Gap in Cycle


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Need your help guys. My fault for starting my cycle before I got all my stuff. I had already delayed it 2 months with waiting. Then I got my sachets so I decided to start. I didn't receive my tabs but I thought even if i don't I am happy with a cycle of 600-700mg Test C and 300-350mg Deca. I never seem to have a problem with delivery of sachets until now. Basically my last shot of test was last Thus (mon and thurs each week). And my last Deca was on Tues this week (usually wed each week). What do you guys think is the longest I can go without shooting and if I get the others carry on? Or would I just be best after 2 weeks from now start my PCT of just Nolva. I am only in week 5 of the cycle so I think Nolvadex would be enough. Plus I done 3 shots (about 600IU) of HCG in the 4th week. What do you reckon would be the best PCT for the above. As I haven't received any of my tabs I just have loads of Nolvadex. If the worst comes to the worst and I have to stop then would 3 weeks of Nolvadex be cool? Then I should have all my stuff and I can just start other cycle pretty soon couldn't I?

Since the above I have ordered and paid for more sachets from 2 different companies just to ensure I get some asap. I should get the stuff I ordered many weeks ago in the next week so I should be ok. Still appreciate an answer to the above though just incase I don't get anything. I was thinking 3 weeks would be a max. But that would fuck everything up cos I done wanna be on for a silly amount of time like 16 weeks as I am new to this. I am expecting lots of scahets and lots of protection. I should be ok if it comes in the next 2 weeks then I will stay on for other 6 weeks or so (and do 4/5 weeks of adrol too). Thanks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Good news some of my sachets come today (I was surprised). They are some I ordered on 11/12/07 (not from a sponsor on here but some company I found online). So it's only been 8 days since my last Test shot and I done Deca on Tues this week. So I am sorted and my cycle won't be effected. So these will keep me going till I receive my order from Alinshop and other company.