The preworkout thread


Aug 11, 2004
1. I try to get in at least a gallon of water before I train
2. 1 cup of coffee with 2 tbls of chocolate LBA mixed in

This I have found most effective for me and I can use any pre workout supplement as I am sponsored by a supplement store.
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Registered User
May 15, 2017
I recently used Pianas Full as F*uck. I can't do stim pre workouts. It gave me decent pumps but nothing to write home about.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I recently used Pianas Full as F*uck. I can't do stim pre workouts. It gave me decent pumps but nothing to write home about.

With that one it's much better on a fairly empty stomach. So eat a fairly light meal approx 120-90 mins before training. Drink lots of water. Plus give that one time so have it at least 30 mins before training. It's a fantastic stimulant free pre workout but everyone responds differently. But those ingredients definitely work optimally under those guildlines. If you didn't do above please try it like that and see if there is a difference. Training arms is crazy on that stuff for me.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I took Redcon1's Total War last night for a change. As I have mentioned in the past it's a great product and gives you a bit of everything. But when you rotate these products you realize their differences. This stays with me much longer so I couldn't sleep and was still up at 6am :eek: Everyone processes caffeine differently but definitely take this 7 hours+ before going to bed.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I used HYDE tonight and like last time I am not hugely impressed. Everyone reacts to preworkouts differently but most people seem to love HYDE. Perhaps it's because I have used so many pre workouts with similar doses. I know a lot of guys I have seen review it haven't used loads and HYDE is the strongest so it's sheer strength impressed them. Perhaps I just don't respond that well to it compared to others. I took 1 heaped scoop and didn't feel much but always get out of breath from it. It's still decent but I rate the likes of Savage Roar, Yeah Buddy and NO Bull above it. I would still give it an 8/10 though.
Jun 19, 2017
I do not like preworkout shops that are pre made.I like to put my own together.Much cheaper and I know what I'm taking,not a Prop blend.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was recently away and decided to buy a new preworkout from a shop. They didn't have a lot of choice and I ended up going with 5150. I have used it a few times in the past and it was good so I figured try a whole tub. I bought passionfruit flavour and it tastes great. I have also used the pomegranate flavour which is great too. Both flavours are some of the best tasting pre workouts I have ever used.

It's a solid product but I know it gets mixed reviews. It's definitely not as strong as you would think it is after reading the label. It hits in fast and the sense of well being and the beta alanine tingles are noticeable within minutes. I feel great on it and it delivers in every sense. I have used it a few times now and it's effects definitely lower over time so I will start rotating in other products and use it on certain days. One of the positives is there is no crash for me at all but due to the various forms of caffeine it's effects last a long time. So anyone using this in the morning/afternoon will have a good supply of energy for the rest of the day. I give it an 8.5/10 and definitely recommend it.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
Is nutrex outlift still a good clinically dosed one or are there better options now? I'm looking for an all inclusive product with creatine, CM, taurine, etc, that I can just take once a day. Doesn't have to be a preworkout necessarily.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Is nutrex outlift still a good clinically dosed one or are there better options now? I'm looking for an all inclusive product with creatine, CM, taurine, etc, that I can just take once a day. Doesn't have to be a preworkout necessarily.

They have Nutrex Outlift Amped now which looks great. I would recommend that or PRE JYM. Full as Fuck by 5% is a really good stimulant free product. I am rushing now as I go on holiday in 2 hours :) We have to leave at 4am (flight at 6am) so no point in me sleeping. There are also a few good protein/weightgain powders that put the kitchen sink in such as Reflex's One Stop.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
I have started using Vapor X5 Next Gen from Muscle Tech. It has very little caffeine, which is good. I am getting less and less able to handle caffeine as I age.



Mar 22, 2014
Waiting on Mike Arnold's new product.

He promises that it will have all the pump ingredients at clinical dosages.

I'm sure it will be pricy though.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Waiting on Mike Arnold's new product.

He promises that it will have all the pump ingredients at clinical dosages.

I'm sure it will be pricy though.

For pumps it doesn't need to be complicated. 6-8g citrulline malate and 15mg tadalafil with a good pre workout meal and lot's of water and the pumps would be more than enough. You could add the likes of glycerine and even 5iu humalog if you didn't want to be able to move your arms after a few sets.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have started using Vapor X5 Next Gen from Muscle Tech. It has very little caffeine, which is good. I am getting less and less able to handle caffeine as I age.


Not really low caffeine imo. Looking at the doses I would do 2 scoops and think most would need to do the same for optimal results and that is 380mg caffeine which is very high.

Full as fuck is good and contains no caffeine. If you could get Matrix NO Pump Xtreme you would love it. 80mg caffeine per scoop and 2 scoops is incredible. I recommend you try and get that one if you can (sold in the UK). Nutrex Outlift do a stimulant free version too. For people who want a good boost but low caffeine if you get a stimulant free product I recommend a double espresso or 1 tab (50mg) of teacrine. Teacrine is a great product and if you have any pre workout but want an extra boost in energy try adding 50mg-100mg.


Mar 22, 2014
For pumps it doesn't need to be complicated. 6-8g citrulline malate and 15mg tadalafil with a good pre workout meal and lot's of water and the pumps would be more than enough. You could add the likes of glycerine and even 5iu humalog if you didn't want to be able to move your arms after a few sets.
Well I do 5 mgs of tadalafil daily so it would be too much to bump up to 15 on workout days. My wife wouldn't be able to handle me on 15 anyway.

Also, I do 15 iu's or Novalin R pre.
Going to Walmart is easier than trying to find log.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just ordered Hyphy Mud 2.0 again so that should tell you something as I never usually reorder pre workouts. I also have some Animal Fury on the way that is very basic but looks good. I also got to pick a sample of another product but I forget the name but will review that too.

Recently I have been using 5150 and it's great. As mentioned earlier my tolerance builds up fairly quickly on it so I recommend short breaks or rotating with other products. I had just over 1 scoop before and the euphoria I feel from it especially about 10 mins post dosage is incredible. I couldn't feel happier and it helps me push the intensity in my workouts.

I will get another product (new to me) to review soon too. Anyone tried anything new recently?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
One thing I have learnt over the years of using pre workouts is they can have different effects at different times. So many variables on the day can effect results such as foods you just ate, stress and energy levels etc. But even over the span of months the other recent products you use can have an effect including the main factor that is your current caffeine/stimulant tolerance.

Over the last few days I have used 5% Nutrition's 5150, Redcon1's Total War and Nutrex Hemo Rage Underground. All 3 are good products with the first two listed both being great for me. They all have a slightly different effect energy wise too.

5150 hits me very fast and I can feel it within 5 mins. Sometimes I have dosed it and forgot something and left 5 mins later and it full blown hits me on the way to the gym. This one unlike the others also gives me an intense euphoric feeling after about 10 mins. Although a negative is after training I am always destroyed and struggle to walk home. So I guess you could state I crash but mentally I feel fine.

Total War takes longer to come into effect. It's more sustained energy and overall is a great product. I still have energy post workout when walking home even if I have trained for 2 hours.

Nutrex Hemo Rage is not as good as the others but still a decent product. It's great energy wise but if it gave better pumps would be rated higher. Even on a fairly empty stomach it takes much longer to hit me. It's a smooth curve upwards in regards to energy and 30 mins post dosage is when I can really feel it. It's similar to Total War in the sense the energy stays with me until post workout.

5%'s 5150= 9/10
Total War= 9/10
HemoRage= 7.5/10

I must add my sweet spot iS about 1 1/3 scoops for the first 2 and 1.5 scoops for hemo rage. If I am using after a break from stimulants then 1 scoop is great.


Donating Member
Feb 1, 2013
I cannot see myself every using another pre workout then Arc Reactor by Granite Supplements (John Meadows).

I add some more CM to it, about 6-8 grams and it is insane. I haven't felt that it has lost its potency in terms of energy at all. I also love all the ingredients in it. I swear like 10-15 after I take it I get a little highish feeling ha.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Earlier I used my new tub of Hyphy Mud 2.0 watermelon and kiwi flavour. It tastes fine but not good. I love watermelon but nearly all supplements in watermelon never taste good... especially pre workouts. Although Hyphy done a fairly good job with their flavouring it's just the other stuff that gives it the bitter/bad taste and it's impossible to mask. I tried 1.5 scoops and no surprise it was amazing. I think I broke the world record in power walking to the gym :D Great leg session and lot's of energy during and after even though I pushed the intensity. As usual I give it a 9/10.

The other day I tried 2 servings of MHP's Reckless in Blue Slushy flavour. The taste was fine so nothing exciting there. It's only the 2nd MHP product I have used as their last product (Trac Extreme NO) was probably the worst pre workout I have ever used. It gets decent reviews but I didn't feel a thing from 2 scoops so I never bothered using the brand again. Reckless is different and much better but still lacking. It gets great reviews about it's strength and it's ingredient profile is different so I was looking forward to trying it. Within 20 mins it was amazing and I felt a big high and couldn't be more pleased but that faded and considering I used 2 scoops it wasn't very impressive. I would give it a 7/10 so not bad but I imagine for me the normal serving of 1 scoop would be a waste of time.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Tip for everyone don't take 1.5 scoops of Hyphy Mud 2.0 if you plan to sleep in the next 8 hours :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Tonight I tried Animal Fury. On paper it looks very basic but effective and it didn't disappoint. Although it was nothing spectacular. I think nearly everyone would love this product but guys wanting crazy energy maybe left wanting more. I can't really knock it as it contains everything you need in decent doses and 350mg caffeine per scoop is plenty for most. I took 1 scoop but hadn't left in 10 mins so decided to take a tiny bit more as it didn't hit me very hard.

All in all a solid product and I would give it a 8/10 so far. Almost forgot I need to mention the taste on this one. I have green apple and it is the sweetest pre workout I have ever tried. I like that but many won't. Really artificial and strong apple taste but I liked it. Will taste better the more water you add but I don't like to use too much for my pre workouts.

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