Need help i cant grow!


Registered User
Oct 10, 2007
stats: 5'8", 170lbs, 8%bf
diet. 24 eggwhites, 4 cans tuna, 2 bups broc, 2 cups brown rice, 4 shakes, 2 bowls oatmeal, 5 chkn breasts.
training: 20 sets of 6-8 reps per body part, chest mon, back tues, legs wed, thurs off, shoulders fri, arms sat, sun off.

in dec starting 750mg test e/wk for 16 wks, 600mg deca/wk and 500mg tren e
pct will be hch throughout and test taper.
goal: 210lbs.(not just on one cycle)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
tkav1980 said:
stats: 5'8", 170lbs, 8%bf
diet. 24 eggwhites, 4 cans tuna, 2 bups broc, 2 cups brown rice, 4 shakes, 2 bowls oatmeal, 5 chkn breasts.
training: 20 sets of 6-8 reps per body part, chest mon, back tues, legs wed, thurs off, shoulders fri, arms sat, sun off.

in dec starting 750mg test e/wk for 16 wks, 600mg deca/wk and 500mg tren e
pct will be hch throughout and test taper.
goal: 210lbs.(not just on one cycle)

Your diet sounds cool. I assume you eat every 2-3 hours which you should. But you are going wrong with your routine. 20 sets per body part if far too much. You are overtraining and that will result in no increase in size. Moreover, you need to have sufficient rest between sessions. It's in that time you actually grow. It's always good getting plenty of sleep (8 hours is fine for me). And drink lots of water.

Say you are doing your chest I would recommend doing 3 exercises at 4 sets each. A good thing to do is for your last set do it at a weight so you reach total failure on about rep 6 or 7. Once failure is reached don't think other set of the same thing will be better. Less really is more (not too much though)!. The same thing can be applied to most body parts.

4/5 day splits can be cool but you should be having more rest than you do. The perfect routine I feel is Mon, Wed, Fri. This way you get 1 day between sessions and upto 3 days off over the weekend to fully recover. Everyone has personal goals so you fit them around that routine. Maybe something like below

Mon- Chest, tricep
Wed- Back, Legs
Fri- Shoulders, bi-ceps

I am doing something similar. But I want to do both deadlifts and squats as they are the best for overall mass building. So I do my bi-ceps with my back and do deadlifts in my back routine. Then move over legs to other day and have squats in that routine. So I am doing my back twice per week. I always have the two spaced out though. It is good to have maybe 2 core exercises for each bodypart and the other 2 you swop around from a list of 4 or 5. That way you are always doing different things and your muscles done get used to a routine. As you are swapping around you can do that for months. I like to completely change my routine though every 3 months or so. If the above one sounds decent you could rotate deadlifts and squats each week on the back day.

I know it is easy to think more is better but it really isn't. You can also use the days off for cardio is you want.

You cycle seems decent. I am guessing you have done many cycles as the dosages are extremely high when doing the 3 together. Many people recommend doing HCG throughout a routine. But I have always heard it is best to do it after around 5/6 weeks (middle of average cycle) and do it for 2 weeks (3 injections of about 2000/2500IU every 4/5 days). Then do other 2 weeks at the end of the cycle. But you are best asking peoples opinions on that. Regardless of the above you should be using Nolvadex for PCT (even during your cycle too). Maybe throw in some proviron. The best being 25mg of pro and 20mg of Nolva. If you can get armidex that could be used instead of the previous two (strong and expensive).

I should add if you want to build up lots I would personally do:
Week 1-6 = Dianabol (About 25-50mg per day)
Week 1-12 Test E (or 16 weeks if you want - I don't see the need)
Week 2-11 Deca or Tren e
Week 6-8 & 14-16= HCG
Week 3-20 Nolvadex (3-12 at 10mg, 13-16 at 20mg, 17 at 30mg, 18 at 20mg, 19-20 at 10mg.
Week 9-12 Proviron (25mg per day)

I hope that helps. Kev


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add that you should always try to increase weight every week (session). Or if you get 4 reps from the final set try 5. Then 6,7, up to 8. Then move up the weight slightly so you are back on 4 or 5. And go up again. That way you can go through the months improving slightly each week. Don't over do it as your form will be bad plus you would be giving yourself the full opportunity to increase through the weeks (too heavy to move up fast). That way you are always doing more and your muscles are being worked to their full potential.

I like to for a random weeks (every 6 weeks or so) go much lighter too and do huge reps like 25 for each one. You get the best pump and it really works. Hope it helps. Let me know how you get on. Kev


Registered User
Apr 12, 2007
tkav1980 said:
stats: 5'8", 170lbs, 8%bf
diet. 24 eggwhites, 4 cans tuna, 2 bups broc, 2 cups brown rice, 4 shakes, 2 bowls oatmeal, 5 chkn breasts.
training: 20 sets of 6-8 reps per body part, chest mon, back tues, legs wed, thurs off, shoulders fri, arms sat, sun off.

in dec starting 750mg test e/wk for 16 wks, 600mg deca/wk and 500mg tren e
pct will be hch throughout and test taper.
goal: 210lbs.(not just on one cycle)

Big A wrote an excellent primer on growth principles and we have the article posted on our site here: http://www.gear99.com/nutrition-training.php. It's also on professionalmuscle somewhere.




Aug 28, 2005
tkav1980 said:
stats: 5'8", 170lbs, 8%bf
diet. 24 eggwhites, 4 cans tuna, 2 bups broc, 2 cups brown rice, 4 shakes, 2 bowls oatmeal, 5 chkn breasts.
training: 20 sets of 6-8 reps per body part, chest mon, back tues, legs wed, thurs off, shoulders fri, arms sat, sun off.

in dec starting 750mg test e/wk for 16 wks, 600mg deca/wk and 500mg tren e
pct will be hch throughout and test taper.
goal: 210lbs.(not just on one cycle)

EVEN on AAS you can overtrain. 20 sets per bodypart,,everyday is a little extreme IMO. You need rest days.

Also maybe your eating too clean and not taking in enough calories?