Interesting 7-8 Week Cutting Cycle


Registered User
Mar 21, 2005
Interesting 30 Day Cutting Cycle

Age = 27
Wt = 220
Ht = 6'0
BF = 15%
Diet = High Protien/Low Fat

I know this is a very short cycle so I may increase it to 60 days but I have been told with these compounds you can get away with doing only a 30 day cycle.

Every Other Day for 30 Days:

100mg every other day Test Prop
100mg every other day Masteron
100mg every other day Tren Ace

Clomid or Nolva near the end with some Clen to top it off.

Positive/Negative Remarks?
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
illinios said:
Age = 27
Wt = 220
Ht = 6'0
BF = 15%
Diet = High Protien/Low Fat

I know this is a very short cycle so I may increase it to 60 days but I have been told with these compounds you can get away with doing only a 30 day cycle.

Every Other Day for 30 Days:

100mg every other day Test Prop
100mg every other day Masteron
100mg every other day Tren Ace

Clomid or Nolva near the end with some Clen to top it off.

Positive/Negative Remarks?

I am yet to try Masteron but hear good things. I am planning to use it for my next 3 cycles. However I would describe it like a weak tren. I don't think you need both. I would just use test p and tren a as that is a winning formula. 30 days will give you decent results but I owuld totally rec 7-8 weeks. You should get the most from every cycle cos they do shut you down so 4 weeks can be ok for certain things but for the above defo add on a few weeks.

By the way the above would be a great cycle. But like I said I would personally take away the mast. I would add an oral such as avar or winny. My suggestion (alterations) would be

Weeks 1-8= Test P at 100mg eod (mix with tren)
Weeks 1-7= Tren A at 75mg eod (mix with test)
Weeks 1-6= Anavar at 40mg per day

Then a few days after your last test shot start clomid and nolva. Clomid for 3 weeks and Nolva at 20mg for 3 weeks and 10mg for the 4th week. By doing an effective PCT and because of the short cycle length your recovery should be very fast. You could even jump on again about 4 weeks after PCT.

For protection on your cycle don't do nolva or clomid but arimidex at a tiny dose... like 0.25mg per day. I would personally just have adex on hand and not use it unless it was needed (sides encounted).

So thats my suggestion. I think that is a great short cycle and I am likely to do it next summer.

Oh and yes running clen throughout would be good too for that added effect. I would suggest 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Start on Weeks 2/3 then 6/7 and 10/11 (during PCT). Hope it helps

By the way have you cycled before? Cos tren isn't the best compound to be doing if you are a beginner. It's androgenic rating is 5 times more than test so 500. If you have a few cycles under your belt it should be fine.
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Registered User
Mar 21, 2005
Thanks for replying Elvia.

Your input is nice and I have thought about many of those things you mentioned. I have about 9 cycles under my belt and have tangled with Tren A before with nothing but great results.

The most I can go is 6.5 weeks and I also already have my gear so that boat has sailed. Regarding the Masteron I had the same contradications as you including that with the Tren but I did a lot of looking into it and it seems it works wonders with masteron. Off this site:

"Amazingly clean, quality mass gains were experienced from , especially when this drug is stacked with testosteron, as well as Masteron, Winstrol or .Anavar."

Currently I only have the Nolva for PCT. Why wouldn't you use it during the cycle if you have symtoms?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
illinios said:
Thanks for replying Elvia.

Your input is nice and I have thought about many of those things you mentioned. I have about 9 cycles under my belt and have tangled with Tren A before with nothing but great results.

The most I can go is 6.5 weeks and I also already have my gear so that boat has sailed. Regarding the Masteron I had the same contradications as you including that with the Tren but I did a lot of looking into it and it seems it works wonders with masteron. Off this site:

"Amazingly clean, quality mass gains were experienced from , especially when this drug is stacked with testosteron, as well as Masteron, Winstrol or .Anavar."

Currently I only have the Nolva for PCT. Why wouldn't you use it during the cycle if you have symtoms?

Oh like I said what you have will be a great cycle. Most steroids compliment each other and mast is suppose to be great (very versatile too).

I made my suggestions thinking you didn't have them yet. Thats why I said armidex for protection. But yes Nolva can be used with good effect. I personally like nolvadex and proviron together. You asked " Why wouldn't you use it during the cycle if you have symtoms?[/" Thats why I said to have on hand. So if I get symptoms/sides I would start to use it. But again it all depends upon the type of cycle I would be doing.

It also depends upon on sensitive you are to the test/tren etc. As it is a cutting cycle I imagine the doses are fairly low so thats why I said protection on hand as opposed to taking it throughout. But of course it is good to be safe. But you do know masteron acts as a mild anti-estrogen? That is one of it's unique characteristics. So personally if I was using mast in a low-moderation cycle I would not use adex etc during unless I was getting sides. But with medium to high I would always take protection throughout.

Is the most you can do 6.5 weeks because of the amount you have purchased? I would always buy alittle extra for future ref just incase you drop an amp etc etc. The 6.5 weeks should be decent. You know how you react and if you just really go for it with diet and training/cardio the 6.5 weeks will show good results. There is a thread this week by Kaju and he did a fairly short cycle with simialr compounds and listed his progress and done very good (might be a good read for you). You could taper down slightly so it goes to 7.5 weeks... I would do that.

Goodluck with your cycle :cool:
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I think scientifically an AI would be better than a SERM during a cycle. I would keep nolva for PCT for future ref. Nolva only is fine for your PCT (nolva is great). Do 3-4 weeks. If you do 4 weeks do 3 at 20mg and the last week at 10mg. I don't like clomid that much but it's only 3 weeks so if your ever doing a harsh cycle I would use both. And arimidex or aromasin would be best during a cycle for good protection. But nolva is fine if you encouter sides during this cycle or want protection throughout. An additional reason for the above is I also like to keep protection compounds different to PCT compounds cause your system is used to them if you have taken them throughout. Hope it helps


Registered User
Mar 21, 2005
Yes 6.5 weeks worth of gear is all i have and also i will be going somewhere where i cannot bring gear at about week 7.5.

Thanks for the input


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
illinios said:
Yes 6.5 weeks worth of gear is all i have and also i will be going somewhere where i cannot bring gear at about week 7.5.

Thanks for the input

Cool. Looks like you are sorted and should get good results. All the things you are doing are top. Let us know how you get on.