Couple questions related to my upcoming cycle.


Registered User
Dec 10, 2014
Hey guys, Im planning to start running my next blast on May 1st.

700 mg. test e. wks. 1-16
300 mg. deca wks. 1-12
50 mg. dbol wks. 1-4
60 mg. tbol wks. 12-16.

I'm 41 years old. 225 lbs and dieting down running low carbs to prep for the cycle. Been training in some fashion for going on 6 yrs. This will be my third blast since starting all this a year ago, averaging 1 blast every 6 months. However, my 2nd blast was a wash, my ulcerative colitis flared big time about a month into that one, and regardless of the 750 of test I was on, I got weaker and weaker until I got the flare under control. When I cruise I'm at 200 mg test e. a week.

So on to the questions. As far as the deca goes, I have easy access to both caber and prami, does anyone have a preference, does one easily stand out above the other? Also, will either one of these help if the dreaded deca dick starts to rear its ugly head, or should I not even worry about it because of my test to deca ratio? Also, any preferences on doses of these two?

Second. I get the worst fucking acne on the planet. I've noticed that if I get sloppy with my shot schedule while coasting my acne gets way worse. I've heard people talk about using small bore needles to give daily injections and that it greatly cuts down on the acne due to very stable blood levels. My question is, does anyone have personal experience with this and what's the best way to do this in regards to needle selection?

Any replies would be greatly appreciated!


Mar 27, 2014
First off- how do you keep your colitis under control?
How is your deit?
Asuming you are using our big V's juice Vaultek
With the brand juice you have you may want to back the mgs down a bit- His stuff is crazy strong- better then most.
With deca -I have to keep the test almost 2 times as high as my deca
I am prone to deca dick - It sucks
As for the mgs - these guys will know better then I.
I have tried every thing but Tbal
The dbal - I like to run a little longer then 4 weeks
Make sure you drink your water - with the dbal you have - your pumps will be off the hook if you hydrate your self.
Your stuff is ultra clean also so you shouldn't have to worry about zits as much
Just my thoughts


Registered User
Dec 10, 2014
Diet is pretty solid, all clean, real foods. Macros depend on if its a training day or not. I have a few body building buddies who really geek out on the diet part that have helped me a lot, and are going to continue to help when I'm on cycle.

I had to take prednisone (worst fucking drug on the planet) and medrol to get the flare under control. I'm just now almost off of the prednisone. I take 5-asa meds to keep me in remission. I always drink a ton of water so that's no biggie.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
A lot of guys like NPP over Deca for general health reasons. And for some it equates to less bloat while bulking. Overall, I'm a believer in keeping Test at lower base level (125-150mg/wk) and using the other compounds at higher levels for growth. But, a lot of guys haven't yet given it a try to see how it works for them, so for many the jury is still out. I think it helps to cut down on side effects from many AAS, including Tren which is notorious for really bad sides for many.

And with all that said, your cycle is pretty standard by conventional wisdom, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

I don't really see what needle size has to do with anything. You can do daily shots with an 18g or a slin pin, the smaller pin is just going to cause less scar tissue. Slin pins usually require backloading, which some guys find to be a pain. I like using the 3ml syringes from sterilesyringes.com and buying a box of 31g slin pins to put on them so I don't have to backload anything. Just makes things more convenient if I can use a 20g to draw and then swap to a 31g to pin.

I like that you're keeping the orals to sane doses and not popping that shit like Skittles.

Prami causes stomach issues for a lot of guys if you don't start low and titrate your dose gradually. I've never had that problem with Caber, but some people say they do. Also, caber tends to be faked more than Prami, IMO, so getting it legit can be a slight headache; just an FYI. I'm not sure I've known many to come across bunk Prami, but I'm sure it's out there.


Mar 27, 2014
Look up primal defence- It was made for Crohn's but may be good for colitis also
Just like I posted for some one else - there are alot of great Natural med docs out the like professionaldeits.com
The guy is great with that kind of stuff
The prednisone was made by the devil
It is nasty shit - works great but nasty shit
Hope I didn't break any rules by putting the deit place on here - he is great with conditions like yours


Registered User
Dec 10, 2014
Thanks for the replies guys. Squatster, thanks for the heads up. I'll check that out. It's funny, I've literally said the same thing about prednisone, spawned by the devil himself!! Unfortunately, it's damn good at bringing down inflamation really quickly.