Test with every cycle?


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
I need someone to explain to me why is it recommend to take test with every cycle? I've done cycles with other steroids alone and never had any downfalls. Educate me please.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2009
Well I've always made Test my base for every cycle and here's some of the reasons I came up with from my own experiences as well as reading articles by other people who are alot smarter than me 4 sure. Now just so you kno wI'm not gonna wow you with doctor like words and shit its just straight how I know to put it so don't come back and bust my balls. Whenever you cycle whether you use test or not you are still fucking with a very fragile hormone axis your body has. For example I once did (my 1st cycle ever) a deca, dbol only cycle and ran it for approx. 12 wks. Well from around week 4 I developed a huge case of deca dick that stuck with me for a total of almost two years! Thats right I crushed my own production of test so bad by not using test to combat the deca and didn't do any pct that my willy would barely work for 2 f@#king years. I went to the doc and my test level was 14!!!! And thisis at age 21 or 22. Since then for me its Test as a base and build from there. I mean I'm no scientist but the more test you havein your body while training the more muscle mass you gain period. Like I said bro thats just my opinion.


Registered User
Feb 6, 2009
Amen to that MX! Ive shut down also once and man yu do not want to go there. Takes forever to get all your hormonal functions back. and ANOTHER IMPORTANT THING I HAVE LEARNED IS TO GET BLOOD TESTS DONE PERIODICALLY. I didnt and ended up with iron poisoning, dont ask me how. Many things can haywire if your not careful..rot


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
Thanks guys. This is what I don't understand though. Most AS including Test will shut down your natural Testosterone levels right? So, does test prevent the body from not crashing as hard when you go off? Or will it just benefit you while you are on the cycle to help libido, size gain, and such? Wouldn't a good PCT help this? Yes you will gain more muscle with test in any cycle, this is a no brainer, but what about keeping the gains afterwords. Let's say someone wanted to do a cycle of Anavar. Little gains in size, but what you gain you keep most of it. Now you throw some Test cypionate in the mix, you gain the size but when you go off your cycle won't your natural test levels be shut down more than doing the anavar by itself? And without proper PCT won't you lose much of what you gained from the test? Sorry if I sound a little confused. I do agree with what everyone is saying. I like using test as a base of any cycle, but I was going through some steroid profiles on the net and asked myself these questions.


New member
Feb 14, 2009
Your body physiologically needs testosterone to operate at optimum levels. If you suppress your natural testosterone production and do not replace it with exogenous testosterone, then you are asking for trouble.... Low libido, lethardy, mental fatigue..... Even a trt dose of 150-250- mgs EW will do WONDERS for your body if you want to avoid high test doses during a particular cycle...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Thanks guys. This is what I don't understand though. Most AS including Test will shut down your natural Testosterone levels right? So, does test prevent the body from not crashing as hard when you go off? Or will it just benefit you while you are on the cycle to help libido, size gain, and such? Wouldn't a good PCT help this? Yes you will gain more muscle with test in any cycle, this is a no brainer, but what about keeping the gains afterwords. Let's say someone wanted to do a cycle of Anavar. Little gains in size, but what you gain you keep most of it. Now you throw some Test cypionate in the mix, you gain the size but when you go off your cycle won't your natural test levels be shut down more than doing the anavar by itself? And without proper PCT won't you lose much of what you gained from the test? Sorry if I sound a little confused. I do agree with what everyone is saying. I like using test as a base of any cycle, but I was going through some steroid profiles on the net and asked myself these questions.

In a rush now but just wanted ot say you are right. But I would use test in every cycle. It should be a base for nearly all cycles. But of course you highlighted some points... basically the reason why I don't slam some oral only (or weaker injectable) cycles. I slam most but not all! I try to use common sense with most things. Avar only for some can be great and it doesn't shut you down that much. Having test with it is much better but it will shut you down lots. Just use common sense and weigh up your aims for each cycle.

I will always do test (test c/e, sust, test p) with a compliment injectable (mast, tren, eq, deca, primo etc) and an oral (dbol, adrol, avar, tbol, winny etc). But from time to time I might just throw in an 8 week avar only cycle in my long break from the heavy stuff just to give me a helping hand and so I don't feel the big crash. I could writ eloads on this but basically your right to wonder and your right ot question it cos there are 1001 ways to do effective cycles... but most of them include test! haha
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Your body physiologically needs testosterone to operate at optimum levels. If you suppress your natural testosterone production and do not replace it with exogenous testosterone, then you are asking for trouble.... Low libido, lethardy, mental fatigue..... Even a trt dose of 150-250- mgs EW will do WONDERS for your body if you want to avoid high test doses during a particular cycle...

Completely right. Test is the most imprtant element to any cycle and you need it. Just using oral only or stuff liek eq and primo only is not good over time. But like I said from time to time you can mix it up but really should always have test written in pen for all cycles and compliments in pencil waiitng to be inked. But of course my fairly recent tbol only cycle was a success but I don't really think of it as a cycle more product testing :)


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
Thanks again! I agree even taking a low dosage of test to supplement other AS would be beneficial to the body for other reasons than just muscle growth.