AnaSCI Interview: Brad Davis (IFBB Pro Circuit)


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Interview by: turbobusa

This month Anasci talks with new IFBB pro Brad Davis.
Brad won the the 40 heavy wt and overall + 40 classes
the recent North American bodybuilding championships.
The classes were very stacked. Tip of the hat to Anasci’s BBOY!


Born in Ironton, Ohio

Married with two kids, girls, one a freshman in college at Vanderbilt university, and one a freshman in highschool.

Got into bodybuilding by just lifting weights in school for football and everyone thought I had a freaky looking back and should start bodybuilding, when I moved to Paducah, KY and joined a golds gym the guys there really talked me into getting onstage, but it wasn't until age 30 that I decided to do it.

Training methods when I was younger was heavy pyramid t
raining, I would do sets of 8,6,4,2, then a set of negatives for almost every exercise except quads which I kept in a 12 reps range. Now a days I am more instinctive in my training and will usually keep a higher rep range for all body parts but try and hit everything from different angles.

Cardio is low intensity in the offseason, and when dieting it will depend on my carb intake, higher carbs and I will do a higher intensity cardio, lower carbs and I will do low intensity cardio.


2005 NPC Junior Nationals - 2nd LHW.
2006 NPC Nationals - 14th LHW
2007 IFBB North American Bhampionships - 3rd LHW
2008 NPC Nationals - 3rd LHW
2009 NPC Nationals - 10th LHW
2010 NPC Junior Nationals - 9th LHW
2010 IFBB North American Championships - 8th LHW
2011 IFBB North American Championships - 2nd LHW
2012 NPC Nationals - 13th LHW
2013 IFBB North American Championships +40 HW1st +40 overall PROCARD!!

turbobusa: Brad thanks for taking time with us here at Anasci.

Brad: No problem thanks for the interview invite

turbobusa: Hey brad I listed your national level history but am curious about your debut into the world of competitive bodybuilding.

Brad: well that would be back in about 2003 A state level show in Kentucky. Placed 4th as a light heavy.

turbobusa: Well you have along way my friend.

Brad: Thanks I've enjoyed the journey and still do. love to train Love the discipline and the challenge.

turbobusa: Were you involved in any other sports in earlier years?

Brad: Football in highschool and boxing. Nowadays it’s full tilt bodybuilding as my pastime and Activity.That’s it . Family is the priority. Bodybuilding is my outlet and reward to self for being a focused family man. So it is pretty much family and bodybuilding.

turbobusa: How many in your immediate family?

Brad I have two daughters that are my pride and joy. My beautiful wife Briggett is my lady. I’m blessed with a beautiful loving family.

turbobusa: I know you are a very family oriented man Do you think family has hindered or helped your bodybuilding?

Brad: In my case family has made it possible. They are very
supportive and keep me grounded and focused. So without question my family has really helped my career!

turbobusa: Brad you are a working mans hero in the world of competitive bodybuilding. You start getting into competitions around 30. You work full time in the chemical industry with reactor and lab duties. You have a daughter in a great university and another in high school. I had to take two breathes just to say all that. Somehow you found the energy and drive to ascend through the ranks to become an IFBB pro! How could the guys and gals that live the lifestyle while working not get excited seeing your success?

Brad: Man thanks I really appreciate that. I’m just like the other guys that love training and striving better myself. I enjoy the challenges.

turbobusa: Thanks for giving readers a better feel for who you are.

Brad: No problem.

turbobusa: You have been a national level guy for a while now. I noticed wt class changes and high placements lower placements. Then in 2013 you just lit it up! What changes put you over the top?

Brad: Well some of the guys (anasci) will remember I was had targeted master nats for 13 then I pulled back. My daughter was heading for college so I put my stuff on the back burner for a
sec. I stayed fairly lean so as things settled in with the family
I decided to do a warm up show 4 weeks prior to the North Americans. That was the Kentucky state. I overalled and put myself in get ready mode for the North Americans.

turbobusa: That is incredible! What is on the horizon if you don’t mind me asking?

Brad: Oh not at all Pro debut will be the Chicago Pro.

turbobusa: Great I’ll be there to see your debut. Looking forward to that. Oh yeah, meant to ask where you train?

Brad: Oh sure two spots Energy fitness and Mega gym in Draffenville.

turbobusa: Mind me asking about supps?

Brad: no not at all.

turbobusa: What does off season look like for you?

Brad: I try to stay close to trt 100mg test 100mg tren enanthate weekly. Size is not really an issue so I go with the most with the least way of things.

turbobusa: Pre-show?

Brad: probably much less than some would think. I keep it fairly basic amts are stepped up and compounds changed. I used no Gh last
year. Insulin is used intermittently Usually 4 day low carb then slin carb up days. I really like some of the peptides now. Ghrp-2 is a favorite. I have made gains no doubt with peptide involvement.

turbobusa: Anyone you’d like to mention and recognize?

Brad: Yes Phil Hernon has been a friend and huge help for years.
Phil really knows his stuff. John Meadows. John is one focused knowledgeable guy. He has some great cutting edge training techniques, George Farah. George helped me a with prep help knowledge over the years. Great guy and knows his stuff.
Brigett my wife. She has been key to my success. She is the best , incredible woman.

turbobusa: Brad or Bboy to us here at Anasci congratulations on a great 2013 Competition year. You know you have a legion of fans at Anasci.

Brad: Thanks so much. I’m looking forward to 2014. I’ll be bringing it up another notch. Thanks to Anasci staff and members for this

turbobusa. Thanks BBoy we are honored to have you as one of our own!


New member
Sep 29, 2017
It's funny because I've just read the Big A interview and the gear they mention is tottally different one another. I firmly believe that only pros realy know what pros do in terms of chemicals.


Aug 11, 2004
It's funny because I've just read the Big A interview and the gear they mention is tottally different one another. I firmly believe that only pros realy know what pros do in terms of chemicals.
ive always been honest about what I use. I don't need to use a whole lot because unlike most pros I took the long road to my size, ive been training nonstop since age 13 that's a fuck ton of years training, I didn't start juicing until almost 30 yrs old (late 20's I believe). pluse im only 5ft fucking 4 so its not hard to look huge when your a midget...LOL :D


Mar 27, 2014
Like I have always said bbo you looks incredable
What's the next step for you?


Aug 11, 2004
Like I have always said bbo you looks incredable
What's the next step for you?

don't know if I want to call it quits with the competitive side of things or if I want to hit an early 2018 show, right now im leaning on the side of an early show!! :)


New member
Sep 29, 2017
ive always been honest about what I use. I don't need to use a whole lot because unlike most pros I took the long road to my size, ive been training nonstop since age 13 that's a fuck ton of years training, I didn't start juicing until almost 30 yrs old (late 20's I believe). pluse im only 5ft fucking 4 so its not hard to look huge when your a midget...LOL :D

Well you've become fucking huge bro, so what you did is in my book the right thing to do.
Thanks for being honest :action-smiley-033: