

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was just wondering what all your guys approaches are to test and cycles. Meaning which ones of you do the usual 8-16 week cycle and have lots of recovery then repeat. And which ones of you are just on a dose of about 200mg of test all year around and increase that when you cycle orals and other injectables. Thanks

By the way how fit is Lisa Bonet (my pic). Don't usually go for small tits but she is something special.
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Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
Haha i like the pic as well... good choice

As far as cycles with Test go, I usually do the 12-14 weeks depending on what compounds I run with it. My first cycle I did EQ and Test E, and my second cycle I was almost in the middle of a 12 week of Test P and Tren Ace before I found out I had two hernias. But I had my surgery and in a few weeks i'm going to go at it again, with the same cycle.

I've yet to try the low dose of Test all year round, but I'd be interested in finding out what that can do for someone...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ryder13 said:
Haha i like the pic as well... good choice

As far as cycles with Test go, I usually do the 12-14 weeks depending on what compounds I run with it. My first cycle I did EQ and Test E, and my second cycle I was almost in the middle of a 12 week of Test P and Tren Ace before I found out I had two hernias. But I had my surgery and in a few weeks i'm going to go at it again, with the same cycle.

I've yet to try the low dose of Test all year round, but I'd be interested in finding out what that can do for someone...

It's not a case of trying a low dose of test all year round. It is literally do it and stay with it. Cos if you were to do a full year recovery would be near on impossible. I imagine not even just physically but mentally too. Thats why if I ever done that I would do all the research in the world and know it would be test each week for the rest of my life. Thats why all my future cycles are gonna be 12 weeks now. I am even gonna throw in some really short cycles like 3 weeks as recovery is about 3 weeks with them. Doing 5/6 weeks is pointless cos recovery will be the same if you had done 8.

Thanks for the info. Test P and Tren A is a great cycle... especially for this time of year. Goodluck with that and let us know how you get on.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
I personally would not do the year round test it is just scary to me. I choose my test cycles to fit the short or long esters most of the time. Btw I always thought Lisa bonet was hot just messed up in the head. but that may have been what made her hot.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
I stay on year-round with a dose of around 180-240mg Testosterone/week & 120-160mg Drostanolone/week. No AI's or anything else
Total dosage around 300-400mg/week

For "cycles" I'll run Test around 400-600mg/week with a Dht and a 19-nor usually at the same dosage.
Total dosage around 1000-1500mg/week


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
I stay on year-round with a dose of around 180-240mg Testosterone/week & 120-160mg Drostanolone/week. No AI's or anything else
Total dosage around 300-400mg/week

For "cycles" I'll run Test around 400-600mg/week with a Dht and a 19-nor usually at the same dosage.
Total dosage around 1000-1500mg/week

What test do you use all year around? And when you 'cycle' do you always stick with that same test or do you try different esters. I would also be interested in your opinion on the best brand of test to take. Thanks


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
What test do you use all year around? And when you 'cycle' do you always stick with that same test or do you try different esters. I would also be interested in your opinion on the best brand of test to take. Thanks
I change up. I used Prop forever and then got sick of the sticking and switched to Cypionate. Right now I use Enanthate esters with both the Test and the Drostanolone (masteron) and tend to run Propionates for my 'cycles' so that I can keep it shorter. I might run a long cycle with Enanthate esters every so often, it all depends on the goal, I look at long esters for a slow steady gain/fat loss and short esters for an more immediate effect or goal.

Short answer is Enanthates for 'cruise' and Propionates for 'cycles'.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
I change up. I used Prop forever and then got sick of the sticking and switched to Cypionate. Right now I use Enanthate esters with both the Test and the Drostanolone (masteron) and tend to run Propionates for my 'cycles' so that I can keep it shorter. I might run a long cycle with Enanthate esters every so often, it all depends on the goal, I look at long esters for a slow steady gain/fat loss and short esters for an more immediate effect or goal.

Short answer is Enanthates for 'cruise' and Propionates for 'cycles'.

Sounds good. I am curious about the year round test thing. I just need to know all the pro's and cons etc. I imagine you feel great all year around. The thing is my libido is silly high when natural and I don't like the feeling of being off. My sex drive is low now and I simply don't like the feeling cause I love the way I usually am. Obviously even if you are on all year you will still go through recovery during PCT etc. But I am still curious about the whole thing really.

Does supplementing your test each week improve all areas such as libido, concentration and mood etc. To be honest being a man the libido is the main area of interest cause when I am on test (lots of) it can be abit hit or hit and nearly miss! Everything is great and no women would ever know but I just mean only I would know me and you know you. I am 100% sometimes but sometimes 90% and I have high standards! I think you know what I mean! Thanks for letting me know anyway about the test you use.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
As you can tell I am just curious about it. Cause it interests me how many made the step to do test all year when they were fine in all areas. And how many chose that route because they had low test levels because of steroid use or just naturally.


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
I hate to get off of Elvia's and AlphaMale's topic at hand here, but I agree... I don't know if I'd run Test all year round for the fact that I don't know what I'm doing. I guess I can see how one can benefit from that though...

I keep hearing that Test P and Tren Ace are a good cycle, and I was mad that I had to stop after 5 weeks to get surgery... I'm extremely anxious to see what kind of results I get with those two plus T3 and Clen...

Anyways back to what you two were discussing....

Cheers :beer:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ryder13 said:
I hate to get off of Elvia's and AlphaMale's topic at hand here, but I agree... I don't know if I'd run Test all year round for the fact that I don't know what I'm doing. I guess I can see how one can benefit from that though...

I keep hearing that Test P and Tren Ace are a good cycle, and I was mad that I had to stop after 5 weeks to get surgery... I'm extremely anxious to see what kind of results I get with those two plus T3 and Clen...

Anyways back to what you two were discussing....

Cheers :beer:

No thats what I wanted - peoples input. I am just curious about different peoples approaches to cycles and especially test levels. Yeah you should get great results if your diet is good (test and tren are a great combo). So keep the input coming :afro:


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
I was just wondering what all your guys approaches are to test and cycles. Meaning which ones of you do the usual 8-16 week cycle and have lots of recovery then repeat. And which ones of you are just on a dose of about 200mg of test all year around and increase that when you cycle orals and other injectables. Thanks

By the way how fit is Lisa Bonet (my pic). Don't usually go for small tits but she is something special.
I switch it up, sometimes I'll runa low dose during the off period and just up the dose and add other compounds when going on...Other times I just stop cold turkey and let my Test levels get back to normal (or atleast as close to normal as possible).....

I let my body dictate what I'm going to do and run.....

Yes, the woman in your avatar is smoking (needs to fix her hair though:smoker:)