decided on my cutting stack


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
After much consideration and studying and also alot of reading and asking questions on this board I have finaly decided on my 8 week cutting cycle. I want to know what you guys think and when I get started on it I will post my results as it progresses.
week 1-6 winstrol tabbs 50mg eod
week 1-6 trenabol 75mg eod
week 1-6 cytomel 50mcg every day
week 1-8 test prop 50mg eod
week 1- 8 hcg 300iu every 4 or 5 days
week 1-10 clen two weeks on twoo weeks off 80-100 mcg
week 1-10 arimidex .25 mg every day
week 8, 40 mg nolva /100mg clomid every day
week 9, 30 mg nolva/ 50 mg clomid every day
week 10, 20 mg nolva/ 50 mg clomid every day
Ive already ordered it so Im pretty much stuck to that stack unless I remove one or two from the stack. I just want to know what you guys think and if any of you have done anything simular how did it worked for you. Im 45 years old and 5'9" 215lbs with 11% body fat. I have good size and shape. Ive been lifting for the past 28 years and have done about 10 cycles over the past 25 years. My goal is because of my age I just cant seem to get that roll of fat off my lower back. I have a six pack that looks soft and some sagging were my pecs meet my delts. I have a good handle on my diet and exercise. give it to me guys dont hiold back.:D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
After much consideration and studying and also alot of reading and asking questions on this board I have finaly decided on my 8 week cutting cycle. I want to know what you guys think and when I get started on it I will post my results as it progresses.
week 1-6 winstrol tabbs 50mg eod
week 1-6 trenabol 75mg eod
week 1-6 cytomel 50mcg every day
week 1-8 test prop 50mg eod
week 1- 8 hcg 300iu every 4 or 5 days
week 1-10 clen two weeks on twoo weeks off 80-100 mcg
week 1-10 arimidex .25 mg every day
week 8, 40 mg nolva /100mg clomid every day
week 9, 30 mg nolva/ 50 mg clomid every day
week 10, 20 mg nolva/ 50 mg clomid every day
Ive already ordered it so Im pretty much stuck to that stack unless I remove one or two from the stack. I just want to know what you guys think and if any of you have done anything simular how did it worked for you. Im 45 years old and 5'9" 215lbs with 11% body fat. I have good size and shape. Ive been lifting for the past 28 years and have done about 10 cycles over the past 25 years. My goal is because of my age I just cant seem to get that roll of fat off my lower back. I have a six pack that looks soft and some sagging were my pecs meet my delts. I have a good handle on my diet and exercise. give it to me guys dont hiold back.:D

To be honest less is more comes to mind. IMO you don't need to be taking winstrol 50mg eod with the trenabol and test and T3 and clen and extras... thats quite a combo.

The key with cutting is diet. If your diet is spot on then you should be cool. Most think it is but it simply is not. They might eat more than they think or the wrong things etc etc. I would spend as much time on researching diets as you do AAS. But that said gear is great is you have troublesome areas or need that extra help.

You cycle looks fine but I would just take away the winstrol. The test p and tren a are a winning combo. Some might say do alittle longer but I think the 8 and 6 weeks is cool. Then do the cytomel and clen and you will be sorted. I would change the HCG to every 7 days and at 500IU but your way is cool too and works better if your thinking about it's active life. Do the clen so you do your 2 final weeks in PCT... that will keep your strength up. All in all a great cycle but just use thew winny for other time cos really all together it is too much. The armidex is always great to have on hand. You don't have to take it during unless sensitive but your dose is just a nice amount to stop an unwanted effects.

Let us know how you get on. Hope it goes well.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
After much consideration and studying and also alot of reading and asking questions on this board I have finaly decided on my 8 week cutting cycle. I want to know what you guys think and when I get started on it I will post my results as it progresses.
OK, I'll break it down by its parts.

week 1-6 winstrol tabbs 50mg eod
Why would you take them every other day? They would have a half-life of around 8 hours I believe, leading to at least once a day dosing! If you only have enough for 3 weeks at everyday, then run it for 3 weeks.

week 1-6 trenabol 75mg eod
I assume Trenabol is Trenbolone Acetate and if so, you'd be better off shooting every day at 37.5mg each day for a smoother ride.

week 1-6 cytomel 50mcg every day
A good dose, however, I would leave it out unless you plan on an extreme calorie reduction diet and no carbs.

week 1-8 test prop 50mg eod
Shoot this amount every day (50mg/day) with your 37.5mg Tren - .5ml of each for a total of 1ml shot each day.

week 1- 8 hcg 300iu every 4 or 5 days
Leave it out or stop when you stop your AAS, no reason to run it for recovery if you ran it for maintenance.

week 1-10 clen two weeks on twoo weeks off 80-100 mcg
Sounds fine.

week 1-10 arimidex .25 mg every day
Looks good.

week 8, 40 mg nolva /100mg clomid every day
week 9, 30 mg nolva/ 50 mg clomid every day
week 10, 20 mg nolva/ 50 mg clomid every day
Don't bother with the nolva on week 8 as you are still shooting your test then, start at week 9. Also, since you plan on running Arimidex into your PCT there is abosolutly no reason whatsoever to run so high a dose of nolvadex! Stick to 20mg and run it weeks 9-12 - maybe taper down into half tabs last week. Same with the Clomid - start at week 9.

Ive already ordered it so Im pretty much stuck to that stack unless I remove one or two from the stack. I just want to know what you guys think and if any of you have done anything simular how did it worked for you. Im 45 years old and 5'9" 215lbs with 11% body fat. I have good size and shape. Ive been lifting for the past 28 years and have done about 10 cycles over the past 25 years. My goal is because of my age I just cant seem to get that roll of fat off my lower back. I have a six pack that looks soft and some sagging were my pecs meet my delts. I have a good handle on my diet and exercise. give it to me guys dont hiold back.:D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Have you taken cytomel b4? Or have you lierally just researched all the best cutting products and threw them all in together? :D But like I said your cycle is cool without the winny. I would run it 10 and 8 weeks (test and tren a) but your 8 and 6 is fine (min you need though).

If I was doing it I would leave out the T3 and just do clen but your completely different and I find it hard putting the weight on! So the cytomel and clen together are a winning combo.

I would have dostinex on hand too. Got to go now gym shuts in 1hr 30 mins. Happy training

Forgot to say if your using test p you can't just start PCT straightaway. You need to wait atleast a few days. I would wait a week so start it week 9.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just saw what Alpha put. I agree and he is right about the nolva. The most I ever do is 20mg per day. You could do 30, 20, 10. I would takeaway the T3 too as I don't think you will need both. Goodluck


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Thanks for the input guys. I was kind of worried about the t3 anyway. You see I am the only person in my family that is not obease. it is in my genes to be fat. I have been an athleate all my life and I still have problems keeping the weight off. Here Is a sample of my daily diet. keep in mind I train hard in the gym 5 days a week for about an hour. I do 20 to 30 minuts of cardio 6 days a week On the sixth day I do not do weights I do 30 minuts cardio. Mornig breakfast metrx mrp. mid morning snack apple. lunch metrx mrp. mid afternoon snack can of tuna. Dinner fish or chicken salad and beans or corn. Im pretty strict to that diet we are talking about 1500 - 2000 caleries a day. I vary very little from that diet. Ill take in consideration your advice and thanks for reminding me to wait a week on the nolva and about cutting it down. I tried to find some dostinex but couldnt seem to find it.
Thanks again guys When the gear comes in I will be sure to post the cycle and the results maybe some pics too.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
Thanks for the input guys. I was kind of worried about the t3 anyway. You see I am the only person in my family that is not obease. it is in my genes to be fat. I have been an athleate all my life and I still have problems keeping the weight off. Here Is a sample of my daily diet. keep in mind I train hard in the gym 5 days a week for about an hour. I do 20 to 30 minuts of cardio 6 days a week On the sixth day I do not do weights I do 30 minuts cardio. Mornig breakfast metrx mrp. mid morning snack apple. lunch metrx mrp. mid afternoon snack can of tuna. Dinner fish or chicken salad and beans or corn. Im pretty strict to that diet we are talking about 1500 - 2000 caleries a day. I vary very little from that diet. Ill take in consideration your advice and thanks for reminding me to wait a week on the nolva and about cutting it down. I tried to find some dostinex but couldnt seem to find it.
Thanks again guys When the gear comes in I will be sure to post the cycle and the results maybe some pics too.

Contrary to belief the so called "fat gene" doesn't actually exist. Sure some people put on weight easier than others and the opposite. Like I am naturally very slim and toned but my bro is the opposite. The so called fat gene can be described as an inactive thyroid. But that only effects 1% of the population and in that 1% it won't be the reason for them being big/fat/obese whatever. It's likely they will think I have an inactive thyroid or fat gene so I shouldn't even bother anyway cause I am destined to be big. Even people without it think like that. My sis is always saying that... no it's the fact she is greedy (and uses food as comfort) and eats lots of crisps, milk chocolate and huge portions! Most people think have a decent diet and don't realize they actually don't and snack on 'bad' foods fairly often. It can be many things... mentality, will power, memory, comfort eating, greed, low self-esteem etc etc. Won't bore you with all of that.

Anyway your diet sounds spot on. Are you sure it is only 1500-2000 calories per day? I do find that hard to believe because an average male should be having about 2500. The key is not to make drastic steps but just live a healthy lifestyle (maintain it) and if you wanna cut then do about 2300. If that isn't working then 2200 etc etc. I know men (mainly women) who go extreme and go to near on zero... really bad for you and just silly imo.

By the way I do believe you because you sound like you really watch your diet. Do you ever eat out? Cos people don't realize how many calories are in meals when dining out. I live in the UK so the US will be twice as bad. An example being a standard steak dinner (mushrooms, tomatoes, chips or potatoes etc) can be anything from 500-2000 calories for 1 plate.

But anyway keep your diet up and the weight training. Don't overdue to the weight training and keep on with the intense cardio and you will easily reach your goals. Yeah stay away from the T3 as it is not really needed. You can include the winny but I think that is not even needed. The test p, tren a with clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off over the 10 weeks (2 week PCT) will be great. And the addition of a small dose of armidex will help harden you up and keep any water weight off you (although is very low with those compounds).

Alpha's suggestion on PCT is spot on. I would do (after 1 week after last injection).

Week 1-3= Clomid at 200mg day 1, days 2-11 100mg, days 12-21 50mg
Week 1-2= Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Week 3= Nolvadex at 10mg per day

Hey and if you are training hard a feew months after your cycle and want something to give you that extra kick to cut then just do 2 weeks of clen. It doesn't effect your hormones like AAS so you can use it whenever (moderation though). Hope it works out for you
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Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
your too clever for me to try and lie past you Elvia!:D I should have known not to try and pull that fat gene bullshit here.:eek: I know where my problem is and I should have told yall from the begining. the problem is "BEER". I go out on the weekends and drink too much. Of course while on the gear I will not be drinking. I just want to give it one last shot while I still have my looks and get plenty of pics so I will be able to say look at me
when I was young. (45) He HE I bet some are saying 45 young!? But as you get older you start thinking of those things. My goal is not to look like Doraian Yates or Ron Colman, but more like Selvester Stalone in Rocky 3 or rambo 3. I know I can do it Ive done it befor when I was younger. Its just going to take more work than before. Thanks to all the good advice from you guys I will achieve my goal. Ill keep you guys posted. When my gear comes in Ill start a new post telling what I use and my progress as it comes along.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
your too clever for me to try and lie past you Elvia!:D I should have known not to try and pull that fat gene bullshit here.:eek: I know where my problem is and I should have told yall from the begining. the problem is "BEER". I go out on the weekends and drink too much. Of course while on the gear I will not be drinking. I just want to give it one last shot while I still have my looks and get plenty of pics so I will be able to say look at me
when I was young. (45) He HE I bet some are saying 45 young!? But as you get older you start thinking of those things. My goal is not to look like Doraian Yates or Ron Colman, but more like Selvester Stalone in Rocky 3 or rambo 3. I know I can do it Ive done it befor when I was younger. Its just going to take more work than before. Thanks to all the good advice from you guys I will achieve my goal. Ill keep you guys posted. When my gear comes in Ill start a new post telling what I use and my progress as it comes along.

I did think think something was up! But yeah beer as you know is terrible. You shouldn't really have it on a cycle but moderation is the key if you have too. Stronger alcohol should be avoided completely. The thing with me is I drink loads when I drink. I don't drink for the taste but just like to get drunk. So when on I just stay away. I would rather drink an orange that a vodka orange. But 10 of them well the vodka wins every time. I am young and naturally slim but even if I have many beers or lots of Guinness I get the temp beer belly. So drinking it often is only gonna ruin any cutting regime. To be honest when I am off I can easily go through 15 double brandy and cokes, 5 pints of Guinness, 4 pints of cider and numerous shots. I have had more many times. People wil think liver damage but my liver has always been great until I done anadrol this cycle. It just takes me loads to get drunk but at the same time I am never ill and not had one of the following- headache, cold, stomach pains, flu etc for atleast 6/7 years. I am changing my drinking habits though as the more I get into AAS and get older the more I realize the above is just silly amounts.

I have the same goal as you. I am not far away to be honest. A body I would say is great for my aim would be Ryan Reynolds in Blade 3. I know for bodybuilding purposes it is no good but for me that is spot on. I am not far away but just have to gain alittle more all over but my main area is my chest. I am weighing in about 210 now and as I am tall I wanna be about 225 tops.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Im with ya elvia my Brittish friend. Ive been going out on the week ends for over 25 years. Like you sometimes I would drink too much. I quite the hard liquer a long time ago. For many reasons. Im proud of you for the knowledge you have gained in aas and I hope you accomplish your goals. Keep up the hard work and Im sure you will.