

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
All it is I got clomid from Alinshop. I am in my PCT now. I was on Alinboard and there are numerous threads saying how the clomid is fake. Everyone says the Balkan clomid is worthless. And it's 50/50 for the EGIS Clomid. I would say the more experienced members air on the side of them being fine. I was just wondering what you guys think.

My PCT regime was originally 3 weeks but I have changed it to just under 4 weeks due to the length of my cycle etc. I just hope it is doing something!

Clomid- Day 1 at 250mg, day 2 at 150mg, days 3-12 at 100mg and days 13-26 at 50mg.
Nolvadex- Days 1-21 at 20mg per day and days 22-26 at 10mg per day.

I have the EGIS Clomid. They are big round white tabs. Usually they have EGIS written on the side but mine have no writing... but as I aware that is fine for some batches.
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Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I seriously doubt Alin would sell Bogus Clomid :p
You have to remember where he is at he gets this stuff Dirt cheap.
A Lot of them guys Over there are young guys that dont have a clue of what there doing or talking about. They Pump eachother up though like there realy
smart :afro: The blind leading the Blind Often over there. Its almost out of control.

Without blood tests How would you ever know if Clomid was doing anything?
By Feel I Guess?
I used some in my early days and I didnt care for the stuff. I didnt notice it doing anything at all to be honest.
Hcg seems to work a lot better for me. With it there is No doubt its working.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:
I seriously doubt Alin would sell Bogus Clomid :p
You have to remember where he is at he gets this stuff Dirt cheap.
A Lot of them guys Over there are young guys that dont have a clue of what there doing or talking about. They Pump eachother up though like there realy
smart :afro: The blind leading the Blind Often over there. Its almost out of control.

Without blood tests How would you ever know if Clomid was doing anything?
By Feel I Guess?
I used some in my early days and I didnt care for the stuff. I didnt notice it doing anything at all to be honest.
Hcg seems to work a lot better for me. With it there is No doubt its working.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I aware of the price of the stuff over there. I actually have a mate from when I was in uni who lives in Moldova (he used to tell me the stuff he done and for how much he didn't pay for it). Your talking $20 for a half decent cycle. There wouldn't be much difference in price between the real and fake stuff. But again that doesn't mean that fake batches might get about. I do have full trust in Alin so it's all cool. I was just alittle shocked when I read those threads and people with 3000-5000 posts were saying it was fake.

You are right about the board though. That is the reason I have never posted on there. I am sure there are many intelligent people on there but when I was reading through many threads I was shocked at some of the recommendations... the sort of stuff you hear the 19 year old who things he is top dog in the gym talk about. There are so many in my gym all thinking they are great cos they have gone big cause they pump themselves with dbol and test but don't even know what PCT stands for. I was talking to one the other day and mentioned estrogen and he thought it was something to do with hair... shocking really. I say shocking cause I think he has done about 5 cycles and never done PCT. It will be sad for him when he has a big break and realizes things don't quite work properly cause he has never recovered from past cycles.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
You are right it is impossible to tell without blood tests. I just take the fact I can get a hard on fine as a starting point! Although my test levels are not good cos you can just tell and workouts are an extra effort now (recovery too). I feel tired al the time and have no drive but that will get better each day. I am only 10 days into PCT so everything is to be expected. I was actually thinking I would completely shutdown for weeks so I am happy. After PCT I will do a course of Bulgarian Tribulus for 6 weeks. My next cycle is not gonna be till Sept so I will have lots of recovery time.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Your absoloutley Right Elvia. The majority of those youngsters over there
with 3000+ Posts are Posting bullshit 100 times a day Just to build up that post count. I realy Like Alin and Like you said there are a few damn good guys over there That know there stuff and are experienced. For the Most part though Its Not the best board for Legit information.
We the Mods try to keep it under controll and erase the Off the wall shit
But like you sais there is so many of them and there Posting NON-stop!
I Just dont have time to go thru them all and I know the other mods are a bit burnt on the newbies there as well.

Goodluck on your Pct and next run Elvia, sorry Im not much help on the Clomid.


Aug 28, 2005
The Balkan clomid is no bogus or bad. Theres lab results to prove it. Keep in mind this is pharm/human grade company not UG thats licensed by our government.