how long would you recomend running tren


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
What is the longest time one would recomend running tren. Most likely be running test e and eq with it. with normal pct.im going to run this cycle 16 weeks
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
What is the longest time one would recomend running tren. Most likely be running test e and eq with it. with normal pct.im going to run this cycle 16 weeks

Before I give my input I should say I am going on what you have said in the past. Taking into consideration your thinking behind cycles, last cycle and you said you wanted to do a long cycle. But at the same time you have asked b4 how you was basically worried about recovery as you are in your 40's. I would do the test e and eq for 16 weeks. I know when people say 16 they mean 16 weeks of injections. But for you I would say 14 weeks of injections and that being moreorless 16 weeks total. To answer your question I would do tren for 10 weeks. I would say though you don't really need to take both the eq and the tren. But if you want to then cool. Just make sure you have good joint care sorted. You should do the tren at the start... or a few weeks in.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add most people I have spoken to take tren for 8 weeks. People correct me if I am wrong.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I have never run Tren Ace longer than 10wks...Any other Tren, I never ran longer than 12wks...I would say Ace 8wks and Enan 10wks.....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yeah 10 weeks would be a max amount. You will get excellent gains from that. I only took tren e for 6 weeks and was extremely impressed. What dose you thinking of? You don't need high doses especially if combining it with others. I would say 300-350mg per week would be a nice amount. Do you wanna put on some size this time round but cut too? You are planning on tren e aren't you cos you have taken tren a last time.
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Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Tren acetate is Rocket fuel! Your going to like that stuff.
Test and tren work great together. It Blows Eq out of the water Imo...Its Just stronger stuff.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
I ran tren ace last time with test prop. I ran 75mg eod.
I dont feel I need the tren I just want it. I fell in love with that last cycle of test prop and tren. I'm still trying to put together my next cycle of 16 weeks, and every time I come up with a plan I end up scrapping it and starting over. Because I'm going to run a 16 week cycle next time I'm having a hard time deciding because what I want and what I need are conflicting. As elvia said pinning is going to be a factor. Hell pinning got old after eight weeks of eod test and tren. I can only imagine 16 weeks. so that is what I'm considering. I can stick to test and eq but I just want that tren because of my affection for it.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
kaju said:
I ran tren ace last time with test prop. I ran 75mg eod.
I dont feel I need the tren I just want it. I fell in love with that last cycle of test prop and tren. I'm still trying to put together my next cycle of 16 weeks, and every time I come up with a plan I end up scrapping it and starting over. Because I'm going to run a 16 week cycle next time I'm having a hard time deciding because what I want and what I need are conflicting. As elvia said pinning is going to be a factor. Hell pinning got old after eight weeks of eod test and tren. I can only imagine 16 weeks. so that is what I'm considering. I can stick to test and eq but I just want that tren because of my affection for it.

hahah theres always a Next time. If your wanting something simple and Not a Lot of shots Id go with Test and EQ. Maybe add some anavar tabs.

For strength and that "good strong feeling" Test suspension,Tren,anavar and Halo seem to be what does it for me. (NOT all at once.... Im just saying these Hormones)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
I ran tren ace last time with test prop. I ran 75mg eod.
I dont feel I need the tren I just want it. I fell in love with that last cycle of test prop and tren. I'm still trying to put together my next cycle of 16 weeks, and every time I come up with a plan I end up scrapping it and starting over. Because I'm going to run a 16 week cycle next time I'm having a hard time deciding because what I want and what I need are conflicting. As elvia said pinning is going to be a factor. Hell pinning got old after eight weeks of eod test and tren. I can only imagine 16 weeks. so that is what I'm considering. I can stick to test and eq but I just want that tren because of my affection for it.

Yeah that why I said about the e ester (the pinning). But it all depends your individual goals for the cycle. If you wanted to put some size on but still cut alittle then 400-500mg test e and 300mg tren e would be great. That of course if your diet was super tight but you know all that. And extras too such as ptotection and maybe clen etc. But if you solely wanna just cut up as much as possible then you should run test p and tren a but as Kaw said you have further limitations on the length of the tren a (8 weeks).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Tren is much better than Eq. But other alternative would be a Test and Eq for the 16 weeks. With avar tabs for the final 6 weeks. Actually you coudl do the avar tabs at the start have a break and do them at the end too. You could do 4 weeks or even-

Weeks 1-16= Test (Sust would be best for your goals)
Weeks 1-16= Eq
Weeks 1-6= Avar
Weeks 10-16= Avar

Or as Raj just said maybe choose halo (maybe instead of one of the avars). If you done halo I would shorten the time on it slightly (it's very liver toxic).

By the way I wouldn't do 16 weeks of Sust cos it is more like 19 weeks. I would stop injectin at about week 13 or 14. I said sust due to lower water weight but not much pinning. Test E is other possibility but carries more water so it all depends upon your exact goals.
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Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
I know after a certain point you should stop and I do not know where that point is. and I also know everybody responds differently to it. But if I get enough responses I can look at everybody's experience I can gain enough knowledge to make an educated opinion on Werther or not to run it in the stack and/or if I do, how long and when when to run it during the cycle.
this is the cycle I'm am thinking about.
week 1-16 test e 250 2/week
week 1-16 eq 500 1/week
week 2-12 tren ace 75mg eod
week 1-18 arimedex .25 ed
week 12-18 hcg 300-500 iu every 4 or 5 days

normal pct using nolva and clomid
week 18 40mg nolva/100clomid everyday
week 19 30mg nolva/50mg clomid
week 20 20mg nolva/50mg clomid
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
I know after a certain point you should stop and I do not know where that point is. and I also know everybody responds differently to it. But if I get enough responses I can look at everybody's experience I can gain enough knowledge to make an educated opinion on Werther or not to run it in the stack and/or if I do, how long and when when to run it during the cycle.
this is the cycle I'm am thinking about.
week 1-16 test e 250 2/week
week 1-16 eq 500 1/week
week 2-12 tren ace 75mg eod
week 1-18 arimedex .25 ed
week 12-18 hcg 300-500 iu every 4 or 5 days

normal pct using nolva and clomid
week 18 40mg nolva/100clomid everyday
week 19 30mg nolva/50mg clomid
week 20 20mg nolva/50mg clomid

That looks like a top cycle. I would personally do 400mg of Eq and 500mg of Test. Most done usually combine esters but it will be cool. You could inject the tren with the test (2 test e injections) and other tren inj with the eq injection.

The only thing I would change is maybe doing 0.5mg of adex. But starting low and then going up if your unhappy with the water weight and other sides would be good. I would also start the HCG earlier. But on the whole that looks like a solid cycle.

IMO it will take ages to properly recover from it though. Your talking 3 months. Everyone is different but it will take awhile. You will feel low afterwards but you just have to ride it. It will be tempting to jump back on though. Goodluck with your cycle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just noticed the 10 weeks of tren a is quite alot. Maybe think about 8 weeks at weeks 4-12.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
There is no right or wrong answer Kaju.
I Know some guys that would call that a weak cycle and I know others that would say DAMN Thats a lot of gear.
I personaly think your right about the middle and that looks pretty reasonable.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yeah I would say your in the middle... good place to be if you ask me. For your goals you don't need to be injecting 800mg of test each week (with others) for example. My goals are different to yours so I am gonna be about 650-700mg per week. You have a good balance though. I would say it just needs alittle altering in regards to HCG and possibily adex. I would personally use test and tren and use orals at the start and finish but that is me.

I would say 1000mg (500 + 500) of test and eq is like doing about 750mg of test alone (approx). That is in regards to aromatization as Eq is about 50% of test. So added to that the tren you have a fairly strong cycle. I know there are people out there doing 1500mg test and that is up to them but for you the above is a great cycle. When you thinking of starting it? How long has it been since your last cycle (I know not long)?

I am gonna order my stuff soon. I can't wait to start the test and dbol especially. Let me know how you find the Eq as it's on my to do list. Although it would be hard to tell what it is actually doing when your using test and tren at the same time. Thats partly the reason I am doing tbol only now. Anyway goodluck with it and keep us posted on what you decide.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
ALIN said:
Imo Tren Ace Max 6-8wks
I have to agree with Alin here, 6 weeks would be normal for ace, 8 weeks and you might be pushing it a bit, longer and your sides increase! You will probably get some bad acne at 8 weeks as well. Don't forget the caber!