Help with DNP, pyruvate, T3 cycle??


New member
Jun 8, 2005
I have bought the following and i would like your opinion on a few things....

DNP -- 200mg -- 100 Caps
pyruvate -- 1000mg -- 120 Caps
T3 -- 50mg -- 60 Caps

I am wanting to do a 20 day course and i would like your opinion on how much i should take and when i should take?

Would it be a problem taking all 3 tablets at once??



New member
Jun 8, 2005
Yes sorry MCG, typo :) do you have any suggestions on this course? one thing i am sure of is i don't want to take more than 200mg of DNP a day. Thanks


Registered User
Jul 23, 2004
Charlotte, NC
I hope you studied long and hard about DNP. It is not anything to play arouind with. YOu need to have all your supps in line. Also what are your goals, age ,experience, etc.


New member
Jun 8, 2005
I'm 23 , 80kgs , 5''9'

i put on weight very quickly and i struggle to get it off, i have never seen my abs my whole life no matter how much i train or diet, i have tried the following with no avail... eca stack, t4 , t3 , clen , and loads of over the counter diet products. no mater what i do i can never get rid of my stomach, evern if i train my ass off for months while eating properly the whole time. if i dont train and i still eat properly my weight slowly goes up.

I have researched dnp and i will not be taking more than 200mg a day for 20 days, all i need to know is how much t3 and pyruvate i need to take and when i should take them? also is it ok to take all three at once or should i space them out.



Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Sounds dangerous to me dude.
Im not even sure what the pyruvate is myslef So I cant say much about that one. I do Know T3 Will eat your Muscle up if your not carefull and DNP can KILL you. Neither Of Which I myself Can or would advise to anyone, especialy someone as young as yourself. Ive used nearly every bodybuilding supp there is and I havnt ( an wouldnt) even experimented with Dnp or t3

Sit your 23 yrs old! Work your young ass off with Cardio and a STRICT diet.
80 Kgs is what appx 175 Lbs? I Just think this stuff is A Lot more likley to due you Harm then good.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Listen to what Raj has put. I can only assume you are not doing the diet as well as you could. So many think they are but 99% aren't. Abs really are made in the kitchen and not the gym. So many people also think cos they eat healthy food that it is sorted - but it may not be high in protein which is essential for definition.

If you eat out one big meal can account for 1500-2000 calories and if you wanna be losing weight you should be on about 2300 per day. Never crash diet meaning eating next to nothing. You should be on about 2400 and if that is not working go to 2300 and so on. Cardio is the key if you want abs. Stomach exercises are great and will sculpt them but diet and cardio reveals them.

To speed up your metabolic rate you should be eating every 2-3 hours. Make sure you have protein with every meal. Maybe have 3 good protein shakes per day and 4 small meals. You may think I am saying all stuff you already know but really everyone can be toned if they use educated effort. It's true that some naturally have very 'weak' abs and naturally carry more fat in that area but with proper diet and training anything is possible.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I can almost guarantee your over training too by the sounds of it. To get a cover model look you should be doing 3-4 intense weight sessions per week. Keep your reps at 8-12 so not too heavy. But keep them heavy so you don't lose muscle over time and keep you lean. Cardio should be used on each of those days and upto 2 days more. 4 days per week should be fine but if you play sports too that can account for sessions. Make sure you drink lots of water too and don't lose faith like most do when it becomes a struggle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
What do you eat on a typcial day and please be honest. And how often to you drink alcohol? What does your training regime look like and how long have you been going the gym?


New member
Jun 8, 2005
thanks for the input guys....

Monday gym in the morning and cycle +- 50km after work
Tuesday run +- 5km after work
Wednesday gym in the morning and cycle +- 50km after work
Thursday run +- 5km after work
Friday gym in the morning and cycle +- 50km after work
Saturday cycle +- 100km
Sunday rest

I have been doing that routine for about 4 years with slight changes to gym routines and distances every few months.

when going to gym i usually train for 45 minutes to an hour.

on the average day my diet would be something like this

breakfast normally consists of porridge, yoghurt or cereal

lunch would normally be 3 or 4 sandwiches or a sit down meal depending on where i am working.

dinner is all ways some kind of meat with veg and pasta here and there.

i do have the odd chocolate here and there and when i get something to drink during the day i try to get a fruit smoothie or something other than soda.

i would say i have 1 or 2 units of alcohol a week if not less

i think i just have a very slow metabolism.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006

Hey bro if you have some free time here is a thread that may be inetersting to you. Check out what this guy is eating pre-contest and How serious and strict he is about it. Its a very detailed and Long thread But deffinatley worth reading.

If you want to get LEAN you have to suffer. And I dont mean with DNP or any drug combination. Im talking some good Old fashion Hard ass work and diet. The True "secret" to getting Rock hard and Lean.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Here is a thread By Another National Level bodybuilder who Knows a Bit about what it takes to get LEAN... Youll see same as Pulcinella, AllexA will tell you It Takes Strict and serious Dieting.


It can Be Done! Not by the weak though (Like me :smoker: )
It takes some serious heart and test of character to eat like that day in and day out. Most think they can or say they do But Very very few can actualy do it. The ones that can...well it Shows!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Your diet looks good but it is hard to tell. I just mean I know many who have great bases but snack lots and they don't realize they do it. But if what you write is true then you live a very healthy lifestyle. The thing is anyone who wants to be lean can. Sure many have slower metabolic rates than others but that just means they have to be extra tight with diet and training. Many also think they have the so called 'fat gene' and are simply naturally meant to be big... but that is rubbish. That is in 1% of the population and is not the reason why they are overweight... the reason is they have the mentality they are naturally big so diet tends to slip away. Obviously you are not like the above and certainly not overweight by any means (you just wanna be ripped).

I just assume you want a ripped 6 pack. It is true that some are just naturally not meant to have that. You have to know your body type and work with that. I started off as a ectomorph and means I find it much easier to be ripped but harder to be very big (wide). There are so many variations but I assume you must be a endomorph. But regardless of your body type you can attain a flat and hard stomach and lean body.

You should try and mix up your routine more. Have some stability in it but make sure it is constantly evolving. Not just in days and distance but in methods of training. Stuff like shorter more intense running sessions. You would be best on a treadmill for this. Changing the speeds and going up to a sprint and back down. You are obviously very fit so you can be hard on yourself. Go up to 80% and do for a few mins then slow down and rest, then 90% for a few mins and rest again. Then you sprint as fast as possible and maintain for 1 min or so and keep going up and down. Long distance is great for getting fat off and staying lean. But intense sprinting is the best for building muscle and gettingthe ripped look. You only have to look at Olympic 100m athletes to see that. Obviously they train hard in the gym and bulk up but it is due to the fast sprints too.

Maybe throw in a swimming session in stead of one of your runs too. Just mix it up and try many things. Yoga is great for toning up and flexibility.

I would get a good protein shake and have 3 of them with your meals too. So you are on about 6-7 meals per day. You should stay away from carbs after 8pm. Have a protein shake just before bed etc.

Thr 45mins to 1 hour is spot on in the gym and the 3 days is good too. You could vary what you do with weights too. Meaning some high reps (and superset) routines and the usual 8-12 reps too. Try to use free weights as much as possible because they are better for overall tone compared to machines... but a mixture is always good.

Eating things like chillis will speed up your metabolic rate. Abit of caffeine is fine too (just not too much). Drinking green tea is also good for fat loss and overall well being.

A great tip you can do because you do morning workouts is - Have nothing to eat b4 your workout. Just drink water and then do your cardio session and stuff like intense rowing machine sessions. That way your body will burn of all your stores of fat and really get you lean. You should be having protein straight after exercise too. That is why shakes are good... the convenience. Hope it helps.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just noticed your reply Raj. Thanks for those links (even if not intended for me). You was right when you said if you have some free time! I am on page 8 so far! Really great to get to see/know how a real pro goes about his diet and training. Thanks again