d-bol & win?


New member
Jan 26, 2006
Started taking bd anabol 15mg-25mg a day. Do you think adding winstrol to d-bol cycle would kind of balance the water weight? and would it be a good stack? Winstrol 50mg a day for 40 days. D-bol 15-25mg for 6 weeks.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
cajunfreaknasty said:
Started taking bd anabol 15mg-25mg a day. Do you think adding winstrol to d-bol cycle would kind of balance the water weight? and would it be a good stack? Winstrol 50mg a day for 40 days. D-bol 15-25mg for 6 weeks.
My first cycle I ever done was dbol and winstrol. I Thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. You will need a pct after this. To anawer your question yes buy not technicly. for what you want yes. dbol gives you good size and strength and the winny gives you that hard look. You will love it. but just to let you kknow this stack is hard on the liver. good luck


Aug 28, 2005
cajunfreaknasty said:
Started taking bd anabol 15mg-25mg a day. Do you think adding winstrol to d-bol cycle would kind of balance the water weight? and would it be a good stack? Winstrol 50mg a day for 40 days. D-bol 15-25mg for 6 weeks.

I would use some inject TESTOSTERONE with your WINSTROL and a small dose AI to control bloat.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
gorgeousjay said:
im a noob so try not to laugh but whats pct?? and would test be good in that cycle
PCT is post cycle treatment (therapy). androgenic, anabolic steroids suppress your natural testosterone production. a person will have to take certain steps to get there natural production back in order. If not that person will have some nasty side effects from taking suppressive steroids. i know I didn't word this very well but do your homework and you will see pct is part of a cycle and cannot be left out. In my opinion it is most important. I have seen and heard some really bad horror stories from people that didn't include pct.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
You should have done for research before starting. PCT is just as important as the actual steroids. I can see why dbol and winny would work well and for a 1st time user they will be amazed. But your not gonna get sustainable gains. Plus it is so bad for your liver. I am puzzled your asking for the best test base but you have started already... do you plan to do it again with a test base?

My suggestion for a cycle if you want to combine all 3 would be-

Weeks 1-12= Test C at 400-500mg per week
Weeks 1-4= Dbol at 30mg per day
Weeks 8-12= Winny at 50mg per day

It is smart to make sure you have 4 weeks gap between oral usage so the above works very well. But you should have your liver tested in that gap to see where you are at. It is smart to also have all your values tested before your cycle so you have a baseline.

The side effects associated with no pct can be anything from loss of gains, loss of strength, low libido, problems getting an erection and just feeling abit poorly in general (concentration, mood etc). They can happen to anyone but ensuring you do an effective PCT will lower the chances significantly. Your PCT depends upon your cycle (steroids used and cycle length). I would say a PCT that is great for almost any cycle would be the following.

Weeks 1-3= Clomid at 250mg day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg per day, days 12-21 at 50mg.
Weeks 1-3= Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Week 4= Nolvadex at 10mg per day

4 weeks is a nice amount. Nolvadex is probably the most effective PCT tool. But combining that with clomid is a tried and tested formula that most use.

Words you should research (google them) are-

PCT for steroids

They are just a few but cover what most people use on and after cycles. There are herbal remedies such as tribulus what are also useful.

If you ever want to know how to use them just ask on here. But a brief outline would be-

Keep nolva and clomid for PCT. So after your cycle. If your just using orals you can start PCT a day after your last tab. If your using injectables you have to go on the active life/half life as a basic guideline (that could be upto 3 weeks).

Arimidex and Aromasin are best used during cycles if your using strong anabolic/androgenics. So if your using dbol it is best using a small dose of one of those. I would pick arimidex during your cycle.

HCG is used to stop your balls from shrinking and it aids recovery. Many advise to use it during PCT but that is wrong. You can in certain ways but I don't wanna complicate things. Basically if you ever do a longer cycle with a test base do HCG every 7 days at 500IU. It is strong stuff so that is all you need. Everyone has different opinions but the above just keeps it simple and you just pick a certain day so you never forget.

The others are useful but basically the most important are the nolva/clomid combo. And the arimidex is using strong compounds during. If you follow that basic formula you should be fine.

Goodluck with your cycle and let us know how you get on.

By the way try to avoid much sodium (salt) as that will bloat you even more. And drink lots of water (very important). If you need any other info just ask away.