4rth Cycle ??


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
1st-Anropen 10 weeks (500mgs per week)
2nd-Supertest/D-bol (900mgs total per week/40 mgs per day)
3rd-Test-E/Dbol (500mgs per week/ 50mg per day)

Last cycle I held way too much water weight. Looking for a cycle where I can do some major growth, but keep water weight down. And i'll just be strict on my diet to try to keep the 6 pack going, but i want some real growth. Any suggestions?
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Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
My stats...

Unsure body fat..probably around 13%
Bulky and havn't been on good diet or cardio for long time.

I don't have a problem cutting up, my genetics are on my side for that. So even when i lift low and heavy on cycles and put on mass i still have good shape. But water retention is my biggest deal on cycles so I want to grow a good amount on this cycle, but take what i need to keep the water retention down. So far im thinking...sust, deca, and dbol but really not sure. All advice welcome


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
GetSwullll said:
1st-Anropen 10 weeks
2nd-Supertest (with dbol 4 weeks) 13 weeks
3rd-Test E 17 weeks w/d-bol (first 4 weeks) (got up to 500mgs p week)

Last cycle I held way too much water weight. Looking for a cycle where I can do some major growth, but keep water weight down. And i'll just be strict on my diet to try to keep the 6 pack going, but i want some real growth. Any suggestions?
Not sure what your doses were, and really the choices are pretty individual in general. Given your previous cycles I would say:
TEST 600mg/week - 15 weeks
DECA 480mg/week - 12.5 weeks
DBOL 40mg/day - 25 days
ANAV 40mg/day - weeks 12.5-18

PCT starts week 19

I would personally add Masteron Enanthate (technically Drostanolone Enanthate) to the mix at around 300mg and run it 15 weeks as well - it won't add much mass to the cycle, but will help with potential sides and an overall boost to the cycle in mood, strength, muscle tone which improves motivation,etc.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
AlphaMale said:
Not sure what your doses were, and really the choices are pretty individual in general. Given your previous cycles I would say:
TEST 600mg/week - 15 weeks
DECA 480mg/week - 12.5 weeks
DBOL 40mg/day - 25 days
ANAV 40mg/day - weeks 12.5-18

PCT starts week 19

I would personally add Masteron Enanthate (technically Drostanolone Enanthate) to the mix at around 300mg and run it 15 weeks as well - it won't add much mass to the cycle, but will help with potential sides and an overall boost to the cycle in mood, strength, muscle tone which improves motivation,etc.

Sorry..I just edited my dosages and I used regular PCT on every cycle. This sounds like good cycle but I bloated so much on my last one..i really wanna take something to keep the water weight down too. Any suggestions..maybe diff. test or use Turanibol (sp) instead of the d-bol? I hated the way my face and stuff got.
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Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
GetSwullll said:
Sorry..I just edited my dosages and I used regular PCT on every cycle. This sounds like good cycle but I bloated so much on my last one..i really wanna take something to keep the water weight down too. Any suggestions..maybe diff. test or use Turanibol (sp) instead of the d-bol? I hated the way my face and stuff got.
Good ones to follow:
~Control estrogen through an AI
~Watch your diet as far as sodium and carbs
Good rule, though much more dependant on the individual:
~Keep the test around 400-600mg
~Keep the Deca under 500mg
~Keep the Dbol under 50mg

I experience no problems with Test kept under 600mg, Dbol at or under 40mg; as long as I take a low-dose AI and watch my diet. Eat clean


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
AlphaMale said:
Good ones to follow:
~Control estrogen through an AI
~Watch your diet as far as sodium and carbs
Good rule, though much more dependant on the individual:
~Keep the test around 400-600mg
~Keep the Deca under 500mg
~Keep the Dbol under 50mg

I experience no problems with Test kept under 600mg, Dbol at or under 40mg; as long as I take a low-dose AI and watch my diet. Eat clean

What do you mean as far as controlling estro through an AI?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
GetSwullll said:
What do you mean as far as controlling estro through an AI?

He means taking the likes of armidex during your cycle. I say armidex cause that is the best to choose. For the type of cycle you are doing a dose of 0.5mg per day would be fine. You can do upto 1mg per day. I would do the 0.5mg. That will control the water bloat. The reason you get it is due to the test converting into oestrogen (or estrogen). Armidex will stop the conversion. It is important to have some estrogen in your system though for optimal muscle growth. That is why I rec 0.5mg per day. You could do other cycle of test and dbol and you should be fine. I assume your usual PCT is clomid and Nolva. That PCT is good so stick to that just make sure your doses are spot on.

My rec for your 4th cycle would be

Sust at 600mg per week
Tbol at 50mg per day
Masteron E at 400mg per week

You wouldn't even need a anti-e with the above cause Masteron acts as a mild anti-e and tbol causes little water weight. Sust causes less water weight as opposed to test c and e but will give you great gains.

Other suggestion would simply be changing the tbol to dbol at the same dose ot maybe 40mg per day. In that cycle you might have to take a small dose of armidex during your cycle (or for the time you are on the dbol).

Regardless of the cycle it is good to have armidex on hand just incase you are not happy with the bloat from any of your cycles.

You didn't list cycle lengths did you. I would do 13 weeks of tests and if you decide to do deca do 11 weeks of that. Eq then you can just do 13 like the test. Mast then the same as test also. I would run the dbol for 4-5 weeks and take a good liver support(s) with that.

Remember with Sust you start PCT 3 weeks after your last shot.

You will know how much to do cause you have experience with fairly high doses. So if you want more than 600 then do whatever you feel best. But if you decide to go up during the armidex you have on hand will be useful when taking large amounts of test.

Just to let you know my next cycle is gonna be

Sust at 550-700mg per week
Masteron E at 400mg per week
Dbol or Tbol at 40mg per day

I am basically in the same boat as you in regards to being tall and my natural genetics. I have done dbol b4 and loved it but wanna try the tbol. But I think it will be dbol I pick and save tbol for other time. I didn't like the bloat (moonface) I got from my anadrol on my current cycle. I took nolva during this cycle (at times). That is a serm similar to a anti-e and is useful to combat the conversion but armidex is much better. I wouldn't do deca in the cycle. Many are great on it (love the stuff) and I was fine this cycle. But that doesn't convert to estrogen. You will be fine with a low dose (like 400) but I just think it has so many bad points sexually. I never experienced them but almost everyone I know who tried it did experience them. So I just think there are so many compounds that don't bring them so I am just gonna stick to them in the future. Deca doesn't do anything special to you. You shouldn't really take a serm with deca too but it was fine for me this cycle. It is great but like I said just the sexual effects are enough for me to stay away. Thats why I said if you do it take test for 2 weeks after the test so you don't experience the main effects.

In all my future cycles I am gonna do a test. Coupled with the likes of mast, eq, tren (effects like deca but is awesome stuff), primo. And added to the 2 an oral such as dbol, tbol, avar etc.

Hope it helps


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
He means taking the likes of armidex during your cycle. I say armidex cause that is the best to choose. For the type of cycle you are doing a dose of 0.5mg per day would be fine. You can do upto 1mg per day. I would do the 0.5mg. That will control the water bloat. The reason you get it is due to the test converting into oestrogen (or estrogen). Armidex will stop the conversion. It is important to have some estrogen in your system though for optimal muscle growth. That is why I rec 0.5mg per day. You could do other cycle of test and dbol and you should be fine. I assume your usual PCT is clomid and Nolva. That PCT is good so stick to that just make sure your doses are spot on.

My rec for your 4th cycle would be

Sust at 600mg per week
Tbol at 50mg per day
Masteron E at 400mg per week

You wouldn't even need a anti-e with the above cause Masteron acts as a mild anti-e and tbol causes little water weight. Sust causes less water weight as opposed to test c and e but will give you great gains.

Other suggestion would simply be changing the tbol to dbol at the same dose ot maybe 40mg per day. In that cycle you might have to take a small dose of armidex during your cycle (or for the time you are on the dbol).

Regardless of the cycle it is good to have armidex on hand just incase you are not happy with the bloat from any of your cycles.

You didn't list cycle lengths did you. I would do 13 weeks of tests and if you decide to do deca do 11 weeks of that. Eq then you can just do 13 like the test. Mast then the same as test also. I would run the dbol for 4-5 weeks and take a good liver support(s) with that.

Remember with Sust you start PCT 3 weeks after your last shot.

You will know how much to do cause you have experience with fairly high doses. So if you want more than 600 then do whatever you feel best. But if you decide to go up during the armidex you have on hand will be useful when taking large amounts of test.

Just to let you know my next cycle is gonna be

Sust at 550-700mg per week
Masteron E at 400mg per week
Dbol or Tbol at 40mg per day

I am basically in the same boat as you in regards to being tall and my natural genetics. I have done dbol b4 and loved it but wanna try the tbol. But I think it will be dbol I pick and save tbol for other time. I didn't like the bloat (moonface) I got from my anadrol on my current cycle. I took nolva during this cycle (at times). That is a serm similar to a anti-e and is useful to combat the conversion but armidex is much better. I wouldn't do deca in the cycle. Many are great on it (love the stuff) and I was fine this cycle. But that doesn't convert to estrogen. You will be fine with a low dose (like 400) but I just think it has so many bad points sexually. I never experienced them but almost everyone I know who tried it did experience them. So I just think there are so many compounds that don't bring them so I am just gonna stick to them in the future. Deca doesn't do anything special to you. You shouldn't really take a serm with deca too but it was fine for me this cycle. It is great but like I said just the sexual effects are enough for me to stay away. Thats why I said if you do it take test for 2 weeks after the test so you don't experience the main effects.

In all my future cycles I am gonna do a test. Coupled with the likes of mast, eq, tren (effects like deca but is awesome stuff), primo. And added to the 2 an oral such as dbol, tbol, avar etc.

Hope it helps

Wow man that helped a lot. Is the Armidex and Masteron E sold through Alin? I think I'm gonna go with that cycle. I've heard great things on the Sust too but i know its short ester and I would have to inject several times a week instead of once with a Test-e. But i've never tried Sust. I assume I can mix the Deca with either into one injection though?! Either way I'm going to try the T-bol since it's new to me and I know the D-bol is great but if I can get same strengths and less water than I'm fine with that @ 50mg per day. I always keep the PCT handy but i've never taken it until maybe 2 weeks before cycle end just because of sensitivity going up, etc..

Thanks, let me know what ya think about getting the Armidex or Mast-e


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
GetSwullll said:
Wow man that helped a lot. Is the Armidex and Masteron E sold through Alin? I think I'm gonna go with that cycle. I've heard great things on the Sust too but i know its short ester and I would have to inject several times a week instead of once with a Test-e. But i've never tried Sust. I assume I can mix the Deca with either into one injection though?! Either way I'm going to try the T-bol since it's new to me and I know the D-bol is great but if I can get same strengths and less water than I'm fine with that @ 50mg per day. I always keep the PCT handy but i've never taken it until maybe 2 weeks before cycle end just because of sensitivity going up, etc..

Thanks, let me know what ya think about getting the Armidex or Mast-e

You can get both Armidex and Masteron through Alinshop. Mast is quite expensive though as it's only 100ml per 1ml. I use sachets so not sure about others. Get Mast E as that is long-estered. By the way Sust is a long estered compound! It is a test blend (5 different blends) and contains test p etc which is short estered but also long estered compounds mixed in. The idea is they hit you at different times. Yes you can mix it with the Deca to reduce injections. I would personally do the Sust Mon and Thurs. If it was me I would do Deca on Wed but your fine to just mix it in during your test injections.

The different tests require different periods of time you need to wait till starting PCT. The likes of test p is a few days (best wait 1 week), test c and e is 2 weeks. However Sust is 3 weeks. So in this cycle you have to wait 3 weeks till you start PCT after you last shot.

I didn't get what you meant by not taking PCT till 2 weeks before cycle end. PCT is post cycle therapy so always after your cycle. Did you just mean you have never taken protection (nolva, proviron, armidex etc) during till 2 weeks before you ending your cycle? That is alittle pointless in some respects cause you have done long estered tests in the past and they will still be in your system till 2 weeks after you last injection. But again it is always good takign the likes of proviron in the build up to your PCT.

For this cycle depending upon dose you should be taking a small amount of armidex during your cycle. If you doing tbol you won't need that much. I would rec no armidex but just to have it on hand but as you don't want any bloat I would say 0.5mg per day is plenty. The tbol will hit straightaway but done start your armidex till a few weeks into your cycle. That just cause alittle estrogen is good and you will feel the effects (difference) it brings as opposed to just starting it from day 1. Mast is a mild estrogen so thats why I said the above but the 2 combined will be great for you.

I don't know how many weeks you are doing it but I would rec something like. I was just about to do 14 weeks test, 13 weeks deca (so 2 weeks more of test cause sust in sytem for 3 weeks and deca 2) and the tbol. But just realized about the mast. You could do all 4 but I would just stick to 3 so I would rec either-

Week 1-14= Sust at 650mg per week
Week 1-14= Masteron E at 400mg per week
Week 1-6= Tbol at 50mg per day


Week 1-14= Sust at 650 per week
Week 1-13= Deca at 400mg per week
Week 1-6= Tbol at 50mg per day

Either one of the above would be a great cycle. I would personally do Masteron. My next cycle will be the first one but swop 50mg tbol for 6 weeks to 40mg of dbol for 5 weeks.

So one of the above would be great. Added to that 0.5mg of armidex each day as you don't want much water weight. Have you looked into HCG? That would be decent at maybe 500IU every 7 days or 400IU every 4 days.

PCT should be started 3 week after you last shot and be something like-

Week 1-3= Clomid at 250mg day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg. days 12-21 at 50mg per day.
Week 1-3= Nolvadex at 20mg per day at days 1-16, days 17-21 at 10mg per day

There is no right answer but the above is a good PCT regime. Hope it helps.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
You can get both Armidex and Masteron through Alinshop. Mast is quite expensive though as it's only 100ml per 1ml. I use sachets so not sure about others. Get Mast E as that is long-estered. By the way Sust is a long estered compound! It is a test blend (5 different blends) and contains test p etc which is short estered but also long estered compounds mixed in. The idea is they hit you at different times. Yes you can mix it with the Deca to reduce injections. I would personally do the Sust Mon and Thurs. If it was me I would do Deca on Wed but your fine to just mix it in during your test injections.

The different tests require different periods of time you need to wait till starting PCT. The likes of test p is a few days (best wait 1 week), test c and e is 2 weeks. However Sust is 3 weeks. So in this cycle you have to wait 3 weeks till you start PCT after you last shot.

I didn't get what you meant by not taking PCT till 2 weeks before cycle end. PCT is post cycle therapy so always after your cycle. Did you just mean you have never taken protection (nolva, proviron, armidex etc) during till 2 weeks before you ending your cycle? That is alittle pointless in some respects cause you have done long estered tests in the past and they will still be in your system till 2 weeks after you last injection. But again it is always good takign the likes of proviron in the build up to your PCT.

For this cycle depending upon dose you should be taking a small amount of armidex during your cycle. If you doing tbol you won't need that much. I would rec no armidex but just to have it on hand but as you don't want any bloat I would say 0.5mg per day is plenty. The tbol will hit straightaway but done start your armidex till a few weeks into your cycle. That just cause alittle estrogen is good and you will feel the effects (difference) it brings as opposed to just starting it from day 1. Mast is a mild estrogen so thats why I said the above but the 2 combined will be great for you.

I don't know how many weeks you are doing it but I would rec something like. I was just about to do 14 weeks test, 13 weeks deca (so 2 weeks more of test cause sust in sytem for 3 weeks and deca 2) and the tbol. But just realized about the mast. You could do all 4 but I would just stick to 3 so I would rec either-

Week 1-14= Sust at 650mg per week
Week 1-14= Masteron E at 400mg per week
Week 1-6= Tbol at 50mg per day


Week 1-14= Sust at 650 per week
Week 1-13= Deca at 400mg per week
Week 1-6= Tbol at 50mg per day

Either one of the above would be a great cycle. I would personally do Masteron. My next cycle will be the first one but swop 50mg tbol for 6 weeks to 40mg of dbol for 5 weeks.

So one of the above would be great. Added to that 0.5mg of armidex each day as you don't want much water weight. Have you looked into HCG? That would be decent at maybe 500IU every 7 days or 400IU every 4 days.

PCT should be started 3 week after you last shot and be something like-

Week 1-3= Clomid at 250mg day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg. days 12-21 at 50mg per day.
Week 1-3= Nolvadex at 20mg per day at days 1-16, days 17-21 at 10mg per day

There is no right answer but the above is a good PCT regime. Hope it helps.

Yea..i just met that at one point I started using PCT two weeks before I ended my cycle because I was so sensitive and continued the PCT to the regular time post cycle. But thanks again man, you've helped me out TONS beyond what I thought I'd get so I feel confident about it. I'll keep ya posted up on gains.

Thanks A Lot Bro


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
GetSwullll said:
Yea..i just met that at one point I started using PCT two weeks before I ended my cycle because I was so sensitive and continued the PCT to the regular time post cycle. But thanks again man, you've helped me out TONS beyond what I thought I'd get so I feel confident about it. I'll keep ya posted up on gains.

Thanks A Lot Bro

Good to hear. Keep me posted on your gains as I am will be doing a similar (same) cycle about Sept. Happy training.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
GetSwullll said:
I didn't see the T-bol on Alin?! Is it under different name or am I just missing it?!

Your right it's not there. I remember it was there a few months ago but has been off for a short while. I thought it would have been put back on by now but I guess not. You could order it off other supplier. Someone might be able to tell you when it will be put back on. I will try and find out for you.

If it isn't you could go for the dbol. To be honest though for whatyou want I would defo pick anavar. That is mainly used for cutting but is a great addition with test. Of course everyone has different opinions but I would say most people I talk to rate it above the likes of adrol, tbol and in many cases dbol. It will cut you up alot and give you quality muscle gains over time. You should run it at about 40mg per day for 8 weeks. It is basically suppose to be avar, tbol then dbol in order of water weight - with tbol being half 1/2 the way up from avar. Avar is very similar to tbol in terms of it's effects and sides (with most people). I would say most would actually prefer avar to tbol... it's many of my friends fav oral. Do some research on it and decide. There is actually many threads on other sites discussing tbol vs avar.

Let me know how you get on and if I find out about the tbol I will write you. By the way both avar and dbol are sold on alinshop so you will have no problems there.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
Your right it's not there. I remember it was there a few months ago but has been off for a short while. I thought it would have been put back on by now but I guess not. You could order it off other supplier. Someone might be able to tell you when it will be put back on. I will try and find out for you.

If it isn't you could go for the dbol. To be honest though for whatyou want I would defo pick anavar. That is mainly used for cutting but is a great addition with test. Of course everyone has different opinions but I would say most people I talk to rate it above the likes of adrol, tbol and in many cases dbol. It will cut you up alot and give you quality muscle gains over time. You should run it at about 40mg per day for 8 weeks. It is basically suppose to be avar, tbol then dbol in order of water weight - with tbol being half 1/2 the way up from avar. Avar is very similar to tbol in terms of it's effects and sides (with most people). I would say most would actually prefer avar to tbol... it's many of my friends fav oral. Do some research on it and decide. There is actually many threads on other sites discussing tbol vs avar.

Let me know how you get on and if I find out about the tbol I will write you. By the way both avar and dbol are sold on alinshop so you will have no problems there.

I'll research. Thanks again man..you're the most help i've gotten on this site in long time and i've been on here awhile. Appreciate it all and i'll get at your inbox next time when I know exactly what im gonna take, or you can update me that way too. Meanwhlie..little more cut doesn't sound bad for summer to. I'm just looking to put on some lean size, but willing to sacrifice the leanness for the size overall.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Got the Sust and D-bol and Armidex and PCT all in.
*Started First 2 Shots of 1.5 CCs of Sust this week
*Taking 40mg of Dbol Ed For 4 Weeks Starting this week

**Just wanted to make sure that dosages were right, and that you usually take the d-bol ed for the four weeks straight. Usually when I take d-bol I don't take this high of dosage so I wanted to make sure it was still to be taken every day to keep my levels up?! Also..at 3ccs per week of the Sust 250 I'm taking in 750 mg of Sust which I will taper off at the end. Is that too much or good seeing this is my 4rth cycle?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
GetSwullll said:
Got the Sust and D-bol and Armidex and PCT all in.
*Started First 2 Shots of 1.5 CCs of Sust this week
*Taking 40mg of Dbol Ed For 4 Weeks Starting this week

**Just wanted to make sure that dosages were right, and that you usually take the d-bol ed for the four weeks straight. Usually when I take d-bol I don't take this high of dosage so I wanted to make sure it was still to be taken every day to keep my levels up?! Also..at 3ccs per week of the Sust 250 I'm taking in 750 mg of Sust which I will taper off at the end. Is that too much or good seeing this is my 4rth cycle?

That sounds spot on. 750mg is a nice amount. I forgot if you are doing the stealth or others...? Because the stealth is likely to be overdosed so maybe lower your amounts slightly if they are (something like 1.3ml). 750mg is lots but you have experience with it. Like I said Sust carries less bloat than test e/c. But again everyone reacts different to each compound. Just stick to what you are doing and keep it at 750 max. Thats good you are tapering it down in the last few weeks. That way because it's active (and half) life is fairly long you will be finishing on a low amount and then that will naturally lower over the weeks after your last shot. Therefore, your recovery should be much faster and more comfortable (no big crash).

In regards to dbol you should take it everyday. I hear about people having 5 days on 2 off etc to help with their livers and that can be fine. But your best just keeping it everyday and for a short time. Space them out throughout the day too. I would do 40mg and do that 10 morning, afternoon, evening and night. That way your blood plasma is controlled and you have it in your system throughout each day. So yeah just do 28 days. Most of your gains will come in the first 3 weeks and the 4th weeks agains will likely slow down comapred to weeks prior.

Don't forget to be on your 0.5mg per day of adex from the start. Cos I know you don't want lots of bloat so that will help matters. The dbol is strong but don't forget after the 4 weeks that should slowly go down (water weight). If your unhappy with the bloat just up your adex to 0.75 or 1mg per day.

Did you just go with just sust and dbol? Or did you get the deca too? Alin isn't selling mast e at the moment and only the short estered version which is best for cutting cycles. Either way (deca or not) it looks like you are sorted. It should be a great cycle for you. Nice gains but not too much bloat from the sust. I understand why you went with the dbol... sometimes you just wanna get big. I am the same. I am actually planning 2 shorter cycles with dbol first and then tbol in the 2nd. Let us know how you get on. By the way what dbol did you pick? Did you get the Romanian one (Naposim) or the other?


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
That sounds spot on. ............... By the way what dbol did you pick? Did you get the Romanian one (Naposim) or the other?

Thanks man, yea I went with the Stealth Sust 250 and that's what' I've been running both shots of at 1.5 mls 2x per week.. I actually did want the T-bol instead of the D-bol. Only when I went to order Alin wasn't offering it. I got ya message that it may be up few weeks later but I already placed the order. Looks like it's going to be just the Dbol - Sust cycle for me with the Armidex. Hopeing to get some good size off of it and I have been running that d-bol spaced out every 4 hours or so throughout the day. I got the other tabs..not the Napoism ones.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
GetSwullll said:
Thanks man, yea I went with the Stealth Sust 250 and that's what' I've been running both shots of at 1.5 mls 2x per week.. I actually did want the T-bol instead of the D-bol. Only when I went to order Alin wasn't offering it. I got ya message that it may be up few weeks later but I already placed the order. Looks like it's going to be just the Dbol - Sust cycle for me with the Armidex. Hopeing to get some good size off of it and I have been running that d-bol spaced out every 4 hours or so throughout the day. I got the other tabs..not the Napoism ones.

If you had been doing deca I would have said something like 650mg sust and 400mg deca. But as it's just test and dbol then the 750 sounds good. You may want to lower it slightly as they are likely to be overdosed. It could be anything from 250mg-320mg per ml imo (what I have heard). So really your 3ml could be as much as 960mg. If overdosed it's probably gonna be around the 870 mark as the average overdosing is about 40mg per ml for most compounds (what I have heard). It's up to you you can just stick with the 3ml and think it is 750ml and if it is extra then cool (thats what I would do).

The other dbol are very good and you should really like them. I am going with the Naposim next time round. Let us know how you get on.