Sexual Side Effects while on Tren


Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
Tomorrow I will be two weeks into my Tren/Prop/Mast/HCG 10 week cycle.

A few days into my cycle I was unable to ejaculate? I could get an erection, but could not ejaculate? I have never had that problem before, so I started asking questions and doing some homework.

As we are aware, Tren can raise your prolactin levels. Not only can too much prolactin possibly cause you to be able to "Breast Feed" your kid, it can cause sexual side effects as well.

Sexual side effects like being unable to ejaculate or being uninterested in sex.

Personally, I really like to have sex, so I wanted to find a quick solution to my dilemma.

I was taking .25 mg of Prami every day before bed. I was also taking 25mcg of T3 to keep my Thyroid functions in check.

A few days ago I increased the dose of Prami to .5mg per night and Great news.... Chris698 "Junior" is working again and I am able to ejaculate.

It is important to keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to AAS.

I found this while doing a Google search on this topic.

"The androgenic aspects of Trenbolone may aid sex drive, but the prolactin effects may counteract this. So you can be really horny but unable to ejaculate.

One of the differences between Tren and Deca is their androgenic qualities. Tren is higher and Deca is lower.

Some guys get really horny on Tren while with Deca this is hardly ever the case. They are both progestins though which increase prolactin.

Prolactin can decrease both your sex drive, refractory period (time to next erection), and delayed ejaculation.

Depending on your unique chemistry Tren may either be pro-sexual or anti-sexual. Your personal reaction to its androgenic and prolactin increasing features will dictate this.

That's why there's a term called Tren dick to go along with Deca dick."
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AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
I think the horniest I've ever been was while on a Tren/prop/winny/proviron stack with low dose aromasin and cabergoline.

Tren is one of those finicky compounds where some users get extra high sex drive, and others get limp dick, or an inability to ejacuate. Cabergoline helps a lot for me, and Proviron as well.


Oct 25, 2012
When I'm on 100mgs a day of tren ace I'm crazy horny. If I don't have sex on a given day I will jerk it at least once that day maybe twice. Oh and I have no problem ejaculating at all. Lucky me:D


Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
Good to hear . you using the prami tabs or the research liquid prami/ dostinex I see everywhere that's very cheap so it makes me leary if legit.?

I am using the liquid Prami. I was referred by a legit source so I think its real...... at least I hope it is.

All I know is Chris698 Jr. is working again and I am happy about that! :action-smiley-033:


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Glad to hear you have a good understanding of why tren causes the sexual difficulties you talk about. Many think the answer is in adding test or more test.
That may apply to certain other aas but not tren which is really androgenic.
I found that out back in about 85 when first using finajet/ject and parabolan.
I wanted sex all the time but would end up not being able to nutt.
Was no prami or cabaser back then or at least we knew nothing about it. I have used prami and dost. prami just makes me feel like shit though it does it's job well. Dost I feel much better and everything works as well as when using prami without feeling fuzzy and flu like. Some guys do really well with it.
I'm just not one of the lucky ones . Take care, T


Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
Hey T, I am holding at .50mg/day of Prami (taken before bed). It does not seem to be effecting me in a negative way.

I will stay at that dose throughout the rest of my cycle.

Glad to hear you have a good understanding of why tren causes the sexual difficulties you talk about. Many think the answer is in adding test or more test.
That may apply to certain other aas but not tren which is really androgenic.
I found that out back in about 85 when first using finajet/ject and parabolan.
I wanted sex all the time but would end up not being able to nutt.
Was no prami or cabaser back then or at least we knew nothing about it. I have used prami and dost. prami just makes me feel like shit though it does it's job well. Dost I feel much better and everything works as well as when using prami without feeling fuzzy and flu like. Some guys do really well with it.
I'm just not one of the lucky ones . Take care, T


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Sounds like you found the sweet spot for your run. Very cool. Let us know back later how your gains etc fare out. T


Feb 6, 2012
Glad to hear you have a good understanding of why tren causes the sexual difficulties you talk about. Many think the answer is in adding test or more test.
That may apply to certain other aas but not tren which is really androgenic.
I found that out back in about 85 when first using finajet/ject and parabolan.
I wanted sex all the time but would end up not being able to nutt.
Was no prami or cabaser back then or at least we knew nothing about it. I have used prami and dost. prami just makes me feel like shit though it does it's job well. Dost I feel much better and everything works as well as when using prami without feeling fuzzy and flu like. Some guys do really well with it.
I'm just not one of the lucky ones . Take care, T

Have you ever had good experiences with liquid dostinex? Or are the expensive dostinex tabs the only way to go?


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Have you ever had good experiences with liquid dostinex? Or are the expensive dostinex tabs the only way to go?

I have not heard of liquid dost that is stable but that does not mean
it is not viable. I really like dost . Have used caps (ug) and hg that I picked up in mex a few years back. work the same for me. Prami
in liquid I did try and it was really strong. I just never was able to get use to prami even witha slow ramp up. Wish I could . It works and is not costly. Thanks, T