BP DBOL and Sustanon 4 weeks in


New member
Dec 11, 2007
I just wanted to tell everyone that I have kept a nice diet going and taking weight gainers whey etc and I wanted to tell everyone that the BP DBOL's are great. I am taking 100mg. ED for 4 weeks, I know thats a bit harsh but i've been following up on milk thistle and drinking plenty of liquids to clean out the system and assure no liver problems occur. I have gained a solid 20 lbs in the 4 weeks ive been using this and I must tell you that I am extremely happy. I was on sustanon only cycle and while it was great for the gym, I didn't see much in gains or size, but now im seeing a greater difference in this smaller cycle and I strongly know its from the BP DBOL and sustanon mix, most importantly the weight gainers are helping me a whole lot. Diet is very important if you want to add size on in that month and in a month I got 20 lbs more to add. Just wanted to say that this cycle is great. Beginners cycle is also very good with test e @ 500mg a week for 12 weeks.. you may use DBOL to kickstart it, at 50mg ED for 4 weeks, that way by week 5, the test fully kicks in. I still tried Test and sustanon and between the two, sustanon 250 has my vote without a doubt. Sustanon is quicker to act on the body, and takes me a week to kick in, while test was about 4 weeks for me, which was worth the wait, but only to the beginning user. thats all for now, more updates as the months progress.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2007
It would be good to keep tabs on your blood pressure. D-bol kicks up my blood pressure pretty quick. A temporary jump isn't anything to get frantic about, but if it stays up too long, all kinds of nasty things can occur.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Thanks for letting us know. Cos I was deciding between sus and test c for my 3rd cycle but sus is the route I will go down. Just cos I wanna try each substance too so I know first hand and I am doing test c now. I am on my 2nd cycle now. I got my sachets ages ago and still waited and waited (over 2 months) for my anadrol tabs but they didn't come. So I started the sachets and I am in week 4 now. I am doing around 600-700mg test c and 300-350mg deca per week. I should have my tabs in the next few days (been promised by company) so I will be doing 50mg adrol ed for 4-5 weeks (probably week 5-10). If the worst comes to the worst that is cool cos I will be more than happy to just do the sachets and can try adrol on my 3rd cycle (but I should get them soon). I will do 12 weeks of test and 13 of Deca then all the effective PCT etc. I will have one month off after PCT and will do LA Muscles Norateen Heavyweight 2 for a little boost in that time. Thanks for letting me know cos my 3rd cycle is gonna be:

Week 1-12 = Sus 250 around 700mg per week
Week 1-13 = Eq around 400mg per week
Week 1-5 = Dbol probably 40mg per day

Hope it continues to go well. Do continue the check-ups and check your bp too. But I would imagine it is only gonna come back down after the dbol. 100mg is high though. I think the max I am ever gonna go to is 50/60 mg per day! Happy New Year too!


New member
Dec 11, 2007
Elvia1023 said:
Thanks for letting us know. Cos I was deciding between sus and test c for my 3rd cycle but sus is the route I will go down. Just cos I wanna try each substance too so I know first hand and I am doing test c now. I am on my 2nd cycle now. I got my sachets ages ago and still waited and waited (over 2 months) for my anadrol tabs but they didn't come. So I started the sachets and I am in week 4 now. I am doing around 600-700mg test c and 300-350mg deca per week. I should have my tabs in the next few days (been promised by company) so I will be doing 50mg adrol ed for 4-5 weeks (probably week 5-10). If the worst comes to the worst that is cool cos I will be more than happy to just do the sachets and can try adrol on my 3rd cycle (but I should get them soon). I will do 12 weeks of test and 13 of Deca then all the effective PCT etc. I will have one month off after PCT and will do LA Muscles Norateen Heavyweight 2 for a little boost in that time. Thanks for letting me know cos my 3rd cycle is gonna be:

Week 1-12 = Sus 250 around 700mg per week
Week 1-13 = Eq around 400mg per week
Week 1-5 = Dbol probably 40mg per day

Hope it continues to go well. Do continue the check-ups and check your bp too. But I would imagine it is only gonna come back down after the dbol. 100mg is high though. I think the max I am ever gonna go to is 50/60 mg per day! Happy New Year too!

Thanks for the post, I read every bit of it and I wish you luck in getting the tabs, I know they'll come in. Also, I wish you success in the cycle! Correct me if im wrong, but if you want Sust @ 700mg a week, perhaps getting Sustanon 350 would do the trick? And thanks for the new years wish! My blood pressure isn't as high as it should, but im as sick as a dog, however the best part of this is that somethings causing this sudden sickness but anyhow, happened to me last time, so it should be said and done soon enough! I am wary on my order I placed, stupid me put a name that customs will recognize so I am hoping it gets through and i wont use that name again. Waiting 13 days now and still hoping.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
20lbs in the first 4 weeks,your doing well...how much did you weigh at the start of this cycle.