Big Problem


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
So I want planning on doing Sust, Armidex, Materon-e, and Avar. Order was made and they left out my Mast, and Avar. Now I'm only getting sust but here's what they did order and I need to know what's gonna be the best thing to throw in with the Sust out of what they are getting in this order. keepin mind I'm looking for size but don't mind cutting up little for summer if I have to off one of these substitutes.


?????What can I do??


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I know that the Sust and D-bol (after research) would be good for mostly mass. I have the Armidex and PCT on hand to keep the water weight down so as of now that seems best. However, I have never tried EQ, Winni, or CLen. I know that Winni is more of a muscle hardener so I assume that wouldn't be so bad with the Sust? The Clen seems to be a direct fat burner so I'm not sure how that will work with the Sust? The EQ was only thing I wasn't sure of either way after research?!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I don't get what you mean by they left out the mast and avar. So you paid and they haven't sent it yet. Can't you just wait till you get the other stuff. Plus it's hard to advise completely because we don't know how much you have of each compound. Do you only have alittle bit of winny and lots of Eq etc etc etc.

For what you need a Sust and Eq cycle would do you good. You could incorporate clen 2 weeks on 2 week off in the final half of your cycle. If you don't have much Eq then swop it over for winny and that would make other good cycle. Winny can be good when taken near the end of a cycle. In my next cycle I am doing sust, mast e with a kickstart of dbol. But in the final 6 weeks I will add winny (injectable) to the equation.

The cycle I would do and what I rec to be the best. Cause in my opinion you should get the most from each cycle and then have lots of recovery. Plus you have experience with strong compounds. I would rec a kickstart of dbol (4-5 weeks at 40mg per day) and the sust and eq for 12-14 weeks. I would do the sust 1 week more than eq. With that you should take 0.5mg armidex each day to kep down bloat. If you are unhappy with the amount of bloat then simply use 0.75 or 1mg. How much Sust are you planning to do again? Wasn't it about 650mg? If you keep it to about 600mg and the Eq about 400mg then bloat shouldn't be that bad. The dbol will make you huge but that will balance out over your cycle and the anti-e will stop most conversion, thus, you will be hard. I always like adding proviron to my cycle to increase hardness. You could order some of that for next to nothing ($25).

Then incorporate clen into your cycle. I don't know how much you have. I assume you have 100 tabs. You would need more to do throughout your cycle. But just adding that 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off in the 2nd part of your cycle would be good. You could even take it during PCT as it acts as a anti-catabolic agent and helps you keep your gains. Either way with clen you have many options and can take it at any time during your cycle, during PCT or after your cycle. Hope it helps
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Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Naw..person who ordered just left the Mast and Avar completely out the order. I'm getting plenty of everything I listed besides the EQ. That's the only thing that was ordered just enought for the person. The clen and winni are coming in huge order so I can sub. any amount of that into the package. And I have plenty of Dbol on hand too.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
GetSwullll said:
Naw..person who ordered just left the Mast and Avar completely out the order. I'm getting plenty of everything I listed besides the EQ. That's the only thing that was ordered just enought for the person. The clen and winni are coming in huge order so I can sub. any amount of that into the package. And I have plenty of Dbol on hand too.

Then I think a dbol kickstart with sust would be best. Aren't you planning to do a very long cycle? And is the winny in oral form or injectable? If oral then your best just doing Sust with Dbol. But if injectable you could do it throughout your cycle (or most of it). If you do have tabs then if you do an extra long cycle then you could do the kickstart and then finish with 5 weeks of winny tabs. But if you do that make sure you have a good 6 weeks in between the different tabs. And in that time don't drink alcohol and be healthy. Plus a good liver support is a must. You would have to do a 16 week cycle do do the winny tabs (4/5 weeks kickstart then 6 weeks space and 5/6 weeks winny). Happy training


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I see...I'll probably do the 16 weeks and run the Sust with kickstart dbol and finish with winni because I only will have access to the tabs. What dosage of winni do you end with and do you slowly decrease or no?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
GetSwullll said:
I see...I'll probably do the 16 weeks and run the Sust with kickstart dbol and finish with winni because I only will have access to the tabs. What dosage of winni do you end with and do you slowly decrease or no?

I should say I would very rarely rec two forms of 17AA oral in any particular cycle. The winny will be harsh on the liver as will the dbol so you have to get a good liver support. The injectable would have been great with the sust and the even with dbol too. But if you are running a 16 week cycle then finishing with winny would be fine. Effective diet and training is always the best to cut you up during PCT or at the end of your cycle. But if you do the winny the dose for tabs should be 35-75mg per day. So I would say 40mg would be plenty with 50mg being your total max limit. I think it is always good to taper your dose at the end of your cycle. I mainly mean that with your Sust to avoid such a heavy crash. The winny not so much but it you could slowly taper it in the final week... just something simple like 50, 40, 30, 30, 20, 20, 10, 0. If I was to taper orals it would literally be over 3 days so nothing really. The Sust I would taper with something like-

If usual dose is 650mg per week upto week 13
Week 13 = Mon 300mg, Thurs 250mg so total = 550mg
Week 14 = Mon 225mg, Thurs 175mg so total = 400mg
Week 15 = Mon 150mg, Thurs 100mg so total = 250mg
Week 16 = Mon 75mg, wait till next Mon and do 25mg so total = 100mg

Hope it works out for you.
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