Which Dbol?


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
I need to know which dbol i should get. from those with experience, wich is the best, danabol from balken, danabol from body research, British Dispensary, or naps? i tired the search button and i couldn't find what i wanted so i'm posting. i hear good things about the body research ones and the naps, but the balken and the British Dispensary are more affordable but i'm hearing the balkens aren't so good. i've read some posts saying that they did nothing at all. i know they're obviously supposed to contain the same ingredients but i've been reading too many discouraging posts about balken orals, the ones i would like to get since they're cheaper. so far i've heard the body research ones are the best, but they're the most expensive. i just don't want to spend the extra $$ on the body research dbols if they're no different then the balken ones. has anyone had good results from the balkens? please, any responses would be appreciated. for those who enjoy flaming people for "stupid" posts, i'm not sure if this is one of them, but if so, try to keep the flaming to a minimum i would just like a few simple answers from experienced users, i've never done dbol before, so i can't compare one brand to another. so i don't find my question stupid.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I need to know which dbol i should get. from those with experience, wich is the best, danabol from balken, danabol from body research, British Dispensary, or naps? i tired the search button and i couldn't find what i wanted so i'm posting. i hear good things about the body research ones and the naps, but the balken and the British Dispensary are more affordable but i'm hearing the balkens aren't so good. i've read some posts saying that they did nothing at all. i know they're obviously supposed to contain the same ingredients but i've been reading too many discouraging posts about balken orals, the ones i would like to get since they're cheaper. so far i've heard the body research ones are the best, but they're the most expensive. i just don't want to spend the extra $$ on the body research dbols if they're no different then the balken ones. has anyone had good results from the balkens? please, any responses would be appreciated. for those who enjoy flaming people for "stupid" posts, i'm not sure if this is one of them, but if so, try to keep the flaming to a minimum i would just like a few simple answers from experienced users, i've never done dbol before, so i can't compare one brand to another. so i don't find my question stupid.

Your question is not a silly one at all. It all depends upon many things. There are many fakes about especially in the Naps and BD's. So your supplier is very important. To be honest if you have never used them before and tried any of the above brands (from a good supplier) then you will be amazed with them all.

I would personally pick Naps. I haven't tried the Body Research but hear good things. Don't listen to the bad stuff written about Balkan. If you order Balkan dbol from Alin you will only get great gains. Obviously some people don't respond as good to dbol as others but if you want to bulk I can only predict good gains. There are fakes about so pick a sponsor and you will be sorted.

By the way I hope you have a good cycle sorted and pct etc. You have used test etc before?

By the way I don't get what your saying about the money. I understand if they are similar in results getting the cheapest is the obvious thing to do. But surely you should be prepared to pick an extra few dollars if it means you are getting a good cycle. How old are you? Plus if you are talking like that then are you just planning to do dbol only? I hope you are using it with test. It also puzzles me cos Naps are SO CHEAP. They cost next to nothing from any decent supplier.

By the way I am on Naps now. I am on 40mg per day and have put on 10 pounds in 12 days and made up with them. Obviously it is water and you can only put on a certain amount of muscle mass in 2 weeks. But my gains seem solid and I am made up with my progress. I haven't got the same buzz (sense of well being) as I did from the last time I used them but still feel great. By the way I used the BD ones the time before and loved them. I put on alot of weight with them too. But you have to be careful with that brand. Pick Naps... hope it helps


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
this will be my second cycle. my previous cycle was test only, 500mg a week for 12 weeks. money isn't really the issue i just didn't want to have to spend extra if i didn't have to. and PCT is in check i already have plenty of nolva and clomid and i actually have some HCG as well. i worry about the clomid though because is't balken and i've read soooo many bad things about them. i do get discouraged easily when reading negative posts about balken. i'm excited to try out dbol i just want to make sure i'm getting a quality prodcut. i like alin as a supplier so i was trying to decide between balken and naps. but read that balken sucks from some people but from other's hear it's good, then hear that some batches are just better then others and it's just a matter of luck if you get a good batch or not. i would like to get balken but you're suggesting naps? but also have tried balken with good results? i'll get the naps if that's what you suggest. by the way, no i'm not doing a dbol cycle only i'm doing test as well. thanks for the response by the way elvia, i notice that you always respond to people's questions and help them out. it's appreciated.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
this will be my second cycle. my previous cycle was test only, 500mg a week for 12 weeks. money isn't really the issue i just didn't want to have to spend extra if i didn't have to. and PCT is in check i already have plenty of nolva and clomid and i actually have some HCG as well. i worry about the clomid though because is't balken and i've read soooo many bad things about them. i do get discouraged easily when reading negative posts about balken. i'm excited to try out dbol i just want to make sure i'm getting a quality prodcut. i like alin as a supplier so i was trying to decide between balken and naps. but read that balken sucks from some people but from other's hear it's good, then hear that some batches are just better then others and it's just a matter of luck if you get a good batch or not. i would like to get balken but you're suggesting naps? but also have tried balken with good results? i'll get the naps if that's what you suggest. by the way, no i'm not doing a dbol cycle only i'm doing test as well. thanks for the response by the way elvia, i notice that you always respond to people's questions and help them out. it's appreciated.

That is cool your first cycle was that. Yeah it looks good then if you are doing the same but with the dbol at the start.

Try not to get discouraged about some of the negative posts. Some people have certain motives so post bad, others don't respond well to certain compounds, others don't eat or train right, some are just fools.

There is no way of really monitoring clomid without blood work. So these people are just gussing and going on how they feel. So if they don't feel anything many can think it is not working. Plus they may have done a harsher/longer cycle so recovery is slower.

I haven't tried balkan dbol but I know you will get great gains from them. But I would defo choose Naps. They are cheap with Alin and well worth the money. If it's your first time a dose of 25mg per day for about 4/5 weeks would be more than enough. I am sure you will want to try them again so second time round try 40mg (for 4 weeks). Don't ever go above 50mg cos it is not needed. I know that 3rd and 4th cycles are faraway but just thought I would say the above just cos it is a good method to use. Split up your dose. If your on 25mg then 5mg 5 times daily is good. If your on 40mg then 10mg 4 times daily is good.

Just cos I said Naps doesn't mean you shouldn't pick Balkan. Just pick what you feel most comfortable with. Both will be great but like I said I would defo choose Naps. Let me know how you find them and how your cycle goes.

By the way I would be on synthergine during your cycle. It is quite expensive so if you just get 1 bottle then use it when your on the dbol. Dbol is very liver toxic so you have to be smart when on it. No alcohol, lots of water, lots of sleep and good diet. I always use synthegine and LIV-52 when on strong orals. Hope it helps


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
thank you very much. i'm def getting liv-52 i was already considering that. i think i'll go with the naps. i drink 2+ gallons of water a day. my diet is good. i'm 5'9, 205 lbs. low body fat, i don't know the mesurments but i have visible abs. i consume 300-350g of protein a day, i shoot for 400 but rarely get there. i'll let you know how it goes though, thanks a lot.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
thank you very much. i'm def getting liv-52 i was already considering that. i think i'll go with the naps. i drink 2+ gallons of water a day. my diet is good. i'm 5'9, 205 lbs. low body fat, i don't know the mesurments but i have visible abs. i consume 300-350g of protein a day, i shoot for 400 but rarely get there. i'll let you know how it goes though, thanks a lot.

Sounds like you are sorted. And 205 at 5'9 is big. Especially considering you have low bf. So I can also see great things for this cycle. You will be made up with it. 300-350g of protein is plenty so just keep it the same. If you don't already a good protein/weightgain shake is a great way to get the protein/carbs without needing to physically eat.

Your already big but if you want to get extra big then make sure you are having load of complex carbs. Sure you definition may fade alittle but you can just cut up in the future.

Take care and have a great Xmas and New Year. Let me know how you get on.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
yeah i drink at least one protein shake a day containing 50g protein, sometimes 2 shakes if i didn't get enough food in. not much carbs in the shakes though now that i think of it i probably could use more carbs. maybe i'll eat more oats and throw some brown rice and sweat potatoes in my diet. thanks for the advice though and you also have a xmas and new years.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
yeah i drink at least one protein shake a day containing 50g protein, sometimes 2 shakes if i didn't get enough food in. not much carbs in the shakes though now that i think of it i probably could use more carbs. maybe i'll eat more oats and throw some brown rice and sweat potatoes in my diet. thanks for the advice though and you also have a xmas and new years.

Smart man.


Aug 28, 2005
I need to know which dbol i should get. from those with experience, wich is the best, danabol from balken, danabol from body research, British Dispensary, or naps? i tired the search button and i couldn't find what i wanted so i'm posting. i hear good things about the body research ones and the naps, but the balken and the British Dispensary are more affordable but i'm hearing the balkens aren't so good. i've read some posts saying that they did nothing at all. i know they're obviously supposed to contain the same ingredients but i've been reading too many discouraging posts about balken orals, the ones i would like to get since they're cheaper. so far i've heard the body research ones are the best, but they're the most expensive. i just don't want to spend the extra $$ on the body research dbols if they're no different then the balken ones. has anyone had good results from the balkens? please, any responses would be appreciated. for those who enjoy flaming people for "stupid" posts, i'm not sure if this is one of them, but if so, try to keep the flaming to a minimum i would just like a few simple answers from experienced users, i've never done dbol before, so i can't compare one brand to another. so i don't find my question stupid.

all that you mentioned are good,,Balkan,Blue Hearts,Naps,,just be sure of supplier for quality.