Ready to go asking the pros to give one final look and the go ahead


New member
Jul 27, 2008
220 lbs 6 foot tall
Diet on point Training 6 years

Week 1-12
-Test C 500mg week
-EQ 250mg week

Week 1-6
-Tbol 40mg day

Week 1-14 ???
- .25 day

Week 14-18
- day 1 Clomid 200mg / Nolva 20 mg
- day 2-11 Clomid 100mg day / Nolva 20 mg day
- day 12-21 Clomid 50mg day / Nolva 20 mg day
-day 22-30 Nolva 10mg day

I think this is there..... Just want to make sure 100% good
Hcg 500 week 1-12 or no?? Or on a need basis?? No clue how to prepare that shit anyways but have on hand
How about everything else??
Thanks guys :D !!!!


Registered User
May 18, 2005
No reason to run tbol and eq for your first cycle....you'll think you need it everytime.....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Zaven said:
No reason to run tbol and eq for your first cycle....you'll think you need it everytime.....

It's not his first cycle. Isn't it your 5th or am I completely wrong? But what Zaven says is correct. The test and tbol combo would be more than enough. But if you wanted to run Eq I would do so at atleast 300mg per week to truly feel it's effects. 12 weeks is a good length and you seem to have covered all bases. I would personally swop Eq for Mast E and that way you might not have to take an AI during. But if you do 0.25 of adex is what you should be on for your proposed cycle. And yes it is good to do it till the run up to your PCT. Maybe stop the adex about 8-10 days after your last injection.

A 4 week PCT is good too. Clomid for 3 and nolva for 4 is a great way of doing that. HCG is best used for when you need it but the 500IU every 7 days is other great method. That just keeps it nice and simple. Many will say every 4 days is better but the 7 just keeps it easier and you just do it on a certain day. It stops them shrinking and aids future recovery. Start the HCG about week 3 or 4 (when you first notice them shrink alittle is a good indication). You should do it till the run up of your PCT.

Goodluck with your cycle and let us know how you get on.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
By the way you should get the HCG with a mixing solution. You combine the two. Just google it and it should come up. Your best getting 1500IU amps cos 5000IU should go bad (lose effectiveness) cos it would take 10 weeks to inj it all. The 1500IU is simply 3 weeks of HCG. So your best getting 5 amps just incase you break one.


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Yeah Elvia you right.....not new to the game just never anything besides cyp alone. New to stacking

Eq thrown in because its already an hand... so prob just add in but bump up to 300
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yeah Elvia you right.....not new to the game just never anything besides cyp alone. New to stacking

Eq thrown in because its already an hand... so prob just add in but bump up to 300

Like I said it is true you don't need all 3. But I always like to have an oral in my cycle. And if I had Eq on hand I would use it with the test and tbol. But one of the 2 (tbol or eq) are not really needed. But if your gonna do it is advisable to do 300mg instead of 200mg. A very sensible person would just say do 2 compounds and try 3 next time. Although 2 of the 3 compounds don't convert much and your dose of Eq is fairly low. Infact the tbol doesn't really convert at all. Most say it doesn't at all and it is impossible for it to do so but believe me it does (just done a tbol only cycle). The Eq converts 50% the amount of test so 300mg is not a huge amount by any means.

I was thinking of the best way to stack them but the reason why I never wrote anything is because the obvious way would be the best in this case. Just start the tbol in the first 6 weeks whilst you are doing the test and eq for 12 weeks. Eq needs atleast 12 weeks and I think 12 weeks is a rough estimation of the longest you can do before recovery is greatly effected (everyone is different though). I do think 12 weeks is a nice amount of time for most cycles.

Goodluck with your cycle (whatever you decide to do) and keep us posted.
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