We all knew this was coming


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Rich Piana killed by overdose of steroids. What a complete hatchet job. :banghead:

Experts on why steroids damage your body and mind

Why steroids can be lethal: After the shock deaths of two celebrity bodybuilders, experts describe the dangers of muscle-pumping drugs
By Danielle Zoellner For Dailymail.com 16:23 29 Aug 2017, updated 12:19 30 Aug 2017

Rich Piana died at 46 years old last week after collapsing during a hair cut
His died of a potential overdose after 20 different bottles of steroids were found in his apartment
Mike Matarazzo died in 2014 at 47 years old after suffering from a heart attack
Both confessed to using anabolic steroids off and on during their careers to maintain the level they needed to compete
Anabolic steroids produce a synthetic version of testosterone in the body​

Celebrity bodybuilder Rich Piana died last week at 46 years old from a suspected steroid overdose that put him in a coma for two weeks.

It came just a year after he confessed to spending thousands of dollars a month on anabolic steroids to keep up with his lifestyle.

The former Mr California, a known bodybuilder who bulked up to 285lb, said he was driven to the drug in a desperate attempt to keep jobs that expected him the maintain a certain size.

His shock death was hardly the first in the bodybuilding industry.

Mike Matarazzo, a popular bodybuilder in the 90s, died of a heart attack in 2014 at 47 years old after years of steroid abuse to keep his eight percent body fat and 275lb figure.

Speaking to Daily Mail Online, experts in both physical and mental health warn the drug wreaks far more damage than we realize - and yet is still soaring in sales.

How anabolic steroids impact the body

Anabolic steroids produce a synthetic version of the hormone testosterone in the body to help promote an increase in muscle mass.

Athletes and bodybuilders will use these steroids in order to achieve the level of physicality they think they need to perform at a certain level.

They can either take the steroid orally or inject it directly into their muscles with sometimes a 10 or 100 times higher dose than prescribed by doctors for medical conditions.

Although anabolic steroids are used medically to help people who produce a low amount of testosterone in their body, it is abused by those wanting to bulk up quickly.

Users of the drug are known to 'stack' the steroids by coming multiple types to heighten the effects.

They can also 'cycle' the steroids by taking them for an extended period of time and then stop.

A cycle can produce heightened effects once the user 'restarts' again on the drug.

How prevalent steroid use is in the United States?

More than 1 million Americans, or 0.5 percent of the population, said they have used anabolic steroids.
Adults aged 18 to 34 are twice as likely to use steroids than any other age group.
Males are twice as likely to abuse steroids than females.
In 2002, 4 percent of high school seniors said they tried anabolic steroids.
More than 50 types of anabolic steroids are available for athletes and bodybuilders to use today.
Among users, 57 percent said they would continue to take the drug even if it shortened their life.​

But long-term anabolic steroid use has a severe impact on the gland that naturally produces testosterone, the hormone found in the drug.

Testosterone is naturally produced in the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in the brain is responsible for sending the signal to start producing it when the body is low.

But the brain won't send that signal if there is never a need for testosterone.

Dr Honore Lansen, a family practitioner with One Medical in New York City said: 'With long-term use of anabolic steroids, the pituitary gland no longer functions properly and does not adequately encourage testosterone production.'

The gland suffers after a user stops taking the steroid because it has to get used to re-producing the hormone again at a normal rate.

'Symptoms of low testosterone can include erectile dysfunction, infertility, decreased bone and muscle mass, fatigue, and low libido,' Dr Lansen said.

Long-term lack of production in the pituitary gland can also cause testicles to shrink in males.

Doctors who prescribe anabolic steroids recommend for their patients to slowly lessen the dosage before completely stopping the drug.

It helps the pituitary gland get used to normal production again.

The body is physically not meant to have so much of the testosterone-producing drug in its system, but people push it to the limit to increase the potential benefits.

Pushing the body to the limit could cause dangerous side effects from the anabolic steroids.

'(There are) multiple possible long-term effects, including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, prostate cancer and liver cancer,' Dr Lansen said.

The high blood pressure could lead the user to have a stroke or heart attack because their body is overworking itself to pump blood through all of the muscles.

How anabolic steroids impact mental health

Steroid use can contribute to issues with mental health and create a dependability on the user taking the drug.

Dr Alan Manevitz, a licensed psychiatrist in New York City, said: 'A lot of people that are bodybuilders have body image concerns. The muscularity becomes essential to their self-esteem.'

He worked with the Major League Baseball organization in 2004 to educate athletes about the effects of anabolic steroids on the body and mind.

Bodybuilders and athletes can feel pressure by society to keep up a certain body image or performance level, which can seriously impact their mental health.

'It becomes a part of their anxiety,' Dr Manevitz said.

Users who combine anabolic steroids and other drugs to achieve higher results are increasing their risk of it negatively impacting their brain.

'When you combine stimulants with the stacking then you are at a more greater risk,' Dr Manevitz said.

He explained that users who already have prior issues with depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety will experience heightened effects of the mental illness while on steroids.

'Steroid use can make you very irritable if you're a vulnerable person susceptible to depression or anxiety,' Dr Manevitz said.

Some users have also experienced what is known as 'roid rage'.

This is when the user becomes irritable and even aggressive after taking a large amount of anabolic steroids.

Doctors ask for a medical history before prescribing these drugs because they need to know what the best dosage is for a patient that won't cause adverse effects.

Using steroids is especially not recommended in teenagers and young adults because they are at a time when their mind is still developing.

What are corticosteroids and their effects on the body?

Corticosteroids are a class of drugs used to treat inflammatory arthritis and other conditions.

These are typically called 'steroids' by doctors and should not be confused with anabolic steroids.

They release the hormone cortisol which is naturally produced by the adrenal gland.

Someone that takes corticosteroids needs to slowly slop using them so that the adrenal gland can begin to naturally produce the cortisol again.


Corticosteroids are prescribed to help quickly reduce swelling or inflammation in the body.

They act on the immune system by blocking the production of substances that trigger an allergic or inflammatory response in the body.

Doctors prescribe them for a short period of time or in small doses to prevent risk of side effects.

Side effects:​

* Increased appetite and weight gain
* Muscle weakness
* High blood pressure
* Diabetes
* Psychological problems such as depression
* Stomach ulcers
* Acne

What are anabolic steroids and their effects on the body?

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances that are related to the male sex hormone known as testosterone.

They promote the strength and growth of muscles in the body by increasing the amount of testosterone in the body.

This type of steroid produces an anabolic effect, which is the synthesis of complex molecules to lead to growth and an increase in muscle mass.

These are the types of steroids that athletes and bodybuilders use when they want to bulk up.

Someone that takes anabolic steroids needs to slowly stop using them so the pituitary gland can begin to naturally produce testosterone again.


Anabolic steroids are only prescribed to patients if their body is producing a low amount of testosterone.

This is to treat conditions such as delayed puberty and types of impotency.

They are also prescribed for people with diseases such as AIDS that has diminished their muscle mass.

Side effects:​

* Liver and kidney tumors
* Cancer
* Jaundice
* High blood pressure
* Psychological problems such as depression
* Severe acne
* Trembling


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
My first thought was, "Only 20 bottles? He must have been running Test only." Hell, I'm completely off right now and I've got 3 times that much sitting under the sink.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Oh fuck me ... smh... inwas dreddimg this shit when they blew up the 20 bittles of test. Fucking uneducated pieces of shit.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Fucking DEA & FBI & CIA conspiracy theory... I agree.. lets stock up!

jmac 21

New member
Dec 2, 2013
I love the roid rage reference, it makes it sound like if you take too much at once you'll turn into the incredible hulk.


Mar 27, 2014
The stimulants are the ones that do most of these guys in - but got to blame the juice

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013

I have a hunch Rich is a victim of foul play and that it involves money, steroids and drugs. She was in on it. She hit the guy in the back of the head or had another dude do it. With my training, experience and education, I would surely investigate further. She fucked up making this video especially if it doesnt match to police report statements. I would be all over this shit for a pay day if I could.


Aug 28, 2005
The sad thing is the general public will believe that. They don't consider all the harsh side rec drugs and dangerous things like insulin, the blame will be placed on AAS


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
complete garbage, I could not finish reading this. IMO Piana was on or into more than AAS.
The reality is most of us are not doing what guys like piana did. He had heart issues years ago and proceeded to ignore health and blast gear and who knows what else. Wreckless lifestyle. When you play with fire you get burned. For the rest of us. We aren't going to drop dead from a little test and deca.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I OD on steroids every day.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk


Registered User
Mar 1, 2005
Most these guys first no one knows family history. The pros take huge doses and ingest 1000s calories day. Most don’t abuse it and most public scrutinized based on ignorant idiotic ideas . Clueless people.


Registered User
Aug 26, 2010
Weird thread to bring back after so long. Although I did think about Rich before. Definitely one of a kind. RIP


Oct 30, 2012
he had a opiate addiction from my understanding...then switched to harder core drugs...when they(RX drugs) became too expensive...just what ive read..his ex wife posted a video of him "out of this universe" ..look it up, im too lazy

i looked it up anyway :)

Last edited:


Oct 30, 2012
keep in mind most opiate abusers have the urge to "scratch" becuase it effects the nerves... watch and see him always touching himself(i can relate becuase i was a past abuser)