Next question: dbol debate


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Jayburned said:
If someone were to do some dbol to gain mass and strength, what is a higher end dosing and how should one run nova, clomid for pct?

That sounds like a newbie question so can you please provide some stats. Such as age, weight, height, bf, how long you have been training, your exact goals and your cycle history. Thanks

And yes most should always have a test base in any cycle (but not everytime).


New member
Oct 18, 2008
somewhere in the northeast

I've thought it over and i'm not going to do any dbol anyway just the cycle I have outlined in a previous thread I started, I've already written my stats there, kind of a hypothetical quandary about the dbol thing, I've done it in the past (dbol alone) and made huge strength gains which i promptly lost, thanks anyway.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Jayburned said:
I've thought it over and i'm not going to do any dbol anyway just the cycle I have outlined in a previous thread I started, I've already written my stats there, kind of a hypothetical quandary about the dbol thing, I've done it in the past (dbol alone) and made huge strength gains which i promptly lost, thanks anyway.

Sorry about that. I had a stupid moment. I actually replied to your other thread (I didn't realize it was the same person). Well it's up to you if you wanna do dbol. Like Raj said it has to be with test. Dbol only will be amazing for a newbie when he's on and he will get big and strong then when he stops he is back to where he started after a few weeks (not sustainable). It's my fav compound I have tried so far (excluding test). If you done it as a kickstart to a test cycle you will only get great gains. What dose did you do in the past. My first time was at 25mg per day. My next go will be at 40mg per day. I will never go above 50mg per day (many do).
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New member
Oct 18, 2008
somewhere in the northeast
Thanks for the advice really, I appreciate it. It's been years since I messed around with dbol, i prob took about 5o mgs a day, real young and dumb, I remember going in to the gym one day, (i was in highschool) hoisting my usual 90's for some incline presses and huh, too light. tried the 100's and could easily handle it for like ten reps, then settled on the 110's. I weighed 165-170, people in the gym were blown away much like i was when my "strength" disappeared after my pink tabs ran out...never again.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
When combined w/ test does the additional strength translate into muscle rather than just short term water and cns improvements?

I find it surprising in some ways that one can't sustain the strength through reduced volume and high intensity post cycle. Why is it that the strength can't be maintained post cycle?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
robot said:
When combined w/ test does the additional strength translate into muscle rather than just short term water and cns improvements?

I find it surprising in some ways that one can't sustain the strength through reduced volume and high intensity post cycle. Why is it that the strength can't be maintained post cycle?

There are a variety of reasons. One of the main ones is the water weight being good for lifting. Any steroid that carries loads of water weight is never gonna be sustainable. I put on 11 pounds in the first 3 days of adrol... that can only be water and nothing else. The bulking orals are great but alone they are abit pointless. But yes when combined with test that will sustain some gains and add others. Thats why starting off with an oral before the test kicks in properly is common practice. You get big and strong and then the test kicks in and you just carry on but with a much slower but sustainable pace. Over time with effective diet and training your gains will solidify and as you are lifting more and more you gain in good mass.

I am always worried about when people write 'high intesity post cycle.' The most nolva one should use is 20mg. Many studies have shown 20mg is just as effective as 40mg. Added to that clomid and you have a great pct. You will lose some gains but if done properly that can be minimal. On my dbol cycle I put on 18 pounds after pct and sustained that over the following months.

But yeah for complete sustainable gains then a long test cycle with the likes of tbol would be best. If you put on 30 pounds in a short time you are never gonna sustain that. It is alien to your body so it will ony flush it out. The key is to go for a more hard physique even in bulking cycles (in regards to sustainability)... thats why orals such as avar, winny, primo are quite popular additions in bulking cycles (along with the many cutting injectables). But of course nothing will ever beat dbol/adrol with test when you want to get big.

By the way other major reason for you losing strength is simply you shutdown after cycle. The whole point of pct is to get your natural test back to your usual level asap. If you don't your body produces more and more cortisol which just eats away at your gains. Then when you finish your pct your likely to still be at 50-80% so your never gonna be able to lift what you did when on. It can take a few months to fully recover from a harsh cycle. When you have lower test levels you simply aren't as strong... plus you don't have the drive to push yourself as much. Thats why after pct I always start working on tone and higher reps with lower weight etc etc. Hope it helps
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