2 months or 3 months?


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007
Just wanted to see what you guys think about a 10 week cycle rather than a 15 week cycle.

what were your gains like in the 15 week cycle?

and do you think it is ok to do 25 mgs of dbol straight through the cycle?

1-10 dbol 25mg
1-12 sust 250mg
8-15 deca 250mg


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
Just wanted to see what you guys think about a 10 week cycle rather than a 15 week cycle.

what were your gains like in the 15 week cycle?

and do you think it is ok to do 25 mgs of dbol straight through the cycle?

1-10 dbol 25mg
1-12 sust 250mg
8-15 deca 250mg

That cycle is seriously fucked up. Even at 25mg dbol should only be taken for 6 weeks max. To avoid the common effects of deca (doesn't happen with everyone) I would do test for 2/3 weeks more than the deca. 15 weeks is fine. Taper the test down in the last 3 weeks so the last 6 injections. Just noticed your doses too! They are wrong as if your doing dbol I assume you want to bulk so you need more 400-500 sust and deca 200-300. So something like-

Week 1-6= Dbol at 25mg per day
Week 1-15= Sust at 500mg taper down last 6 injections or so
Week 1-12= Deca at 250mg per week

3 weeks gap due to the sust active life

Week 18-21= PCT

I haven't asked for your stats cause you have cycled a few times b4 haven't you? Actually regardless of the above please provide your stats and what you want from the cycle. What PCT are you planning and what protection do you have in place for during your cycle?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Will thsi b3 your 4th cycle or is my memory wrong? Can you provide your cycle history and what you done in each if possible. Then we can advise you best. Thanks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Oh and doing 15 instead of 10 usually means you are likely to keep more of your new gains and the dbol gains will be stabilized over the many weeks. Obviously it will go down after you cease the tabs but the extra time on test will result in improved gains (should do). Whereas if you was do 8 weeks of injectables you will likely 'deflate' very fast. Why don't you do 11 weeks of deca and 13 of test and then see how you feel. If you are cool then add 2 weeks on top. Test is best done 2 or 3 weeks after the deca. But like I said we can advise best when we know your stats and what you want from this cycle and what you have done in the past.


Aug 28, 2005
kingleo said:
Just wanted to see what you guys think about a 10 week cycle rather than a 15 week cycle.

what were your gains like in the 15 week cycle?

and do you think it is ok to do 25 mgs of dbol straight through the cycle?

1-10 dbol 25mg
1-12 sust 250mg
8-15 deca 250mg

I would run 10 wks,,,12 MAX.
I would only use DBOL for 4 WEEKS
DECA run same time as SUST
500MG SUST WK 1-10
400MG DECA WK 1-10
25MG DBOL WK 1-4


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

I get the test flu bad! all the times I took it, at 1 point it hurt so bad I almost went to the hospital, I think am allergic to it, I know a bunch of people that are.

as for cycles this is my 3rd.

my first was
1-10 test 200mg
1-10 dbol 25mg
I was young and didnt know what I was doing

the second was the same but I added sust.

and now the 3rd.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
I get the test flu bad! all the times I took it, at 1 point it hurt so bad I almost went to the hospital, I think am allergic to it, I know a bunch of people that are.

as for cycles this is my 3rd.

my first was
1-10 test 200mg
1-10 dbol 25mg
I was young and didnt know what I was doing

the second was the same but I added sust.

and now the 3rd.

Dbol is harsh on your liver but compared to adrol is nowhere as bad. It can be used as a supplement throughout the year but I am talking about a dose of 2.5mg per day. 10 weeks is far too long to be taking it. Sure you are fine now but really 6 weeks should be your max. Maybe you could try turinabol which is often described as dbol without the bloat. If you really like dbol (like me) then cool and stick with that. This time do 6 weeks max and increase the dose. My new rec for you and what I think would be a great cycle is-

Week 1-12= Sust at 500mg per week
Week 1-10= Deca at 300mg per week
Week 1-5= Dbol at 40mg per day

I always think you should do more test (dose) then deca in a cycle. Plus many say the most you need is 300mg. I would say up2 400 is fine but I would rec 300 for you. I am doing a test c and deca cycle now. I do about 350mg of deca and it was meant to be about 600 mg of test. But my test has easily passed 1000mg per week in the middle/middle end of my cycle. I have a few weeks left and am tapering it down alittle.

Many say you really need to do 12 weeks of deca and that is cool. So you can make them both 12 weeks but I feel 2 weeks of test after deca is best. I used to think 2 weeks more of deca will solidify you more but really what is 2 weeks gonan do cos that causes bloat too and PCT will do the job. I am actualyl doing clen at a dose of 40mcg during the entire PCT to help keep my lean muscle gains and my strength.

Remember to wait 3 weeks after your last shot of Sust b4 starting PCT. Test c and e are 2 weeks.

Other important thing is getting liver protection for your cycle. Get synthergine from Synthetek industries (see banner) and add liv-52 tabs to that as well. Synthetek's whey protein is also great. Hope it helps


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just realized you said about test flu and 500mg would be harsh. The things is people can feel sick of test cos it is unnatural to have that much in your system and the alertness and improved concentration small amounts of test bring can be swopped for nausea and dizziness with huge amounts.

Do you use sachets? It is more likely the oil that is doing that to you. What test have you used in the past? Because really you need a test base... especially if doing deca. That is not always correct cos I know people who have done deca alone and their libido's etc were sky high and recovery was fine so everyone is different.

One last thing maybe 4 weeks of dbol at that dose will be best.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
kingleo said:
Just wanted to see what you guys think about a 10 week cycle rather than a 15 week cycle.

what were your gains like in the 15 week cycle?

and do you think it is ok to do 25 mgs of dbol straight through the cycle?

1-10 dbol 25mg
1-12 sust 250mg
8-15 deca 250mg
Lets break this down.

DBOL: I'd run it a bit shorter, probably around 3-6 weeks depending on how many you have, 3-4 weeks is perfect for a 'kick-start'. You could run longer and track your liver values, which more than likely would be fine, but don't take my word for it. But the main reason, at least in my experience is that too much/too long causes a decrease in my workout performance because of those damn back pumps. lol

SUST: Run it longer than your Deca by a couple weeks for optimal recovery.

DECA: Run it a little shorter than your test so that it clears before your test does and you do not run into a situation where you have no dht conversion for libido support.

Overall I would say to run your test at double your dose for more gains, but then again what are your goals and reasoning for the lower dose? I'd also recommend running your Deca at double that dose or 400mg as most preperations come in 200mg/ml. If for some reason you want your test low, but high enough to assist in gains and maintain libido, then you'd still be fine running your Deca at 400mg. As long as your test is high enough to maintain libido and Dht conversion (same thing really) then it doesn't really matter too much how much Deca. Although you could get into some problems with dht conversion from the Deca blocking receptors and therefore lowering the 5a-reductase enzyme which converts test into dht, but if that happened, which it could no matter how high the test was then it is easily fixed by supplying exogenous dht like Proviron or Masteron, even Winstrol would have a positive effect on the receptors to maintain enzyme production.


Nov 13, 2005
kingleo said:
Just wanted to see what you guys think about a 10 week cycle rather than a 15 week cycle.

what were your gains like in the 15 week cycle?

and do you think it is ok to do 25 mgs of dbol straight through the cycle?

1-10 dbol 25mg
1-12 sust 250mg
8-15 deca 250mg

Elvia1023 said:
That cycle is seriously fucked up.

You got that right...what a mess..

Elvia1023 said:
I haven't asked for your stats cause you have cycled a few times b4 haven't you? Actually regardless of the above please provide your stats and what you want from the cycle. What PCT are you planning and what protection do you have in place for during your cycle?

stats, kingelo, are: age, ht, wt, cycle history, lift history, diet, goals.

and Elvia do you think this guy has any clue about "PCT"??

kingleo said:
as for cycles this is my 3rd.

my first was
1-10 test 200mg
1-10 dbol 25mg
I was young and didnt know what I was doing
the second was the same but I added sust.
and now the 3rd.

You didnt have a clue then, and you still dont. "cycles" like this only fuck people up, making others go "see what steroids do?"

200 mg of test will shut you down 100%, and not much else
dbol for 10 weeks could rip your liver up. liver stress is "not good"
and "the second was the same but I added sust"?? Of course you know sust is test right? didnt think so...

What you need is to stop and realize that steroids are "for real", not some OTC crap from GNC. Based on your posts you have no fuckin idea what your doing. Stop asking basic b-a-s-i-c questions and read up on steroids, you need to figure it out so you understand what your doing before you get hurt. Christ it's like spoon feeding a child mushy peas.

and post FULL STATS so you can get some advice that will fit your goals, not the generic advice already provided.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
drob29 said:
You got that right...what a mess..

stats, kingelo, are: age, ht, wt, cycle history, lift history, diet, goals.

and Elvia do you think this guy has any clue about "PCT"??

You didnt have a clue then, and you still dont. "cycles" like this only fuck people up, making others go "see what steroids do?"

200 mg of test will shut you down 100%, and not much else
dbol for 10 weeks could rip your liver up. liver stress is "not good"
and "the second was the same but I added sust"?? Of course you know sust is test right? didnt think so...

What you need is to stop and realize that steroids are "for real", not some OTC crap from GNC. Based on your posts you have no fuckin idea what your doing. Stop asking basic b-a-s-i-c questions and read up on steroids, you need to figure it out so you understand what your doing before you get hurt. Christ it's like spoon feeding a child mushy peas.

and post FULL STATS so you can get some advice that will fit your goals, not the generic advice already provided.

Someone got out of bed the wrong side today :D

You are totally right though. It is annoying all these posts with fucked up cycles. Cos although everyone has different opinions on cycles (which is cool). But you could search dbol for hours online and you will never find someone rec 10 weeks! I don't get where these people come from and where they find out their info. Anyone with tiny brainpower could be given 10 mins to research a first cycle and they should come up with test only or something that would be decent.

Do I think he has a clue about PCT? When considering most 1st users or even people with some knowledge of AAS don't have a clue. I don't think someone posting the above cycle (10weeks dbol) is gonna have a clue about PCT. Thats why I asked him twice what he had planned. Cos I was pretty convinced he would either have no PCT or something like Nolva only or Clomid only. Or the worst thing I have seen when someone said HCG only... that baffled me but people actually do it!

Oh and he didn't mean he done sust and test. My understanding is he just swopped test (e or c) for sust in his 2nd cycle.

My advice to you would be to get all test done including test levels, liver, general etc. Then tell us and I am probably guessing yout test levels are extremely low. Incidentally how long have you had since your last cycle? It's commong many do cycles feel the low afterwards and loss of strength etc so decide to do other cycle and haven't recovred properly.

Anyway my advice would be to get all the tests and if your cool and have had lots of time off (atleast 4 months) then listen to what me and alpha put. Someone else made a suggestion and that was cool (can't rememeber who and can't be bothered copying and pasting). If you cool just stick to 10-11 weeks deca at 350mg and 400-500mg test for 12-13 weeks (2 weeks more). Kickstart of dbol at 40mg for 4 weeks would be best. To be honest most of your gains will come in the first 3 weeks with dbol.

And for the 3rd time what did you honestly have planned for PCT? Don't research now and write something new. PCT is just as important as the test and dbol etc. I would also rec proviron during your cycle. Start it in week 3 or 4 so you see what it does. Have armidex on hand too. You should be ok with that dose of deca but just incase vitamin B6 and a zinc supplment would be useful to take during. Dostinex is other interesting product. But with just that dose of deca you should be fine.


Nov 13, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
Someone got out of bed the wrong side today :D


lol...yeah I was "in a mood":cool:....But I stand by my post completely.

IMO people who just have no clue and end up getting hurt or ill because of AAS use/abuse just f it up for everyone else....

LATER:cool: :D :cool:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
drob29 said:
lol...yeah I was "in a mood":cool:....But I stand by my post completely.

IMO people who just have no clue and end up getting hurt or ill because of AAS use/abuse just f it up for everyone else....

LATER:cool: :D :cool:

Your right you should stand by it. Some people just don't have a clue. Like I have a mate and he only has 5 weeks of test c and he has some adrol too. He got deca too (I think about 5 weeks worth) basically cos he was copying of my cycle. He has cycled twice b4 and the stuff he wants to use would be fine for him if done properly. I told him everything to get and to use Alinshop but he got his stuff of a mate. It's cool cos it is decent stuff but he only has 5 weeks and should get more. I have told him everything to get like clomid and nolva and HCG and even added it all up (£) and give him a total and how to order fromt he shop (payment). I even said I will do a plan for him and cover all bases. And never to start if you don't have all your items you need. But like so many he doesn't have a clue and said he is gonna start. I warned him not to and said how bad it would be and it is not 100% he can get more test etc. And he has no protection whatsoever! Anyway after 100 warnings from me he has started anyway. He doesn't have had nolva/clomid and thinks he will be fine cos he was last time - fool. I know this is alittle of track for this thread but just thought I would add it in.

Anyone thinking of doing AAS even if they have done a few cycles in the past should be researching 1-5 (lots) hours per day for a while b4 even starting a new cycle. I know people will say but writing silly questions on threads is part of learning but 10 weeks of dbol... I just don't get it.

You really need to research compounds alot more. I have only been on this forum for a few months and the amount of times I have to say google etc. Every steroid site has info on them all and it is pretty much the same usualyl because it is right.

Even when someone who has never cycled asks something I will warn them not to. But if they are 21 above I will give them a cycle example and provide details. Not cos I think they should do it but I know (cos I am young too) that if if people say don't do it they usually just do one anyway but do a shit/messed up one like 10 weeks of dbol or no pct etc. Cos they were told just eat right and wait. That is right most of the time but if they are gonna do one I would rather they have some sort of example that they can work with. Saying that fools will be fools and many will just pick the AAS and maybe 1 item from PCT to save money. Doesn't matter what you say people like my mate just won't listen. Just don't ruin it for the rest of us.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
By the way Kingleo I am nto calling you a fool - far from it. You sound like a decent fella. You probably just like many who have been told by some fool in the gym to do what you done and you listen cause the fella seems to know his stuff or is huge so you think it must work. I just wish people would do more research with things they are gonna be injecting into their bodies.

Like the mate I mentioned was told my some idiot to do 4 weeks of test and then take 4 off and then on 4 again... and repeat as much as you want. Cos it will aid recovery! Oh and the stupid take viagra in between too! No mention of anti-estrogens or serms... he probably doesn't know what they are. I know many fellas in the gym who are huge and they haven't a clue- doing 6 weeks of dbol alone with no protection. Or winny alone with no protection. If they just do it themselves then that is their mistake. But they are usually the ones telling all their friends and anyone who wants to know cos they gained 20 pounds off the dbol etc. They don't mention the losses and the fucked up libido and hormonal balance (if they know what hormones are). They ruin it for the rest of us cos it is people like them who give gear such a bad name and anyone using is stereotyped straightaway.
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Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

I got the point........and thanks, but the truth is I def. did research......and I do have have a pct plan, and i do know when to take it, but thanks for all the other info.......

btw now i am 5'9"
185 lbs

and this is my third cycle


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
I got the point........and thanks, but the truth is I def. did research......and I do have have a pct plan, and i do know when to take it, but thanks for all the other info.......

btw now i am 5'9"
185 lbs

and this is my third cycle

If you have taken dbol twice at 25mg that length of time and want to do it again for a 3rd time I would rec you do a slightly higher dose but for a much shorter time. And I would rec 500mg of test if you aim to bulk with about 350mg of deca. You could do test at 400mg and that will be cool. So something like the below will be cool.

Weeks 1-12= Test at 400-500mg per week
Weeks 1-10= Deca at 300-350mg per week
Week 1-4= Dbol at 25-40mg per day

Jus wondering but what PCT do you have planned? And what protection do you have on hand for during your cycle? Hope it works out for you.