Total hip replacement surgery


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
So last week on 2/26/19 I had left total hip replacement. I been having pain for 10 years but they kept saying suck it up only because I could still do many physical things most can’t do . Despite excruciating pain just walking etc . So weeks leading up I did two hours day one am. One pm of cardio with 18 pound ankle weights on elliptical stepper . And regularly weights but post surgery I have few restrictions like no bending beyond 90 degrees hip flexion , no crossing legs no Turning foot in . Anyway I had on 2/26 went home next day 2/27 no pain zero and that’s with only Tylenol and Motrin . Can’t use narcotic stuff . While I’m now waking with no orthopedic assistant device nothing still bodyweight squats leg lifts are my PT rehab . Just crazy stiff weak but zero pain . I guess the incision was somewhat posterior between the medial and guteal maximus to avoid cutting muscle or ligaments only stretching which actually left temporary numbness that continues to return . I’m recording my rehab for anyone considering surgery though unfortunately I’m told that I’m in a class of extraordinary healing


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jul 3, 2013
Well, it sux that you had to have the surgery, but glad to hear you’re healing quickly and pain free. Let us know how the rehab goes. Good luck with all of it, buddy.


Mar 27, 2014
It's great they didn't have to cut muscle.
My freind just got his done a few months back- they were supposed to do it the way they did yours but had to cut more. That's the only thing he had a problem with- think it was 3 months and he can kick me in the head with any kick he wants with no discomfort at all


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
Wow here I am month post surgery still no pain . In fact I don’t feel like I had anything. Doing PT which is crazy I keep changing pin cuz too light . Initially did hip exercises with therapy bands but I snapped every one . I really believe that bodybuilding or power lifting we need special surgery or rehab cuz our muscles just much stronger then average. I’m back in gym teaching martial arts again . Don’t tell doc though he says I’ll never train again I’m like eat me . No one ever says that too me . I’ll be careful until my xrays say my bones completely hardened but I’m not quitting my only loves I live for


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
It's great they didn't have to cut muscle.
My freind just got his done a few months back- they were supposed to do it the way they did yours but had to cut more. That's the only thing he had a problem with- think it was 3 months and he can kick me in the head with any kick he wants with no discomfort at all

True 3 months not allowed to bend hip past 90 degrees. Or cross legs . I sometimes think I can feel the titanium anchor jammed in my femur but I never on any day felt pain plus upon leaving hospital I stopped pain meds . Only weird issue is for 10 years I lived in excruciating pain and walked differently so now I have to concentrate on walking with proper gait as I condition myself to compensate before . Sucks taking shit with donut seat plus wiping ass while standing cuz of bending restrictions. In PT doing leg press with 200 not my usual 400 plus but they wanted me doing 40 pounds I’m like yeah ok


Aug 28, 2005
True 3 months not allowed to bend hip past 90 degrees. Or cross legs . I sometimes think I can feel the titanium anchor jammed in my femur but I never on any day felt pain plus upon leaving hospital I stopped pain meds . Only weird issue is for 10 years I lived in excruciating pain and walked differently so now I have to concentrate on walking with proper gait as I condition myself to compensate before . Sucks taking shit with donut seat plus wiping ass while standing cuz of bending restrictions. In PT doing leg press with 200 not my usual 400 plus but they wanted me doing 40 pounds I’m like yeah ok

Hang in there buddy. I wish you the best in your recovery. Please keep us updated.


Registered User
Mar 19, 2018
One week zero pain I’m walking freely . Crazy

you been on the boards for some time brother ..it's good to hear that you'r livin' pain free after so many years of having to deal with it

sound like you'r recovering like a boss ..curious; are you taking anything to help you with your recovery? ..GH/PEPTIDES etc.?


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
you been on the boards for some time brother ..it's good to hear that you'r livin' pain free after so many years of having to deal with it

sound like you'r recovering like a boss ..curious; are you taking anything to help you with your recovery? ..GH/PEPTIDES etc.?

Nothing I don’t believe using anything helps except mega calcium 10 grams and 5000 mg C I did same when I had spine surgery. When I begin my full blown routine yes I’ll use hgh Test


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
Surgery recovery needs nutrition not chemicals. Once I recover properly then come the PEDs . That’s exactly what’s wrong with people . They rely on twisted dreams . yeah I used for past 15 plus years . I trained naturally for 15 . In any manner the body needs to reach potential natural with patient intelligence and discipline first . Especially where bones , ligaments are also involved. I seen guys posting for years after broken arm or back they do some ludicrous cycle . Then again 80% of any person in the community at large has no idea and relies on false expectations and imbecile advice. I use Hgh and AAS in intervals and cycles but I don’t depend or rely . I don’t obsess over any one compound just because few guys say stuff probably not even accurate. Both HGH and AAS to me and bodybuilding is to enhance my recovery and improve my already stellar nutrition and training. I grow and train just well off . I’m 53 and definitely don’t bridge . Never have never will . Forgive me I’m not attacking you personally I’m just venting over the past 19 years on forums just ridiculous. Best advice on any forum is to learn who knows what they are saying . Some of us live it others recite from article or book . I just Grow so tired of poor advice from so many I can’t bare to even see no more . Never the cycle or the compound it’s the man !!


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
Two months still no pain zero . Pt includes weights . I hope I didn’t sound rude in previous post I’m just strong proponent of nutrition and individual health . Bodybuilding is about health and personally I use to enhance I don’t abuse cycles I use what I needs . Always even as beginner


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
Still no pain starting regular routine but slowly breaking in .
No pain Heath my labs great BP down 110/55
Crazy , teaching doing landscaping on side job teach martial arts. Landscaping work cleaning cages at zoo while still suspended with pay from state job . Yeah never rescusitate a OD ex con I guess too suspicious. Im at laundromat she drops dead tried Cpr but Narcan fell out her purse two full doses saved her she was pissed ambulance took the 4 foot 11” 87 pounder hit the 250!ambulance guy go to jail because I saved they coukd not understand. Since I works as mental health agency forensic team . They ask why ? Im like she’s human ? Suspension 3 years paid yet im able to work what bull


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jul 3, 2013
Sorry to hear about your work situation. That sux. Glad to hear you’re up and around and still able to take care of your family. Stay safe buddy.


New member
Aug 27, 2017
Surgery recovery needs nutrition not chemicals. Once I recover properly then come the PEDs . That’s exactly what’s wrong with people . They rely on twisted dreams . yeah I used for past 15 plus years . I trained naturally for 15 . In any manner the body needs to reach potential natural with patient intelligence and discipline first . Especially where bones , ligaments are also involved. I seen guys posting for years after broken arm or back they do some ludicrous cycle . Then again 80% of any person in the community at large has no idea and relies on false expectations and imbecile advice. I use Hgh and AAS in intervals and cycles but I don’t depend or rely . I don’t obsess over any one compound just because few guys say stuff probably not even accurate. Both HGH and AAS to me and bodybuilding is to enhance my recovery and improve my already stellar nutrition and training. I grow and train just well off . I’m 53 and definitely don’t bridge . Never have never will . Forgive me I’m not attacking you personally I’m just venting over the past 19 years on forums just ridiculous. Best advice on any forum is to learn who knows what they are saying . Some of us live it others recite from article or book . I just Grow so tired of poor advice from so many I can’t bare to even see no more . Never the cycle or the compound it’s the man !!

well said


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
do you know what type of hip you got? metal on poly? ceramic on poly?

Titanium and ceramic on 2/27 lol hey all today did barbell squats first time since 225 12 reps not my best but not bad considering lol


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
Today first time doing barbell squats since hip replacement surgery. 225x 12 not my all time best but not bad considering and no pain zero . All these people telling me rehab was tough painful. I’ve yet to feel pain since procedure and my power shot up daily . So never listen to others when comes to you . Tread your own path , pave your own way ! You are master of yourself period !!