Stealth Deca


New member
May 8, 2008
Hey this is my first post so I am going to say hello everyone. I posted this same post on another board, but I am just going to put it here as well to see if I can get some more info. If someone was going to use stealth deca should you use it as 200mg/ml or as the lab test says 314 mg/ml. Reason I am asking is that if you wanted to take 600 mgs a week and you did 3 mls then your would be over 900 mgs of deca. Does this make sense. I know to take the deca with test, and do pct, etc.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
phdisel said:
Hey this is my first post so I am going to say hello everyone. I posted this same post on another board, but I am just going to put it here as well to see if I can get some more info. If someone was going to use stealth deca should you use it as 200mg/ml or as the lab test says 314 mg/ml. Reason I am asking is that if you wanted to take 600 mgs a week and you did 3 mls then your would be over 900 mgs of deca. Does this make sense. I know to take the deca with test, and do pct, etc.

It's hard to say because the stealth is overdosed but every batch will be different. But I would say if it is 200mg/ml I would say go on 250mg/ml. So take about 2.3-2.4 ml per week. I took the stealth deca in my last cycle and it was great so you should get good results. By the way how much test you running with it? Cos 600mg of deca is alot. Even if I was doing 800mg of test I would keep deca at 400mg. But each to their own so I hope it works out for you. I should add it's best to be slightly under than over so if you think it may have more than 250mg per ml then lower the amount you do. Either way if your doing anything from 350-600 you are gonna get good results.
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New member
May 8, 2008
I was going to do 750 mgs of stealth test e. which if overdosed will be slightly higher than that.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
phdisel said:
I was going to do 750 mgs of stealth test e. which if overdosed will be slightly higher than that.

Sounds good. I believe the test e is suppose to hurt for some strange reason. I used test c with deca. My dose was about the same as yours. It probably ranged from 500-1000 over the cycle but it is good to keep it at a stable level. Like I said go on 250mg/ml but if you think it will have more in then just lower it. You don't want to be doing 900mg of deca so your best to do about 2 - 2.4 ml per week.


New member
May 8, 2008
Thanks for the reply. I was thinking of maybe going with just 2 mls of the deca that way it will be no more than 600. So you think if it was dosed right I would see pretty good results off 400 mgs of deca with the amount of test I listed above. Also I am going to run d-bol @ 35mgs a day the first four weeks. I plan on taking .25 mg of armidex everyday. So I will run the deca for 12 weeks and the test for 14.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
phdisel said:
Thanks for the reply. I was thinking of maybe going with just 2 mls of the deca that way it will be no more than 600. So you think if it was dosed right I would see pretty good results off 400 mgs of deca with the amount of test I listed above. Also I am going to run d-bol @ 35mgs a day the first four weeks. I plan on taking .25 mg of armidex everyday. So I will run the deca for 12 weeks and the test for 14.

Sounds great to me. Yeah I think 400mg of deca is a great amount. So do the 2ml per week and that is gonna be 400-600mg (probably about 500mg). That is plenty. The length looks great too. I always think it is best to do test other 2 weeks or so after the deca. That to avoid the big crash you would get from stopping the deca and if you stopped both compounds at the same time. If you ever use mast, eq, primo etc etc then doing the same length as test is fine but eveything has a different active length so they will probably stop at different times anyway.

You have a good solid cycle there and should get great results. Dbol is great and 35mg (4 weeks kickstart) with the others will do great things. Maybe look at doing 0.5mg per day of adex when doing the dbol. Then go to 0.25mg and if sides are ok and bloat is not a problem stick with the 0.25mg but if they are then simply move back to 0.5mg per day.

By the way have you tried dbol, deca or test e before?


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
when it comes to stuff like that " I Personaly" will Just asume it to be what its labled as. If its an amp of sustanon 250 or if its an amp of UGL Tren 100.

Sure it could be more or less (More is always good :) )
But I trust my supplier enough that its going to be reasonably close to the Lable dose. If anything Hopefully Over :smoker:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:
when it comes to stuff like that " I Personaly" will Just asume it to be what its labled as. If its an amp of sustanon 250 or if its an amp of UGL Tren 100.

Sure it could be more or less (More is always good :) )
But I trust my supplier enough that its going to be reasonably close to the Lable dose. If anything Hopefully Over :smoker:

Your right. To be honest even if I am aware it is over I just still go on the original amount! But I think he said he saw a lab report and that listed stealth deca at 314. It is sold at 200mg/ml so I can only assume that was one rare batch cos I would expect stealth to be about 250mg/ml if overdosed. With anything else I would be happy to do the original amount but with deca I would never want to be doing a possible 900mg per week. So he is best to stick to the 2ml and that is gonna be a 400-600mg dose depending upon the overdosing. Maybe Alin can come in on this one. He will obviously know the levels all lab reports have come back at so maybe he can list a more accurate amount. Saying that it doesn't really matter what the level is because 2ml should be good if it is overdosed or not.


New member
May 8, 2008
Yeah I tried all of them before. I have not done a cylce in a while. My last one was 1000mg of test e. It was the galankas (spelling). I also done about 600 mgs of deca with it. I was very stupid not to use adex on that cycle and the water weight was ridculous.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
phdisel said:
Yeah I tried all of them before. I have not done a cylce in a while. My last one was 1000mg of test e. It was the galankas (spelling). I also done about 600 mgs of deca with it. I was very stupid not to use adex on that cycle and the water weight was ridculous.

You must have been like a blimp! I added anadrol to my last cycle too and fuck that made me the same. I put on 11 pounds in the first 4 or 5 days of the adrol! I did get what my ex gf described as a moonface. My body is cool now but my face has been slower to lose it but it's more or less there now.. just a few weeks to go. Thats why I said 0.5mg of adex cause your doing a fair amount. Many do more but it's very effective at blocking estrogen so you don't want to take too much. You do know that deca doesn't convert into estrogen. I have mentioned that in other thread this week called something like "shall I do more deca and test". Check that out. But you have used it b4 at high amounts so you should be fine with doing 600mg.

Your cycle looks great you should defo get amazing results if you diet is good too.


New member
May 8, 2008
thanks...I have been dieting very clean right now. I am not sure what my daily cals are, but I just make sure I eat about 225 or more grams of protein a day and I am eating good carbs along with it spread out about 6 or 7 meals a day. I imaging I am going to try to up the amount of food during my cycle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
phdisel said:
thanks...I have been dieting very clean right now. I am not sure what my daily cals are, but I just make sure I eat about 225 or more grams of protein a day and I am eating good carbs along with it spread out about 6 or 7 meals a day. I imaging I am going to try to up the amount of food during my cycle.

Yeah looks like you have everything sorted. Yeah you can up things during your cycle but not too much. If your diet and rest is good now then just keep it the same. But I gather you want to bulk lots so adding alittle protein or good fat etc is only gonna be a good thing. The 6/7 meals per day is ideal. There is good info in the natural section about diet. If you want extra whilst on but obviously don't want to be eating alot more choose something like peanut butter or nuts (brazil nuts, almonds etc). A good protein shake is always good b4 the gym and just after your workout. I have about 4 meals per day and 3 shakes but snack too. I eat every 1-2 hours but larger meals are every 2 hours. So my shakes count for meals too - I will have nuts or fruit with my shakes too.

Oh just one other thing and you are sorted. You should get a good liver protector for when you do your dbol. The synthegine one is great. It is advertised on this site - just go to the synthetek industries banner. Goodluck with your cycle and keep us posted with your results with the test. Let me know how you find the stealth test e.


New member
May 8, 2008
I will let you know and thanks again. One thing I here everybody talking about infections and stealth hurting to bad it kind of gets me worried. But onthe other hand I remeber 2 or 3 years ago I used to order the finiplex from a feed and seed store and use the kit to convert it. I don't see how I didn't get an infection then. Plus it hurt pretty bad but not unbearable.