Feedback please.


New member
Feb 29, 2008
Here are my Stats. Could you guys give me overall feedback, I am planning to order sometime this week.

Age: 21
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165
Body Fat %: 16-17ish
Other info: I am naturally a Hard Gainer, when I don't work out I lose weight and size/ get skinnier.

Im looking to do a 6 week Test e, T-bol, and winny cycle. This is my first cycle and I want my body to look like an AF models(Flame all you want).

Cycle Plan

Week 1: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 2: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 3: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 4: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 5: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 6: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 7: Clomid (100mg) Every Day

Week 8: Clomid (50mg) Every day

Week 9: Clomid (50mg) Every day

I plan on taking creatine, NO2, Glutamine along with my my cycle. I'm looking to gain a good amount of size, but losing some bf % at the same time.

I noticed that alot of cycles require nolvadex and clomid. Do i really need to take both, or is it okay to just take one or the other?

I would like to gain atleast 15 pounds of muscle mass after PCT compared to the begining of the cycle, is that a realistic goal?


New member
Feb 29, 2008
6 weeks? thats not gonna do anything it take up to 4 weeks just for the test to kick in.

its not a bad first cycle but i would bring it out to at least 10 weeks or 12 weeks.

people may tell you 6 weeks is good and thats comming from people that dont know there ass from a hole in the wall. you do 6 weeks your gonna be pisst you didnt go longer.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
romps said:
Here are my Stats. Could you guys give me overall feedback, I am planning to order sometime this week.

Age: 21
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165
Body Fat %: 16-17ish
Other info: I am naturally a Hard Gainer, when I don't work out I lose weight and size/ get skinnier.

Im looking to do a 6 week Test e, T-bol, and winny cycle. This is my first cycle and I want my body to look like an AF models(Flame all you want).

Cycle Plan

Week 1: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 2: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 3: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 4: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 5: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 6: Test E (250 mg) x2 = 500mg
Winstrol(50mg) Every Day
T-Bol (40mg) Every Day

Week 7: Clomid (100mg) Every Day

Week 8: Clomid (50mg) Every day

Week 9: Clomid (50mg) Every day

I plan on taking creatine, NO2, Glutamine along with my my cycle. I'm looking to gain a good amount of size, but losing some bf % at the same time.

I noticed that alot of cycles require nolvadex and clomid. Do i really need to take both, or is it okay to just take one or the other?

I would like to gain atleast 15 pounds of muscle mass after PCT compared to the begining of the cycle, is that a realistic goal?

Bump Ant too. Saying that I think everyone without exception on here will say 6 weeks of test is a waste of time. You need more 6 weeks after the 4 it takeS to kick in properly. The usual protocol for a 1st cycle is 12 weeks of test aT about 500mg per week. So just bump it up atleast 10 weeks upto 12. You don't need to be doing winny at 50mg for a first cycle. If you want to use an oral with the test that is cool. Your suggestion of turinabol is a great one. So I would just stcik to test c and tbol at 40mg per day. Dp the tbol for about 6 weeks.

Have nolvadex on hand for during the cycle incase of gymo problems etc. I would do both clomid and nolva for PCT. You may want to do proviron during your cycle to harden you up and help with the water weight etc. And you can do HCG at 500IU every 7 days to stop your balls from going the size of peanuts (if you don't it just takes abit of time for them to come back so no biggie really). HCG also helps with your recovery though if you took it during your cycle. So my suggestion for your 1st cyle would be-

Week 1-11= Test C at 500mg per week (Mon 250mg and Thurs 250mg)
Week 1-6= Tbol at 40mg per day
Week 7-11= Proviron at 25mg per day

2 weeks break (carry on with the 25mg of proviron upto PCT)

Week 13-15= Clomid at 200mg 1st day, days 2-11 at 100mg per day, days 12-21 at 50mg per day.
Week 13= Nolva at 30mg per day
Week 14= Nolva at 20mg per day
Week 15= Nolva at 10mg per day

You should be taking a multi vitamin and although the cycle is not very harsh on your liver a liver protector such as LIV52 with Milk Thistle (get both) will be good. Make sure your diet is good with lots of protein, complex carbs, essential fats etc. Drink lots of water cos that will keep water weight down and you should be anyway cos it is good for you for all areas.

You need to be using a good protein powder (see the synthetek banner and check out their whey protein isolate). I would keep the creatine for after your cycle. If it is not just pure creature but a contains lots of protein then use it. Glutamine is other good product (amino) so that will be useful to prevent muscle breakdown. There are many decent products out there. The NO2 doesn't really do anything. It will give you abit of a ego boost cos you will gain better pumps at the gym but thats about it. As far as long lasting benefits or improvement to your body or health it doesn't really do anything. So if you haven't got it yet I would just leave it out - your best investing in a good multi-vitamin. Or even a ZMA product cos they can be decent. Hope it helps


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
The pct timing is senseless as your Testosterone levels will be supraphysiological for about 3 weeks after your last injection.

Basically the results of your cycle will mostly be from the orals/winstrol with the testosterone really just acting as a taper to help maintain some of the gains before crashing your hormonal levels after your pct.

Also consider that 6 weeks is not going to make a drastic change in your body. You say you are a hard gainer, but maintain a high BF%, that is a little unusual. The bad diet flag is waving to me - really spend some time to make this an solid aspect of your training/goal first.

I would either: Switch the Testosterone to Propionate, Drop the Testosterone, but to me it seems like you need/want some mild, solid gains and reduction in fat. I would consider running a 10-15 week cycle of testosterone at a sensible dose of 400-500mg with some Anavar at 30mg/day and skip those daily winstrol injects. You should have a nice body transformation if your training and diet are good and get much leaner and more musclar.


Nov 13, 2005
romps said:
Here are my Stats. Could you guys give me overall feedback, I am planning to order sometime this week.

Age: 21
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165
Body Fat %: 16-17ish
Other info: I am naturally a Hard Gainer, when I don't work out I lose weight and size/ get skinnier.

Im looking to do a 6 week Test e, T-bol, and winny cycle. This is my first cycle and I want my body to look like an AF models(Flame all you want).

ok here is the only cycle I would say you need::

wk 53-102 SEE WEEKS 1-52

Bro, at 510 165 21 years of age you have no business doing any AAS. Your just light and skinny. Sounds like you want a short cut, and not have to invest the time and effort in becoming close to your natural max. YES its hard work. And in my experience, 98% of "hard gainers" just have a diet that SUCKS ASS and they just use "I am a hard gainer" as an excuse.

here is a good site for diet related info: www.fitday.com. Free to join.

Get your diet in check (no, it's not now) and go bust your ass for a few years in the gym, then come see me about a cycle. Your natural test levels will NEVER be higher, take advatage and eat and grow.

and the AF models? bud, dont ya think if all you needed to do was inject a 10 week steoid cycle to have a body like those guys, more people would have a body like that? They are not my "style" but you can bet they worked hard to look as they do.

Stop looking for shortcuts and quick fixes, unplug the Guitar Hero and put down the XBOX controller, and BEGIN TO PAY THE PRICE if you want to see the results.


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
drob29 said:
ok here is the only cycle I would say you need::

wk 53-102 SEE WEEKS 1-52

Bro, at 510 165 21 years of age you have no business doing any AAS. Your just light and skinny. Sounds like you want a short cut, and not have to invest the time and effort in becoming close to your natural max. YES its hard work. And in my experience, 98% of "hard gainers" just have a diet that SUCKS ASS and they just use "I am a hard gainer" as an excuse.

here is a good site for diet related info: www.fitday.com. Free to join.

Get your diet in check (no, it's not now) and go bust your ass for a few years in the gym, then come see me about a cycle. Your natural test levels will NEVER be higher, take advatage and eat and grow.

and the AF models? bud, dont ya think if all you needed to do was inject a 10 week steoid cycle to have a body like those guys, more people would have a body like that? They are not my "style" but you can bet they worked hard to look as they do.

Stop looking for shortcuts and quick fixes, unplug the Guitar Hero and put down the XBOX controller, and BEGIN TO PAY THE PRICE if you want to see the results.



Completely true. It is mainly younger people who will put these threads in. But it's not age exclusive at all cos so many thing gear is a magic key. Not even people who have never cycled b4. I would say 80-90% of the people on most forums don't have their diets sorted. Most common are the ones that have a big gut and think if they take gear and do a few sit-ups they will lose 50 pounds in a month. And if it is gonna take 6 months they are not interested.

But your right they look at models and think I just need to be on gear and I can be that big and more gear to be that cut. Will only need to go the gym a few times per week and maybe lots of sit-ups. It's all about hard work and discipline. To be though it is not even about discipline cos even at the age of 17 I didn't like 'junk' food and would prefer eating fruit or cooking my own pasta etc.

You are best doing what drob says and sorting your diet and training out. Cos hardgainer at that bf%.... I am a hard gainer. My bf I don't even know but it will would have been shocking low. From tha age of 15 I had a 6 pack and yeah I done my sit-ups and had a clean diet but it was 90% genes and natural. Like I have girl mates who are super toned and they have never been the gym once (I am male Elvia is my ex).

But I know what these young ones are like cos I am young myself. So although I don't think anyone should be starting gear till atleast 23 it can be ok. Plus most just do it anyway but then do a shit cycle cos the people on the forums told them to not do it so they just researched it themselves and picked from the list on offer.

My rec would be sort your diet out and make sure you training is good. Most think they are doing all they ned but 90% of the time they are not. Then after a few months if you have to do a cycle then keep it simple and just do about 400-500mg of test c or e per week. If you have to do an oral too stick to a more 'mild' one such as turinabol or anavar.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Oh and test c or e has an active life of about 14-16 days. So you have to wait atleast 2 weeks before stareting PCT. I would wait about 2 1/2 to make sure. If you pick Sust then you have to wait 3 weeks.

PCT is jus as important as the test and the anavar etc etc. You will just lose it all if you don't do proper PCT. Plus you will probably not be able to get a hard on for ages cos you have fucked up your hormonal levels.

By the way do you know why people warn off the average 21 year old from gear? Yeah it is cos they are after a magic pill and their diets are probably not right and their training too. But it is mainly cos we don't want you to fuck up your life in the respect of your hormones. The amount of 20 years olds who have done gear and not got proper advice and listened to it and then are crying a few months later cos it just won't rise to the occasion etc etc. Just be careful!


Registered User
Jul 23, 2004
Charlotte, NC
AlphaMale said:
The pct timing is senseless as your Testosterone levels will be supraphysiological for about 3 weeks after your last injection.

Basically the results of your cycle will mostly be from the orals/winstrol with the testosterone really just acting as a taper to help maintain some of the gains before crashing your hormonal levels after your pct.

Also consider that 6 weeks is not going to make a drastic change in your body. You say you are a hard gainer, but maintain a high BF%, that is a little unusual. The bad diet flag is waving to me - really spend some time to make this an solid aspect of your training/goal first.

I would either: Switch the Testosterone to Propionate, Drop the Testosterone, but to me it seems like you need/want some mild, solid gains and reduction in fat. I would consider running a 10-15 week cycle of testosterone at a sensible dose of 400-500mg with some Anavar at 30mg/day and skip those daily winstrol injects. You should have a nice body transformation if your training and diet are good and get much leaner and more musclar.

Agree, Test E will just make you put on alot of water weight, use Test Prop. Also I agree with Elvia. I think at your age you should stay away. Your body should be putting out alot of test naturally. With the right training and diet you can get what you are wanting naturally.

By the way, is this your first cycle?