Dee Gordon suspended 80 games after PEDs violation


Sep 17, 2003
Miami Marlins second baseman Dee Gordon has been suspended 80 games without pay, effective immediately, for violating MLB's performance-enhancing drug policy, the league said early Friday.

The speedy second baseman tested positive for the performance-enhancing substances exogenous testosterone and clostebol, MLB said. A league source told ESPN's Jayson Stark that Gordon tested positive during spring training.

In a statement Friday, Gordon said he did not knowingly take PEDs but was accepting the suspension.

"Though I did not do so knowingly, I have been informed that test results showed I ingested something that contained prohibited substances. The hardest part about this is feeling that I have let down my teammates, the organization and the fans," Gordon said. "I have been careful to avoid products that could contain something banned by MLB, and the 20-plus tests that I have taken and passed throughout my career prove this. I made a mistake, and I accept the consequences."

The league source told Stark that Gordon initially fought the suspension but dropped an appeal after Thursday's win over the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Gordon, 28, is in his sixth season in the majors. He will lose about $1.65 million in salary during the suspension and is ineligible for the postseason. Gordon signed a five-year, $50 million deal with Miami in January.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Clostebol, first time I've heard that product mentioned in a long time.


Dec 2, 2013
"Though I did not do so knowingly"......what a joke. Take full responsibility and people will forgive and forget. Keep lying and treating your fans like idiots and they'll never let you forget this.


Sep 17, 2003
Saw this one the other day :D


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Mar 27, 2014
$50 million WTF
Big money to screw up
There are so many compounds out there and must be so many undetectable ones.
With so much money there are no ecuses for them to get cought
Hopefully he can play again after so much time off - mostly with no juice


Oct 26, 2012
I love that pic Anasci...that's awesome. Kind of ironic, though...



Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Its really hard for me to blame these guys entirely for getting caught. I would imagine like most pro athletes they pay a pretty penny to a third party to put them on something that will improve their performance as well with the insurance they won't get caught. Yes there are scientists out there constantly coming up with designer compounds that will beat the tests that a particular sport uses to check their athletes but at the same time they have people constantly coming up with new tests to catch them. Its a cat and mouse game. I would hope that especially people in our community would realize that most athletes at this level use or have used PEDs at some point. The ones that say they never have most likely just never got caught. Sure there are a small handful of guys in certain sports that are just that fucking gifted genetically that they can do it for a certain amount of time. But even time catches up to them. PEDs are part of athletics at a pro or Olympic level period and most athlete's in sports like baseball have no idea how to use them. They rely on so called guru's to get them through. Most of the time they do. However with the compounds I'm seeing in these posts makes me wonder if they used a total idiot or they tried to do it on their own which is just stupid.

As far as saying they used an over the counter supplement or whatever and they didn't know it had illegal compounds in it. What else can they say? If they come right out and admit it they are most likely either ending their career or at the very least they will be tainted to the point of loosing millions of dollars over their career. Most likely their performance will no longer be what it once was so it would be financial suicide not to hold on to their big money contract as long as possible. This is just my two cc's but IMO you have to look at it from their stand point not a fans....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
As far as saying they used an over the counter supplement or whatever and they didn't know it had illegal compounds in it. What else can they say? If they come right out and admit it they are most likely either ending their career or at the very least they will be tainted to the point of loosing millions of dollars over their career. Most likely their performance will no longer be what it once was so it would be financial suicide not to hold on to their big money contract as long as possible. This is just my two cc's but IMO you have to look at it from their stand point not a fans....AR....

I disagree with the part about losing their careers or costing them millions. No one in the front office is going to pass on a serious talent cuz they got busted for PED's. They know the players are using, and a certain number of them are going to get caught. It's just part of the game, and the owners and GM's are on board with it.

People forget that the American public has an almost infinite capacity for forgiveness if the offending party just owns up to what they did, shows some contrition, and asks for forgiveness. That's by far the fastest path to getting back on the good side of the public.

It's the guys that try to save their own ass by making up stories about tainted legal supplements that draw the ire of public. They think they can shift the blame, deny deny deny, and people will just accept their story, forget and move on. Wait a decade till Bonds, McGuire, and Clemens still aren't in the HOF and ask them if they regret their strategy of denial and blame shifting. If they just own what they did and ask for forgiveness things will get better. America loves a winner.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
I can't say your wrong in your way of looking at it brother. Its kinda damned if ya do damned if ya don't. I just have to look at it from the younger athletes stand point. Chances are, and I wouldn't be afraid to stick to my guns on this one, that PEDs got him to some degree to the worth of a 50 million dollar contract. He's never gonna be able to sign another deal like that and by admitting to flat out using he could potentially loose that entire deal. I'm sure there's a clause in his contract that by using he is violating that contract and even though the owners know what's up with enough public pressure they probably would pull the trigger to save face. He's never gonna be able to use PEDs again either so no more big contracts. I'm sure his way of thinking is by at least leaving some doubt in the publics eye by counting on "well maybe he's telling the truth" type of thinking then he might save his ass. Im sure he's hoping for that little shadow of a doubt to get by. Lets not forget also he's got agents telling him to deny, deny, deny to save his contract, endorsements, etc. The pressure has to be impossible. That's why its really hard for me to throw stones at people unless I've walked the same road as them and I can assure you I never had 50 million at stake. Lol

I do believe however that Bonds and the other older players should of just admitted what they did and over time I think their legacies might not have been so ugly. They had made their money and all where pretty much done anyways. Its really a shame too because being a baseball fan those guys where all pretty fucking good and the public absolutely loved them. In their case I totally agree that the truth would of set them free.

Again brother I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I truly enjoy debating intelligent people on issues just like this one. Especially pro sports and AAS for personal reasons. Thanks for putting in your outlook on this....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I think you're absolutely correct that PED's got him this contract. The kid spent several years in the minor leagues at like 120lbs. He admitted he was unable to put on any weight and he wasn't a powerful hitter because of it. Within a years time he put on something like 35 lbs, and boom he's in the majors with a huge contract coming his way. It's undeniable that he got laid because he used.

The thing to remember about baseball contracts is that they are virtually 100% guaranteed. With the exception of retirement and suspension, there is no way for a club to get out of paying a player, even if he flat out admits to PED use. in baseball they cannot terminate or otherwise nullify a players contract simply for admitting to PED usage. Remember what Ryan Brawn did a few years ago? Nothing happened to him except his suspension, and he admitted to ruining a guys career and reputation over a drug test that he failed and later got overturned on a technicality. The baseball players union is one of the strongest, most aggressive unions in all of sports. They protect their players vociferously.

The only thing they stand to lose by admitting using is their endorsement contracts. The big sports clothing companies don't want an admitted doper as the face of their company. From that angle, you're correct about them losing money. And many players would stand to lose more money in endorsements than they would from their playing contract.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
No contract even in baseball is 100% garaunteed. Yes their union is an amazing adversary for the players and yes the stronger the player the stronger the contract will be for that player but all contracts favor the owners in the end period. And when 50 million is on the table owners are not gonna take a chance for a player to fall from grace in some fucked up way and not have a way to get back SOME of the money. Most of the time only a portion of the deal is garaunteed and if they say otherwise its bullshit. I'd love to elaborate but I'll just say that's my opinion.

And really as a player why take the chance of letting it get to that. In the end its all about the dollar for athletes and hey most working people too. Every bodies just trying to feed their families and make as much money as possible in the process.
Not being a dick here but I honesty consider myself to be a pretty honest and straight up dude. I've proven myself in some pretty hairy situations to be able to claim that but I honestly can't say how I would react when 50 million was on the table as well as millions in endorsements. I mean that's life changing money for me , my kids, their kids, their kids, etc, etc,.I probably would do whatever someone I thought knew wtf they were talking about told me to do to give my family the best and most I could with as little b.s. as possible.

Somebody obviously is advising these guys on how to respond. I originally jumped on the Agent I believe earlier but after some thought hell it could be the owners themselves telling him how to respond to prevent a witchhunt by organizations that have no business involving themselves in it in the first place but that's a whole other issue.

Ah who cares I guess. Its cool to discuss this shit but although I do not blame any athlete for using I just hope all the organizations keep popping them with stiff penalties so the witch hunts don't begin again like a decade ago. A lot of people got hurt over total bullshit....AR....

Mark Whiseley

Registered User
May 23, 2016
actually i just say its a dog-ass,i also don't approve athelets take "sensitive"drug but the thing is most of professional atheletes will take "something" before big event to keep them in the best,as for Gordon,felt deep sorry for this dude...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
No contract even in baseball is 100% garaunteed. Yes their union is an amazing adversary for the players and yes the stronger the player the stronger the contract will be for that player but all contracts favor the owners in the end period. And when 50 million is on the table owners are not gonna take a chance for a player to fall from grace in some fucked up way and not have a way to get back SOME of the money. Most of the time only a portion of the deal is garaunteed and if they say otherwise its bullshit. I'd love to elaborate but I'll just say that's my opinion.

And really as a player why take the chance of letting it get to that. In the end its all about the dollar for athletes and hey most working people too. Every bodies just trying to feed their families and make as much money as possible in the process.
Not being a dick here but I honesty consider myself to be a pretty honest and straight up dude. I've proven myself in some pretty hairy situations to be able to claim that but I honestly can't say how I would react when 50 million was on the table as well as millions in endorsements. I mean that's life changing money for me , my kids, their kids, their kids, etc, etc,.I probably would do whatever someone I thought knew wtf they were talking about told me to do to give my family the best and most I could with as little b.s. as possible.

Somebody obviously is advising these guys on how to respond. I originally jumped on the Agent I believe earlier but after some thought hell it could be the owners themselves telling him how to respond to prevent a witchhunt by organizations that have no business involving themselves in it in the first place but that's a whole other issue.

Ah who cares I guess. Its cool to discuss this shit but although I do not blame any athlete for using I just hope all the organizations keep popping them with stiff penalties so the witch hunts don't begin again like a decade ago. A lot of people got hurt over total bullshit....AR....

You should do some more reading about baseball contracts, AR. They really are 100% guaranteed. Even if they cut the player, they have to pay them out the rest of the money in the contract. It's ridiculous, but it's true.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
You should do some more reading about baseball contracts, AR. They really are 100% guaranteed. Even if they cut the player, they have to pay them out the rest of the money in the contract. It's ridiculous, but it's true.

That's what happens when the workers control the business. Why the general public puts such a high monetary value on sports and entertainment is beyond me. They should be compensated well, it's a special skill and needed recreation for people, but that's all it is, recreation, a game. None of it is purposeful or has any real world value. Think anyone would quit playing ball if the max salary was 250k? Not a one.

How about paying the players who are playing, a game, a reasonable salary, 250k, and let the fans have free parking, $1 hot dogs and cokes and $10 tickets. Maybe buy a t-shirt or team hat for $5 as well. Nope, all the money goes to the rich. The more money that's made, the more money the rich people involved keep for themselves. Even though the business exists entirely because of the fan, the franchises still shit all over them and charge them top $ for any and every thing.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Brother have you ever put your hands and read an actual real MLB contract? Not an online re print and not just reading about the bullet points of one. I have grown super fond of you Lil'Sully, not in a gay way, lol and you have earned my respect by me reading through your posts. Its more than obvious your super smart, level headed, and know a lot of shit about a lot of shit.Unfortunitaly I was born with super good looks and a huge penis. :) I assume however you gain a lot of that intelligence through genetics and reading. Careful with all that reading my friend. Often what you read is what your suppose to read.
I suppose your right that maybe, and it hurts me to even say maybe, the top 5% of players really get all that money DEPENDING or DESPITE the circumstances of their departure.
Someday if you'd like to read a real MLB contract that was drawn up by the owners as a first draft for a lower 95% player I could probably send you a copy. You'd be flabbergasted at all the small print contained in it protecting their " investment". Pages and pages of them and certainly things that wouldn't be discussed outside the three parties. Even gag orders to assure that. I have a friend who knows a guy who has a friend who knows a guy that has a friend that probably wouldn't mind you seeing it since he never really amounted to anything but I assure you its real.
I'm sure your probably right however to some degree or when it comes to the Derrick Jeters but I'll always choose to believe what I've seen first hand and assume from there....AR....