Down Cycling help


New member
Mar 19, 2006
So basically I used Test E. for about 9 weeks now. First week 1ml, second week 1.5ml, third 1.5ml, 4th 2ml and so on till 7th week, then 8th week down to 1.5ml, and 9th 1.5.... im working my way down. Also during weeks 3-7 i was taking 1 ml of Tren also. I have 50mg clomid tabs and hcg what i need to know is when do i need to start taking them... say now before the cycle ends or right after the cycle ends and in what portion. Anyone who is experience in pct please help bc i dont wanna lose what ive gained. 40lbs of muscle and weight and a world of confidence. Thanks


Registered User
Jul 23, 2004
Charlotte, NC
For starters bro you really should have done all your studying prior to starting your cycle. Not trying to be rude but educate yourself before you start any cycle.

Second I never ramped down but it would be good to. Run your hcg once a week for the last 3 or 4 weeks. Start your clomid a week after your last shot of Test E.

Third, you will loose some gains, everyone does, its just how much you loose is the key.

Hopefully the mods will help out here, there can help you more then anyone!
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
slim2big19 said:
So basically I used Test E. for about 9 weeks now. First week 1ml, second week 1.5ml, third 1.5ml, 4th 2ml and so on till 7th week, then 8th week down to 1.5ml, and 9th 1.5.... im working my way down. Also during weeks 3-7 i was taking 1 ml of Tren also. I have 50mg clomid tabs and hcg what i need to know is when do i need to start taking them... say now before the cycle ends or right after the cycle ends and in what portion. Anyone who is experience in pct please help bc i dont wanna lose what ive gained. 40lbs of muscle and weight and a world of confidence. Thanks

You should have had things sorted b4 you started! You should always have a plan and have all the stuff (and more just incase you drop a vial etc). I have never tapered but it will be good for you. Is there any way you can order some Nolvadex? You may get it in 2 weeks. Do you have enough test to last a few more weeks? And I don't mean order other few vials and count on that. If the nolva didn't come you could just do your clomid PCT.

Anyway I really need to know how much test you have left. Cos I would continue to taper. Maybe
10th week= 1.0
11th week= 0.75
12th week= 0.5

There are a few ways you can use the HCG. It is strong stuff so I don't rec what it says on many sites you haven't looked at! They say 1500IU every 4 days maybe 3 times. Do you have 1500IU or 500OIU? A decent dose to do would be 1000IU at the end of each week including your 12th (starting now). You have no nolva so don't do HCG after the 12th week. The test has a active life of 14-16 days so that will be fine. Because of it's active life don't wait 1 week but wait just over 2 before starting PCT... that is a must!

If you only have clomid then do this for PCT-
Day 1= Clomid at 200mg
Days 2-11= Clomid at 100mg
Days 12-21= Clomid at 50mg

Please tell me you have enough clomid to do that. I assume you if this is your 1st cycle you just bought 50 or 100 clomid tabs. Either way you have enough.

So this is my plan for you-
10th week= 1.0 test
11th week= 0.75 test
12th week= 0.5 test
13th week
14th week
15th week= Start PCT at above dosages

If you manage to get nolvadex just do that at 20mg at the first 2 weeks of PCT and 10mg for the final week.

That is a huge increase in weight... massive infact. You are likely to lose alot of it cos if your body increases that much in such a short space of time it is not natural for it. Thats why I assume you probably get some red stretch marks and cardio is not so good etc etc. Next time have everything sorted and taht gives you the best chance to keep as much of your gains as possible. Not to mention the fact recovery will be faster and you will feel better for it. Be happy to keep 20 pounds and look at it that way. Then anything over the 20 a huge bonus. Cos expecting to keep 40 is highly unlikely. Hope it helps.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
10th week= 1.0 test, 1000IU of HCG
11th week= 0.75 test, 1000IU of HCG
12th week= 0.5 test, 1000IU of HCG
13th week
14th week
15th week= Start PCT at above dosages

I am guessing you will want to do other cycle so I assume you probably don't know how long to wait. Cos many just jump back on. Please wait atleast 4 months till you start other cycle. A general rule is time on (including PCT) = time off.

And in future cycles if you don't want your balls to shrink do HCG at 500IU every 7 days during your cycle. And have clomid and nolvadex for PCT.

You really need to start researching the many compounds and related areas before starting a 2nd cycle!! Here a a few words to google

-Look up the different tests including Sustanon
-Prolaction= this increases with the use of certain compounds such as tren, deca and anadrol
- Deca
- Anavar

Actually just go on google and type steroids or steroid info and read read read


Registered User
Jan 23, 2007
Are you frickin kiddin me?!!!!!!! 40lbs is unreal. Aaand I highly doubt most of that is muscle, more like water retention pal. Most have a hard time keeping half of that. Whats you calorie intake per day? Good luck!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
jarhead95 said:
Are you frickin kiddin me?!!!!!!! 40lbs is unreal. Aaand I highly doubt most of that is muscle, more like water retention pal. Most have a hard time keeping half of that. Whats you calorie intake per day? Good luck!

I was thinking that! The most I have heard is about 25lbs. I made about 20 on my first cycle and that was only 8 weeks long. I made 25 but after PCT it was about 20.

By the way you will be cool and you should keep alot but please don't expect do keep most. It will drop off you cos that is a huge amount in such a short time. Just aim for 20 like I said and anything else will be a bonus. Don't think 30/35 cos you will just be down cos it will be lower by the end. Goodluck though pleased it worked out. Just plan better next time!