Pre pct


Registered User
Dec 26, 2007
I'm nearing the end of my 12 week cycle (Test Cyp, Eq, Winny last 6 weeks)and I'm amazed with my results. My fourth and best cycle thus far. I'm all sorted for my PCT but then stumbled upon the following while doing some research. What are your thougths on Pre PCT?

Pre-PCT: PRE-PCT allows the HPTA to begin LH/FSH output, while still receiving additional anabolic support. This is the peroid of time where we utilize a NON-inhibitory steroid while the endogenous testosterone level begins to recover. This occurs PRIOR TO FULL PCT, so that by the time we begin full PCT the HPTA has already began recovering.

Active RECOVERY: The HPTA BEGINS to restore endogenous testosterone production once it detects the body's androgen level beginning to decline(end of cycle).


The following drugs can be used during Active Recovery:

Anavar/Proviron= 40mgs/25mgs
Anavar/Masteron= 40mgs/300mgs
Primobolan/Masteron= 300mgs/300mgs
Turinabol/Proviron= 40mgs/25mgs
Turinabol/Masteron= 40mgs/300mgs
Winstrol/Masteron= 50mgs/300mgs
Dianabol/Proviron= 15mgs/25mgs
Dianabol/Masteron= 15mgs/300mgs



Weeks 1-4: Testosterone Propionate, 100mgs ED
Weeks 1-4: Dianabol, 50mgs ED
Weeks 1-4: NPP, 400mgs

A Standard Cycle:

Weeks 1-6: Dianabol, 30mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate, 500mgs
Weeks 8-12: Winstrol, 100mgs ED
Weeks 12-16: **PRE-PCT(ACTIVE RECOVERY) **
Weeks 16-26: **POST CYCLE THERAPY**

DO NOT end your cycle ABRUPTLY! Don't just END your cycle cold-turkey! If you are SHUTDOWN, full restoration can take weeks and even MONTHS. Therefore, one should REMAIN ON minimally-inhibitive STEROIDS(HPTA) in an attempt to MAINTAIN the gains they made while ON CYCLE, while STILL BEGINNING TO RECOVER TESTOSTERONE PRODUCTION. On top of that, one still continues to progess from the mild additional anabolic support.

NOT only does it mean that you can run a COMPLETE CYCLE with NO SHUTDOWN whatsoever(as long as the right compounds, dosages, and durations are used), it also means that if you ARE SHUTDOWN from your cycle, you do NOT HAVE TO COME RIGHT OFF CYCLE! Actually, it is BETTER TO STAY ON CYCLE WHILE YOUR ENDOGENOUS TESTOSTERONE LEVEL BEGINS TO INCREASE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I'm nearing the end of my 12 week cycle (Test Cyp, Eq, Winny last 6 weeks)and I'm amazed with my results. My fourth and best cycle thus far. I'm all sorted for my PCT but then stumbled upon the following while doing some research. What are your thougths on Pre PCT?

Pre-PCT: PRE-PCT allows the HPTA to begin LH/FSH output, while still receiving additional anabolic support. This is the peroid of time where we utilize a NON-inhibitory steroid while the endogenous testosterone level begins to recover. This occurs PRIOR TO FULL PCT, so that by the time we begin full PCT the HPTA has already began recovering.

Active RECOVERY: The HPTA BEGINS to restore endogenous testosterone production once it detects the body's androgen level beginning to decline(end of cycle).


The following drugs can be used during Active Recovery:

Anavar/Proviron= 40mgs/25mgs
Anavar/Masteron= 40mgs/300mgs
Primobolan/Masteron= 300mgs/300mgs
Turinabol/Proviron= 40mgs/25mgs
Turinabol/Masteron= 40mgs/300mgs
Winstrol/Masteron= 50mgs/300mgs
Dianabol/Proviron= 15mgs/25mgs
Dianabol/Masteron= 15mgs/300mgs



Weeks 1-4: Testosterone Propionate, 100mgs ED
Weeks 1-4: Dianabol, 50mgs ED
Weeks 1-4: NPP, 400mgs

A Standard Cycle:

Weeks 1-6: Dianabol, 30mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate, 500mgs
Weeks 8-12: Winstrol, 100mgs ED
Weeks 12-16: **PRE-PCT(ACTIVE RECOVERY) **
Weeks 16-26: **POST CYCLE THERAPY**

DO NOT end your cycle ABRUPTLY! Don't just END your cycle cold-turkey! If you are SHUTDOWN, full restoration can take weeks and even MONTHS. Therefore, one should REMAIN ON minimally-inhibitive STEROIDS(HPTA) in an attempt to MAINTAIN the gains they made while ON CYCLE, while STILL BEGINNING TO RECOVER TESTOSTERONE PRODUCTION. On top of that, one still continues to progess from the mild additional anabolic support.

NOT only does it mean that you can run a COMPLETE CYCLE with NO SHUTDOWN whatsoever(as long as the right compounds, dosages, and durations are used), it also means that if you ARE SHUTDOWN from your cycle, you do NOT HAVE TO COME RIGHT OFF CYCLE! Actually, it is BETTER TO STAY ON CYCLE WHILE YOUR ENDOGENOUS TESTOSTERONE LEVEL BEGINS TO INCREASE!

No I would keep it simple. Bridging and other methods are great for people on throughout the year. But for the person who wants to go on then off imo it is best to keep time on (regardless of levels of suppression) to a minimal length. And to ensure time off is sufficient for good recovery and receptor healing.

There is some logic in the stuff you have found but like I said in my personal opinion it is best to keep it short and simple... either that all go the TRT route.

It lists to stay on minimally-inhibitive steroids (HPTA) and I see the logic in that. As your on them your endogenous testosterone level begin to recover (slightly) preparing you for pct. But say you done tbol for a few weeks after I can guarantee you will still crash and your gains will be moreorless the same. I have done tbol alone and it suppressed me so adding it to the end of a cycle will help you maintain your gains but the same thing will eventually happen. And that is tbol I don't even have to mention dbol even at 15mg.

The above may prevent a harsh crash but like I said keep it simple. I would taper your cycle down over the final weeks to help matters. The point is your natural test supply is stopped so your gonna feel it regardless what you do. And I would rather just crash then stay on stuff for other 8 weeks or so. Sure you won't crash like if you just stopped but I would rather do it the simple way. That is just me though.

If you do an effective pct you should keep most of your gains. It's not like you done adrol etc in your cycle. If you want to maintain them even more I would look into peptides for after your cycle or even during your pct. Or even just doing a good creatine soon after your cycle.

Other tip is to do a stable dose of clen during your pct. That should help keep your gains and will also help with fat loss. A dose of 60-80mcg per day for 3 weeks should be good. I done that in my last cycle and plan to do the same this cycle.

You could do something like primo and mast at the end for a few weeks. Just make sure it is kept to a max of 4 weeks. But you will still crash cos your not on any type of test. Your crash will just be prolonged cos your not on an type of protection. I do look at it and think you probably wouldn't do primo and mast for a cycle so why do it at the end. I think tbol would be a better choice. But you have just done winny so adding tbol is just unnecessary and really bad for your liver doing that long on 17AA orals. I would just come off as normal.

I am sure others will come in on this one but I would DEFINATELY NOT DO IT.

One more thing it lists-

A Standard Cycle:

Weeks 1-6: Dianabol, 30mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate, 500mgs
Weeks 8-12: Winstrol, 100mgs ED
Weeks 12-16: **PRE-PCT(ACTIVE RECOVERY) **
Weeks 16-26: **POST CYCLE THERAPY**

100mg of winny per day? I know people do that but fuck me. 700mg of winny per week is simply not needed. Your joints will be ruined after a few weeks. I see the point of the pre-pct. But then it lists a 10 week pct? :confused: That standard cycle they have listed is fine in most parts but why would you do that much after just doing moderate doses in dbol and test.

Surely it is not telling you to do a 10 week pct. I was thinking maybe they mean 3/4 weeks then a 6/7 week break off everything. Surely they haven't advised 10 weeks of anti-e usage. Please let me know what they wrote on their site. Hope it helps
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add it could work but I would leave it out this time round. If you hadn't done winny at the end then maybe a few weeks of tbol could be good. Others will have to come in on this one. I am unsure but surely cortisol production will still be high regardless of the apprearance of 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (tbol). Meaning your gains will be ate away at. This is a fundamental rule of why your pct should be started asap. Why your natural test levels need to get back on so your gains are maintained. Maybe alpha or someone can provide a more educated opinion on this one. Like I said I see the logic but am unsure if if cortisol production would be stopped with just tbol. Maybe other compound would have to be added such as masteron. I could try and google it but in a lazy mood today :) I should add I do see the logic of staying in an anabolic state as you prepare for recovery but would like to see actual lab results when using the above method.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just briefly googled it and it is basically just from other board. Like I said I see the logic and it could work. It's an interesting subject to look into more etc.

The person mentioned has wrote many good things. But I should add though the same person also wrote the following-

You may also run a cycle that COMPLETELY AVOIDS SHUTDOWN:

Weeks 1-6: Dianabol, 40mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Anavar, 50mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Masteron, 100mgs EOD


Weeks 1-6: Dianabol, 40mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Primobolan, 500mgs
Weeks 6-14: Turinabol, 60mgs ED

And imo the above is very irresponsible. Writing that on an open board so someone might give it ago. I am mainly referring to the 2nd cycle. I can just imagine some newbie worried about being shutdown and then researching and finding that cycle listed online. Them getting excited and then trying it out. Well this person must be totally unaware how toxic tbol is. Running a fairly decent dose of dbol (40mg) for 6 weeks is harsh on the liver. Then adding 8 weeks straight after of other 17AA oral is just WRONG. And tbol is at 60mg per day too. 14 weeks at a reasonable dose of a 17AA oral is very dangerous. Added to that most who would probably try it out are young and unaware and drinking most weekends. Well just be careful what you read online sometimes. I would just stick to the usual way cos like I said your gonna crash anyway.
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Registered User
Dec 26, 2007
I just briefly googled it and it is basically just from other board. Like I said I see the logic and it could work. It's an interesting subject to look into more etc.

The person mentioned has wrote many good things. But I should add though the same person also wrote the following-

You may also run a cycle that COMPLETELY AVOIDS SHUTDOWN:

Weeks 1-6: Dianabol, 40mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Anavar, 50mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Masteron, 100mgs EOD


Weeks 1-6: Dianabol, 40mgs ED
Weeks 1-10: Primobolan, 500mgs
Weeks 6-14: Turinabol, 60mgs ED

And imo the above is very irresponsible. Writing that on an open board so someone might give it ago. I am mainly referring to the 2nd cycle. I can just imagine some newbie worried about being shutdown and then researching and finding that cycle listed online. Them getting excited and then trying it out. Well this person must be totally unaware how toxic tbol is. Running a fairly decent dose of dbol (40mg) for 6 weeks is harsh on the liver. Then adding 8 weeks straight after of other 17AA oral is just WRONG. And tbol is at 60mg per day too. 14 weeks at a reasonable dose of a 17AA oral is very dangerous. Added to that most who would probably try it out are young and unaware and drinking most weekends. Well just be careful what you read online sometimes. I would just stick to the usual way cos like I said your gonna crash anyway.

I was thinking the same thing regarding the 17AA products. I basically went 10 weeks with Test Cyp at 250mg/week and Eq at 400mg/week and I am ending my cycle with 6 weeks of winny. I would never add a 17AA product on top of or even after the winny.

I see the logic behind the Pre-PCT, but I guess it depends on the steroids being used during the cycle.

My last few cycles went fine with waiting two weeks after my last shot and starting right in to a basic Clomid/Nolva PCT. Lost some strenght and weight (mainly water) but nothing extreme.

I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on this "Pre-PCT" theory.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am looking forward to others opinions on this topic. Like I said I see the logic but at the same time think it is best to just get natural asap. I am unsure about how cortisol will be effected with this method. In my eyes that is key to the success. I understand the logic in being in an anabolic state as your test starts to recover. If going onto a dose of tbol for example would help with cortisol then I can see it working. I am unsure of that so would appreciate anyone in the know commenting.

However no matter about cortisol this pre pct method is simply easing the process but not preventing it from happening. I read how the person said it will stop you crashing etc... that is simply untrue. You will still start to crash but being in an anabolic state (with compounds that cause little suppression) will just make the path more comfortable. It just prolongs your pct regime. Some might say but you don't crash as hard so in the end your recovery is improved.

At the end of the day you still need to be taking anti-e's to get back on track. The above method is in one way recovering naturally but the huge crash is prevented cause of your anabolic state. Don't think I actually mean recovering completely naturally cause that is simply silly. I just mean your not pumping your self with anti-e's to speed the process up but of cause your still using ligher compounds to ease your path.

I imagine the tried and tested route is the best but would like to look into this more. I am sure someone in the know could say a green or red light to this theory and sum up why in 2 lines but I am still unsure.

I would try it out if I knew the 'ligher' compounds would prevent cortisol production. But all steroids cause corisol production in some way. Anyone if anyone has any views simply comment.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just wanted to add you know I rec the usual wait 2 weeks then start pct (if doing e or c esters). Well the test may take even longer to leave your system fully. Thats one of the reasons I say 4 weeks for pct cos it is just being safe so your ensuring you don't lose many gains. It does no harm starting a tiny bit early but it is important to ensure you do a complete pct regime. Anyway my point is one of the best things you can do for a pre pct is adex in the build up. Never take a AI during your pct but in the build up it is great.

HCG is also good. That of course if you haven't taken it during your cycle. I think HCG is good during your cycle at regular intervals. But if you leave it out then do a few small injections every 4/5 weeks is another good method. And ensuring a set of injections during your pre pct. Even if you have done it weekly during your cycle a couple of injections in the 2 weeks after your last shot of test e/c would be good. But please never do hcg during your pct.

Now leading on to my main point...I don't see the harm in doing something like tbol in the build up to your pct. Maybe with the adex. Many do adex during a cycle but I am not a fan of taking an AI (or SERM) for long periods. If your doing a harsh cycle then I understand but otherwise I would leave it out. But like I said I don't see the harm in doing it for a few weeks after your last injection with tbol. Then starting a complete pct regime.

But as stated above I am still unsure about the pre pct of 4 weeks after the test cos that just seems wrong to me. But my method above I could see doing good and the tbol has a short active life so pct could be started soon after.

Even though I said the above I am still a fan of keeping it simple and not over complicating things. Very often people try to fix something that isn't broken. But it is always good trying to improve things and get people thinking so this topic has interested me greatly.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
^ I'm with you man. I think that getting the natural going ASAP is the way to go.

Yeah I agree. I don't even like to be on for much longer than 12 weeks for that very reason. If I was on TRT I would feel totally different. But if I plan to get back natural I want the process to be as short as possible (even if I do crash alittle harder). That meaning starting anti-e usage straightaway. Sure I may do that tbol thing once every so often but that won't really effect my recovery at all. I don't even plan to do long cycles (20 weeks) as recovery is greatly effected. I think it is gonna be 8-14 weeks for me all my life and just keep it simple most times.