My Cycles


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
For reasons I wrote on other thread I just had to get other bulking cycle. I wanted to start months ago but will have to in Dec now. I didn't have the cash to get my 1st choice brands for the next cycle. I was wondering what you guys think. I don't like to plan too much but have an outline of my next 3 cycles I plan to do. Just adding I have HCG, Adex, Pro, Nolva and Clomid on hand. I am likely to incorporate pro into most of the cycles at some time (and HCG of course). I have my bulking diet and cutting diet sorted so will be good to go. Let me know what you think.

Next cycle (Bulking)

Weeks 1-12= Test E at 500mg per week (GP Test 250)
Weeks 1-12= Mast at 400mg per week (GP Mast 200)
Weeks 1-4= Dbol at 40mg per day (Naposim)
Weeks 8-12= Winny at 40mg per day (Dynamic Development Ltd.)

I will taper the injectables down at the end. I may do an extra week or 2 (13 or 14 in total).

2nd cycle (Cutting)

Weeks 1-10= Test P at 100mg eod (Virormones by Nordic)
Weeks 1-10= Masteron at 100mg eod (NEGMA Laboratories)
Weeks 1-8= Anavar at 40-60mg per day

Possibily throwing in some Zambons (Winny) somewhere in there at a fairly low dose. I plan to swop mast for tren a for the summer after.

3rd cycle (Bulking)

Weeks 1-15= Test at 500-650mg per week (Probably Test E or Sust)
Weeks 1-15= Mast or Deca or Eq or Tren at about 400mg per week
Weeks 1-4= Dbol at 25mg and Adrol at 25mg per day

I may do some winny like in the 1st cycle. Although depending upon how I feel at the time I may do other set of bulking orals in weeks 8-11 or 12. So possibily 2 sets of 25mg dbol/adrol. Either way I will defo do other set of orals in this cycle (to help cutting or more bulking).

I don't know your opinions on combining the two but I am defo trying it. I have researched it lots and well even if it hadn't been tried b4 I would still do it. But obviously it has by thousands so has a track record of giving great results if done correctly. I would get great results of just doing 25mg dbol so it will only be good.

Let me know what you guys think


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just adding I would like your opinions on a certain subject. Well my diet will always be spot on (on or off cycle). And I don't just change it for cycles. I just mean if I plan to bulk I won't just suddenly increase my calories by 2000 over night... it will be a gradual process.

Anyway I will be doing a 10 week cutting cycle and I have listed a 12 week cutting diet in the nutrition cycle. I was wondering your opinions on when you would start the cycle with the diet. I am thinking of starting the cycle 1 week before I have my diet like that. That way I finish my cycle in week 9 of my diet. So phase 4 (final week) of my diet will be in the last week of pct. I should add I will be using 80mcg of clen throughout my 3 week PCT regime. That will aid recovery and obviously will have great fat burning effects. I plan to do this just to see how ripped I can go. Any water I may have had will have gone through my pct and clen regime.

I was just wondering your opinions on this. Anyway would be good. Would anyone rather be on cycle when they reach the final week of the cutting diet I have listed? Would you do anything different? If you have an opinion it would be good to know. Thanks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Looks nice man. The only thing I'd do is do the orals at week 5 when the longer esters are kicking in rather than up front.

I love my 4/5 week kickstarts in bulking cycles. That way when you are finishing the orals your injectables start to kick in :) Plus I love the water weight at the start so I can concentrate on solidifying gains after the kickstart. Not to mention the lubrication for the joints etc. That is other reason why I wouldn't do huge amounts of orals as it is too much water and can go against you. The most I will probably ever go up to with dbol is 50mg.

I am really looking forward to the 25mg of each (dbol/adrol). I don't like the sides from 50mg or over of Adrol so 25/25 will minimize side effects and will just be something different. Adrol doesn't bind well to your receptors (at all) but even at just 25mg I would get nice gains.

I am keeping my test dose fairly low too (1st cycle). Thats simply because I don't want a huge amount of bulk for throughout my cycle. I think 500mg is a nice amount.

By the way the main reason I have the kickstart is because I will be doing winny too. And they are both very liver toxic so it is wise to have atleast 4 weeks in between orals. I will be taking synthegine for the entire 12 weeks.

Thanks for your input. Do you have any suggestions about the timings I mentioned with my cutting cycle/diet?
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