Please Delete Me Asap



There you go FUZO.
You should be deleted now.
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Registered User
Jan 25, 2006
hahaha, all of his posts are still here. He has something to do with genxxl, I think. Thats where all his posts are.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2006
i dont "talk shit" to be honest i dont really talk about anyone at all, when people call you a "scammer" if you will i mearly say that i never took the chance to be scammed because of the here say.... you want me gone just say the word tho, its your forum.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2006
in fact after looking over every post ive made the onlything ive ever said about you in gerneral was the i couldnt understand if you screw everyone why would they trust you.

P.S. real mature who ever that was, you kno who you are.


Feb 24, 2007
brendanbreen said:
in fact after looking over every post ive made the onlything ive ever said about you in gerneral was the i couldnt understand if you screw everyone why would they trust you.
So what are you saying...

I don't know any self respecting person that hasn't been VERY influenced/mis-guided that doesn't trust our bro.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2006
im just saying that i wasnt talkin shit and that i was never screwed by him myself. thats all i really have to say on the subject, im not really interested in a conflict and never have been... so if thats what this is going to come to and im not wanted on this board by the adims then it you guy's board and tell me to screw. im just here to answer questions to the best of my ability and be of help to people if i can.
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Sep 17, 2003
brendanbreen said:
i dont "talk shit" to be honest i dont really talk about anyone at all, when people call you a "scammer" if you will i mearly say that i never took the chance to be scammed because of the here say.... you want me gone just say the word tho, its your forum.

How can I scam anyone when I don't sell things? One moron there said I scammed of gear. I never sold gear. He idiot confused me with someone else.
That's the intelligence level there.

I dare ANYONE to find a single instance where I have ripped off anyone for anything.

Pincrusher is just jealous. I welcomed him here as a mod. I showed him only respect courtesy and I allowed him for free to promote his site as much as he wanted on my sites without asking anything in return.
He repaid me by bashing me in public while he was still a mod. I guess it showed his lack of integrity.

The only people that bash me are the Genxxl crew after I outed their little scheme a year ago where they fell on their faces afterwards and MDTNT/MrX came apologising to me telling that what they did was the dumbest thing they ever did and it ruined their business then.

As I said it before, this is why I think I got up Pin's skirt so much:

1. I make in a week what he earns in a year
2. He is a 185lb bowller (yet he has a bb forum??) and I'm an IFBB Pro
3. ProMuscle is ranked 26,000 in Alexa, yet his site doesn't even register in Alexa 'cause its traffic is so shit
4. He's an ugly bastard (have you see his pics?) and I'm good looking
5. My woman is hot, his is buttfuck ugly
6. He drives a piece of shit, I have a fleet of exotics
7. He lives in a crappy place, I have a mansion
8. I have all the above, yet I am MUCH younger than him.
9. I have NEVER screwed anyone over (can prove it too) yet he fucked people over

Jealousy is a bitch. He is so pathetic, he can't lift himself up so the only way to feel good about himself is to try to bring others down.

Big A

IFBB Pro / NPC Judge / Admin
Sep 10, 2005
AnaSci.org is the technical administrative account here. I didn't switch over to Big A when I posted the post above.

Big A

IFBB Pro / NPC Judge / Admin
Sep 10, 2005
BTW, when I took over this site, all the previous staff here had little schemes going where they were ripping off the members, and since they knew that shit like that doens't fly on my boards and that I was making this site a free site, they all scurried away like rats to Pins board.

The only people that speak badly against me are the Genxxl crew and reps (Pin is one of them and so are a lot of his members), the ex staff from here that I got rid off and Anthony Roberts/Connors.
All the above are people that I exposed for being dishonest, that is why they bitch about me.

And as I said before, I challenge anyone to show any instance where I ripped anyone off for anything.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I talked to FUZO briefly today on another Vet forum.
I knew the name looked familiar but I couldnt place it.....
He has been around. He wanted me to pass along that His Mommy didnt Find his stuff and No he was not in trouble, lol

Since he handled it well and was respectfull about it I told him I will personaly delete his posts. He admins on a few boards and is a vet in the community.

Now maybe he is a genxx guy or supporter Im not sure. Obviously there are some hard feelings between them and Alin from here.
I never seen Fuzo feed the fire or talk shit..... he simply asked to be removed
So I can respect that. Everyone has there "click" or favorites.
I havnt personaly seen him bash Alin or the board-us so I feel its only fare
to treat him back with a bit of respect so Ive deleted some of the posts.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
rAJJIN said:
I talked to FUZO briefly today on another Vet forum.
I knew the name looked familiar but I couldnt place it.....
He has been around. He wanted me to pass along that His Mommy didnt Find his stuff and No he was not in trouble, lol

Since he handled it well and was respectfull about it I told him I will personaly delete his posts. He admins on a few boards and is a vet in the community.

Now maybe he is a genxx guy or supporter Im not sure. Obviously there are some hard feelings between them and Alin from here.
I never seen Fuzo feed the fire or talk shit..... he simply asked to be removed
So I can respect that. Everyone has there "click" or favorites.
I havnt personaly seen him bash Alin or the board-us so I feel its only fare
to treat him back with a bit of respect so Ive deleted some of the posts.
I hear that bro...No argument here, to each his own...As long as no shit's flying I'm cool with anyone who comes and goes on the boards...He should have just PM'ed Big A from the beginning though........


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
kawasaki1 said:
I hear that bro...No argument here, to each his own...As long as no shit's flying I'm cool with anyone who comes and goes on the boards...He should have just PM'ed Big A from the beginning though........

correct. Or found him on another forum like he did me.
whatever though ya know :smoker: