Thinking of starting my first cycle


New member
Feb 3, 2008
Dublin, Ireland
Hi everybody. Looking for some advice.

I have been lifting weights for over 10 years now. For the first few of those years I hadnt a clue what I was doing. I got disallusioned and stopped for a couple of years.

I got back into it and over the last few years from extensive reading and getting into a good gym I finally got the know my body and how to get it to grow though good diet and proper exercise techniques.

Anyway I am thinking of doing a cycle for the first time. I am now 36 so I want to give it a shot at least once and see what it does for me. I would love to hit the 200 lb mark. At the moment I am 178lbs. I have increased my weight my 20 lbs over the last 18 months but since October 07 everything seems to have stopped. I have tired different training techniques, different diets etc but I seem to be stuck.

My diet has been fine tuned over the years and for the last 18 months or so my diet is really good. I take in around 1.5 grammes of protein per my bodyweight each day. I have 6 meals a day and make sure there is protein in every meal. The only thing I have cut down on is the amount of eggs I eat. I was eating about 6 a day. However I had some blood work done a few months back (when I began to seriously consider doing a cycle) and I was told that my cholesterol was on the high side. I told my doctor what I eat on a typical day and he was very impressed but said that maybe for a few months to cut down on the amount of eggs.

I know it could be the fact that I am nearing the 40 mark also so my gains are not going to be like they were so that is another reason I want to do a cycle.

Initially I was thinking of doing an oral only cycle and see how that goes. The thing is I dont know anybody over here in Ireland who has ever done a cycle. The gym I am in is great but I dont know anybody well enough to ask their advice so that is why I have joined here. Could somebody recomend a good cycle for somebody of my age?

Is there anybody here from Ireland who has recently done a cycle?? Had you any problems ordering what you needed?? I have ordered from 3 different places over the last 5 months but the stuff never arrived. I dont know if it was stopped by customs or if I was just stung by the companis. I would really really appreciate any help/advice etc.

Thanks in advance



Nov 13, 2005
dubgaz said:
Hi everybody. Looking for some advice.

I have been lifting weights for over 10 years now. For the first few of those years I hadnt a clue what I was doing. I got disallusioned and stopped for a couple of years.

I got back into it and over the last few years from extensive reading and getting into a good gym I finally got the know my body and how to get it to grow though good diet and proper exercise techniques.

Anyway I am thinking of doing a cycle for the first time. I am now 36 so I want to give it a shot at least once and see what it does for me. I would love to hit the 200 lb mark. At the moment I am 178lbs. I have increased my weight my 20 lbs over the last 18 months but since October 07 everything seems to have stopped. I have tired different training techniques, different diets etc but I seem to be stuck.

My diet has been fine tuned over the years and for the last 18 months or so my diet is really good. I take in around 1.5 grammes of protein per my bodyweight each day. I have 6 meals a day and make sure there is protein in every meal. The only thing I have cut down on is the amount of eggs I eat. I was eating about 6 a day. However I had some blood work done a few months back (when I began to seriously consider doing a cycle) and I was told that my cholesterol was on the high side. I told my doctor what I eat on a typical day and he was very impressed but said that maybe for a few months to cut down on the amount of eggs.

I know it could be the fact that I am nearing the 40 mark also so my gains are not going to be like they were so that is another reason I want to do a cycle.

Initially I was thinking of doing an oral only cycle and see how that goes. The thing is I dont know anybody over here in Ireland who has ever done a cycle. The gym I am in is great but I dont know anybody well enough to ask their advice so that is why I have joined here. Could somebody recomend a good cycle for somebody of my age?

Is there anybody here from Ireland who has recently done a cycle?? Had you any problems ordering what you needed?? I have ordered from 3 different places over the last 5 months but the stuff never arrived. I dont know if it was stopped by customs or if I was just stung by the companis. I would really really appreciate any help/advice etc.

Thanks in advance


hey bro...

glad to see you here. at PM your not supposed to offer cycle suggestions, and they are tougher about that type of thing. Also PM is more geared for pro's (I am not near that level) and although its loaded with good info its a tough place for the newbie (in my opinion).

First, I would reccomend getting bloodwork done. Get a copy of it so you know your baseline values. Also tell your doc your feeling lethargic and cant seem to get it up as much, and you need your test level checked. Form that you will have a baseline of everything you need. I am 44 and my doc knows what I am doing, its a good thing. Were not kids anymore, although at 36 your 8 years younger than I, and these compounds can have just as many risks as benefits.

cycle wise, here is what I would do:

wk 1-10 test E, 500mg split into two doses of 250 mg's every 3.5 days
wk 11 nothing
wk 12 nothing

Then PCT (post cycle therapy)

wk 13 clomid 100 mg ed/nolvadex 40 mg ed
wk 14 clomid 50 mg ed/nolvadex 30 mg ed
wk 15 clomid 50 mg ed/nolvadex 20 mg ed

All this is available at alinshop, a board sponsor. Avoid the stealth line for your first cycle.

www.steroidprofiles.com will give you the run down on test E.

From your posts at Promuscle, it sounds like your diet is about right for now, but I will say on cycle your dietary needs will increase. Eating on cycle is a chore, and you will gain some fat. Its part of the deal, and you can shred it when your done. Also 2 grams per day per lb of body weight of protein is the minimum. I use www.fitday.com. it's free to join.

As far as an all oral cycle goes, it's a bad idea. Very stressful for the liver and you will lose most of your gains when the cycle ends. If you wanted, you could add dbol at 30-40 mg ED for 4 weeks and grow like a weed.

If you have not pinned yet, I will tell you I was scared shit the first time. But it was almost painless, and as long as you follow proper protocol, its safe. www.howtodoinjections.com is a good site. You should shoot glutes on your first cycle. All the stuff about how to measure it, how to draw it into the syringe, how to be clean and sterile, and what size needles to use is all found in threads, and if you have specific questions ask.

REMEMBER: 100% gains =60% diet/rest + 25% workout +15% steroids. Make sure you put as much effort into diet and workout as you are putting into steroids.

others will chime in, and like I said at PM post at alinboard for even more input.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Bump the above. Test E or C would be ideal. For 10-12 weeks. I would personally do test c as it has more of a kick but to be honest they are pretty much the same. Do all your research and preparation first but the things you write show you are ready cos you have trained naturally to your potential and drob says your diet is cool too.

Just get all the tests done so you know you are physically fine to start and use them as baselines to monitor yourself with. For you aim of increased weight I would do an oral. Even though it is your first cycle I feel dbol at 25mg for 4-5 weeks to kickstart would be fine. You would get your desired weight from the first 6 weeks or so and the rest would be used to solidify it more and build up further gradually. But dbol is very liver toxic so a liver protector should be used. If you order from Alinshop then he sells Liv52 on there that has rave reviews and I am currently taking it too (test c too).

You would have to take an anti-estrogen during your cycle too especially if you combine dbol. Armidex is the best but running nolva at 20mg per day would be good and maybe 10mg after the dbol. In my cycle now I am using proviron too cos it is very good when combined with nolva and really hardens you up (cos the test will add fat - thats part of big bilking though). Pro is not a must but it is so cheap I would defo throw it in (£15 for 30X 50mg tabs that you split in half to make 60 days supply). I am from England by the way so not too far. I actually went to Dublin in Dec!

I do think you should always be cautious but at the same time try to get the most from every cycle then have plenty of time off. That is why I suggest the oral too. HCG at a tiny dosage per week will stop your balls going the size of peanuts and makes the other compounds work better. So my cycle for you would be something like:

Week 1-11= Test C or E at 500mg per week (2 x 250mg inj - Mon/Thurs)
Week 1-5= Dianabol at 25mg per day (no more cause 1st cycle/1st time & u simply don't need anymore and this will give excellent gains with few sides)
Week 1-5= Nolvadex at 20mg per day (am/pm)
Week 6-13= Nolvadex at 10mg per day
Week 1-11= 500IU every 7 days

I would also do 25mg of proviron during your cycle to to keep you harder and give you that extra boost (sexually too). If you notice more fatty deposits then keep the nolva at 20mg. If I am doing a weak/mild cycle I would do 10mg and if I was doing a medium and up to a strong cycle 20mg would suffice. You simply do not need more than 20mg of Nolva. 20mg will increase test by 158% too so that is a benefit.

Week 14-17 = Clomid 1st day 200mg, days 2-11 100mg, days 12-21 50mg
Week 14-16= Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Week 17= Nolvadex at 10mg per day

Like said above the gear is just a tool we use but diet, training and recovery are key to achieving your goals. Just keep the calories, complex carbs, protein and certain fats up during your cycle. Make sure you drink lots and lots of water! And keep sodium low so no salt on anything. I am taking a good weightgainer now too that also contains creatine and glutamine. I can PM you with the brand. Best just to buy it on ebay as you get it so much cheaper. 1 serving is 506 KCal so a good way of getting what you need. You could have 3/4 main meals and 2 servings so that is 6 meals. I snack throughout the day too on things like nuts, berries, cereals, peanut butter, cottage cheese, cheese, fruit etc etc etc.

I would also rec a good multi-vitamin and the LIV-52 I mentioned to be taken throughout your cycle and after PCT and beyond. Milk thistle is other good addition for protecting your liver. Lots of info to take in (and many compounds) but I hope it helps. Hey I used Alinshop and got my stuff in just over 1 week (Europe). I have been waiting months for part of an order from other site online. Hope it goes well for you.
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