rbc, hemocrit, and hemoglobin high


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
so i found a great dr that is gonna put me on trt at 200mg a week, even tho my test levels are at 900. i really dont want to cycle that much anymore and would rather stay on a cruise dose for now on. my fiance hates me on tren and im not caring as much for being the biggest guy in the room anymore. im down to around 208lbs at 5ft10ish. but i feel so small and scrawny. i like to be at 240ish. ithink 220 id be happy now. anyway ive stopped even my cruising dose completely until my dr writes my script. the problem is she needs me to donate blood once or twice to get my levels down so she can write it. she said im a risk for heart att, stroke. the issue is i went to 2 blood banks this week and they cant get the blood from me. it clogs up the bag. i have to have a therapeutic phlebotomist and that has a 6 month wait list. its summer and i feel like shit when i look in the mirror. i dont want to wait that long. my rbc is 6.23 hemoglobin 19.0 and hematocrit is 54.6. im not a dr but it doesnt seem to much higher them then high normal range,. im really tempted to just-do a low dose of 200mg a week for now of test. or is there any other aas that doesnt affect blood cells? i have some tren, npp, deca, sust, prop, and winni laying around along with pct stuff. whatcan i do and what should i do. i know the responsible thing is to wait 6 months. im tempted to take a bunch of 6ml syringes and draw the blood myself a few times a week till its low. but honestly if u couldnt donate blood and was in my possition during summer feeling scrawny ib beach season would u be able to just drop all cruising and cycling?

the test lvl of 900 was 1 week after last shot, so im sure lower now.its been a month or so


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
also i have a kit and a half of blue tops layin around, will that be ok to take?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
You have to decide what's more important to you, being big or being healthy. Personally, I'd quit my cycle, start PCT and wait a few months to see what happens.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Why are your numbers so high? Are you just coming off cycle cause if your numbers are that high on 200mg she will never keep you on. Personally I'd drop everything, add daily aspirin and hefty dose of fish oil until your blood it thin enough to donate. Should be much shorter than 6 months


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
so i found a great dr that is gonna put me on trt at 200mg a week, even tho my test levels are at 900. i really dont want to cycle that much anymore and would rather stay on a cruise dose for now on. my fiance hates me on tren and im not caring as much for being the biggest guy in the room anymore. im down to around 208lbs at 5ft10ish. but i feel so small and scrawny. i like to be at 240ish. ithink 220 id be happy now. anyway ive stopped even my cruising dose completely until my dr writes my script. the problem is she needs me to donate blood once or twice to get my levels down so she can write it. she said im a risk for heart att, stroke. the issue is i went to 2 blood banks this week and they cant get the blood from me. it clogs up the bag. i have to have a therapeutic phlebotomist and that has a 6 month wait list. its summer and i feel like shit when i look in the mirror. i dont want to wait that long. my rbc is 6.23 hemoglobin 19.0 and hematocrit is 54.6. im not a dr but it doesnt seem to much higher them then high normal range,. im really tempted to just-do a low dose of 200mg a week for now of test. or is there any other aas that doesnt affect blood cells? i have some tren, npp, deca, sust, prop, and winni laying around along with pct stuff. whatcan i do and what should i do. i know the responsible thing is to wait 6 months. im tempted to take a bunch of 6ml syringes and draw the blood myself a few times a week till its low. but honestly if u couldnt donate blood and was in my possition during summer feeling scrawny ib beach season would u be able to just drop all cruising and cycling?

the test lvl of 900 was 1 week after last shot, so im sure lower now.its been a month or so

Why are your numbers so high? Are you just coming off cycle cause if your numbers are that high on 200mg she will never keep you on. Personally I'd drop everything, add daily aspirin and hefty dose of fish oil until your blood it thin enough to donate. Should be much shorter than 6 months

those numbers were a week after my last shot of prop. was only doin 200,g a week for the last 4 weeks or so. i did come off a cycle about 8 weeks prior, give or take a week. my test was at 953. she said she will keep me on trt at 200mg of cyp a week as long as i get my rbc count down. those numbers were a month ago but i tried to donate twice last week and clogged up the bag. i started taking aspirin last night. the only reason i have to wait 6 months is bc i need a theraputic phlewbotomy and its a 6 month wait list. my sister is a nurse and im gonna order blood drawing kits and let her do it at home a few times is where im at now. i can order the kits for $18 bucks each to draw a pint. she said as long as my test lvls are below 1100 and rbc is normal i can go on trt once a week. she would rather see my do it ti correctly than using ug labs and get pharm grade test and be monitored. she said all her guys on trt have to give blood to lower thier rbc counts. i did a shot yesterday like an asshole. 400mgs test only. and was gonna stay on 200 a wk at this point. but if ican get my rbc down form my sister then ill stop so it def goes down to where i can get trt again. im also gonna drink alot more water. i just hate lookin small, even though everyone says im big. but u know how that is, its the ppl who never lifted a day in thier lives telling me im big. just got my estroidial back today and its at 13.4 right now with no pct. i also went for a sperm test and didnt want to be on anything at all that can change the results , so i stopped all pct also


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
Dj, first get your health under control , sounds like you got mud for blood, I would start taking a 325 mg asprin daily, clean out and read the post about "npp vs.DECA" DECA is not so good for us and our hearts....Magnus posted the link to it.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
i just started taking aspirin yesterday. i want to do this the right way but its so hard when blood banks turn you down and get the run around and drs pass the buck. its frustrating. 6 month wait list to get a therapeutic phlebotomy. ill have to have blood drawn from my sister if i want it done soon. its crazy. its summer and beach body time. i dont want to die. just sucks, i want to at least be on a cruising dose . thanks alot for concern bros


Registered User
Jan 24, 2013
I would focus on getting those numbers down first if it means coming off of everything for a while.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
im ordering all the tools to draw blood from home. my sister is a nurse and gonna do it safely for me. that way i dont have to wait 6 month to get blood taken. im taking aspirin and drink lots of water. i work in hot sun all day doing landscaping and dont need to die of stroke or heart att


Mar 27, 2014
How much water do you drink?
I missed that you are a landscaper out in the sun all day
Your blood will test like mud if you are dehydrated or you were dehydrated
I had the same thing 15 years ago but mine was at 58
Found out when I dropped- thought it was a heart attack
Magnus - could you post your tang -water - salt -bake soda for him
He needs it
I need it also
The greatest thing
Get rehydrate
Do the low dose Aspirin every day
- get tested over again


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
i drink 2 cups of coffee a day and 1 glass of soda at dinner. water all day besides that. ive been taking asperine daily and my sister who is a rn is taking blood eod from me to get blood count down. they make you do ur labs in morn with no food or water so that alone dehydrates me. i also sweat like a pig. i have to change my shirt every 2o mins at work, and i sweat when i sleep.