Need advice about a cycle


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My first cycle of dbol and tren e was great. Starting my 2nd cycle and just need some advice. I have ordered the stuff and should receive it in a few days. I should mention I am cool for PCT and have plenty of Nolvadex, HCG, and provirnon if I need any during the cycle. I am planning to do the following:
Weeks 1-6 = anadrol and test c
Weeks 4-8 = Deca

I heard Deca was good for solidifying gains from the above. I was gonna do it weeks 6-10 but I know it's not great to be taken alone (aware of life of the test c). The thing is they are sending me 100 free dbol tabs. I have heard it is a good idea to take this in the time between the end of week 6 and Deca ending. So I was wondering if you think it is a good idea to do the dbol at the end. It depends upon the dosage. 35mg per day will last around 14 days and 25mg per day will last 20 days. So say I done around 35mg per day I could do the above and Dbol. I will stop the deca in work 8 so it will be week 10 when its half life ends.

Weeks 6-8 = Dianabol 35mg per day

Or would it be best to just leave the dbol out of it? Let me know what you think or even you can think of a better cycle with the 4. Thanks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I meant I have plenty of Nolvadex, HCG and provinon for PCT and if I decide I need some for during the cycle.


New member
Oct 22, 2007
leave the d-bol out. You can't go on d-bol after your liver just got stressed for 6 weeks from the anadrol. The deca wouldn't do anything if your only taking it for 5 weeks so I would leave that out too. If you have everything needed for proper pct then why would you need deca to solify your gains. This is what pct is for, not deca. Good luck and remember to protect your liver especially while on a-drol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Bodybuilding said:
leave the d-bol out. You can't go on d-bol after your liver just got stressed for 6 weeks from the anadrol. The deca wouldn't do anything if your only taking it for 5 weeks so I would leave that out too. If you have everything needed for proper pct then why would you need deca to solify your gains. This is what pct is for, not deca. Good luck and remember to protect your liver especially while on a-drol

Thanks the advice. I knew that 6 weeks should be tops for dbol or anadrol (due to liver toxicity). I was just checking. I should have mentioned I am just doing 50mg of anadrol per day. I asdked cos I have heard about people doing dbol for months at a time. I heard dbol, test c and deca is a great cycle. As I wanna try anadrol (plus I don't have enought dbol for this) on would anadrol, test c and deca be? Do you reckon it would be best to leave the deca out?

Weeks 1-6 = anadrol and test c
Weeks 2-6 = Deca
Then PCT

What you think?



Aug 28, 2005
4 weeks of DECA is not enough,,,8-12wks is better.
ONLY run the ANADROL 4 weeks MAX
CONSIDER using an AI like ARIMIDEX or LETROZOLE during course.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
ALIN said:
4 weeks of DECA is not enough,,,8-12wks is better.
ONLY run the ANADROL 4 weeks MAX
CONSIDER using an AI like ARIMIDEX or LETROZOLE during course.

Thanks for all the responses Alin. I guess I could order more test and deca during the cycle. Interesting what you put about 4 weeks of anadrol. I know this is due to liver toxicity. I suppose too that when I ran Dbol for 6 weeks 90% of my gains (about 18 pounds) were probably made during the first 3 weeks. And short cycles are increasingly popular now (4 weeks on, 4 weeks off). What do other people think about the running of anadrol. Do you think it should be 4 or 6? I will run it for 4 and if things are cool I might try 1 more week max then.

How does this sound then?

Week 1-4 = Anadrol
Week 1-10 = Testosterone c
Week 2-10 = Deca

I don't want to start everything on the same week. That will be nice as the Deca will kick in one week after the test. I have heard proviron is pointless with anadrol. But as I am using the others that will be good to do. I am gonna do Nolvadex throughout the cycle (not a high dosage). Actually I will do it but start it at the beginning of week 3. I will start doing provirnon a few weeks b4 the end of the cycle for about 3 weeks. That has a positive effect on Noladex at the end (and PCT in general). Doasge will be pro 25mg (maybe 50) and Nolva 20mg per day. I will do 2 weeks of HCG at weeks 4-6. Then do more for PCT (sufficient gap between periods). So what do you think of this complete cycle?

Week 1-4 = Anadrol (50mg per day)
Week 1-10 = Testosterone c (about 500mg per week)
Week 2-10 = Deca (about 300mg per week)
Week 3-15 = Nolvadex (dosage 10mg or 20mg during, 20mg during 7-12 and 30mg during 13, 20mg during 14 and finish with 10mg for the final week)
Week 7-10 = Provirnon (25mg)
Week 4-6 & 10-12 = HCG (1500 I.U. every 4th or 5th day for around 2 weeks each time I use).

Or is all that too much for a 2nd cycle? I think it will be cool though. Let me know. Thanks