Help me understand


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
OK I found myself watching a couple episodes of cops yesterday on one of Spikes marathons. Now I'm not judging anyone in the police field because let's face it they do have a stressful job and even though I don't agree with a lot of their priorities and tactics I guess unless I actually did what they do on a daily basis I can't really cast too many stones. Plus I would hope that most are good people and do a good job protecting us from bad people.
Now with that being said. I saw on probably every other arrest where there were suspects who obviously had given up. To the point of lying on the ground face first with their hands on their heads waiting for an officer to make it over to them when BAM at least one cop felt the need to drive their knee into their head smashing it into the ground while another officer proceeded to take their wrists and twist the fuck out of them. The whole time the suspect is yelling that he or she has given up and the officers yelling stop resisting or we are gonna taze you.

Now granted in a few of the arrests it was following a foot chase or car chase and I would have to assume that would get anyone's adrenaline pumping so a little bit of aggression by the police I would think would be expected even though I would hope they are trained to channel that somehow. But in all honesty the majority of the time it was during just stupid little situations that IMO didn't warrant a knee to the head. Am I making too much of this? I keep telling myself well your probably bias or your probably not seeing it from a neutral viewpoint. I don't know but I mean the shit is right there on a TV show. Lol WTF.

I mean who wouldn't resist a little if your laying there and all of a sudden your teeth are being chipped off the pavement and your wrists are being twisted to the point where your brain automatically goes into fight or save mode. I've been fighting with this all night in my head and I just can't see how that's fair unless they person is showing aggressive behavior or doing something that would cause the police to use those tactics. Its like a no win situation. Just wondering if I'm the only one who picks up on that or maybe I'm making too much of it. Can't wrap my head around it....AR....

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
What you are noticing is a short coming of training from the time of inception into the department. Most recruits will have a cadet training prior to going into the academy. Everything learned in an academy is lost once they hit their field training. An FTO (field training officer) is usually some ass hole who hates training boots because they drop out because the job scares the shit out of them, it is to demanding or the new recruit has issues that can not be fixed and is found as a liability to the department/city or county. In addition, most FTO's are set in their ways and a recruit is only as good as the fto has prepped them to be. Everything learned in an academy is lost and the recruit either learns good or bad habits.

On to the whole excessive force issue. These officers are either new and hyoed up with shirty training or seasoned vets that know they can articulate anything and get away with it. In some what of a defence for officers, if a suspected person has failed to comply with verbal commands and actually became aggressive/hostile and resisted by running away, an officer has no reason to believe they will comply once they "give up." The suspect could easily still have a weapon or know Jiu-jitsu or something and take away the officers weapon or attack.

With that said, every scenario is different and yes, officers do use excessive force when it is not warranted but for the most part they can "articulate" a reason or they know their department has implemented policies allowing that practice.

Law enforcement is tough because every department and state has different training standards. Lets face it, after doing a job that eats at you and getting no respect dealing with the 90% of scum bag low life's that will end your life and not give a fuck about your family at home, a person becomes numb. Just like most social workers are assholes and dont care about people and become numb due to the fact they deal with drug addicted low class individuals.

I agree with you though, the nation needs to come together and fix the issues with law enforcement but it will never happen.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I end up working alongside cops at work on a regular basis. Maybe I tend to cut them some slack because of it. Personally, I don't think they give most of these criminals the beating they deserve. They fight them, run from them, hide from them, fight them some more, and then when they finally decide to "give up" they expect to be treated like they're no longer a threat. Most cops are trained that once someone presents themselves as a threat, they are to be treated as a threat from that point on, no matter how they act later. They earned that knee on their neck.

It's a completely thankless job, with very little upside. You couldn't pay me enough money to do that job.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
And don't forget, most of these cops are using steroids and because of that are suffering from extreme aggression brought on by roid rage.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Can't argue with what you guys said. I agree with 99% of it. I believe I kinda stated that about the ones that run and shit along with I'm not casting stones. Its the ones that I'm curious about that were obviously no threat (at least to me a 120lb women laying on the ground in a totally submissive position isn't a threat) that got the typical knee smash to the neck. Although I suppose your right LV once they become numb to dealing with shitbags all day that's what happens. I mean I get it it just blows my mind that some of it can certainly be seen by some as excessive and they dont even try and hide it from the camera. If it was me and some drugged up fuck tried to hurt me Id wait till I was off camera then beat the living shit out of him....AR....