my 75mg test c every 3 days.

Incline Bench Lateral Raises... 1 workings set.
Machine Lateral Raises... 2 working sets (facing forwards and backwards).
Unilateral DB Front Raises (hammer grip)... 1 working set.
Barbell Front Raises... 1 working set.
Smith Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 back off).
Pec Deck... 1 working set (3 sec hold at the bottom and 1 second squeeze at the top).
DB Flyes... 1 working set (3-5 sec hold/stretch at the bottom).
Machine Press... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Cable Pushdowns... 2 working sets (pushing away and down).
Tri-cep Dips... 2 working sets with 30 secs rest in between sets.

My diet has been pretty much the same as yesterday but I changed my post workout meal. I went shopping after the gym and they had some almond milk for 10p so I decided to have a big bowl of "Blueberry Wheats" cereal with that plus 1 scoop of Ghost whey protein. Every other meal has been meat and rice with berries etc.

I have put in my order with Genotec for some supplies and when I get them I will start my blast. Things are going to get very interesting. I always increase the dose during a cycle to continue gaining and I will do that but usually I start very low but this time I am starting week 1 on a good dose.

450mg deca
60mg test e
60mg mast e

I am not one for increasing dose in a predetermined manner but more on feel but my plan after approx 1 month is to up the deca to 600mg every 3 days. I will see how I am and later on I may even up to 750mg every 3 days. It's time to really push the size this next blast.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
All my gear come within a few days. I also received some extras (pivasta, prami etc) on the same day. I am adding the meds in 1 week apart just to gauge the side effects from each. As I posted I was on TRT and my total test was in range (at the top), free test was high and my prolactin and estrogen were high. Therefore I have added in some letro to get my estrogen down and prami to lower the prolactin. My sex drive has been low for awhile which I didn't mind but those 2 additions have made a crazy difference even after this short time.

I have taken prami in the past and experimented with it. I always used research liquids in the past but now I have 0.25mg tabs. Prami is so strong and some of the doses I hear people use (parkinson's, rls etc) are crazy considering how bad even 0.5mg can make you feel. The worst I have ever felt in my entire life was due to prami (2nd was melanotan 2). I always used to stay around 0.1-0.2mg and for good reason. It can make you feel very sick and tired but if you take it to close to bed it will literally have you awake all night. You will sleep and wake up thinking you have had 10 hours sleep and it's been 2 hours max and you are wide awake. It's a fascinating drug in many respects and I wouldn't usually recommend it to people. The likes of cabergoline is much more user friendly but pramipexole is extremely effective. You have to be careful with dopamine agonists and watch yourself when using them. An example could be anyone with past addiction issues (gambling for example). Anyway after all my experimenting I leant it was optimal for me to dose prami in the evening but at least 4 hours before bed. That way it shouldn't effect your sleep negatively at all.

I dosed half a tab (0.125mg) of prami and within 30 mins didn't feel much but that soon changed. Just a horrible sick feeling and then I got really tired. It wasn't pleasant at all but after approx 3 hours I was fine. I ended up having a great sleep and felt good in the morning. Tonight I done the same but took it with some caffeine and took Flex on a long walk. The same sick feeling minus the tiredness and I feel fine now. I was planning to use 1 tab daily but now I am going to just stick to half a tab daily and never go above that. Even at 0.125mg daily my prolactin should come down very quickly. I am using 2.5mg letro daily but only for 5 more days then I plan to carry on with no AI's and I will get blood work done in approx 1 month. I want my estrogen in range and not low so I will see where I am and if needed I will add aromasin every 3 days.

My blast has officially started because today I dosed 0.2ml test e, 0.2ml mast e and 1ml deca. In 3 days I will dose 0.2ml (60mg) test e, 0.3ml (60mg) mast e and 1.5ml (450mg) deca and carry on with that dosing system for approx 1 month. I will get blood work done about that time and my plan is to go up to 2ml deca (600mg) every 3 days with the rest staying the same. I may up the mast e slightly but I will see how my blood work is looking and decide as I move along.

I have also added a few supps including ubiquinol, cranberry extract and a prostate formula. I am letting myself get used to the prami then I will add the pitavastatin in and with that I will double my ubiquinol dosage. Everything is on point now so let the fun begin :)

I trained PULL today and yesterday was PUSH. Yesterday looked like...

Warm Up.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (1 behind my head and one in front).
Pec Deck... 1 working set (squeeze/pause at the top).
Machine Press... 1 working set.
DB Flyes... 1 working set (pause/stretch at the bottom).
Plate Loaded Machine Press (hammer grip)... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
DB Flat Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Dips... 2 working sets (30 secs rest between sets).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
All is good. The prami is no longer making me feel sick. I just have to make sure I don't dose it too close to bedtime and I am fine. I dosed my aas for 2nd time yesterday and completely pain free and no anxiety etc so I am feeling good. I know it's just a cover in a sense but I am really looking forward to the deca kicking in because my joints could do with the extra "lubrication". I trained legs tonight by myself and pushed it really hard. A typical leg workout with all the same movements but I supersetted leg press and hack squats for a change. I also lowered the weight and increased the reps but I will start pushing it in lower reps ranges in the near future. I have added an array of things into my cycle that I know will assist in my body coping with the increased weights and brutal training...

Strom Sports Supportmax Joint (glucosamine, curcumin/hydrocurc, cissus, vitamin c, hyaluronic acid, black pepper extract).
Vitamin D
Omega 3
Orange Triad + Greens

I will post pics soon then start my syntherol cycle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
1 scoop of EAA's (Trained by JP), 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Steak with garlic butter, jasmine rice and goji berries.
Beef meatballs, long grain rice and blueberries.
INTRA 2 scoops of EAA's (Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar), 60g HBCD's, 5g creatine and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice, chopped dates and goji berries drizzled in honey.
Chicken breast, wholegrain/wild rice and strawberries.
1 scoop of EAA's (Trained by JP), 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Oats, 1.5 scoops of Ghost Peanut butter and cereal milk whey, cashew butter and milk/water.

I am eating consistently like the above so with the added hormones I will slowly grow. I decided to just have all my cardio as walking Flex. I walk him for 90-120 mins everyday and it's fast paced and in my eyes the more the better as he loves to go out and I feel guilty if I take him out less any days. I may add in some HIIT cardio but I struggle as it is gaining weight so with all the walking I don't see the need at the moment. I would rather just take him out longer in the day instead. I am in a good position now and just staying on path and will up my carbs around training soon as I want to start packing on more mass as my weight is holding fairly steady right now. I write that but I am bigger and it's been noticed but it hasn't translated in scale weight but it will.

My last training post was push day and I didn't post my following 3 workouts which were back/biceps, calves/arms/abs/stretching and then legs. I completed another push workout today and it was very similar to the above with a few changes and most importantly I upped the weight for some movements...

Warm Up.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (1 behind my head and one in front).
Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Machine Press... 2 working sets (full weight stack and about 80% of the stack).
DB Flyes... 1 working set (pause/stretch at the bottom).
Plate Loaded Machine Press (hammer grip)... 2 working sets (11 reps then 30 reps RP)
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 2 working sets with different grips.
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working drop set (26kg db then just bodyweight).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Lot's of updates. I haver had some major issues with my left bi-cep tendon and my shoulders recently. Mainly just inflammation from hard training and pushing volume/frequency. I am a big fan of voltaren gel but I haven't used it since moving back. I bought a tub and put loads on all over my shoulders and arms last night and it made a massive difference. I will carry on applying it every day and I will also have a few days off the gym over Christmas to help matters as well.

I started 4mg Pitavastatin pre bed and so far it's fine. Well it causes some very mild stomach pain and my appetite has lowered but nothing too bad so far. One of the main side effects associated with statin use is muscle weakness. I am using 10,000IU vitamin D daily and I think that is a great way to help offset and possible issue a statin could cause in that regard. I have also doubled up my dose of ubiquinol since starting Pitavastatin as statins lower coenzyme q10. So far I am feeling good so I am pleased and I will carry on with the protocol and hopefully I can even improve my cholesterol profile as I grow.

I have trained the last 3 days and done pull, legs and push. Legs was brutal but I am recovering fast due to my diet (intra nutrition etc), sleep and my hormones building up. I am also limiting my working set to a few each body part so I keep an eye on the overall volume for every leg day. I am doing hack squats at least once every 2 rotations and I go to complete failure (stuck at the bottom) every time. Today was similar to the push workout listed above but instead of the last machine press we ***e some barbell presses with slow negatives to finish chest off. Instead of the standing shoulder press we also done some plate loaded shoulder press and went up to 3pps (machine feels heavy). Ended the later with a drop set with 3pps, 2pps and 1pps.

I had my mate take some pics of me post workout but they have turned out much worse than I had hoped. He can't take pics and was taking in all the background. He said he can just zoom in afterwards and crop them but they haven't turned out well. I am very hairy as well but I wanted to get an updated pic. I was looking super full but it hasn't really come out in pics but I will get many more done over the next few months.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My back went the other day so things haven't been great. It is what it is. I was feeling so good when training and for many months so I guess the additions added up over time and this was the result. When I look back I am left thinking no wonder but it has been fine for months so it was still a surprise. But sure I had done some relatively heavy barbell rows the day before. On the day I had done stiff leg deadlifts (very light weight) and heavy leg curls etc. Weirdly it actually happened in the gym mid set but it will be an accumulation of movements that done it. I had just done a crazy superset of leg press and hack squats. The leg press was heavy but the hack squat was fairly light but brutal to finish with. Anyway I was done and had rested awhile and my mate said are you doing another one and I thought fuck it do a 2nd so I done the leg press and straight over to the hack squat. On about the 8th rep I felt my back go so I just had to rack the weight and stand there hoping it wouldn't seize up too badly.

2 days later is is really bad and I can barely move. I know what to expect though and I know I will be fine in a few days. I will just rest and as the days go stretch it more and move more. I am applying voltaren gel to the area, using cold packs, doubled up my curcumin dose and taking some painkillers. I am feeling good and I know it's just a minor set back and I will be back better than ever. Obviously I just have to be careful and I will adjust my training accordingly so it doesn't happen again. I also went against my plan and decided to add 20mg dbol in and that was the 1st day so that could have been a big factor as well as I was getting so pumped up and the added pump in my lower back was too much for it too take. I am very careful with my form but for some of my working sets it's impossible to keep lower back completely out of certain movements. Going on this rate I am going to have to take an inch off my height because I can't straighten my back properly :eek:

So it's rest and lower calories as I want to start back in a lean state. I did feel sorry for myself yesterday and had 2 big bars of chocolate (xmas present) but I ate very little in the day so still woke up tighter. For the next few days just my standard meals but probably 3-4 instead of 5 but I have a few big steaks in my fridge so more fat but still lower cals. Gonna have my body primed for when I can hit the gym again. A minor set back and I am looking forward to getting back in the gym in the new year and going from there. I should be able to train in a few days so I will carry on my blast so nothing changes and I will still hit things just as hard but just do what I set out a few months ago and not sway from those rules again.

Besides that everything was looking great and I was starting to feel really good so it's just a 1 week set back and I can't see it ruining anything as long as I am careful with what movements I use in the future. The only downside to high dosed deca so far is some minor acne on my face but that will go away soon as it usually happens during any fluctuations of hormones for me.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have trained 2 days in a row now. If I had a doctor it would definitely be against his orders but I know my body well. I just have to be extra careful as my back is still not 100% but it's getting there. I mainly kept it to machines but I have had 2 really good workouts. First day was push and a typical day but I kept the weight moderate and slowed down all reps with most working sets being approx 15 reps. Today for pull it was more of the same but fairly high volume and lot's of sets. I might have tomorrow off but will see how I feel but it will be legs when I do train. Legs will be much more careful with calves being pretty normal but hams will just be some light-moderate weight unilateral seated leg curls. Then some hip adductors and abductors. For quads probably just some lighter weight leg press and multiple harder sets of leg extensions with low-moderate weight and high reps. So legs will be adjusted a lot and all about getting a great pump and being safe until my back is 100%.

I ordered some insulin from scrioxx so I received that yesterday and tried it today for the first time. I tried 6iu preworkout and I am going to stay at that dose. I had started taking in 60g HBCD's intra training so I will just remain at that amount. With the 60g carbs I add in approx 20g EAA's, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine. Shortly after I dosed the slin I had 1 banana and took my preworkout and headed to the gym. I will stay at this amount for the foreseeable future then I will likely add in 10iu humalog post workout to go with my post workout meal that always consists of at least 100g carbs.

Everything else is the same and I am just happy to be back in the gym and will start building some quality size now. Things will start coming to life now and I hope to make some impressive changes. I will probably get more blood work done at the end of the month as I am curious how everything will look with all the things I have in place. I stopped pramipexole the other week as it's not the best thing to use and I am not taking any AI so I am curious how my estrogen (estradiol) and prolactin are looking. Moreover I want to see what difference the addition of 4mg Pitavastatin daily has made to my cholesterol profile. I am pleased with the pitavastatin so far because it hasn't given me any really noticeable side effects.

1 scoop of EAA's, 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Steak with garlic butter, jasmine rice and goji berries.
6iu Apidra SoloSTAR and 2.5iu HGH then 1 banana.
INTRA 2 scoops of EAA's, 60g HBCD's, 5g creatine and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice, chopped dates and goji berries.
Steak, long grain rice, blueberries and 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate.

1 scoop of EAA's, 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Steak, wild/wholegrain rice and 1 avocado.

Just 4 wholefood meals today but I will be back to 5 tomorrow.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
You have to laugh. I am back in the gym and everything is going great and they announce a national lockdown with immediate effect. They didn't give any notice but it was obvious it was coming. Most of the UK is in lockdown and my region was in tier 3 which means many restrictions but the gyms are still open. Reading all the info about rising figures etc it was obvious it was going to come any day. That's why I had trained 4 days in a row even though my lower back is still not 100%. Things were going great though and I pushed it hard in the gym today.

Yesterday was legs and my back felt a bit tight so I was very careful with exercise selection. I posted earlier what movements I had planned and I stuck to them. So calves trained very hard and consisted of the usual 2 movements with multiple failure sets. Then it was just seated leg curls for hams and focusing on form and slow/high reps and getting a great pump/burn. Then hard hip ab/adductors and I finished with multiple hard sets of leg extensions with moderate weight and squeezing as hard as possible at the top of every rep. It was all just about pump and making sure my back was safe that day.

Today was a typical push day but very high volume. I knew there was a government announcement at 8pm so it was a case of when the lockdown will be put into effect. So training volume was high and I enjoyed it. I started with a variety of incline bench db front and lateral raises (performing a hybrid of both as well). Some heavy seated shoulder press and I went up to 3pps. Then peck deck, machine press, db flyes and more presses. Full weight rack for both machines but the db flyes were done just to get a great stretch before my heavy pressing set. I only went up to 20kg db's but the hardest form and 3 sec pauses at the bottom of every rep and around 15-20 reps per set. Then some presses with 3pps for my heavy set. Tri-ceps were the full weight rack for cable pushdowns using a variety of techniques then some db lying extensions with 24-14kg db's. Stretches to finish as always.

On both days I used 6iu Apidra SoloSTAR and 2.5iu HGH preworkout. A banana preworkout and an intra shake with 20g EAA's, 60g HBCD's, 5g creatine and 10g glutamine. Post workout was meat and rice both days.

I have ordered 6 tubs of weightgainer and it should be here tomorrow. I got a great deal and it's main carb source is carb10 (pea starch) but it also contains hbcd's, gluten free oat flour and organic buckwheat flour. It has a blend of proteins but mainly whey isolate and for fats it has flaxseed powder and mct's. Overall it's a decent looking blend so hopefully I digest it ok as I ordered 6 tubs (was going to do 8) :D Per serving it's 10g fat, 110g carbs and 55g protein so it's very similar to my standard meals and a nice ratio for me. It has to be done because I can't be bothered adding in more meals so I am going to just use 1-2 shakes per day with 4-5 whole food meals. I will start with 4+1, then 4+2 then 5+2 so just a very simple way for me to increase calories over time. I eat the same meals constantly so it's an easy way for me to move up gradually as I grow.

There are many "easy" methods to use to keep increasing calories without having to keep increasing meals. I will do the above and if I need more I will add some fats to certain meals in the form of a spoon of almond/cashew butter. Then if I still need extra I will just increase my pre bed meal and add some calorie dense foods to it. Just little ways to keep increasing without going past 7 meals for me as that is max for me as I do this for fun so don't want to be miserable trying to force food down me throughout the day as that never ends well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
No gym's are open but I will start training at home soon. Just giving my body a short rest to allow my back to heal and because I trained 4 days in a row. I have still been using some painkillers but only once daily (after breakfast) and I won't use anymore from now on. They have definitely lowered my appetite so I kept it to 4 meals today but I increased the portion sizes so things balanced out. Calories will start increasing but I don't mind keeping things like this for the next few days.

My nutrition was very basic today but still effective. I had over 1kg of rump steak divided into 4 meals. 2 were with rice (approx 90g carbs each) and 2 were with pasta (about 120g carbs each). I also drizzled some organic extra virgin olive oil on the pasta meals. For the rice meals I added goji berries. I have also had a small amount of black grapes and blueberries. No vegetables today but I will have 2 servings of greens powder by the end of the day. I will also add an avocado to my last meal as well. Tomorrow I should receive my weightgain powder and I will add that in straightaway.

I might train arms and calves tomorrow depending upon how I am feeling. During the last lockdown I had planned to start syntherol but I didn't but now I definitely will. It will be good for me to have something to concentrate on as I will be very limited in what I can do as I have minimal equipment. It's time to get my arms to blow up. I still train hard at home I just use light weights but pretty much don't stop start to finish. As a result I will still carry on using 6iu insulin preworkout which I had only just started before the lockdown. It's annoying because the gym's should be closed for about 2 months but I will just make the best of a bad situation.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My back tightened up even more during my first few days rest so I extended things and now it's feeling much better. I have told myself I can't get lazy as it's very easy to do during lock down with no gym and minimal equipment. I could see myself getting in a bad routine which is rare for me as I always train no matter what. So I am going to start training tomorrow (it's 2am now) and I am going to start stretching daily and adding in various ab movements a few times weekly as well. I said to myself everyday when I wake up do 200(+) reps of something. So that could be press ups, ab crunches, bicep curls, lateral raises etc and just do that daily with additional training a few times per week in the evening. Basically just keeping my body active.

When consuming higher cals during lockdown it's so easy to get fat unless you are active. Obviously I am very limited with weight especially for leg movements but I can still grow and stay in decent condition as I do. I am also doing a power walk every day with Flex which usually lasts over an hour. All in all I can make this work I just need to stay driven and get the work done because it would be so easy for me not to do that. I always find it harder to motivate myself when I can't go to the gym but I have all the means necessary to get good results. I wish I had someone to throw some cold water over me in the morning because it takes me about 30 mins to get up but I am going to make sure I start tomorrow and get in the routine of training first thing everyday.

I have just been food shopping so got lot's of meat, fruit and rice etc. However yesterday I had very little fruit in which usually never happens for me. As a result my diet was really basic but still effective in regards to macros/bodybuilding. All day I had over 1kg rump steak, houmous (olive oil, garlic and peppers), 2 packs of rice, 1 bag of pasta, 2 pink lady apples, 1 avocado and some almond butter. I am switching over to 10% fat beef meatballs tomorrow after eating over 1kg of steak a few days running. I love steak but get bored of it when I have a lot but meatballs I can get down easily so will probably just stick to them from now on. The meatballs are pretty much the same macros as the steaks.

The gainer I bought does not taste nice. I figured strawberry milkshake would at least be ok but it's very sickening and sweet. It's not overly bad but it just means I won't be enjoying the shakes but will still add one in post workout. Definitely shouldn't have bought 6 tubs but they could be worse. No other changes but I did add in metformin pre bed at 500mg about 2 weeks ago but I don't think I mentioned it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I started doing exactly what I stated. The 1st day I trained for approx 1 hour which was basically non stop but with my light weights at home. I have 2 db's that weigh about 20lbs each and a plastic barbell that is about 35lbs. I am very limited to legs and have just kept it mainly to squats and calf raises for now. Tomorrow I will add in some movements for hips, glutes and some lunges and pistol squats. I will start doing some stiff leg deadlifts later on when my back is better. Upper body is no problem and I have been hitting that hard. Just light weight and high reps but some failure sets for lateral raises, front raises, bi-cep curls, skull crushers and press ups. The 2nd day was closer to 90 mins non stop and ended with loads of calf raises. I basically do hundreds of reps non stop just changing my foot positions and rom and rep speed. Most reps are full rom with a hard squeeze at the top and I come back and lift up on my heels to imitate a tibialis raise. I usually end up with a donkey calf raise using no weight but they burn hard the way I do them.

I included some seated db deadlifts the other day to work my lower back and it felt good. The next day I was fine but one day later I woke up and it was very tight so I have had 2 days off (excluding some press ups). Tomorrow I will have a big training session of no less than about 90 mins including more leg movements and multiple body weight movements and stretches. Part of my training looks more like a female aerobics class but it keeps me tight and loose :eek::D

I am basically making the best of a bad situation. I know even with the light weights if I continue to do this whilst eating quality food incrementally I can grow gradually. Most importantly I can stay lean due to the sensible calories and the way I train. I am very limited in some areas but it will have to do for now. Then when the my gym reopens I can hit things hard and things should come to life then especially due to the new stimulus.

My AAS have been lower because instead of injecting every 3 days it's been closer to every 5 so I will improve that now. Deca is known for putting on water on you and it can do but there are many other factors. On high deca I am drier than I am on high test. I shaved my front (whole body was covered in thick hair) and was quite surprised just how dry I still look. My muscles have a nicer look to them on this much deca. On high deca I feel so much calmer as well. I don't get aggressive at all on high test but I just mean I am much more relaxed. My skin has cleared up and I am pretty much side effect free on these doses. The small addition of test and mast definitely compliment the high deca and keep everything running smoothly.

I am still using some insulin on longer training days even though I am just training at home. My workouts are very high volume with minimal rest so it works great. Although recently I have just dosed everything post workout because I wanted to have my shake after the insulin and I just dosed everything together.

1 scoop of EAA's, 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Steak with garlic butter, jasmine rice and 1 avocado.
10iu Apidra SoloSTAR, 2.5iu HGH and 2ml synthetine.
Weightgain shake (10g fat, 110g carbs and 55g protein) with 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and goji berries.
Beef meatballs, pasta and cherry tomatoes drizzled in olive oil.

1 scoop of EAA's, 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, wild/wholegrain rice and 2 spoons of almond butter.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I done something different today and basically trained on an empty stomach. Well if you don't count 1 banana 5 mins before starting which is nothing for me as I like to have at least 2 meals in me before training on a usual day. I would never normally use insulin in a fasted state because my body is primed to take in and utilize the nutrients I feed it but today was just set out differently (won't be repeated).

Today I trained harder than I have in a long time because it was non stop for over 90 mins. I was destroyed afterwards and pretty much out of breath the entire workout. Just set after set with light weight in my apartment and every 10 mins I would have about 30 secs rest. No order and just movement after movement swopping from upper and lower body. I done some stiff leg deadlifts and my back felt fine. I also done some squats and split squats. No seated db deadlifts as I didn't want too much volume on my lower back but they will be done in 2 days time. I was going to do calf raises at the end but I figured enough was enough. Tomorrow I will just perform 100's of calf raises then the following day another day like today.

I also added in a pre and post workout insulin dose today and I will do the same in 2 days. Although in 2 days I won't train "fasted" so it will be better for me.

1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
6iu Apidra SoloSTAR, 2.5iu HGH and 2ml synthetine.
INTRA 30g EAA's (including 8g leucine), 90g HBCD's, 5g creatine and 10g glutamine.
10iu Apidra SoloSTAR.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and goji berries.
Chicken breast, basmati rice and red grapes.
Weightgain shake (9g fat, 100g carbs and 50g protein).
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and tomatoes.

1 scoop of EAA's, 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Chicken Breast, wild/wholegrain rice, 1 avocado and 1 spoon of almond butter.

More chicken breast today and I enjoyed it. I oven bake at 175 degrees for 35 mins. Before I bake I drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and cover it with my spice mix. It comes out tasting great (very moist).