Newbie questions.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2013
Ok so this might get repetitive for some of the people on the forum lol but here it goes. So let me just start by saying i know that some of the questions might sound a little dumb but i'm just curious about it, and thank you in advance for taking the time to read and reply to my questions.

1. Where do you normally store your vials,needles and syringes?

2. Let's say you used a 20g needle to draw out from the vial and u changed it to a 25g to do the injection, do you throw away the 20g needle or can you re-use it(not for injections, just for drawing out from the vial)?

3. Can you store the injectibles in the syringe instead of the vial? For example i have 250mg/ml test and i want to do 250mg a week, if i have 10 syringes can i draw out 1ml in each syringe and store it inside until i need to do the injections(with the needle attached and capped)?

4. How do you normally dispose of the needles and syringes?

5. Do you use an oral steroid to kick start a cycle(first four weeks) or do you end your cycle with it(last four weeks)?

6. Some injectables have quite a long half life. For example Test E, it has a half life of 10.5 days, does that mean that after the first week of injection you wouldn't get any gains from it until 10 days later?

7. Does it matter what time of the day you do your injection?

8. Does it matter when you take your oral pills? Like either before or after workout?

9. Does the injection on that day, in any way affect the growth of the body part you're training on that day? Let's say if i do my injection on a chest day, would that injection in any way help with the growth of my chest in terms of either mass or strength?

10. For example Guy A has been training for 7 years straight long reached his genetic limit, perfect diet, perfect training plan and everything, but he is only 20 years old now VS Guy B who has only been training for 1 year but is 40 years old. Should any of the guys go on their first cycle?

11. How fast would you expect to see the results after the first injection? I've read that for most people on their first cycle (10-12 wk cycle) gained around 20-40lbs does that mean that directly after your first injection you would gain 2-4lbs within that week? Or is it like the first week won't really make any gains then suddenly starting from the second week onwards you gain 2-4lbs a week?

12. How do you deal with stretch marks? Considering if you gain around 10lbs at minimum per cycle you would still get stretch marks right? How come i rarely see some of the big guys at my gym having tons and tons of stretch marks?

Ummm...yeah i guess that's it for now, again thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my questions. :D


Jun 13, 2013
Ok so this might get repetitive for some of the people on the forum lol but here it goes. So let me just start by saying i know that some of the questions might sound a little dumb but i'm just curious about it, and thank you in advance for taking the time to read and reply to my questions.

1. Where do you normally store your vials,needles and syringes?
I usually store them in a tool box or case of some sort.

2. Let's say you used a 20g needle to draw out from the vial and u changed it to a 25g to do the injection, do you throw away the 20g needle or can you re-use it(not for injections, just for drawing out from the vial)?
I have a golden rule of thumb for 5 uses for each drawing needle I swap an alcohol pad over the needle after each use but like I said 5 and done.

3. Can you store the injectibles in the syringe instead of the vial? For example i have 250mg/ml test and i want to do 250mg a week, if i have 10 syringes can i draw out 1ml in each syringe and store it inside until i need to do the injections(with the needle attached and capped)?
I have done this before but only for 7 days I imagine you would be fine as long as you keep it in a sterile environment away from any dust or dirt
4. How do you normally dispose of the needles and syringes?
I recap and stick them back in the plastic sheet and throw them away in the trash can, I don't get worried about this as long as they are contained properly
5. Do you use an oral steroid to kick start a cycle(first four weeks) or do you end your cycle with it(last four weeks)?
Sometimes depends on the goal of the cycle but you will see guys use orals through out sometimes, really is goal dependent.
6. Some injectables have quite a long half life. For example Test E, it has a half life of 10.5 days, does that mean that after the first week of injection you wouldn't get any gains from it until 10 days later?
No this just means that blood levels have not yet been fully elevated but the compound is still active in your system and is still working.
7. Does it matter what time of the day you do your injection?
I usually try to do all of mine either 2 hours pre work out or in the am sometime on off days I don't think it really matters as long as you are consistent unless you are running suspensions then those you want around your work outs.
8. Does it matter when you take your oral pills? Like either before or after workout?
I will say take them in the am and pre work out.
9. Does the injection on that day, in any way affect the growth of the body part you're training on that day? Let's say if i do my injection on a chest day, would that injection in any way help with the growth of my chest in terms of either mass or strength?
I will venture to say yes especially you are running short esters and suspensions.
10. For example Guy A has been training for 7 years straight long reached his genetic limit, perfect diet, perfect training plan and everything, but he is only 20 years old now VS Guy B who has only been training for 1 year but is 40 years old. Should any of the guys go on their first cycle?
99% of us never reached our full genetic potential before using but I think if there is any question to take your body further then going down the path of chemical enhancement is unavoidable.
11. How fast would you expect to see the results after the first injection? I've read that for most people on their first cycle (10-12 wk cycle) gained around 20-40lbs does that mean that directly after your first injection you would gain 2-4lbs within that week? Or is it like the first week won't really make any gains then suddenly starting from the second week onwards you gain 2-4lbs a week?
Individual and compound dependent.
12. How do you deal with stretch marks? Considering if you gain around 10lbs at minimum per cycle you would still get stretch marks right? How come i rarely see some of the big guys at my gym having tons and tons of stretch marks?
Tan and hgh helps with collagen synthesis especially the thinning and health of the skin. Cocoa butter helps as well as a product called AMILEAN.
Ummm...yeah i guess that's it for now, again thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my questions. :D

Hope that helps ya out bud these are just my opinions and this board is full of knowledgeable guys so take any and other opinions into consideration before coming to your own conclusion!!

Best of luck.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Ok so this might get repetitive for some of the people on the forum lol but here it goes. So let me just start by saying i know that some of the questions might sound a little dumb but i'm just curious about it, and thank you in advance for taking the time to read and reply to my questions.

1. Where do you normally store your vials,needles and syringes?

2. Let's say you used a 20g needle to draw out from the vial and u changed it to a 25g to do the injection, do you throw away the 20g needle or can you re-use it(not for injections, just for drawing out from the vial)?

3. Can you store the injectibles in the syringe instead of the vial? For example i have 250mg/ml test and i want to do 250mg a week, if i have 10 syringes can i draw out 1ml in each syringe and store it inside until i need to do the injections(with the needle attached and capped)?

4. How do you normally dispose of the needles and syringes?

5. Do you use an oral steroid to kick start a cycle(first four weeks) or do you end your cycle with it(last four weeks)?

6. Some injectables have quite a long half life. For example Test E, it has a half life of 10.5 days, does that mean that after the first week of injection you wouldn't get any gains from it until 10 days later?

7. Does it matter what time of the day you do your injection?

8. Does it matter when you take your oral pills? Like either before or after workout?

9. Does the injection on that day, in any way affect the growth of the body part you're training on that day? Let's say if i do my injection on a chest day, would that injection in any way help with the growth of my chest in terms of either mass or strength?

10. For example Guy A has been training for 7 years straight long reached his genetic limit, perfect diet, perfect training plan and everything, but he is only 20 years old now VS Guy B who has only been training for 1 year but is 40 years old. Should any of the guys go on their first cycle?

11. How fast would you expect to see the results after the first injection? I've read that for most people on their first cycle (10-12 wk cycle) gained around 20-40lbs does that mean that directly after your first injection you would gain 2-4lbs within that week? Or is it like the first week won't really make any gains then suddenly starting from the second week onwards you gain 2-4lbs a week?

12. How do you deal with stretch marks? Considering if you gain around 10lbs at minimum per cycle you would still get stretch marks right? How come i rarely see some of the big guys at my gym having tons and tons of stretch marks?

Ummm...yeah i guess that's it for now, again thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my questions. :D

Never reuse needles it's so important to keep things clean and sanitary. You never want to risk infection.

You should be able to pick up a bio container at just about any dr office to dispose of your needles.

I wouldn't store your gear in a syringe just clean the top of the vial and use a fresh pin every time.

I sopped using Orals long ago but you have to dose them according to the half and active life if the compound

The injection site dues not trigger site growth

Your results ultimately will be dictated by nutrition, rest and your training. The aas are just icing on the cake

If your nutrition is clean and you are not putting on lots of extra fat I really doubt you are going to have noticeable stretch marks but it could happen I suppose


Jun 13, 2013
Never reuse needles it's so important to keep things clean and sanitary. You never want to risk infection.

You should be able to pick up a bio container at just about any dr office to dispose of your needles.

I wouldn't store your gear in a syringe just clean the top of the vial and use a fresh pin every time.

I sopped using Orals long ago but you have to dose them according to the half and active life if the compound

The injection site dues not trigger site growth

Your results ultimately will be dictated by nutrition, rest and your training. The aas are just icing on the cake

If your nutrition is clean and you are not putting on lots of extra fat I really doubt you are going to have noticeable stretch marks but it could happen I suppose

I think he was asking if he pinned on a certain day would it help with growth. Not injection site per say in the chest. But I if you are pumping enough mls and expanding the fascia as well as using short esters and suspensions... theory has it that it will help with localized growth. I have yet to see any DRAMATIC difference but I can't refute it either.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
I think he was asking if he pinned on a certain day would it help with growth. Not injection site per say in the chest. But I if you are pumping enough mls and expanding the fascia as well as using short esters and suspensions... theory has it that it will help with localized growth. I have yet to see any DRAMATIC difference but I can't refute it either.

Gotcha the answer is probably no I don't think because you pin chest on Monday for example and work chest that day that it will make your chest grow more. Your muscle will grow based on nutrition, rest, training and remember the androgens are the icing in the cake so to speak. I hope this helps :)


Oct 25, 2012
You guys are way nicer than me I guess. I would've told the guy to do some research then come back with his answers and see how he stands. Give a man a fish and he eats for day....teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime. You catching my snow drift?


Jun 13, 2013
You guys are way nicer than me I guess. I would've told the guy to do some research then come back with his answers and see how he stands. Give a man a fish and he eats for day....teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime. You catching my snow drift?

Feeling a little chilly here... :p


Oct 13, 2012
You guys are way nicer than me I guess. I would've told the guy to do some research then come back with his answers and see how he stands. Give a man a fish and he eats for day....teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime. You catching my snow drift?

tru...i agree but he was polite and it also seems like he did a lil research. lol


Registered User
Aug 20, 2013
All I have to say is on other forums this guy would have been blasted!!! But AnaSCI is not like other forums and that's why it's the best!! Super knowledgable people just looking out for one another and helping the newbies that are willing to learn! Take in everything their saying cause their knowledge and experience is GOLD :) Good luck on your first cyc brotha, your gonna love it and your gonna learn a ton as you go


Jun 13, 2013
All I have to say is on other forums this guy would have been blasted!!! But AnaSCI is not like other forums and that's why it's the best!! Super knowledgable people just looking out for one another and helping the newbies that are willing to learn! Take in everything their saying cause their knowledge and experience is GOLD :) Good luck on your first cyc brotha, your gonna love it and your gonna learn a ton as you go

LOL yep no carbs and enough halo and tren right here to kill a horse... :D


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Some good advice there. I'm not sure though how a person would know if they have reached their genetic potential though. Not sure if there are signs or not. I do have an example.

Mike O'hearn....look him up. He is drug free and I know he is drug free cuz Ive known him for many years..way back when he was on American gladiators and before. He's a really nice guy and we became good friends. This was waaaay before the internet. With that being said, he was always kinda against using. It was just his way of thinking...no big deal. He is basically the same size he is now as he was waaaay back when. Look at his pics. I think he reached his genetic potential although he does like to stay a certain way cuz of photo shoots and acting gigs. So, could he grow more...most likely. This guy eats like you would not believe.
Example 2. An ole friend who is a Highway Patrolman. I've known him since 1991. 6'tall 250 very lean and very big. Bone structure, muscle roundness, etc. Never used in his life cuz I would know. He EATS LIKE A FRIGGIN BULL. Clean eating too. No junk food at all. No cheat meals no nothing.

Ok so there's two guys I personally know. both drug free and freaks. genetics out of this world. I think there might be a way to tell if you've reached your genetic peek, but it would take a lot of experimentation on yourself and a lot of journal keeping ie dieting and training.

I say make your mind up to be either drug free or not. If you are asking about reaching potential before using aas then you are going to use aas sooner or later. Not pushing you to do it, but you will anyway. Some just don't do it. Nothing wrong with that at all.

If you are going to use...try and get as much out of it as possible with as little dose as possible. I was 282 back in the 90s...with abs clearly visible. We did not use what guys on the boards are saying pros take. thousands and thousands of mgs per week. We did not do it. My training partner was 6'1" 315 with clearly visible abs. 315 in 1997 and 1998. He was massive. Ronnie Coleman knows him cuz they went to the same college and became friends when Ronnie came for a gues posing. Anyway, you would freak at the amounts he used. Not that much really. What we did do though...EAT!!!!!! We were probably taking in close to 5-6000 cals a day but we cycled that just like cycling the aas. Yes, we were doing that in the 90s. It works. It wasn't junk food either.
So, I would start with as little as possible and make sure your training and dieting are on and i'm tellin ya...it'll do it's thing.