What would be your cycle now to get ripped?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Firstly, we all know diet is what gets you ripped. But this is posted in the steroid forum so post what cycle you would use to get ripped right now.

For me it would be test, tren and avar. Mast is great and a good compliment as well. But those 3 are the main elements that can really transform my physique in a fast time too.

Test would be approx 300mg per week. As I would be pinning daily I would probably opt for 40mg test p daily so 280mg per week.

Tren can give me side effects especially anxiety if I start higher so I start at 10mg per day and over 2 weeks get it up to 40-50mg per day. So let's say 50mg per day and I would stay at that dose for the rest of the cycle.

Avar for me 40-60mg is great. Now if I were really going for it with a deadline in mind for the final 2 weeks I may even up to 80mg per day.

So my max doses would be 40mg test p, 50mg tren a and 80mg avar daily. That cycle with a good diet and training would transform me daily.

Synthetine is another tool I love when cutting and it gives me that added edge with improved condition and vascularity etc. A simple dose for me is 3ml pre workout but I may go higher. In my experience the higher the dose the more results with synthetine.

I don't need anything else but hgh is an obvious choice but I get too tired from it. Although in an ideal world and if I was being 100% in all areas I would add in 5mg cjc-dac per week and hexarelin and ipamorelin daily. Hex at 100mcg twice daily and a huge dose of Ipam pre bed.

I don't really use any traditonal fatburners so no t3, t4, eca or clen for me. Now if I wanted to lose fat fast DNP would be used as it is so effective. But for a long term cycle I wouldn't need to ever use it unless I was behind with a target in mind. 200mg DNP daily is all I need and the fat melts off me.

Another good tool in the final week would be halo at approx 30mg per day again if I was ever trying to look my best but the aas cycle above is more than enough for me.

So let's say if I wanted to look my best and put everything into it. I guess if I ever decided to compete (I never will) I would use...

40mg test p per day
50mg tren a per day
80mg avar per day
30mg halo per day for the final 2 weeks
3ml+ synthetine pre workout
5mg cjc-dac per week
100mcg hexarelin twice daily
1000mcg ipamorelin pre bed

If it were just to get ripped it would be...

40mg test p per day
50mg tren a per day
80mg (starting at 40mg) avar per day
3ml+ synthetine pre workout


Registered User
Apr 19, 2014
Hollywood, CA
I don’t compete anymore, but my competition cycle is 1000mgs Sustanon/wk, 50mgs Anadrol per day, 400mgs Tren ace or enanthate, 50mgs winstrol per day. I use up to 75mcg t-3 per day, 120mcg clen per day, 4-6iu hgh per day and 1mg arimidex per day and bump arimidex up to 2mg per day or add in 2.5mgs of letrozole along with the arimidex the final 4 weeks. I try to crush estrogen to get my lower half shredded, and it works! When I was competing I didn’t care about my lipids or my sex drive. I didn’t compete to do good, I only competed to win...and not just win my class, but the overall. Not winnning overall was a failure in my eyes. Looking back I was a little nuts, but I think you have to be either stupid or crazy or a little of both to succeed at high level competition.

Now I’m no longer competing and I’m 39, not 25....so I won’t do any orals anymore, even anavar. Two weeks ago I upped my Tren from 100mgs a week to 200mgs a week and I started getting raging headaches. So it’s back down to 100mgs again. I can’t tolerate the harsh stuff anymore, so my cutting stack now is Test E- 125mgs/wk, Tren E- 100mgs/wk, and Primobolan at 400mgs/wk along with 2iu of hgh. I truly wish I could go on my old stacks, but those days are gone. I used to laugh at the guys who couldn’t handle high test, drop, Tren, halo and any other drug. Now I’m one of those guys I used to laugh at! Sad.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2018
I like
150 to 200 mg test week
400 mg masteron
50 mg winni a day
Only 2 iu gh lessen water and keep muscles full
I like tren but can't do the sides no more
High fat low carb.then 2 or 3 refeed days


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Elvia, my cutting cycle is the same as yours, but different doses.

Test E- less than 125mg/wk
Tren A- 100mg/day
Mast E- 100mg/day
Anavar- 50mg/day


Registered User
Feb 9, 2018
Winni and mast work great together for me man.get strong and that dry look.i would up the test here and there but then i have to run an ai for me.i hate fucking with ai.hard sometimes hard to find that sweet spot with estrogen


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
When you say "now" I'm assuming you mean since were not kids any longer.

To day all I need to get ripped is:

200mgs of Test-C or E
100mgs Tren anything

M, W, F


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
Test tren and mast at 50mg each per day. Throw in some winny at the end.


Mar 27, 2014
My last show I did test E - EQ and halo's and novadex
Never over 500mg combined weekly
This year it's going to be different


Oct 26, 2012
Test and tren for me...it's amazing how different I look on those compounds (stepping on the gas a little bit) to just the trt doses at the same weight (with no tren, obviously). Night and day difference...



Donating Member
Apr 11, 2017
That’s also my ideal cycle for a cut but I like long esters.

400mg cyp
400mg tren e
80 mg var


Donating Member
Apr 2, 2013
test and mast are always in my 52 week a year plan. All be it low dose. The issue I've always had is with tren. It undoubted works wonders and on low dose test I can almost handle minimal sides but the key word is almost.
I think like so many here I really have to limit tren to a minimum.
As I prepare for summer I am debating between trying primo for the first time versus just using what I know from mast and var.


Donating Member
Mar 19, 2014
300 test e, 800 primo e and 1/2 dose of my cut stack of 50 test p, 50 tren a and 50 mast p Thursday and Saturday.
2-4 ius hgh, 25 mgs proviron as my anti e with my eca stack A.M..

Plus 40 hrs of Bustin Rock Cardio....lol

Easy 5% all summer.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
When you say "now" I'm assuming you mean since were not kids any longer.

To day all I need to get ripped is:

200mgs of Test-C or E
100mgs Tren anything

M, W, F

Talk about yourself I feel 18 ;):D Only joking my body is falling apart :eek: I just tweaked my upper back for about the 100th time. You are spot on and I think anyone on this planet only needs a bit of test and tren to get ripped. Although my post was more if you were going for it (perhaps a show) what would you do to get ripped. Not so much the bare minimum but the maximum.

The cycle above is literally what I would do if I were competing. The aas is not that high but I don't think adding more would do me any good (side effects, possible anxiety etc). As I have mentioned in the past it's not about "low dosing" as if you had painless primo at 1g/ml I would gladly inject 1 ml of that. My doses tend to be all over the place and I will take lot's then suddenly decide to blast on say 400mg total :p But none of this bullshit we see a lot were it seems steroids are just icing on the cake and everyone these days is getting freakier and freakier on trt.

Elvia, my cutting cycle is the same as yours, but different doses.

Test E- less than 125mg/wk
Tren A- 100mg/day
Mast E- 100mg/day
Anavar- 50mg/day

Very nice. I have tried 100mg tren a for a very short time in the past. Majorly effective but side effects come into play for me. Mast is the same and I have actually just dropped mast from 400mg to 200mg per week due to side effects. I actually feel great since doing that and looking better (thank you LR3). Avar is something I can dose higher with no bad side effects. It also changes my body super fast. The most I have ever tried was 100mg. When I heard about Dallas McCarvor's 300mg avar I did think that would make for a good log but obviously decided against it :eek::D

That reminds me one of my fav things for well looking good is igf-1 lr3. I have been using it this week and the changes are staggering. I looked crap beforehand but it's put me back to where I was a few month ago in about 3 days. I could have posted pics and shocked people the other day as the bloat was bad. My waist was easily 42 inches and everything I ate seemed to cause me issues. This was one of my best transformations to date (didn't take any pics) and it took days plus the LR3 I am using isn't even one of the best I have used.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
Test/tren ace/winny. At this point, I'm not sure of the dosages, but that was always my favorite stack, along with a little eq. In the past, it was 75-100mg/d of test prop and tren ace, and then 50mg/d of winny (upward to 75-100mg if needed for a short run). Eq was between 3-600mg/wk.

That is for AAS. For thermos and stuff, I'd decide on a ECY stack of sort (with Yohimbine probably as a topical), T3, a product like synthetine, and maybe DNP if needed at low dosage of 200-250mg/d for 2-4 weeks.

I'll find out this summer, lol.