Tabs with injectables


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am guessing people will say it doesn't really matter. All it is I received all my sachets but my pills must have been seized. Anyway I decided I have waited far too long so have just injected my first bit of Test C. I plan to do about 600mg per week for 10 weeks tops. I would usually just do my tabs (dbol) at the start and for a max of 6 weeks. I am gonna order some more soon and will probably get them around week 4. I just wanna know is it better to take them week 1 or during the 2nd part of a cycle? I am thinking due to the test suppression it may not be as good. Or would it be better as it would be a kick in the 2nd part of my cycle. I welcome any informed views. I know most are on some sort of test throughout and use other injectables and tabs at certain stages. But I just wanna know for someone who will do a max of 18 weeks on per year. Thanks


Dec 9, 2007
RE:tabs and injectables

Ok first off test Cyp takes about 4 weeks to kick in so theres only 6 weeks left of your cycle your waisting your time....

as far as the d-bol you should only run it for 4 weeks at the most.Alot of people use the d-bol to jump start there cycle.Me I use it when ever I need a extra push in my cycle it can eather be in the beginning or middle or at the end it really doesnt matter

My advise to you is to spread out your cycle to about 12 - 14 weeks youll be pisst when you dont see any results in 10 weeks just my opinion considering I have been doing this for over 22 years and have tried pretty much every cycle out there.


New member
Nov 11, 2006
east coast(usa)
you can use your dbol at any stage of the cycle most use it at the begining to get things going ,but its not required that you do ive used dbol in the last few wks of cycle just to get me to my strength goal before ending the cycle.that was a 14 wk cycle that i started with dbol and finished with dbol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Test C takes 4 weeks to kick in? I would say that figure would be 2 weeks. I suppose it will take 4 week for it to start to really go to work and you feel a huge difference in workouts. Thanks for the advice on the dbol. I shall just take that starting in the middle of my cycle. I will run it for 5 weeks. I ran it for 6 weeks on my first cycle and that was great. I know people will advise to just run test on 1st cycles but I was cool. I am not into running long cycles. I think short cycles are far better when you compare sides and results etc (different topic and everyone has their own opinions).

I didn't really get what you said about if I start it in week 4 I will have only 6 weeks left. Cos test c has an active life of 15-16 days so if I do my last shot in week 10 my cycle really lasts 12 weeks from my very first injection. Compare that to 6-8 hours with dbol so even if I start week 4 and finish week 9 I will still have 3 weeks of test c in my system after the dbol has finished. Plus it is always best to cease each steroid at different times and not completely stop all at them at the same time in regards to their active lives. Thanks for your advice and I will following it. I would usually have all the gear set out but as it was cseized I just started without. I might add 10 weeks of deca with the test c too (I have the sachets). Deca starting on week 2 and finishing week 12.


Dec 9, 2007

I understand what your saying.... test cyp is the same thing as test enthante so your looking at it starting to work in 4 weeks.

are you shooting 600mg in 1 week or are you breaking it down to 300 x 2 a week.

just because it says the active life is life is 15-16 days does not mean anything cause if it were true everyone would be shooting every other week,

are you using a UG lab cause that would be the only that offers 300mg test,unless its 250mg and your just adding 50mg

hope everything works out for you remember if your gonna use deca its 2 to 1


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
musclelab said:
I understand what your saying.... test cyp is the same thing as test enthante so your looking at it starting to work in 4 weeks.

are you shooting 600mg in 1 week or are you breaking it down to 300 x 2 a week.

just because it says the active life is life is 15-16 days does not mean anything cause if it were true everyone would be shooting every other week,

are you using a UG lab cause that would be the only that offers 300mg test,unless its 250mg and your just adding 50mg

hope everything works out for you remember if your gonna use deca its 2 to 1

Thanks for the reply. Although it says 15-16 days what I hear is people usually inject once per week (sometimes breaking that to 2 injections). As I think you shouldn't inject too much in one area I split it into 2 injections per week. I am using sachets by Eco Oils. They are 3ml but you usually get upto 3.5ml in each sachet. For the test c it is 200mg per ml. So you are gonna get 600-700mg per sachet. I usually just inject half on the Mon and half on the Thurs. Yeah I know test c and e are exactly the same. I picked test c cos many have said you get more of a kick from it but on the whole they are basically the same.

I was originally gonna do test c, deca and adrol but will be changing to dbol. I done dbol b4 and it was great but wanted to try adrol. But since they have been seized I thought I would get dbol again as I have heard so many bad things about adrol. I wanted to try something new but it has been that long I don't mind doing dbol again now. Plus I was fine on dbol. I don't really wanna get bad acne cos I do promotional work. Usually I wouldn't be bothered but I have been offered a decent job I feel it would be best to stay away (adrol can be worst for that many say).

The Deca is the same values as my test. I was gonna do about 400mg per week. One of the sites I have used is:
http://www.%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...that too). I have Nolvadex, Provinon and HCG
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Aug 28, 2005
Most like the DBOL at the begining for a jumpstart. you can use them the last 4 weeks with great results as well.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
You can make good gains off The cyp alone Elvia.
Of course it would have bveen better to add some Deca or Dbol But Dont underestimate the power of the Test :)
Just eat good and train hard bro. Dont overthink it to much.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2007
I think it has to do with the point of origin, but I've always gotten satchets and HCG very quick. The tabs can drag out for a month or so longer. And, a friggin seizure letter can take 3 or more months.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:
You can make good gains off The cyp alone Elvia.
Of course it would have bveen better to add some Deca or Dbol But Dont underestimate the power of the Test :)
Just eat good and train hard bro. Dont overthink it to much.

You are right. Good thing is though I sent them an e-mail saying I have no seizure letter yet and would it be possible to order some with a discount as I am poor at the moment. But they have gone and replied saying something about a delay and they will be resending all the stuff that I didn't receive. But in past e-mails they said we think it has been seized due to evidence (so I assumed they knew they had sent that part of the order). I guess it is a break up in communication on their part as they wouldn't usually do that and would wait for the seizure letter to be sent to them. Anyway cool for me and I will be getting my anadrol, provinon and 100 free dbol tabs. Usually I would just get more but money is the worst it has ever been (will be much different soon).

You are totally right about the test c alone. But I wanna gain as much as possible b4 my cutting cycle so I will be adding the anadrol (even though I would have prefered dbol but 100 is not enough).

My cycle is

Week 1-10= Test C at 600-700mg per week (whatever I get from each sachet)
Week 2-11= Deca at 350-400mg per week
Week ? I assume starting 2 or 3 and doing for 5 weeks- Anadrol 50mg per day

What you guys think?


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
You are right. Good thing is though I sent them an e-mail saying I have no seizure letter yet and would it be possible to order some with a discount as I am poor at the moment. But they have gone and replied saying something about a delay and they will be resending all the stuff that I didn't receive. But in past e-mails they said we think it has been seized due to evidence (so I assumed they knew they had sent that part of the order). I guess it is a break up in communication on their part as they wouldn't usually do that and would wait for the seizure letter to be sent to them. Anyway cool for me and I will be getting my anadrol, provinon and 100 free dbol tabs. Usually I would just get more but money is the worst it has ever been (will be much different soon).

You are totally right about the test c alone. But I wanna gain as much as possible b4 my cutting cycle so I will be adding the anadrol (even though I would have prefered dbol but 100 is not enough).

My cycle is

Week 1-10= Test C at 600-700mg per week (whatever I get from each sachet)
Week 2-11= Deca at 350-400mg per week
Week ? I assume starting 2 or 3 and doing for 5 weeks- Anadrol 50mg per day

What you guys think?

Looks Good to me. Goodluck to ya