arimidex and hcg -


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Can someone tell me why people take both of these at the same time during a cycle?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
Can someone tell me why people take both of these at the same time during a cycle?

Armidex is an anti-estrogen. So it is very useful to take during a cycle when especially strong bulking compounds are used (or for sensitive individuals). The reason being when test is in your system it converts to estrogen. Estrogen is actually a female hormone produced by the ovaries and is the primary sex hormone for females. The are three types of estrogen and test converts to estradiol. By the way estrogen is present in both men and women naturally but of course more so women. Contrary to what most believe estrogen is needed for a healthy libido. But like with most things huge amounts of something usually has the opposite effect as a small amount.

Anyway injecting loads of test (or orals) will result in lots of test in your system. So this will convert to estrogen and this can result in the many estrogen related sides. The main one to worry about is gyno. But others include the usual oily skin, fatty deposits, acne etc. Armidex will basically make heavy steroid cycles more comfortable. Armidex blocks the enzyme aromatase, this blocking the production of estrogen in your system. A daily dose of 1mg can produce estrogen suppression greater than 80%. But you need some estrogen for optimal muscle growth so if your doing a moderate-heavy cycle I would rec 0.5mg per day. That is plenty and would do it's job. A lighter cycle may only need 0.25mg per day. But again it may not be needed at all. But it is always good to have on hand just incase. Armidex is the best AI to be taken during a cycle if your gonna pick one but everyone is different. Nolva can be taken during a cycle with great effect. That is a serm but does the same things more or less but nowhere as effiecienttly as armidex. Basically their original use was to treat breast cancer in women and nolva is often tried first then armidex in more advanced cases. There is evidence showing nolva isn't good to be taken long term but again I think that is exaggerated. Your like me and just wanna do a cycle every so often so if you need one defo pick armidex above nolva. Save the nolva and clomid for PCT.

Anyway won't bore you with a big thing about HCG like I have above. In short HCG is used at a dose of about 500IU every 7 days during. A dose of 400IU every 4 days might be better but both will do the job. Simply to stop your balls from shrinking to the size of peanuts. It will also help with your recovery after the cycle if taken during and will improve the effectiveness of the compounds you take during. Again it is not essential like armidex isn't for most cycles but always good to have on hand. However, they are needed in very strong cycles as sides are greater and conversion higher. HCG will rebound so if your taking short-estered compound stop about 1 week before your last shot. If taking long-estered just stop around 1 week after your last injection. So they each do different things and effect different areas so are fine (great) to be taken together. It would be a different story if you was to say armidex and nolva etc. Hope it helps.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
You can stick with HCG to the end of you cycle and then wait the necessary days to start your PCT. But I also rec to stop alittle before because it really does make your balls go south! It is given to boys when they haven't dropped so thats tells you what it will do. So it willl bring them back to size but also bring them back down - depending on the amount maybe much lower than they were at originally! So I like to have alittle test afterwards so things are cool. Then the PCT will do the rest.