hcg how muc should i get for a 12 week first cycle


New member
Jun 26, 2005
about to do my first cycle test cyph at 500 for 12 weeks but im still unsure on how to take hcg i was going to do the every 3 weeks method but how much do i take on each shot and how much should i buy to last me the whole cycle? please help i get a lot of different answers on this one.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2009
IMO yu really don't need too much during that cycle if at all. Your not suppressing your test levels that much for that long that you'll need a huge amount of hcg to kick start anything. As I rcommended to someone the other day if your gonna use it during your cycle I would just shoot 1500iu's mid way and then maybe 1500ius or more(if needed) with your pct. Just my two cc's though...............


Nov 13, 2005
IMO yu really don't need too much during that cycle if at all. Your not suppressing your test levels that much for that long that you'll need a huge amount of hcg to kick start anything. As I rcommended to someone the other day if your gonna use it during your cycle I would just shoot 1500iu's mid way and then maybe 1500ius or more(if needed) with your pct. Just my two cc's though...............

this post is rubbish.

of course your supressing your test, right down to ZERO natural test production. Thinking your doing anything other than that is like saying a woman can be a little pregnant. Its all or nothing, there is no in between.

The best way to use HCH is 500iu's E5D wk 3 to last test shot. Dont use HCG past your last test shot or for PCT, as is supresses and inhibits natural test production.

look up or google "swales protocol". Its the HCG bible IMO

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
look up or google "swales protocol". Its the HCG bible IMO

Agreed 100%

From Swales:
"I advise my AAS patients to use small amounts of HCG (250IU to 500IU) two days each week, right from the beginning of the cycle. This serves to maintain testicular form and function. It makes more sense to me to keep the horse in the barn, so to speak, then to have to chase it across three counties later on."

Original poster, this is the protocol to use.



Registered User
Feb 8, 2009
Rubbish???? Go fuck yourself drob29. I gave the question an honest response to what works and doesn't work on my body. Thats the way I answer all posts, with my experiences from the last 17yrs of using aas. Sometimes its rigt onwith others and sometimes it varies with others "opinions" Use whatever you want to call a hcg bible all you want. Keep shooting hcg all you want. I know what overuse has done to my body many years later I just hope your super bible is what works best for everyone's health. There are many differant "Opinions" on this subject so don't call mine rubbish there hero.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2009
Now I went back and reread my post and will give you one thing bro. I did word the first sentence wrong. yes your nat. test will be shut down. You are corrct. My bad. But again imo its not that long to cause anyone to use hcg all the way through a cycle. Your going back to the well too many times with that stuff. Again thats just my two rubbish cc's though. However call me though in ten years when your natural test levels are 12 and hcg does absolutely nothing anymore to get it back up and running again. I hope it doesn't happen to you but me and others close in my life link overuse of hcg during all my cycles as one of the main causes of my natural test levels being perm. shut down. Thats based on facts that we have gottten from my body and the effects the use of aas and its ancillararies(sp?) have done to it. Now we could be 100% wrong but don't call my opinion rubbish and your bible the end all of hcg use. Thats being completely closed minded imo. Show me one person who doesn't benefit from differant points of views in a game where there are NO GURU's bro. Sorry no bibles, no guru's, just people with experience and sometimes some medical studies but very very few in this game. I'm not looking to argue or bash you and I apologize to dapper for my poor wording in that first sentence but don't call my post rubbish. Being closed minded is rubbish..............................


Registered User
Feb 6, 2009
My New HCG Protocol Paper
This paper is about to be published in The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine 2004 Clinical Updates:

Now this is rubbish! the AAM has no medical accreditation. Its just another anti-aging longevity organization. And thats fact.

"The best way to use HCH is 500iu's E5D wk 3 to last test shot. Dont use HCG past your last test shot or for PCT, as is supresses and inhibits natural test production".
WTF???? Thats news to me and the hundreds of thousands of athletes that have used AAS, all those countless cycles and we all did it wrong for all those years, because DR. who??? said so. Give me a freakin break. I'll stick to doing it the way i have always done my HCG, there is no freakin bible on HCG.
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New member
Feb 20, 2009
I had questions on the use of HCG during or PC as well. Thanks for the info guys. I'll go with the 500iu every week during cycle as it makes sence never to loose it, than chase the horse 3 counties later.


New member
Jun 26, 2005
i actually have another question where can i get a clean vial to store the mixed hcg.
can you use a sterile water vial off SterileSyringes.com by just taking out the water and putting the hcg in or would or is their anothe way of doing it? Again sorry for the questions it seems ill never do this cycle bought test off gear 99 a year ago thought i was ready to do it but i was very naive so i stored the gear a way and decided to wait and get bigger informed and assured like when i bought that cycle a year ago i never knew anything about hcg and i looked into a lot of stuff dont know how it passed me by.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
i actually have another question where can i get a clean vial to store the mixed hcg.
can you use a sterile water vial off SterileSyringes.com by just taking out the water and putting the hcg in or would or is their anothe way of doing it? Again sorry for the questions it seems ill never do this cycle bought test off gear 99 a year ago thought i was ready to do it but i was very naive so i stored the gear a way and decided to wait and get bigger informed and assured like when i bought that cycle a year ago i never knew anything about hcg and i looked into a lot of stuff dont know how it passed me by.[/QUOTE

You should be able to find some sites with empty sterile vials easily. That is what you should use. Just research it.