CG's return to the game!


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
My last trip to the Nats was without doubt the worst showing in any sport I have ever made in my entire life.
The problems? There were many, I had to come in at a weight my body should never be at. The weight classes for Classic BBing is just wrong for me. I'm posting a pic of what I looked like two months before the show and still 12lbs over weight at between 6 and 8%. Upon posting this pic I had many well informed members I respect tell me to just stop before I hurt myself. I should have listened. I had just wrapped my head around competing and not dropping out and committed myself to the end.

As it turns out it was a HUGE mistake that cost me valuable muscle that I think I'll have to re-build. I don't think it's going to be a muscle memory easy ride because I emaciated it off me. I look at the 2016 Nats pics and literally can't believe how I destroyed my body. This disaster was caused by many factors but in the end, I OWN IT. I did it and in the end, it's me that must live with it.
After this experience it was hard for me to wrap my head around even thinking about getting back on the horse. I have been playing around in the gym and occasionally pounding in a good one once in a while. The hate I have experienced in open forum over this last show has really bothered the shit out of me. People I thought were friends just weren't. There were times I felt like walking away from here.
This being said, I'm not going anywhere. This is a forum about the sport I live for. It's my life. Am I that shallow? Ya, I guess I am. Will I be doing another show? I sure hope so. But I knew I shouldn't have got on stage last time looking like a tewl. I will NEVER get on stage unless JOHN FITZPATRICK feels he can bring it. No more doing it because of other peoples efforts and guilt. That shit is way over with. LOL, I wasn't mind fucked, I knew I looked like shit and just listened to all the "do it, you have come this far's". God damn, I get pissed just thinking about it.

It's time to do what I have done for years and that's pound some iron and fucking grow. I will undo this mess and once again be the BBer that I'm comfortable being. My log wont be a low doses, deceptive clown story blowing smoke up your ass. It will be the reality of what I'm doing with ZERO fucking excuses. I'm fully aware all it takes is 300 mgs of test to put on 25lbs of solid mass in a month. I'm just going to do more because I enjoy the label of drug abuser.

Well, I think that's about it for the soap box portion of the show.
Lets get on with this.
I hope to answer the question: Can an older guy still make new muscle. I have never won a show over the weight of 198lbs. I will be having weekly pics and way ins. Anything of interest to me will be pointed out as this unfolds. I will be more than happy to explain my reasoning behind my actions as this goes. As long as I have been a member here and PM I have never had a BBing log. I hope anyone following this will be entertained and may even learn a thing or two. Please excuse the poor grammar.
Thanks for taking the time!

My first pictures will shamefully be put up this weekend. In the following posts I will explain diet/training and gear.

Again, this is the two month out pic when I still needed to lose 12lbs


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
As you know forcing 12 pounds off from that pic was a majorly bad move. You were super lean and looked great at that time. But you can't change the past only the future so make it happen. I will be following. I enjoy a good log. It's great seeing guys transform :)


Mar 27, 2014
You look great there brotha
Not many will ever get into shape like the 2 week out pic
I wouldn't want to stand one stage next to you
Well I would but wouldn't


Mar 27, 2014
My last show - I did the same thing.
I should have gone in a weight class heavier.
Instead I didn't want to hurt my dietitions feelings.
I lost so much muscle and never got it back again.
Started at 21" arms and that day of the show they were no more the 16 fucking inches-till this day they never came back.
Nothing ever really came back.
I Ann going to be following your log from day 1 till the end.
Hope you don't mind I may just try to copy your every thing if it is posted here
Your call there
I am so scared to pst a pic now - I Am a fatty sloppy mess


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
sweet. competition is what separates the thoroughbreds from the gym rats...


Registered User
Jul 1, 2013
Looking forward to your no bs approach to supplements and training. I’m sure there will be many that disagree with your methods and doses but that is the beauty of what we do, it’s all individual and to each their own. I’m going to be intently following along here and hope to learn from your log.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Hey I was reminded about the poor pics of me from the last show being reposted and used against me in the slin thread. As a result, it's caused me to reconsider posting my starting pics for this log. The guarded pics that I do post will be limited in respect to showing just how out of shape I am. God only knows what a few pathetic guys could do posting bad pics around the internet? It's a shame it's got to be this way. But it is this way. These pics on the internet are out there for ever now.
I will be regularly posting pics. I feel a log with pics is much more interesting. But to each his own.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
The food?

Crazy simple: Coffee, Blk

Eggs and Oatmeal in the morning. 4 eggs over easy add 4 egg whites in a Teflon pan with no oil or butter. 2 ready mix flavored oat packs. I like Maple flavor<---add a half cup of water and Microwave it. The only fats in this meal is the yokes. I'm not drinking juices of any kind.

Chicken breast and white rice approximately every two hours. I'm going to start at 1/2 breast and 1 cooked cup of white Minute rice. Why white rice? It sparks an insulin release that starts your body processing quickly. The idea is to eat each and every two hours but you must be eating portions that will keep you hungry going into the next meal. I know from experience that buy doing this your body will start adapting to consuming AND USING these meals. Your hunger will build doing this and allows you to increase the food values. The more food you can get your body to truly process, the bigger you can get. The reason you slowly titrate up with the calories is this trains your body to use the food instead of just passing it. Consume, Process, Evacuate. NEVER increase the size of your meals until you start feeling extreme hunger previous to your next meal. This must be a regular thing. Not just a onetime event being hungry before a meal. There will be occasional oils I will add to the rice for more fats.
When I start craving fats I will add fats. How's that for scientific? lol

Side note: If your crap isn't solid and normal, your foods aren't being processed efficiently and you must change your diet until it is normal.

I plan to have a cheat meal when ever I feel week, run down or get totally flat.
That meal will be Red meat, stake, flank, or a good old hamburger and fries or white potato. If I'm not on insulin that day I may have a pint of ice cream after the meal. My goals are to not get over 8% during the entire growth faze.


I carry a gallon container with me and I flavor it and add EAA's to it. At least 1 gallon a day.
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Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013

I'm going to start with a weeks or two of Total body training. I'm going to train my entire body every day of the week.5 on 2 off. Why? I want to get the initial volume and nitrogen values in the muscle back on track after the brake I have been on. Did I mention I haven't even been on TRT? That's right, nothing in my veins but red blood at the moment. 57 and clean as a bean......the pics will confirm this. YIKES!

It's going to look like this:
3 sets of everything to complete failure.
Rep range will be 6 to 8.

Flat bench
Incline bench
Bent over BB rows
Straight leg dead's
DB squats
DB arm raises(shoulders)
Standing BB curls
Narrow grip dips(tricep)
Standing calves or seated, modulating between them.
Crunches. 3 sets of 50

This will be changing to a one body part per day 5 on 2 off after this wake up training.


Feb 2, 2007
Following. I like the start a lot. Diet looks good and I like that approach a lot. Are you not going to add any fruit, vegetables or greens?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Nope. None of that there stuff........ There is very little about really doing this that's healthy. A picture perfect diet just takes up valuable space. What I'm eating is the fuels needed for (me) to grow. If I get constipated I may add in some greens. But I never did before.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Well, the truth hurt s guys.

58 yrs

Have been on zero gear of any kind, not even TRT. Very mild training with a few good ones every now and then.

But in a good way, that's what this log is all about. Getting back on the horse and doing exactly what I'm best at.......... I told you the before and after pics will be nothing to laugh at and I fucking meant it. Next will be the chemical assault!

BTW: If the admit could straighten these pics up I would really appreciate it.


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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Bro you look great for your age!
Also little tip I found out from a budy off mine that is trained by Stan Efferding. For chicken and rice put some dextrose on it, just a sprinkle. The sweetness helps you make more saliva and it's easier to chew and swallow. Do the same thing to psych patients when they get dry mouth from antipsychotics. We use honey...


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
"For my age". I appreciate you saying , really I do. I'm just having such a problem with the age thing. Truth is, the older I get the worse it's getting.

I promise before this log is over, I'll look great for any age! :)


Mar 27, 2014
I can't wait to see the arsenal so I can stock up.
Are there any steroids that you stay away from?
My self I am kind of afraid of tren now since my last run.
I had some issues


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
The gear I'll be starting tomorrow:

Test suspension-800mgs per week 160mgs per day(lots of estrogen conversion)
Test- sustanon 50mgs per day
Winstrol suspension 30mgs per day
D-bol 20 mgs per day (lots of estrogen conversion)

All daily shots will take place 1 hour before the evening protocol for training begins.

You may be wondering why I'm chasing high estrogen conversion?

This is a result of my reading and deciding what is best for me. I didn't invent any of this stuff (OTHER PEOPLE DID) I take no credit for the ideas I implement other than the real world experience I have learned along the way.

Why high estrogen???

Testosterone Suspension:
160mlg of testosterone suspension will create a great deal of estrogen since it originates as a non-esterfied AAS. Estrogen up-regulates the muscle cells glucose transporters called GLUT-4 and increases androgen receptor sensitivity. This also means that the administered testosterone is free or unbound from its inactivating protein SHBG. A great deal of the hormone entering the circulatory system is quickly bound, though not before a serious degree of anabolism should take place. But there is a portion left bound and in reserve.
(Insulin) inhibited SHBG should be freed up resulting in a synergistic anabolic response. By freeing the remaining testosterone from SHBG an increase in androgenic activity should take place. Since SHBG is also estrogen binding the protein excretion of estrogens should be dramatically accelerated. This results in rapid estrogen clearing and an increase in GH. Most of you guys now GH and insulin must both be present in the liver to produce IGF-1.

After the Lantus madness I think it's a bad idea to roll with something almost none of you guys will ever do. I would like this to be a real world example of how to do it and in a way that most can do. I'm going to do Mutants insulin protocol almost to a T.

Mutant with CG's changes.............
- -30 min prior to workout: Take 10iu HGH subq
- -15 min prior to workout: Take 20iu Humalog subq
- -10 min prior to workout: Drink shake #1
- -After every working set: Sip on shake #2, and finish by end of workout
- -Go home
- -Take 100mcg of the IGF-1lr3 (for it's insulin sensitizing effects)
- -Take down shake #3

Ok, now what is in the shakes...
Shake 1&2 (20 grams of four part mix of amino's) 10-20g EAA's or PeptoPro ( (add 40 grams Leucine) 60g Low DE Maltodextrin, 20g Micronized Creatine Monohydrate, 200mg Caffeine Shake 2: 10-20g EAA's or PeptoPro Protein powder, 50-100g Dextrose, 5g Micronized Creatine Monohydrate

FOUR PART MIX =A mixture of 4 parts Alanine, 2 parts Glutamine, 2 parts Arginine and 1 part Taurine. 1 gram of 4 part mix per I.U. of insulin

Shake 3: 2 cups pasteurized egg whites, 1 cup dry oats, 1 banana or 1 cup blueberries (I prefer them to be frozen), Splenda or stevia

This is the protocol for the workout in the evening approx. 5pm eastern time.

My morning protocol will be exactly the same with the change from HGH to 1 Ml of Ipamorelin. This is a pep that kicks you hgh release in high gear and doesn't suppress your bodies natural release rhythm in any way.

IMO there isn't a perfect insulin protocol. But you can dramatically optimize it by using the proper gear around the windows. Why not run all this gear hoe with the carbs? Just makes sense to me to do it this way. Some of you older members may remember the huge debate that took place when I introduced this idea years ago here at PM? Now I have read about many guys doing it. Go figure. When I spoke about it the first time around I was attack just like the Lantus thread. LOL. Same clowns just different names.

Hey, I could be wrong about all of this. But I'm not a trainer or a coach. I'm some dude that's been around the horn and back and knows what works for me.

I'm also taking 1500mgs of Metformin a day spread out over three different administrations. Multi Vitamins and stuff for my general health as well. No fish oil tabs.
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