Mental Health During contest prep


Registered User
May 15, 2017
I was just curious what some of you guys do during your contest prep or cut cycles to help keep your sanity as well as those around you.

I Have to say this is one of the most difficult preps ever. I am having a very hard time not only physically but mentally as well. I also am working harder and pushing myself more than I ever have. Needless to say Ive been suffering. The low carbs and calories, The 4am fasted cardio, the insane training sessions and of course the supplements. HGH,Test,EQ,winstrol,proviron,masteron,tren A and E and Halo as well as a rash of stims thyroid meds and AI. albuterol,ephedra, T3,letro,arimadex and the latest Im using inferno RX-1This is not all at once its just what Ive used over the course of my 16 week prep. This is not something I am advocating to anyone just what I am doing now.

Whats real is the mental sides from tanking my estrogen,being hungry and exhausted and on a ton of crap. The thing that effects me the most is the highs and lows from the stims and the lost sleep.

Was curious if you guys can relate and what you do to combat the side effects. Irritability,exhaustion,depression

The one thing I have found to be a life saver believe it or not is nootropics. N- Acetyl-selank 200mcg and N-Acetyl-semax 300mcg its a nose spray, I know they have injectable too but I haven't tried. This has worked wonders for me. Its not drastic, comes on slow and lasts only an hour or 2 so I have to do it multiple times a day and like anything else your body gets used to it so you need more.

Let me know what you guys think,your experience

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Fucking tell me about it. Your gear has me all emotional and angry lol.... CBD is helping and is better than lorazepam or xanax.


Registered User
Feb 26, 2017
My first meet was the 1983 Mr. Ohio...I remember eating nothing but tuna and broccoli for weeks...I started to look at anything with texture and wondering how it would taste...for example the wall paper and curtains in my apartment looked delicious!...the after meet meal at Burger King was a feast........kvh


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
I never competed, but when dieting/cutting up in the past, the worst mistake was going to the grocery store hungry, lol. Actually even going after eating your measely diet meals sucks. There's just no great way about it. I had to literally make a list, and jog through with a cart in a straight line focus to each item, then to the checkout...otherwise it was a disaster. You start seeing all these other foods and trying to find a way to justify having them in your diet. The worse was a CKD/Keto type diet because almost nothing fits or can be justified:D


Registered User
May 15, 2017
My first meet was the 1983 Mr. Ohio...I remember eating nothing but tuna and broccoli for weeks...I started to look at anything with texture and wondering how it would taste...for example the wall paper and curtains in my apartment looked delicious!...the after meet meal at Burger King was a feast........kvh

Shit a little seasoned cardboard might be good right about now.some hot sauce and GTG


Registered User
May 15, 2017
I never competed, but when dieting/cutting up in the past, the worst mistake was going to the grocery store hungry, lol. Actually even going after eating your measely diet meals sucks. There's just no great way about it. I had to literally make a list, and jog through with a cart in a straight line focus to each item, then to the checkout...otherwise it was a disaster. You start seeing all these other foods and trying to find a way to justify having them in your diet. The worse was a CKD/Keto type diet because almost nothing fits or can be justified:D

I dont know why I do it to myself. I should just get in and out, But I go through all the aisles looking for all the shit I want to eat after the show. I making lists of stuff Ive never eaten In my life.


Mar 27, 2014
In the store - fallow the biggest - most repulsive thing there and watch what they get - remembering your goils.
You won't want to eat that shit.
I hate to ask -
How far did you let your self go to have to take all that shit?
How does your


Mar 27, 2014
Sorry- how does your diet look?
Just your tren would make me not sleep and the anxiety I get from it.
The arimadex makes me feel sick.
What are you doing for stimulants?


Registered User
May 15, 2017
Sorry- how does your diet look?
Just your tren would make me not sleep and the anxiety I get from it.
The arimadex makes me feel sick.
What are you doing for stimulants?

To be honest I was within striking distance I started my prep at 250 at around 8%bf I initially dropped down to about 234 then began to grow into the show I am in my last 2 weeks and ready to get on stage.Im 244 at 4% best shape Ive ever been in. I know it looks like a lot but I save everything for my show prep thats when I push it hard. The rest of the year I came off for 5 months only TRT. Then It was 500 test 400EQ thats really it HGH is always in and I cycle insulin. But I dont push it hard until I prep. The beginning of the prep was sust 500,eq,600. Tren E 600. Then EQ came out sust went to 750 and added masteron.sust changed to test prop at 8 weeks out then started winny 50 ed proviron 50 and halo 10,20,30 got added 4 weeks out tren e changed to tren A arimadex changed to letro. stims have been there from the beginning. ECA stack first then albuterol back and forth then changed to this inferno rx-1. After the show I get bloods, reverse diet, hit it hard for a month then shut it down back to TRT for a couple months after 2nd round of bloods and plenty of rest then I will start Test EQ again


Mar 27, 2014
Now it all makes sense.
Would love too pick your brain once I do a show again. I always come in way to lean and takes me months to recover
Super fast metabolism


Aug 28, 2005
My first meet was the 1983 Mr. Ohio...I remember eating nothing but tuna and broccoli for weeks...I started to look at anything with texture and wondering how it would taste...for example the wall paper and curtains in my apartment looked delicious!...the after meet meal at Burger King was a feast........kvh

You know your deprived when your curtains start looking tasty to you:D


Registered User
May 15, 2017
Now it all makes sense.
Would love too pick your brain once I do a show again. I always come in way to lean and takes me months to recover
Super fast metabolism

Anytime my friend. Honestly with me Its really about finding that sweet spot. Im not a big fan of last minute shit. Either Im in shape or not. Some last minute trick is most likely going to make me look worse. I aim for 2 weeks out and ready. This way I can load a few days and deplete see what my body is doing and how its responding. I want to be as full and round as I can so If I do a test run who cares if I spill over next day I just pull it back some. If 1 diazide is to much with x amount of carbs at such and such time I test it, write it down and make changes. I dont claim to be an expert thats why I like to start early but then again who the hell can say they can nail it every time by doing xyz?