

New member
Feb 21, 2008
ok, i didnt get much help with my previous post...i still havent baught anything yet also...

im a speed/ power athlete...i want to get faster, and up my max strength and power...

what is the best stuff for this? i have used winstrol tabs at 30mg a day before, but got nothing but incredibily tight muscles from it...

please advise me...


Aug 28, 2005
crazyhops said:
ok, i didnt get much help with my previous post...i still havent baught anything yet also...

im a speed/ power athlete...i want to get faster, and up my max strength and power...

what is the best stuff for this? i have used winstrol tabs at 30mg a day before, but got nothing but incredibily tight muscles from it...

please advise me...



New member
Feb 21, 2008
ummmm, ok...just read a little something on it...the entire testosterone thing really confuses me...i recently went to my docs and got blood test to get my levels...

im bang in the middle between high and low...

so, this stuff, any particular brand name?

how long is it in system? will is shut down natural sources? is it safe?

i know nothing...


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Pharmaceutical Name:Testosterone Enanthate
Chemical Name: 4-androstene-3-one-17b-ol
Cutting/Bulking: Bulking
Active-Life: 8 days
Drug Class: Androgenic/Anabolic Steroid (For injection)
Average Reported Dosage: Men 200-1000mg weekly.
Acne: Yes
Water Retention: Yes
High Blood Pressure: Moderate
Liver Toxic: Low
Aromatization: Yes
DHT Conversion: Yes
Decreases HPTA Function: Yes

This may help a little .People are going to tell you to google some of your questions wich is good advice. Just make sure you trully educate yourself before you use anything. Because there may be side effects that you may feel are not worth the gains.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
yeah i really tried to but its hard...this is a bulking thing apparently and thats totally not what i want...i know i dont train for bulk but still, i dont want to gain weight, just strength and power...but yeah...i dunno, anavar seems the best thing i read for what i want.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
haha....drob you absolute cock...

i do not want to be spoon fed...and please, i have a degree in exercise science and am an elite athlete, one thing i dont have is experience with this stuff and also contacts to do with this stuff...SO, stupid me decided to ask people who have that experience thinking i would actually get some good advice...anyone on this website can yahoo search anything...but they ask people who have done it...

what was the point of this forum again ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
crazyhops said:
haha....drob you absolute cock...

i do not want to be spoon fed...and please, i have a degree in exercise science and am an elite athlete, one thing i dont have is experience with this stuff and also contacts to do with this stuff...SO, stupid me decided to ask people who have that experience thinking i would actually get some good advice...anyone on this website can yahoo search anything...but they ask people who have done it...

what was the point of this forum again ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
OK so you have a degree in exercise science......then what I am about to tell you should come as no real surprise and in fact I shouldn't have to tell you at all, you should be telling me.

Above you made reference to the "BULKING THING". And you do not want this. Well, mr. degree then you control your "BULKING THING BY DIET" not by drugs. Proper nutrition can have you increase your strength levels tremendously which WILL TRANSLATE TO MORE SPEED!! Without significant size increases, If you wish to gain size then all you do is increse your caloric intake significantly with huge amounts of protein being the macro nutrient of choice. I can get anyone ripped to the back teeth on testosterone. It is all in the diet!! Testosterone and all of the anabolic steriods have a positive effect on nitrogen balance within the muscle, this is conducive to stop muscle wasting (catabolism) and enhance protien synthesis in the muscle. Faster recovery times after training mean more training more often which means stronger faster muscle.

So for a degree in exercise science I would say you could have chosen your words better. I acknowledge you have no knowledge of these compounds, but your question and some of your responses leave me shaking my head. Especially when you flat out insult one of our respected members!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Take on what oldfella says. Sure your question accounts for research but really the web has so much info on it. If your so serious and such a great athlete I would have thought you would have taken the time to educate yourself. I know you are completely new to compounds so you shouldn't know much. But really you have done winny before I would have thought you would have researched many compounds at that time. Especially for someone who has a sports science degree and says they are such a good athlete - you should know the importance of changes to your bodies hormonal balance and/or the effect you can have on it through proper diet and exercise.

I always laugh when people say they are intelligent cause they have a degree in that chosen field. Or if asked why do you think you are clever they reply with I have a degree. That in reference to your "I do not want to be spoon fed...and please, i have a degree in exercise science and am an elite athlete." Like you basically saying because you have a sports science degree you know your stuff. I am only 24 and I am currently doing my second degree. My first degree I got 1st class honours in and does it make me intelligent - does it fuck. You just have to use common sense in most courses. Many of the personal trainers out there haven't a clue - most have sports science or similar degrees. Most revise for the exam and the information is quickly forgotton. Anyway I went abit off track there! Just trying to highlight the obvious fact - do your fucking research before insulting a valued member of this forum.

Now then in regards to what to pick. Look into Anavar. And I know you want to know peoples personal experiences with each compound. But really the many steroid sites online can explain a particular compound better than most on this forum (me included). Then after hours of research if you want to know more info or about the best doses we will be happy to help you out. It baffles me how someone with a Sports Science degree doesn't realize the value of the search engines for info cause thats what you use throughout your studies. I know you might be thinking wtf but really it's just annoying when you get peope like you come on and expect to just be spoon fed and then show your attitude cause people don't reply with your expected standard of response.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I forgot to say but surely if your an elite athlete you would get drug tested? So you couldn't take most things we mention on this forum. But if you decide to do something look into test p and anavar. Test p carries less water retention compard to others. You would have to do eod injections with it but that also means it's active life is short. But again do loads of research and decide if your ready and if your willing to accept the side effects. You should look into protection such as armidex to stop all bloat and so you remain hard. That way your strength will just shoot up and your lean muscle. With protection you won't experience many estrogen related sides. You would have to plan the timing too. Reason being it will shut you down after the cycle and you will should be below par for about 3-6 weeks. So if your racing or whatever you do ensure the main season is when you are on and when you come off you are on a break.

To be honest though an Anavar only cycle will be great for your strength and you won't feel sides like you would if you put test in there. You just have to weigh up all your options and decide. Obviously test will bring about huge strength and increased performance also side effects (more so after cycle). Have you looked in PCT?
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New member
Feb 21, 2008
ok ok ...

well, for the way i choose my words...i have no idea who im talking to, so i write as simply as i can...for everyones benifit...and about insulting a valued member? i was also insulted...so...

as for testing...well, thats why anavar would work well im guessing, out of system in 3 weeks...

anyway, dont want any problems...sorry lads...


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
crazyhops said:
ok ok ...

well, for the way i choose my words...i have no idea who im talking to, so i write as simply as i can...for everyones benifit...and about insulting a valued member? i was also insulted...so...

as for testing...well, thats why anavar would work well im guessing, out of system in 3 weeks...

anyway, dont want any problems...sorry lads...
Look into test suspension It clears within 48hrs and many strength athletes use this before a big event, about 4-6 hours prior. But timing is critical.
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New member
Feb 21, 2008
interesting thanks...

so i could load up on it 48 hours prior to a major meet? on the meet day will i still have effects from it, if i do it like that?


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
I believe test susp has an 6-12hr half life. Now what you could do is use some test prop up to qabout 2 weeks from your meet, train your ass off to get maximum benefits. Then the last 2 weeks switch to suspension, it would mean every day shots though up to the 24-36hr point. I would say you would have sufficient gains by then to get a result. Of course it is always a gamble because everyone reacts differently to gear. But prop and suspension would be out of the detection period by then. All that could happen is either a slightly higher or lower test level if tested!!