Just a few questions...


New member
Jan 10, 2008
Is it ok to just use D-bol by itself? Is it very affective used by itself? How long should it be used for?


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
D-bol is very effective by itself but does have some down sides. Now almost anyone will tell you to man up and take Test, which you should, but I have and no many who have gotten great gains off of by itself whether using it to blitz cycles together of just for a short period of time to bump up strength.


New member
Dec 11, 2007
GetSwullll said:
D-bol is very effective by itself but does have some down sides. Now almost anyone will tell you to man up and take Test, which you should, but I have and no many who have gotten great gains off of by itself whether using it to blitz cycles together of just for a short period of time to bump up strength.

Quote the said about. Test is best, doc always recommends :)


New member
Jan 5, 2008
MrClean said:
Is it ok to just use D-bol by itself? Is it very affective used by itself? How long should it be used for?

Bad idea,i think you need to learn a bit more,before you start using AAS.:sniper:


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
Sure u can do Dbol by itself... A ton of people start dusing gear by doing an oral cycle of Dbol only. Shit back in the old days guys like Larry Scott, Dave Draper, Sergio, Zane, (are said to have) used Dbol only ... if you go back and look at old pics you can see the difference in Mass ....All of em added like 25lbs of muscle in a year LOL DBol !!!! Lotta people still do..
Go for it ... Check out Synthetek for your liver protectant...you can use it orraly too... Milk thistle works but no where near as well as the liver protector that Synthetek has..


Nov 13, 2005
Cryptasm ARE YOU SERIOUS????

MrClean said:
Is it ok to just use D-bol by itself? Is it very affective used by itself? How long should it be used for?

Cryptasm said:
Sure u can do Dbol by itself... A ton of people start dusing gear by doing an oral cycle of Dbol only. Shit back in the old days guys like Larry Scott, Dave Draper, Sergio, Zane, (are said to have) used Dbol only ... if you go back and look at old pics you can see the difference in Mass ....All of em added like 25lbs of muscle in a year LOL DBol !!!! Lotta people still do..
Go for it ... Check out Synthetek for your liver protectant...you can use it orraly too... Milk thistle works but no where near as well as the liver protector that Synthetek has..

This is horrible advice, especially from a "supermod". What are you thinking?? "go for it"???? WTF.....

Dbol alone is a horrible idea. I guess back in the "old days" people just didnt know. I mean, at one point in the past, ciggaretes were touted as a cure for the common cold, and smoking offered "health benefits". Telling someone that now, you would look like your insane, but you can go back and look at old ad's and sure enough you can find those ads.

All cycles should be based on test, as you need to replace and supplement your natural test production as AAS will turn that mechanism off completely. I use dbol to kick start a cycle (never for more than 4 weeks) because I am impatient. I realize that most of my gains from the dbol will melt away when I stop it, but by then the test (I usually use cyp) will be on the rise and helps keep the gains started by the dbol.

A "cycle" of dbol alone is not a cycle. IMO it's irresponsible and foolish to reccommend a dbol only cycle.

There are many newbies and inexperienced bros who "just dont know". Posts like yours can take on a life of their own, linked to other sites with the subject: "Mods say dbol alone a great idea!" linked to your post.

I would think, as a supermod, you would have some form of a clue. Based on your post, you dont.
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Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
Drob29 Been busy and dint see this till now.. "BRO"

the question was as I understand it "BRO" "is it ok to use dbol by itself?" Right?? AND ?????? IT IS !!!! Dbol was the first AAS any bodybuilder in the early 60's that chose to use AAS (which there was only one: DBOL) did it buy itself... testosterone had been sythisized in the early 1900's by a German Scientist during and given to the German army for added agression, and to make them stronder and better killers. Mostly it worked as far as agression and well being, but luckly they (the Nazi's) didnt know annything about resistance exersise as the trigger for growth sizeand strenth or we would have been fighting a much stronger force and the outcome may have been different. They'd be speaking German in London now if the Nazi's hit the Iron too.. Anyway DBol at 10mgs provides full androgen replacement.
Dbol also can be used to bridge between cycles while your natural test production is recovering ( whileusing HCG,Clomid, Nolvadex ect..nuther story for another day) Did u know that ???? thousands have done dbol only cycles since 1956 Did you know that...?????

Did I say he should take 100mgs a day for a year?? NO

Did he ask about doing a kickstart??? NO

Tons of people use Dbol only as their first cycle cause they are afraid of injections "BRO" and get great results and continue it regularly..

I also reccomended a liver protectant cause its hepotoxic.. I assume thats bad advice too???? 'BRO"????

So listen up "BRO" you got a issue with something that anyone ..ESPECIALLY a MOD posts here do a few things if you are interested in sticking around..
1. Check you facts !!!!! Which you didnt: DBOL was the first and only AAS available in the late 50's early 60's ..thats all there was.. Test came later..

2. Do it with respect or you are more than welcome to go somewhere else
and be an asshole, we dont need one here. You could have addressed this in a better way insted of the way you did, comming off like your some fuckin high and mighty guru calling me "WRONG" and giving "HORRIBLE" advice.

I did nt reccomend a dbol only cycle, but i sure as hell would if someone I knew wanted to do their first cycle and dint want to poke oil every week..then I'd say Dude do 6-8 weeks DBOL, take liver protectant, eat like a cow and dont dirnk alcohol while "on" .

Thats Bad Advise ??????n HMMMM

opinions are like assholes everyones got em... you welcome to share em, but it dont mean yer right.....

So next time you got an "opinion" voice it if you want...but dont be a know it all PUNK lemme guess your like 21 and yer the guy who walks in the gym with a bad ass attitude acting like you own the place and want everyone to be afraidof you??? One of those guys that give the rest of us a bad rap because yer so huge and mean....????

The one that tells a skinny guy who wants to do his first cycle to do 1000mgs of test and 400mgs Deca per week with a 50mg per day 4 week Dbol kick start .. Right ???

Now you wanna stick around?? Dont be a Jerk Off !!! this is your one warning next time Im cuttin u off..


Nov 13, 2005
Cryptasm said:
Drob29 Been busy and dint see this till now.. "BRO"

the question was as I understand it "BRO" "is it ok to use dbol by itself?" Right?? AND ?????? IT IS !!!!

No, in my opinion it is not. When on a dbol only cycle, natural test production stops. Without supplementing natural test production with synthetic test then, although you will gain size and strength, your abilty to keep these gains becomes compromised without test supplementation

Dbol was the first AAS any bodybuilder in the early 60's that chose to use AAS (which there was only one: DBOL) did it buy itself... testosterone had been sythisized in the early 1900's by a German Scientist during and given to the German army for added agression, and to make them stronder and better killers. Mostly it worked as far as agression and well being, but luckly they (the Nazi's) didnt know annything about resistance exersise as the trigger for growth sizeand strenth or we would have been fighting a much stronger force and the outcome may have been different. They'd be speaking German in London now if the Nazi's hit the Iron too.. Anyway DBol at 10mgs provides full androgen replacement.
Dbol also can be used to bridge between cycles while your natural test production is recovering ( whileusing HCG,Clomid, Nolvadex ect..nuther story for another day) Did u know that ????

Actually, by using dbol (or HCG for that matter) you will continue to supress natural test recovery.

thousands have done dbol only cycles since 1956 Did you know that...?????

I am sure they have. That fact alone does not make it a good idea.

Did I say he should take 100mgs a day for a year?? NO

Did he ask about doing a kickstart??? NO

Tons of people use Dbol only as their first cycle cause they are afraid of injections "BRO" and get great results and continue it regularly..

Again, I am sure thay have, but that fact alone does not make it a good idea.

I also reccomended a liver protectant cause its hepotoxic.. I assume thats bad advice too???? 'BRO"????

No, this is good advice. sythergine is the best, I use it.

So listen up "BRO" you got a issue with something that anyone ..ESPECIALLY a MOD posts here do a few things if you are interested in sticking around..

If you found my reply offensive, then I apologize. Actually I re read it and it may have came off a little rough, although I stand by my post and the message it delivered. dbol alone is not a good suggestion for a first cycle.

1. Check you facts !!!!! Which you didnt: DBOL was the first and only AAS available in the late 50's early 60's ..thats all there was.. Test came later..

I agree.

2. Do it with respect or you are more than welcome to go somewhere else
and be an asshole, we dont need one here. You could have addressed this in a better way insted of the way you did, comming off like your some fuckin high and mighty guru calling me "WRONG" and giving "HORRIBLE" advice.

Like I said, if you were offended by my tone then I do apologize. It's difficult to guage tone and such in forums like this, and with that said I could see how you were offended.

I did nt reccomend a dbol only cycle,

I read read your post and it sure seems to me that you did

but i sure as hell would if someone I knew wanted to do their first cycle and dint want to poke oil every week..then I'd say Dude do 6-8 weeks DBOL, take liver protectant, eat like a cow and dont dirnk alcohol while "on" .

Thats Bad Advise ??????n HMMMM

ok. At this point, I respectfully dissagree. Doing more than 4 weeks of dbol is a bad idea (although I have done 5 myself) but saying 6-8 weeks IMO is bad advice. Its liver toxic and even with sythergine 6-8 weeks is to long.

I got into a debate with Big A himself about a year ago, as I thought six weeks was fine. I was wrong. It's not ok. Its very bad for your liver at that length cycle

opinions are like assholes everyones got em... you welcome to share em, but it dont mean yer right.....

So next time you got an "opinion" voice it if you want...but dont be a know it all PUNK lemme guess your like 21 and yer the guy who walks in the gym with a bad ass attitude acting like you own the place and want everyone to be afraidof you??? One of those guys that give the rest of us a bad rap because yer so huge and mean....????

The one that tells a skinny guy who wants to do his first cycle to do 1000mgs of test and 400mgs Deca per week with a 50mg per day 4 week Dbol kick start .. Right ???

Actually, I am 44 yo, 5ft 10, currently 208 lbs. I just had some abdominal surgery and have been out of the gym for a few weeks, with a few more to go. I am married, father of three, and did not cycle until I was 42, after 6 years of lifting "for real" and many years before that of pretending to lift. There are many people youger and more muscular than I, and good for them.

Also, I am a huge fan of single compound cycles to start, and I say more is not better. I would never say 1000 mgs test/400mg deca/with dbol. My approach is go slow and learn and understand what your doing.

I know what you mean about the young bad ass punks, who are juiced act like assholes. Truust me, I am not one.

Now you wanna stick around?? Dont be a Jerk Off !!! this is your one warning next time Im cuttin u off..

So, thats my reply.

I also post at alinboard, and every now and then at Promuscle. I have been active as a member at alinboard for 2 years, and feel I add alot to that board. At PM, I am miles from where most of those guys are, and I mostly read there, but post every now and then.

Reagrding the dbol only cycle, I do not think it is sound advce. I guess we can agree to dissagree.

I would like another mod to chime in on it, if possible.

So Cryptasm, with all that said, are we cool?
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Cryptasm said:
Drob29 Been busy and dint see this till now.. "BRO"

the question was as I understand it "BRO" "is it ok to use dbol by itself?" Right?? AND ?????? IT IS !!!! Dbol was the first AAS any bodybuilder in the early 60's that chose to use AAS (which there was only one: DBOL) did it buy itself... testosterone had been sythisized in the early 1900's by a German Scientist during and given to the German army for added agression, and to make them stronder and better killers. Mostly it worked as far as agression and well being, but luckly they (the Nazi's) didnt know annything about resistance exersise as the trigger for growth sizeand strenth or we would have been fighting a much stronger force and the outcome may have been different. They'd be speaking German in London now if the Nazi's hit the Iron too.. Anyway DBol at 10mgs provides full androgen replacement.
Dbol also can be used to bridge between cycles while your natural test production is recovering ( whileusing HCG,Clomid, Nolvadex ect..nuther story for another day) Did u know that ???? thousands have done dbol only cycles since 1956 Did you know that...?????

Did I say he should take 100mgs a day for a year?? NO

Did he ask about doing a kickstart??? NO

Tons of people use Dbol only as their first cycle cause they are afraid of injections "BRO" and get great results and continue it regularly..

I also reccomended a liver protectant cause its hepotoxic.. I assume thats bad advice too???? 'BRO"????

So listen up "BRO" you got a issue with something that anyone ..ESPECIALLY a MOD posts here do a few things if you are interested in sticking around..
1. Check you facts !!!!! Which you didnt: DBOL was the first and only AAS available in the late 50's early 60's ..thats all there was.. Test came later..

2. Do it with respect or you are more than welcome to go somewhere else
and be an asshole, we dont need one here. You could have addressed this in a better way insted of the way you did, comming off like your some fuckin high and mighty guru calling me "WRONG" and giving "HORRIBLE" advice.

I did nt reccomend a dbol only cycle, but i sure as hell would if someone I knew wanted to do their first cycle and dint want to poke oil every week..then I'd say Dude do 6-8 weeks DBOL, take liver protectant, eat like a cow and dont dirnk alcohol while "on" .

Thats Bad Advise ??????n HMMMM

opinions are like assholes everyones got em... you welcome to share em, but it dont mean yer right.....

So next time you got an "opinion" voice it if you want...but dont be a know it all PUNK lemme guess your like 21 and yer the guy who walks in the gym with a bad ass attitude acting like you own the place and want everyone to be afraidof you??? One of those guys that give the rest of us a bad rap because yer so huge and mean....????

The one that tells a skinny guy who wants to do his first cycle to do 1000mgs of test and 400mgs Deca per week with a 50mg per day 4 week Dbol kick start .. Right ???

Now you wanna stick around?? Dont be a Jerk Off !!! this is your one warning next time Im cuttin u off..

True. Cos he wasn't saying it is the best thing you can do. Of course doing dbol with test would be better. And although I wouldn't go around rec dbol only it still is fine if kept short. Sure most of the gains will fall off but that is to be expected but with effective PCT you could keep half. I know a few people who cycled dbol alone and gained over 10 pounds after PCT and recovery. Adrol only cycles are abit different and I wouldn't be rec them at all really.

You should add test but if you don't want to pin then dbol alone is ok. The liver toxicity of many orals are actually greatly overstated but still they are damaging. They can cause problems with anyone so you should always be careful. Have tests done b4hand to get your baseline and see if you are naturally healthy to start. Take a liver protector such as liv-52 and also something like milk thistle too. Keep the cycle 6 weeks in length tops and (4 or 5 is best). Have you taken dbol b4? If it is your first time I would rec 25mg per day. That will give you excellent gains with few sides. Just done drink alcohol whilst your on and you will be fine. When I mentioned the liver toxcity taht I know people who have never cycled but go out every week and knock back 20 shots and have 15 bottles and take various medications - and you are telling me that is healthier than someone who cycles on occasions but takes all the protection and doesn't drink and has a good diet... exactly.

Many people don't actually know dbol is sometimes taken as a supplement throughout the year (rare). Before people fly off their high horses I am talking about a dose of about 2.5mg per day. It brings about many benefits and obviously little/no sides.

So good luck to you and just make sure you have your protection sorted. I would take Nolvadex during oyur cycle too. And throw in some proviron to help harden you up (I love my pro). It is not a must but is so cheap that it is an excellent addition to any cycle. 30 50mg tabs are $30 on Alinshop. You split them in half and you have 60 days supply (25mg per day) so thats more than enough.

By the way (to everyone else) I don't go round rec dbol only cycles but if someone asked the above it is for a reason. So you do your best with what you have. And dbol only cycles are not perfect (obviously) but they are not severely damaging like most think - so taking 12 week of 500mg of test and a kickstart of dbol is better? Sure for gains but like I said he asked about the dbol only. Good luck to yeah.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just read the other message. By the way drob eveything you say is correct and you make complete sense. And like I said it is not ideal to do the cycle. But 4-5 weeks would give someone good gains and although it is mainly water weight I know many people who would be amde up with that increased size (regardles the type of gains). And it will suppress your test but 4-5 weeks is not that bad. If I was rec 40mg + I would decrease the cycle length accordingly.

Just do the usual PCT protocol regardless of cycle length and you will be sorted (clomid and nolva). Just don't be doing 300mg of clomid like you read about first day this time. More Day 1 150mg, days 2-11 100mg, days 12-21 50mg. Nolva 20mg first 2 weeks of PCT and 10mg third and final week. That should have you sorted and helpy you keep as much as your newly acquired gains as possible.


Aug 28, 2005
MrClean said:
Is it ok to just use D-bol by itself? Is it very affective used by itself? How long should it be used for?

Its not best to use alone although many have done this for years. MUCH better when used with DECA and TESTOSTERONE.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
ALIN said:
Its not best to use alone although many have done this for years. MUCH better when used with DECA and TESTOSTERONE.

Bump that


New member
Feb 4, 2008
It was my first cylce. Would I do things over again if i had the chance. Not sure but most likely not. But after trying test i must say test is best. But that is how we all learn and that is why we are here to learn and help others.


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
Drob, you came off alot different in your slamming post, than 100% of your prior posts on this board. You seem to be a good member and a nice guy from what I can tell...
So anyway I will agree to let this pass as a misjugement on both our parts you came across like some youg punk who's juiced up and thinks he knows it all. Obviously thats not you standard attitude, epecially since yer so damn OLD !!! I was born in 1963 so Im alot younger than you :D and I got two kids, so I know you cant be that person I thought you were and maybee you had a bad day, and I actually did have a bad day the day I replied .. and I was a little anoyed to begin with...so we will put it behind us, no hard feelings...

My thanks to everyone (ELVIA you were very helpfull as a devils advocate)who posted after our shitfest showing there are both sides to the story.
It shows how this board works, and why BigA who owns it and Prof Muscle are so sucsessfull, good people, and no flaming...Its not productive and we wont stand for it.. we are not "experts" in AnabolicsOlogy, its not something you can study and have Finals on to get a Anabolics Degree....its something you learn over time... and by reading the "couple " of good books out there (see bottom of page) there are no classes for it..its experience based and we all have differnt results and opinions..

Speak of different results and opinions: If you havent read Nelson Montana's books you should ..everyone shud Im not directing this at u Drob.. Nelson is a piece of work..youll learn alot its real info.. Ive spoke to him on the phone a couple years back, and emailed back and forth... he's a good guy, and real honest you gan get goood info from his perspective...youll laugh yer ass of too ...he lays it out there no holds barred.

anyway we are good, its forgotten and hopefully it will help people think about how they post and to watch how they phrase things when thy think they know better..


Nov 13, 2005
Cryptasm said:
Drob, you came off alot different in your slamming post, than 100% of your prior posts on this board. You seem to be a good member and a nice guy from what I can tell...
So anyway I will agree to let this pass as a misjugement on both our parts you came across like some youg punk who's juiced up and thinks he knows it all. Obviously thats not you standard attitude, epecially since yer so damn OLD !!! I was born in 1963 so Im alot younger than you :D and I got two kids, so I know you cant be that person I thought you were and maybee you had a bad day, and I actually did have a bad day the day I replied .. and I was a little anoyed to begin with...so we will put it behind us, no hard feelings...

My thanks to everyone (ELVIA you were very helpfull as a devils advocate)who posted after our shitfest showing there are both sides to the story.
It shows how this board works, and why BigA who owns it and Prof Muscle are so sucsessfull, good people, and no flaming...Its not productive and we wont stand for it.. we are not "experts" in AnabolicsOlogy, its not something you can study and have Finals on to get a Anabolics Degree....its something you learn over time... and by reading the "couple " of good books out there (see bottom of page) there are no classes for it..its experience based and we all have differnt results and opinions..

Speak of different results and opinions: If you havent read Nelson Montana's books you should ..everyone shud Im not directing this at u Drob.. Nelson is a piece of work..youll learn alot its real info.. Ive spoke to him on the phone a couple years back, and emailed back and forth... he's a good guy, and real honest you gan get goood info from his perspective...youll laugh yer ass of too ...he lays it out there no holds barred.

anyway we are good, its forgotten and hopefully it will help people think about how they post and to watch how they phrase things when thy think they know better..

good to hear and well put.

It is "a challenge" sometimes to read what people mean as we really don talk, we type. I must have been "in a mood" (lol) when I posted, I think we can all say we have "been there".

hey, you say I am alot older than you, but we were born in the same year!! so if ya call me old then YOUR OLD TOO! lol.....

ok, so lets put this behind us, and I appreciate your post.

Have you ever thought of coming to alinboard? right now the board is full of young newbies and post happy twits, and could use a more mature member of two. Its cylical, all the young post happy twits, as you know, and in a bit most will have gotten sick of it and moved on or relaxed and will start to chime in about AAS instead of always posting in the off topic area.

Hope to see you there, or if not here.

take care "bro"! :D