

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Syntherol is very safe. I have used it in my calves, bi-ceps, tri-ceps and chest over the years. Never had an issue with it. It's completely safe and sterile.

Now the issue is the word "synthol" could mean 1001 things. You used the synthetek brands name so that is very safe. However if you Google "synthol" and safety many things will pop up. But that literally means injecting any unknown oil. So those reports of some idiot putting 50ml olive oil in their arms and having issues will come up as "synthol is bad" because synthol can be bad for you because it could mean anything. Some people inject alsorts of stuff into themselves usually to save money so they don't buy a reputable brand such as Synthetek's syntherol. Some people shouldn't be injecting anything and you see many of those guys in you-tuve videos and they give SEO a very bad name.


Aug 28, 2005
When we use it, we use Syntherol. I trust the brand and we have always had great results and zero problems. Its an art for proper administration so learn all you can before you try it.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
When we use it, we use Syntherol. I trust the brand and we have always had great results and zero problems. Its an art for proper administration so learn all you can before you try it.

I plan to use it in my delts. I have had great results from every other synthetek product so I trust the brand.


Registered User
Dec 12, 2018
Syntherol is very safe. I have used it in my calves, bi-ceps, tri-ceps and chest over the years. Never had an issue with it. It's completely safe and sterile.

Now the issue is the word "synthol" could mean 1001 things. You used the synthetek brands name so that is very safe. However if you Google "synthol" and safety many things will pop up. But that literally means injecting any unknown oil. So those reports of some idiot putting 50ml olive oil in their arms and having issues will come up as "synthol is bad" because synthol can be bad for you because it could mean anything. Some people inject alsorts of stuff into themselves usually to save money so they don't buy a reputable brand such as Synthetek's syntherol. Some people shouldn't be injecting anything and you see many of those guys in you-tuve videos and they give SEO a very bad name.

I've read your posts about calves and bi's. I'm curious about chest application. Particularly the lower pec.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I've read your posts about calves and bi's. I'm curious about chest application. Particularly the lower pec.

Everyone is different but I personally hated injecting the lower pecs. There are a lot of nerves in there and I constantly had issues so I stopped after a short amount of time. Although the upper pec was fine for me. I recall doing 2 injs in each upper pec and the fullness was incredible. But the advertised 9 inj (or even 6) per pecs for me would be impossible.

The chest is also very different to other body parts. The injections make it feel very tight which is a great feeling (always feel pumped)but not when training. Therefore if you ever try it in the chest I would recommend you do pump only workouts with lighter weight and a controlled ROM. I did go heavy and was fine but I can see how guys could get injured if they continue pressing heavy whilst putting in oil every day.

It definitely aided in my mind muscle connection which I had always struggled with. I used that to my advantage over time. My chest was really flat but once I established that connection and developed a little tissue it was so much easier growing my chest more through training (well and aas) only.

It's up to you and if you decide to try it in there do a trial first and see how you go. Everyone is different. I didn't use it for long but was pleased I did. Even if you end up doing what I did and focusing on the upper pec region you could get great results. You may be fine with the lower pec injections. Just be careful when training. Keep me updated if you try it.


New member
Apr 14, 2019
Everyone is different but I personally hated injecting the lower pecs. There are a lot of nerves in there and I constantly had issues so I stopped after a short amount of time. Although the upper pec was fine for me. I recall doing 2 injs in each upper pec and the fullness was incredible. But the advertised 9 inj (or even 6) per pecs for me would be impossible.

The chest is also very different to other body parts. The injections make it feel very tight which is a great feeling (always feel pumped)but not when training. Therefore if you ever try it in the chest I would recommend you do pump only workouts with lighter weight and a controlled ROM. I did go heavy and was fine but I can see how guys could get injured if they continue pressing heavy whilst putting in oil every day.

It definitely aided in my mind muscle connection which I had always struggled with. I used that to my advantage over time. My chest was really flat but once I established that connection and developed a little tissue it was so much easier growing my chest more through training (well and aas) only.

It's up to you and if you decide to try it in there do a trial first and see how you go. Everyone is different. I didn't use it for long but was pleased I did. Even if you end up doing what I did and focusing on the upper pec region you could get great results. You may be fine with the lower pec injections. Just be careful when training. Keep me updated if you try it.

Always wanted to give seo a try but so scared of doing site injections and hitting something.. is there any REAL detailed advice on site injections? I have done a lot of research but have not found anything where I'm like "ya I know exactly what I'm doing".

More or less would like to try it for the mind muscle connection in some areas. Likely end up doing it all over just for that though.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Always wanted to give seo a try but so scared of doing site injections and hitting something.. is there any REAL detailed advice on site injections? I have done a lot of research but have not found anything where I'm like "ya I know exactly what I'm doing".

More or less would like to try it for the mind muscle connection in some areas. Likely end up doing it all over just for that though.

Have you not tried injections certain areas with AAS? Although I generally don't recommend that unless your AAS is completely pain free. Even so the inflammation can go against you when injecting frequently. An example is I would never shoot my calves with AAS. However if you wanted to learn your body I don't see the harm in shooting areas such as lats, bi-ceps and tri-ceps with AAS no more than twice weekly. It will get you used to shooting different body parts.

The best thing you can do is what most/all of us done. Simply buy a 1-4 bottles of syntherol to try it out and simply do just that. Most of the stuff I learnt about injections was from trial and error. Although the following thread does contain useful info...


I recommend you pick 1 body part to begin with and solely concentrate on that. That way you can be consistent and fully be able to gauge results. If you do x, y and z body part and just ran***ly shoot them here and there you won't get the results you expect from it. Moreover you would need a lot of bottles and a lot of consistently/drive to do 3 body parts properly especially for your 1st ever cycle. So pick one (arms for example) and just concentrate on that and go for it. Run it properly and stay consistent.

There really isn't that much to it. Have you seen my syntherol tips thread on here? That has come good tips so follow those. Everyone is different but inject very slowly. Just use common sense and make sure everything is sterile and take your time. Yes certain muscles respond best to different things. So whatever body part you pick research it and what muscle heads you can inject. An example for the bi-cep it has 2 muscle heads and they are simply the inner and outer. So you can shoot anywhere in each just make sure you do 2 injs for each bi-cep. I always write use common sense because things such as if you shoot closer to you one day shoot in the middle the next day then as far out from you the following day. Just rotate injection placement so you are not injecting the exact same area day after day. You only have to move 1 inch for a different area as well so as long and you follow my simple steps I can't see you having any major issues. Obviously you may hit stuff but that's why I write injection super slowly. You can always tell if you have hit something as your body will let you know. So if it feel wrong simply don't push the oil in.

If you need any specific help about a certain body part just post in this thread and I will respond the best I can.